Muttukrishna 2004 Activin and Follistatin in Female R

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Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 225 (2004) 45–56

Activin and follistatin in female reproduction

Shanthi Muttukrishna a,∗ , Dionne Tannetta b , Nigel Groome c , Ian Sargent b
a Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Free University College Medical School, 86–96 Chenies Mews, London WC1E 6HX, UK
b Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
c School of Biological and Molecular Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK


Activin and follistatin were initially identified in the follicular fluid based on their effects on pituitary FSH secretion in the mid-1980s. It
is now evident that activin, follistatin and activin receptors are widely expressed in many tissues where they function as autocrine/paracrine
regulators of a variety of physiological processes including reproduction. The major function of follistatin is to bind to activin with high
affinity and block activin binding to its receptors.
Total activin A and follistatin are also found in the maternal circulation throughout pregnancy. Activin A levels are increased in abnormal
pregnancies such as pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction and gestational hypertension. The placenta, vascular endothelial cells and activated
peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) may all contribute to the raised levels of activin A in pre-eclampsia with unaltered follistatin in
pre-eclamptic placenta, PBMCs or vascular endothelial cells suggesting the availability of ‘free’ activin A that could be biologically active in
these cells.
© 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Activin; Follistatin; Peripheral mononuclear cells

1. Isolation and characterisation liver cDNA library. The predicted mature region of this sub-
unit showed >60% homology to the amino acid sequences
1.1. Activin of activin ␤C and ␤D subunits, and approximately 45% ho-
mology to activin ␤A and ␤B subunits (Fang et al., 1996).
Purification of inhibin from follicular fluid led to the dis- Loveland et al. (1996) detected the expression of ␤C subunit
covery of two other molecules that modulated pituitary FSH mRNA in human ovary, placenta and testis samples and also
release. The molecule that stimulated pituitary FSH release in rat testis and spleen. Todate, only purified recombinant
and FSH ␤ subunit mRNA expression was termed activin activin C and activin E have been produced (Kron et al.,
(Ling et al., 1986; Vale et al., 1986). 1998) and the biological activity of these proteins are yet to
Activin was characterised as a dimer of inhibin beta sub- be reported. However, activin ␤D subunit has been shown
units linked with disulphide bonds with a molecular weight to possess activin-like bioactivity in Xenopus embryos
of ∼25 kDa. Activin exists as homodimers or heterodimers (Oda et al., 1995). The existence of these recently cloned
of the beta subunits forming activin A (␤A␤A), activin B ␤ subunits raises the issue of the possible existence of five
(␤B␤B) and activin AB (␤A␤B). Recent cloning experi- activin homodimers and potentially ten heterodimers. It re-
ments have provided evidence for the possible existence of mains to be established which, if any, of these homo- and
three further ␤ subunits. Activin ␤c was cloned from human heterodimers are actually synthesised naturally and their
liver cDNA library and possessed 53 and 51% homology to potential biological role remain obscure.
the amino acid sequence of the mature ␤A and ␤B subunits
(Hötten et al., 1995). An activin ␤D subunit cDNA has been 1.2. Follistatin
cloned from Xenopus laevis cDNA library and showed 63%
identity to the ␤C protein (Oda et al., 1995), and more re- The second molecule purified from follicular fluid was
cently an activin ␤E-subunit has been cloned from a mouse found to suppress pituitary FSH release from cultured ante-
rior pituitary cells and was termed follistatin (Ying, 1988;
Ueno et al., 1987; Robertson et al., 1987). Follistatin is a cys-
∗ Corresponding author. teine rich monomeric polypeptide structurally unrelated to

0303-7207/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
46 S. Muttukrishna et al. / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 225 (2004) 45–56

