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V bare

- Sau các động từ khiếm khuyết : can, could, may, might, will, shall,...
- Sau “ had better”, “ would rather/sooner”, “ rather than”
S+ would rather +|(not) + V (bare) EX: I would rather visit london
| S.O would rather you came here now
- Sau “ make”, “let”, “ help”.
Help/ Let/ Make + O +| V (bare)
| Adj
- Have S.O do Sth
- Let’s | + V (bare)
Let’s + O |
To inf
- Sau tất cả các tính từ + to inf ( busy |+ Ving)
|+ Ving )
- Sau What + to inf (- Why)
- Sau the firt/ the second/ the last/ the only + to inf
EX: The first person to receive
- Sau một số động từ: would like, agree, expect, manage, pretend, tend, promise, choose, refuse,
need, want, decide, hope , plan, begin, arrange, start, afford, offer, attemp,appear swear, consent,
hesitate, happen, care, ...
( bắt buộc)
[ encourage/ ask/ tell/ invite/ teach/ advise/ permit/ force( S.O) to do S.Th]
- It take/ took + O + thời gian + to inf ...: Ai đó mất bao lâu để...
- S + be + adj + to inf
- S + V + too + adj/ adv + to inf ( quá ... để)
- S + V + adj/adv + enough + to inf ( đủ... để)
- I + think/ though/ believe/ find + it + adj + to inf ( tôi nghĩ... để)
EX: I find it difficult to learn to play the piano.
- Sau giới từ: in, on, at, since, for, ago, to, pass, by, before, behind, under, next, below, over,
above, across, to, for, in order to, so as to, because of, owing to + Ving/Noun (vì, bởi vì), with
(bằng), without (không).
- Sau like/ love/ enjoy/ fancy/ hate + Ving
- Sau một số động từ như:
Mind/ suggest/ advoid/ practise/ finish/keep/ admit/ deny/ stop/ forgive/ discuss/ mention... +
- Sau 1 số cụm từ :
Look forwward to + ving
Spend/ Waste + time/ money + ving
Prevent/ stop S.b from Ving
Prefer Ving to Ving ( Thích làm gì hơn làm gì)
Cant stand | + Ving ( Không thể chịu được, không thể nhịn được)
help |
- Find + O + ving/N

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