Vocabulary Level 5

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Countries and nationalities

This is a partial list of countries, many of which are presented in this book.
Argentina Argentine France French Peru Peruvian
Australia Australian Germany German the Philippines Filipino
Austria Austrian Greece Greek Portugal Portuguese
Bolivia Bolivian Hungary Hungarian Russia Russian
Brazil Brazilian India Indian Singapore Singaporean
Canada Canadian Indonesia Indonesian South Korea South Korean
Chile Chilean Ireland Irish Spain Spanish
China Chinese Italy Italian Switzerland Swiss
Colombia Colombian Japan Japanese Thailand Thai
Costa Rica Costa Rican Malaysia Malaysian Turkey Turkish
Czech Republic Czech Mexico Mexican the United Kingdom British
Ecuador Ecuadorian Morocco Moroccan the United States American
Egypt Egyptian New Zealand New Zealander Uruguay Uruguayan
England English Paraguay Paraguayan Vietnam Vietnamese

Irregular verbs
Present Past Participle Present Past Participle
(be) am / is, are was, were been keep kept kept
break broke broken lose lost lost
bring brought brought meet met met
build built built put put put
buy bought bought ride rode ridden
come came come ring rang rung
do did done run ran run
drink drank drunk see saw seen
drive drove driven send sent sent
eat ate eaten set set set
fall fell fallen speak spoke spoken
feel felt felt stand stood stood
find found found steal stole stolen
fly flew flown swim swam swum
forget forgot forgotten take took taken
give gave given teach taught taught
go went gone tell told told
grow grew grown think thought thought
have had had wear wore worn
hear heard heard write wrote written

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Adjectives with -er and -est Adjectives with more and most
big dingy huge neat safe attractive dangerous inconvenient serious
bright dirty large new short beautiful delicious interesting spacious
busy far long nice slow boring difficult modern special
cheap fast loud noisy small comfortable exciting patient terrible
clean heavy messy old tall convenient expensive popular unusual
dark hot near quiet young cramped famous private
crowded important run-down

Irregular adjectives
good better best bad worse the worst
Appendix T-151
? Language summary

Nouns politics Adjectives follow

achievement possession basic get (in trouble)
award profile current keep fit
(summer) camp recreation far produce (a movie)
(body) cast relatives fit refer
chess role good (at) remember
childhood scary movies messy skate
comic book self-portrait neat take up
contact information social networking online notice
courage specialist outdoor urge
headline stickers worry (about something)
hide-and-seek superhero Verbs
hobby taste argue Adverbs
teddy bear collect afterwards
thriller direct (a movie) regularly
immigrant toy car donate
interest video game

Introducing yourself Talking about past Apologizing
My name is . . . ./I m . . . . activities I m (really) sorry.
Nice to meet you. Where did you learn to . . . ?
Asking for and agreeing to
What/Where did you use to . . . ?
Exchanging personal a favor
When I was a kid, I used to . . . .
information Can you . . . ?
Did you use to . . . ?
Could you tell me (a little) Sure.
Yes, I did./Yes, I used to . . . .
about yourself? It s a deal!
No, I didn t./No, I didn t
Are you from . . . ?
use to . . . ,
Yes, I am./No, I m not.
but now . . . .
Where were you born?
I was born in . . . .
Did you grow up there?
Yes, I did./No, I didn t.

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2 Language summary

Nouns post recycling center memorable

ATM restroom recycling system pre-paid (phone)
bicyclist resident rush hour silly
birthplace rush streetlight
block service subway line Verbs
shopping mall subway station apply (for something)
sign subway stop appreciate
slogan subway system attract
speed taxi lane catch (a bus)
CO2 (= carbon dioxide)
tip taxi service cause
theme taxi stand earn
tourism traffic jam improve
train station lend
downtown traffic
train stop provide
run (= operate)
fare Compound nouns train system
Wi-Fi hotspots stay (open)
government bicycle lane
take (forever)
healthcare bicycle stand
issue bus lane
affordable Adverbs of
marvel bus station quantity
message bus stop fewer
board bus system less
nature green space more
paradise parking garage not enough
passenger parking space too many
pedestrian police officer too much
pollution public transportation

Expressing concern Getting someone s attention Thanking someone
There are too many . . . /There is Excuse me. Thanks (a lot).
too much . . .
Asking for information
There should be
Could you tell me
fewer . . . /There should be less. . .
where . . . ?
We need more . . .
Can you tell me how often . . . ?
There aren t enough . . . /There isn t
Do you know what time/when . . . ?
enough . . . .
Just one more thing.
What time does . . . ?

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3 Language summary

Nouns Adjectives Verbs

(room and) board afraid achieve
contact lenses average add
damage bright expect
evaluation comfortable grow (one s own)
expense common make (changes)
housework convenient move (out/away)
(musical) instrument cramped park (a car)
mobile home dingy rent
personality huge waste
PIN inconvenient
privacy modern Adverb
progress private abroad
questionnaire run-down Preposition
reminder separate per
rent spacious
reunion two-car/2-car (garage)
safari wild
(closet) space
wish list
wishful thinking

Giving an opinion Expressing regret about a present situation
The . . . isn t . . . enough. I m afraid so.
The . . . is too . . . . I wish (that) I could . . . .
There aren t enough . . . ./There isn t enough . . . . I wish I didn t . . . .
It s not as . . . as . . . . I wish life were easier.
It doesn t have as many . . . as . . . ./It has just
as many . . . as . . . .
Me, too.
There is too much . . .