inhibin or activin. It is encoded by a single gene and exists in McConnell et al., 1998; Evans et al., 1998). The absence of
several size variants of (Mr 32–39 kDa). It was subsequently ‘activin free’ follistatin during the menstrual cycle as mea-
discovered that follistatin binds to activin with high affinity sured in the activin free follistatin assay format (McConnell
(Nakamura et al., 1990). There are two major splice vari- et al., 1998) suggests that most of the circulating follistatin
ants; FS315 and FS288. Although both forms appear to have exists in an activin-bound state and has led investigators to
a similar binding affinity for activin (Sugino et al., 1993), question an endocrine role for follistatin.
FS288 also has a high affinity for heparin (Sugino et al., Activin has been shown to directly stimulate FSH secre-
1993; Sumitomo et al., 1995). Subsequent experiments have tion in rat (Vale et al., 1986; Ling et al., 1986) and sheep
shown that complexes of activin and FS288 become asso- pituitary cells (Muttukrishna and Knight, 1991). Follistatin
ciated with cell surface proteoglycans through follistatin’s antagonises the effects of activin in these models. Since ac-
heparin binding site, and are thereafter endocytosed and bro- tivin is also synthesised in the pituitary, the inhibitory effect
ken down by lysosomal enzymes (Hashimoto et al., 1997). of follistatin on the pituitary may be due to the neutralisa-
Therefore, FS288 may provide a mechanism by which ac- tion of the endogenous activin rather than a direct effect of
tivin is targeted for degradation. Although FS315 has the follistatin on pituitary FSH release.
same affinity for activin as FS288, it has a poor affinity for Recent studies using human fetal pituitary cells from mid
cell surface proteoglycans. There is evidence to suggest that gestation terminations have shown that activin A has a stim-
FS315 is the predominant form of follistatin in human cir- ulatory effect and follistatin has an inhibitory effect on pi-
culation (Schneyer et al., 1996). Its possible functions could tuitary FSH and LH release (Blumenfeld and Ritter, 2001).
be as a store of follistatin in circulation, a carrier of ac-
tivin to the target tissues or cells and/or a mechanism by
which activin escapes the degradative pathway via binding 3. Are activin and follistatin autocrine/paracrine
to FS288. However, the actual functions of FS315 are yet to regulators in the hypothalamo-pituitary axis?
be elucidated and follistatin physiology is crucial to our un-
derstanding of these proteins and how they might regulate In the rat brain, activin beta A subunit immunoreactiv-
activin bioavailability. ity has been identified in the preoptic and septal areas of
the hypothalamus, regions in which GnRH perikarya are lo-
cated (Knight, 1996a). Activin has been shown to stimulate
2. Hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis a GnRH-secreting neuronal cell line (Gonzalez-Manchon
et al., 1991) raising the possibility of the involvement of
2.1. Is there an endocrine role for circulating activin on brain activin containing neurons playing a role in the regu-
pituitary FSH? lation of GnRH release.
As mentioned above, activin was initially identified in
Total activin A has been measured in the circulation of the follicular fluid and was thought to have an endocrine
women throughout the menstrual cycle (Muttukrishna et al., effect on pituitary FSH production. However, in the early
1996). Activin A varies in a biphasic manner with higher 1990s there were several reports on the existence of in-
levels around the mid cycle and luteo-follicular transition hibin/activin subunits and follistatin in the pituitary cells of
period. Serum activin A levels are maximum during the various species (Mather et al., 1992; Bilezikjian et al., 1993a,
luteo-follicular transition period when inhibin A and inhibin 1993b; Farnworth et al., 1995) suggesting the production of
B levels are a minimum and the rise of serum FSH suggests dimeric activin and follistatin by the pituitary gonadotrophs
that activin A might have an endocrine role to play in the rise themselves. Activin B has been reported to be the major form
of FSH in the early follicular phase. We have observed a rise of activin produced by rat anterior pituitary cells (Bilezikjian
in luteal phase activin A concentration in the circulation in et al., 1994). Therefore, these molecules have an autocrine
the raised FSH group (FSH ≥ 10 mIU/ml) compared to the and/or paracrine effect on pituitary gonadotrophin secretion.
normal FSH group (FSH < 10 mIU/ml) further supporting Corrigan et al. (1991) provided the first evidence that anti-
our proposition that activin A might be involved in the early bodies to activin B suppress FSH secretion from cultured rat
follicular phase FSH rise (Muttukrishna et al., 2000a). A re- pituitary cells. Further studies with sheep pituitary cells con-
cent study looking at the levels of activin A in ageing men firmed the presence of intra-pituitary activin (Padmanabhan
and women has reported a steep increase in both genders et al., 1995a,b). Studies by Liu et al. (1996a,b) showed the
(Baccarelli et al., 2001) when FSH levels rise as they get secretion of immunoreactive activin A and follistatin by rat
older supporting our observation. Circulating follistatin lev- anterior pituitary cells. Recent studies have shown that fol-
els have been measured during the menstrual cycle by sev- liculostellate cells are a major source of follistatin in both
eral groups. With the exception of one report which showed rat (Bilezikjian et al., 2003) and primates (Kawakami et al.,
lower levels of follistatin during luteal phase (Gilfillan and 2002).
Robertson, 1994) all other studies irrespective of the assays The evidence so far suggests that activin A is the ma-
used, reported no changes in follistatin levels throughout the jor form of activin in circulation and activin B is produced
menstrual cycle (Khoury et al., 1995; Kettel et al., 1996; in the pituitary. Therefore, in the pituitary ovarian axis, we
S. Muttukrishna et al. / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 225 (2004) 45–56 47



