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Habitat : sloth lives in the tropical rain forests, they are from Central and South America.

Appearance : Sloths have a thick brown and slightly-greenish fur coat.Its size of a cat around 2
feet .Sloths have a short, flat head, big eyes, a short snout, a short or non-existent tail, long legs, tiny
ears and sturdy, curved claws are on each foot.

type of animal mammals

behaviour They most active at night and sleep all-day. They sleep about 15 to 18hours each day
and hanging upside down. Sloths only move when necessery and move very slowly.

diet :Sloths munch on leaves, twigs and buds. Because the animals don't have incisors, they trim
down leaves by smacking their firm lips together. A low metabolic rate means sloths can survive on
relatively little food; it takes days for them to process what other animals can digest in a matter of

interaction with humans :The relationship between Choloepus didactylus and humans is fairly
nonexistent. Since the sloths are generally innactive and ellusive, they hardly ever come into contact
with humans. Poaching and hunting of sloths does not occur; in fact, in many South American
countries it is considered a taboo to kill a sloth.

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