T-154 Language summary Interchange Teacher s Edition 2 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable
4 Language summary

Nouns Other juicy contain

Food and beverages appetizer lean cool
check (the) blues marinated cover
cilantro bowl melted cry
coconut brain rich cut up
comfort foods bunch soothing fit
curry competition strange heat
eggplant cookbook tempting influence
fish diet tough marinate
garlic dish mash
knowledge dough mix
lamb driver s license not care for (= not like)
lime free time order
lobster grill outsmart
meat mixture pop
low (= unhappy)
oil model (= example) pour
onion order refrigerate
(an) order pan relieve (stress)
(chili) pepper password Verbs roll out
popcorn plate Cooking methods shake
pork recipe bake spread
ramen server boil squeeze
salt side fry stand up
sauce slice grill stir
shellfish stew roast turn over
snail survey steam
soda toast
from time to time
soy sauce
Adjectives Other lightly
For food and calm down powerfully
beverages cheer up
delicious chop
tuna as well as
ethnic close

Talking about food and beverages Making and declining an offer
Have you ever eaten . . . ? Why don t you try some?
Yes, I have./No, I haven t. No, thanks./No, I don t think so.
It was/They were . . . !
Describing a procedure
This/It sounds . . . ./
First, . . .
They sound . . . .
Then . . .
Ordering in a restaurant Next, . . .
Have you decided yet? After that, . . .
Yes. I ll have . . . . Finally, . . .
And you?
I think I ll have . . .

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5 Language summary

Nouns lodge Verbs

Activities luggage Modals
bike tour medication had
camping money belt better
cruise opportunity must
eat at stalls (on the street) plane ticket ought to
hang out reindeer should
hula rental
safety Other
sandals avoid
single room bring back
specialty carry
stall check out
sub-zero discover
take the train
suitcase hang out
Other surfboard pick (someone) up
accommodations swimsuit rent
ATM card tap sunbathe
brochure tour
camper Adverbs
vaccination by myself
carry-on bag visa
catamaran fairly
wildlife in advance
copy Adjectives right away
credit card beachfront
cruise checked
danger excited
document foreign
double room necessary
first-aid kit pleasant
health round-trip
identification whole

Talking about definite plans Asking about length of time Giving suggestions
Have you made any plans? For how long? You d better/You ought to/You
I m going to . . . . How long are you going to . . . ? should/You shouldn t . . . .
How are you going to spend . . . ?
Describing necessity Making and accepting an
Talking about possible plans You must/You need to/You (don t) offer
I guess I ll . . . . have to . . . . Why don t you . . . ?
Maybe I ll . . . . Do you mean it? I d love to!
I think I ll . . . . The more the merrier!
I probably won t . . . . That sounds like fun.

T-156 Language summary Interchange Teacher s Edition 2 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable
6 Language summary

Nouns Verbs Other

chore Two-part verbs admit
expense clean up apologize
groceries drive (someone) crazy bother
guest go through criticize
laptop hang up gain (weight)
magazine keep (something) clean lend
mess let (something or someone) out lock
noise look after make
parking space make sure mind
staff pick up (after yourself) promise
stranger put away realize
survey take off refuse
trash take out respect
throw out text
Adjectives turn down
turn off
embarrassed almost
turn on
loud as soon as
(un)reasonable quietly
sure sincerely

Making and agreeing/objecting Giving an excuse
to a request I m sorry. I didn t
Please . . ./. . . , please. realize . . . .
In a minute.
Admitting a mistake
OK. No problem!
I m sorry. I forgot.
Oh, but . . . .
You re right./I was wrong.
All right. I ll . . . .
Can/Could you . . . ? Making an offer
Sure, no problem. I d be glad to. I ll . . . right away.
Would you please . . . ? Feel free to . . .
OK. I ll . . . .
Would you mind . . . ?
Making a promise
I promise I ll . . . ./
Sorry. I ll . . . right away.
I ll make sure to . . . .

Interchange Teacher s Edition 2 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Language summary T-157
7 Language summary

Nouns Other Verbs

Machines/Appliances/ assignment back up
Technology burglar create
app computer whiz entertain
computer crash digital native freeze
drone directions influence
flash drive doubt lend
gadget employee perform
GPS system early adopter post
identity theft fee protect
passcode hacker recharge
robot invention rent
smartphone task (get a) ride
smart device technology set
tablet understand
video call

Describing a use or purpose Giving advice
How do you use . . .? Be sure (not) to . . . .
I use it for . . . . Don t forget to . . . .
Make sure (not) to . . . .
Remember to . . . .
Try (not) to . . . .

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8 Language summary

Nouns Other picnic Verbs

ancestor reception (be) like
Holidays, festivals, barbecue relatives book
and celebrations boyfriend (engagement) ring date
April Fool s Day bride samba destroy
Carnival candles sari dress
Children s Day ceremony sculpture dress up
Chinese New Year costumes skeleton explode
Day of the Dead custom spring fill
Labor Day doll summer get engaged/married
Mother s Day fall tradition get lost
New Year s Eve fireworks trick get together
Saint Patrick s Day get-together winter look forward to
Thanksgiving groom occur
Valentine s Day honeymoon
Adjectives put on
wedding anniversary lunar
loaf of bread strike
(good/bad) luck

Describing holidays, festivals, and celebrations Asking about customs
. . . is a day/a night when . . . . How long does it last?
. . . is the day when . . . . Is/Are there . . . ?
. . . is the month when . . . . What do people wear?
. . . is the season when . . . . What happens?
A/An . . . is a time when . . . . What happens during the . . . ?
After . . . , . . . . What kind of food is served?
Before . . . , . . . . When is it?
When . . . , . . . . Why do they do that?

Interchange Teacher s Edition 2 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable Language summary T-159

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