+ +
Activin A
- Fig. 2. Schematic diagram showing follicular growth related changes in
- FSH granulosa cell production of activin and follistatin.

(Matzuk et al., 1992). In contrast, in activin receptor type

IIB ‘knockout’ mice, follicle development was arrested at
OVARY an early antral stage confirming a key role for activin in
granulosa cell proliferation and differentiation (Nishimori
and Matzuk, 1996).
Fig. 1. Summary of autocrine/paracrine and endocrine actions of activins Activin can promote FSH receptor expression on undif-
and follistatin in the pituitary-ovarian axis. ferentiated rat granulosa cells (Hasegawa et al., 1988; Xiao
et al., 1992). This is particularly significant since it could
explain how a follicle at the late preantral to early antral
propose that activin A has an endocrine and activin B has stage progresses from a gonadotrophin independent to a go-
an autocrine/paracrine role on regulating pituitary FSH se- nadotrophin dependent stage of development. Undifferen-
cretion (Fig. 1). tiated rat granulosa cells express relatively little follistatin
in comparison to cells from more advanced follicles (Shi-
masaki et al., 1989; Nakatani et al., 1991) suggesting the
4. What are the functions of activin and follistatin in presence of a relative excess of ‘free’ activin A that is biolog-
the ovary? ically active. Collectively, studies from different species (re-
viewed by Knight and Glister, 2001) and human (Schneyer
The control of folliculogenesis lies with the interactions et al., 2000) have shown that activin secretion is decreased
between the pituitary gonadotrophins and intra-ovarian fac- whilst, inhibin and follistatin production is increased, as a
tors. Follicular granulosa cells and granulosa-lutein cells of follicle develops to become a dominant follicle (Fig. 2). A
the corpus luteum are the principal site of expression of in- recent study in PCOS patients showed a high follistatin and
hibin/activin ␤A, ␤B subunits and follistatin. An in vivo low activin A in the circulation (days 3–5) of these patients
study has shown that pituitary down regulation with GnRH (Eldar-Geva et al., 2001) suggesting that low activin levels
agonist for three weeks followed by recombinant FSH treat- could contribute to the follicular arrest in PCOS.
ment for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) does not significantly al- Studies involving granulosa cells from both immature and
ter circulating activin A in women (Lockwood et al., 1996) mature marmoset follicles showed that activin can enhance
suggesting a largely extragonadal source for activin A. How- basal and gonadotrophin stimulated P450 aromatase activity
ever, human granulosa-luteal cell culture studies show that (Hillier and Miro, 1993). Studies on luteinised human gran-
activin A is stimulated by FSH, LH and hCG (Muttukrishna ulosa cells revealed that activin has an anti-steroidogenic ac-
et al., 1997a) suggesting that granulosa/luteal cell secretion tion, inhibiting basal and gonadotrophin stimulated P450cc
of activin A is gonadotrophin dependent. Evidence from in expression, progesterone secretion, P450 aromatase activ-
vitro follicle cultures, granulosa cells, theca cells and oocytes ity and oestradiol production (Cataldo et al., 1994; Eramaa
suggest that activins and follistatin synthesised by granulosa et al., 1995). Follistatin reversed the effect of activin on
cells exert local autocrine–paracrine actions. progesterone secretion and had no effect in the absence of
activin in luteinised human granulosa cells (Cataldo et al.,
4.1. Granulosa cells 1994) suggesting that follistatin on its own may not have
an effect on granulosa cell function other than modulating
Activin promotes cell proliferation in rat granulosa activin availability.
cells (Li et al., 1995; Miro and Hillier, 1996) and human
granulosa-lutein cells (Rabinovici et al., 1990). Targeted 4.2. Theca cells
gene deletion of inhibin alpha subunit, resulting in exces-
sive production of activin, causes uncontrolled prolifera- Treatment of human and rat theca cells with activin re-
tion of granulosa cells and ovarian tumour development duces LH-induced androgen production and opposes the
48 S. Muttukrishna et al. / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 225 (2004) 45–56

action of inhibin (Hsueh et al., 1987; Hillier, 1991). The 5. Activin and follistatin in the endometrium
effects were reversed by follistatin consistent with its role and decidua
as an activin binding protein.
Human decidual expression of inhibin ␣ and in-
4.3. Oocyte cumulus complex and embryo hibin/activin ␤A and ␤B subunits was first reported by
Petraglia et al. (1990). Human endometrial expression of
Cumulus granulosa cells express inhibin/activin al- inhibin ␣, ␤A and ␤B subunit genes and proteins have been
pha, ␤A, ␤B and follistatin mRNA and subunit proteins studied across the menstrual cycle and in early pregnancy.
(Roberts et al., 1993; Sidis et al., 1998) and oocytes ex- The glandular epithelium expresses all three subunits in
press activin receptors (Cameron et al., 1994; Sidis et al., the early phase of the cycle. Following the onset of de-
1998). Human oocyte cumulus complexes retrieved at cidualisation, ␣, ␤A and ␤B subunits were expressed by
IVF also secrete activin A in culture and significantly the decidualised stroma. Expression of ␤A and ␤B sub-
higher levels of activin A were secreted by good quality units is maintained in the glandular epithelium whilst ␣
oocytes (Lau et al., 1999) supporting the studies sug- subunit is down regulated (Jones et al., 2000). There is an
gesting a role for activin in the maturation of oocytes. up regulation of activin in decidualisation (Popovici et al.,
Activin accelerates in vitro maturation of oocytes in mon- 2000). Activin receptors and follistatin are also expressed
keys (Alak et al., 1996) and human (Alak et al., 1998), by human endometrial stromal cells (Jones et al., 2002).
an effect that was inhibited by follistatin. Exposure of Co-expression of activin subunits, receptors and the bind-
denuded or cumulus-enclosed bovine oocytes to recom- ing protein follistatin suggests there is local regulation of
binant activin A increased their developmental compe- activin action in the endometrium. Human endometrium
tence to form blastocysts (Silva and Knight, 1998), an is dynamic and undergoes proliferation, differentiation or
effect that was reversed by follistatin. There are reports decidualisation and regulates trophoblast invasion if preg-
on the expression of activin ␤A subunit, follistatin and nancy occurs or breaks down every 28 days if it does not.
activin receptors in rat and mouse embryos (Manova Activin A is known to promote proliferation and differenti-
et al., 1992; Roberts and Barth, 1994), pig embryos and ation in various cell types and the presence of its receptors
uterus (Van de Pavert et al., 2001) and bovine oocytes and subunits in the endometrial tissue supports a role for
and embryos (Yoshioka et al., 1998). Human preimplan- activin in decidualisation and implantation. However, the
tation embryos express the inhibin/activin beta A subunit production of the dimeric proteins by endometrial cells is
gene at the blastocyst stage. However, activin receptor yet to be confirmed and the factors controlling activin and
genes (types I and II) were detectable from four-cell to follistatin production by different endometrial cell types
the blastocyst stage of human embryos (He et al., 1999) warrants further investigation.
suggesting a role for activin in early human embryo
6. Activin and follistatin in human pregnancy
4.4. Corpus luteum
Circulating levels of ‘total’ activin A (Knight et al., 1996;
Activin promotes the proliferation of cultured human Muttukrishna et al., 1996; Fowler et al., 1998; O’Connor
granulosa-lutein cells decreases basal and hCG induced et al., 1999) and follistatin (Fowler et al., 1998; O’Connor
progesterone secretion by granulosa-luteal cells (Rabinovici et al., 1999) have been reported by several groups. Levels
et al., 1990; Di Simone et al., 1994) whilst, follistatin of activin A did not vary significantly during the first and
reverses the effect of activin on progesterone secretion second trimesters although they were higher than menstrual
(Cataldo et al., 1994). Follistatin expression is increased cycle levels. After 24 weeks, activin A levels rise and there
by hCG in luteinised granulosa cells (Tuuri et al., 1994) is a marked increase at term. Follistatin levels rise progres-
suggesting that follistatin could play an important role in sively throughout pregnancy reaching peak concentrations
gonadotrophin-dependent luteal support mechanisms by at term. A progressive rise in these hormones throughout
controlling the availability of ‘free’ activin that is biologi- pregnancy suggest feto-placental production.
cally active in the luteal cells.
Almost all in vitro studies in the ovary have been carried 6.1. Probable sources in pregnancy
out with activin A and the effects of other molecular forms
of activin remains to be investigated. The limited availabil- Human trophoblast contains the machinery for the syn-
ity of these molecular forms has hindered the research in thesis of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin (Petraglia
this field. Within the ovary, activin affects cell proliferation, et al., 1991, 1994; Minami et al., 1992; McCluggage et al.,
differentiation, oocyte maturation and hormone secretion. 1998) throughout pregnancy. The maternal decidua and
Almost all effects could be reversed by follistatin sug- foetal membranes (amnion and chorion) express specific
gesting a tightly regulated mechanism within the ovarian mRNAs and subunit proteins for beta subunits and follis-
follicle. tatin (Petraglia et al., 1990, 1992). Several in vivo studies
S. Muttukrishna et al. / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 225 (2004) 45–56 49

have indicated a feto-placental source for these proteins in

Activin A (pg/ml/mg DNA

2000 **
early pregnancy (Birdsall et al., 1997; Muttukrishna et al.,
1997b; Lockwood et al., 1997, 1998). Activin receptor pro-
teins were localised to the syncytium in the first and second
trimester and to vascular endothelial cells of villous blood 1000
vessels at term. Amniotic epithelial cells, mesenchyme and
chorionic trophoblasts were also found to express activin
receptor proteins (Schneider-Kolsky et al., 2002). In the first 0
Control TNF
trimester of pregnancy, Riley et al. (1998) reported barely
detectable levels of activin A in coelomic fluid and unde-
tectable levels in the amniotic fluid whilst, follistatin levels Fig. 4. Human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) secretion of
were high in the coelomic fluid and low in the amniotic fluid. activin A in culture (24 h) in the presence of TNF-␣ (100 ng/ml). Student’s
t-text: ∗∗ P < 0.01.
However, our recent study in samples collected from 8 to 12
weeks showed that activin A was undetectable in amniotic
fluid samples collected <10 weeks gestation and coelomic
7. Abnormal pregnancies
fluid had measurable levels of activin A (Muttukrishna
et al., 2002a). In term amnion, decidual and placental cell
Effective prediction of an abnormal pregnancy by non
and explant cultures pro inflammatory cytokines IL-1␤ and
invasive means could be very useful in the obstetric care
TNF-␣ preferentially stimulated activin A production with
of patients. Although pregnancy is a physiological condi-
limited effects on follistatin (Keelan et al., 1998, 2002).
tion, there are complications in pregnancy that can cause
Term placental trophoblasts secrete activin A in culture
maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. There are inva-
and cytokines such as EGF, IL-1␤ and TNF-␣ have a
sive methods such as amniocentesis and chorionic villous
stimulatory effect on its secretion (Mohan et al., 2001).
sampling that are accurate in predicting fetal chromosomal
However, follistatin secretion was not detectable in these
abnormality but in the recent years, obstetricians have been
increasingly using ultrasound measurements to monitor
Peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) are known to
fetal outcome. However, these measurements are not pre-
secrete activin A in response to pro-inflammatory stim-
cise in very early pregnancy and are somewhat subjective.
uli (Eramaa et al., 1995; Shao et al., 1992, 1998; Abe
Hence, serum markers of placental and fetal abnormal-
et al., 2001). Several types of endothelial cells, rele-
ity that could increase the predictive rate of ultrasound
vant to pregnancy, such as umbilical vein endothelial
measurements in early pregnancy would be helpful in mon-
cells (Kozian et al., 1997; McCarthy and Bicknell, 1993)
itoring most women with pregnancy complications. The
and vascular endothelial cells of myometrial blood ves-
ability to predict these could benefit research in treating
sels (Schneider-Kolsky et al., 2001) and placental vessels
these patients before the onset of some of these com-
(Schneider-Kolsky et al., 2002) express ␤A subunit mRNA.
plications such as pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction
We have shown that activin A is not secreted from PBMCs
and pre-term labour and could lead to therapeutic inter-
obtained from pregnant women in the resting state but
can be stimulated by proinflammatory cytokines (Fig. 3).
HUVEC cells secrete activin A spontaneously and TNF-␣
stimulates activin A secretion in culture (Fig. 4). Follistatin 7.1. Early pregnancy loss
secretion by PBMCs or HUVECs was not detectable in the
medium. Inhibin A has been shown to be a marker of a viable
pregnancy in early IVF pregnancies (Lockwood et al.,
1998; Treetampinich et al., 2000) and is significantly lower
500 in sporadic and unexplained recurrent (greater then three
Activin A (pg/ml)

consecutive miscarriages for no known reason) miscarriage

400 **
patients (Muttukrishna et al., 2002b). However, circulating
300 levels of activin A, follistatin and follistatin:activin A ratio
200 were found to be largely unaltered (Muttukrishna et al.,
100 2002b). This discrepancy between inhibin A and activin A
levels suggest that although the feto-placental unit is known
control LPS TNF
to be a source of activin A in early pregnancy (Muttukrishna
1 ng/ml 10ng/ml et al., 1997b; Birdsall et al., 1997), there must be extra
placental sources as well. Recently Luisi et al. (2003) have
Fig. 3. Normal pregnant peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC,
reported significantly lower levels of activin A in miscar-
n = 10 women) secretion of activin A in culture (24 h) in the presence of
lipo polysaccharide (LPS, 1 ng/ml) and TNF alpha (10 ng/ml). Student’s riages, but only when the miscarriage was complete, which
t-test: ∗∗ P < 001. may explain the differences in these findings.
50 S. Muttukrishna et al. / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 225 (2004) 45–56

7.2. Down’s syndrome

Activin A (ng/ml)

1000 Control ( n=20)

PE<34 ( n=10)
It is generally agreed that inhibin A levels are raised 100 PE34-36 ( n=10)
PE>37 ( n=10)
in patient’s with Down’s syndrome pregnancies but the GH(n=10)
reports on activin A levels have been conflicting. Some 10
studies have reported a significant rise in activin A con-
centration compared to control pregnancies between 10 1
and 14 weeks (Spencer et al., 2001; Dalgliesh et al., 2001) 8-12 15-18 20-24 27-30 35-38
whereas, Cuckle et al. (1998) have reported a rise in ac- Gestation (weeks)
tivin A levels in only 27% of the patients with Down’s
syndrome pregnancy compared to controls between 13 and Fig. 5. Maternal serum concentrations of activin A in pregnant controls,
16 weeks gestation. Placental mRNA expression of activin patients who developed pre-eclampsia (i) <34 weeks (PE < 34); (ii) 34–36
weeks (PE 34–36) and at term (PE > 37) and patients who developed
beta A subunit was not significantly altered in placental gestational hypertension. Serial samples were taken from each patient at
tissue obtained from Down’s syndrome pregnancies at term 8–12, 15–18, 20–24, 27–30 and 35–38 weeks of gestation.
(Lambert-Messerlian et al., 1998; Debieve et al., 2000).
However, activin A levels in the Downs syndrome placental trols from 27 to 30 weeks gestation suggesting that activin
extract were higher than control placental extracts at term A is also altered in extra placental sources (Muttukrishna
(Dalgliesh et al., 2001). In the second trimester, amniotic et al., 2000b). Several other studies have looked at the levels
fluid levels of activin A were slightly lower in Downs syn- of activin A at 15–18 weeks and reported higher levels in
drome pregnancies compared to controls whilst, follistatin patients who subsequently developed pre-eclampsia (Cuckle
levels were not affected (Wallace et al., 1999). et al., 1998; Aquilina et al., 1999; Silver et al., 1999;
O’Connor et al., 1999; Muttukrishna et al., 2000a,b; Keelan
et al., 2002; Davidson et al., 2003). However, two studies
8. Gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia reported no early increase in activin A levels in patients
who subsequently developed pre-eclampsia (Raty et al.,
Pre-eclampsia is one of the commonest causes of fetal and 1999; Grobman and Wang, 2000). The discrepancy between
maternal morbidity and mortality. Gestational hypertension studies could be due to the number and/or group of patients
is defined as sustained diastolic pressure ≥ 90 mmHg from studied, as pre-eclampsia is a wide spectrum disease. Follis-
previously lower levels whereas pre-eclampsia is defined tatin levels also rise modestly in patients with pre-eclampsia
as gestational hypertension with sustained proteinuria ≥ (Keelan et al., 2002). Recent studies investigating the source
0.3 mg/24 h. The pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia is believed for the rise in serum activin A and inhibin A have reported
to have placental origins and the removal of the placenta an increased expression of inhibin alpha and inhibin/activin
is the treatment for severe pre-eclampsia (Redman, 1991). beta subunit genes (Silver et al., 2002; Florio et al., 2002;
When pre-eclampsia is clinically apparent in the third Casagrandi et al., 2003) and proteins (Jackson et al., 2000;
trimester, intervention with anti-hypertensive drugs often Manuelpillai et al., 2001; Bersinger et al., 2002) in the pla-
does little to slow the progression of the disease. Therefore, centa. We also have evidence for raised levels of activin A
if a biochemical or biophysical marker predicts the dis- secretion by PBMCs (Fig. 3), endothelial cells (Fig. 4) and
ease in the second trimester, it could lead to more effective placental trophoblasts in the presence of pro inflammatory
management of the condition. Early studies looking at cir- cytokines that are raised in pre-eclampsia (Mohan et al.,
culating activin A and inhibin A in pre-eclampsia patients 2001; Tannetta et al., 2001) suggesting that the rise in ac-
showed a marked increase in patients with the disease com- tivin A in pre-eclampsia could be from all of these sources.
pared to gestation matched controls (Petraglia et al., 1995; All the above studies are based on a small number of
Muttukrishna et al., 1997c). Various other studies using the cases and indicate that activin A and inhibin A could be
same assays have confirmed these findings (Fraser et al., useful in predicting pre-eclampsia before the onset of the
1998; Laivuori et al., 1999; Silver et al., 1999; D’Antona clinical symptoms. However, given the nature and spectrum
et al., 2000). Silver et al. (1999) reported a rise in activin of the disease, it is important to carry out a much larger
A levels in patients with gestational hypertension. Our own study to obtain the statistical power to accurately test the
longitudinal study (Muttukrishna et al., 2000b), looking at predictive value of these hormones both on their own and
samples obtained from 10 to 12 weeks up to term, shows in combination with other markers that could potentially be
that patients who go on to develop pre-eclampsia before 34 useful in predicting pre-eclampsia.
weeks gestation have higher levels of activin A at 15–18
weeks gestation compared to normal pregnant controls. As
the onset of the disease is delayed, the levels of activin A 9. Fetal growth restriction
diverge from the controls at a later gestation (∼21 weeks
gestation; Fig. 5). In patients who developed gestational hy- The fetus is small in fetal growth restriction (FGR) be-
pertension alone, activin A levels were higher than the con- cause of underlying placental dysfunction (FGR). The fetus
S. Muttukrishna et al. / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 225 (2004) 45–56 51

could be constitutionally small with otherwise normal and to evaluate the normal range in the control population and
normal placental function (NSGA). Serum concentrations a ‘cut off’ value for the disease state that would enable the
of activin A and activin A: follistatin ratio were found to use of activin A as a screening test in early pregnancy.
be higher in pregnancies affected with FGR compared to
controls (Bobrow et al., 2002) suggesting that ‘free’ activin
A that is biologically active is in circulation in this con- 11. What are the functions of activin and follistatin in
dition. This observation was confirmed by a recent study, normal and abnormal pregnancies?
which reported a rise in serum activin A in FGR pregnan-
cies compared to control and NSGA pregnancies (Wallace It is now evident that there are several sources for ac-
et al., 2003). tivin A production in pregnancy. Activin A could act in an
autocrine/paracrine or endocrine manner in different cells
and tissues in pregnancy. All tissues that secrete activin
10. Pre-term birth also secrete follistatin which provides a tight regulation of
activin activity. There are no in vivo models available to
Pre-term birth is the second major pathological condition study the role of activin A on placental hormone produc-
that contributes towards neonatal morbidity and mortality. tion. However, in vitro studies provide evidence for local
In most cases, the reason for premature labour is unknown actions of activin A in the gestational tissue. Activin A
and the early identification of a group that is at risk would stimulated hCG and progesterone release from cultured
allow early intervention with corticosteroids to reduce the placental trophoblasts (Petraglia et al., 1990; Mersol-Barg
risk of respiratory disorders in the new born. Maternal et al., 1990; Steele et al., 1993) and follistatin reverses
serum levels of activin A are higher in pre-term labour pa- this effect (Petraglia et al., 1994). Activin A also increases
tients and in pregnant women in labour at term compared the release of immunoreactive oxytocin from placental
to pregnant women not in labour (Petraglia et al., 1995). In- trophoblasts (Petraglia et al., 1996) and amnion-derived
creased activin A in the fetal compartment with an increase cells (Petraglia et al., 1993). When first trimester placental
in ␤A subunit and activin receptor IIB mRNA expression chorionic villous explants were cultured in vitro, activin
has been reported in pre-term labour (Petraglia et al., 1997). A stimulated the out growth of cytotrophoblasts in to the
However, Coleman et al. (2000) have concluded that ac- surrounding matrix (Caniggia et al., 1997), an effect that
tivin A, corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) and CRH was reversed by follistatin. There is also growing appreci-
binding protein are not clinically useful for the prediction ation for activin’s importance as a modulator of immune
of pre-term labour. A recent study using an assay for ‘free’ function. Keelan et al. (2002) have reported that activin at
activin A has reported that follistatin-free activin A is not lower concentrations (5 ng/ml) stimulated amnion derived
associated with pre-term labour (Wang et al., 2002), sug- IL-6 production whereas higher concentration of activin A
gesting there may be very little biologically active activin (50 ng/ml) had an inhibitory effect on this cytokine. TNF
A free in circulation in pre-term labour. alpha production by chorio-decidual and placental explants
Collectively, it is apparent that activin is secreted by sev- was inhibited by 50 ng/ml activin A suggesting that activin
eral sources in pregnancy. Various studies have evaluated the has both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects on gestational
changes in activin A and follistatin in abnormal pregnan- tissue. The high concentrations of activin A in the circula-
cies (Fig. 6). It is important to note that most studies have tion of women with pre-eclampsia could be involved in the
been carried out with limited number of patients and the regulation of the intense systemic inflammatory response
observations are not always consistent. Although it is evi- which characterises the maternal syndrome of this disease.
dent that activin A could be useful in predicting some gesta- Activin has been reported to have effects on embryonic de-
tional complications such as pre-eclampsia and fetal growth velopment in various species. In mice, activin A increases the
restriction, it is important to carry out much larger studies rate of morula formation and the velocity of embryo cleav-
age (Orimo et al., 1996). Activin is a mesoderm-inducing
factor in the amphibians and has a potent effect on em-
bryo differentiation in the Xenopus (Smith et al., 1990;
Pre eclampsia
van-den-Eijnden-Van-Raaij et al., 1990). Our recent studies
Gestational Hypertension in early pregnancy (Muttukrishna et al., 2002a,b) has shown
that there are high levels of follistatin in fetal circulation
Activin A Down’s syndrome
(14–16 weeks) in the presence of low levels of activin A,
Fetal Growth Restriction suggesting that follistatin might have a role in early human
Pre term labour?
fetal angiogenesis, consistent with the work of Kozian et al.
(1997) who proposed a role for follistatin in angiogenesis.
The presence of activin, activin receptors and follistatin in
Fig. 6. Summary of changes in the levels of maternal serum activin A in various compartments of the gestational sac and expression
abnormal pregnancies. in various fetal tissues suggests a tightly regulated biological
52 S. Muttukrishna et al. / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 225 (2004) 45–56

Fig. 7. Schematic representation of the role of activin and follistatin in the pituitary, ovary and the placenta.

role for activin in embryo development and pregnancy, a in this field. Various activin forms and antibodies for sub-
field which warrants further research in the future. units, receptors and follistatin are now commercially avail-
able leaving no doubt that substantial further progress will
be made in the next few years.
12. Conclusion and future directions

Since activin and follistatin were first identified in the Acknowledgements

follicular fluid in 1986, the biology of these molecules has
evolved rapidly with new sources, new targets (Fig. 7), new Shanthi Muttukrishna acknowledges the research funding
sensitive assays to measure different molecular forms and the from the Wellcome trust, UK.
identification of high affinity activin receptors and the activin
binding protein (follistatin). Despite considerable progress
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