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Countries and nationalities

This is a partial list of countries, many of which are presented in this book.
Argentina Argentine France French Peru Peruvian
Australia Australian Germany German the Philippines Filipino
Austria Austrian Greece Greek Portugal Portuguese
Bolivia Bolivian Hungary Hungarian Russia Russian
Brazil Brazilian India Indian Singapore Singaporean
Canada Canadian Indonesia Indonesian South Korea South Korean
Chile Chilean Ireland Irish Spain Spanish
China Chinese Italy Italian Switzerland Swiss
Colombia Colombian Japan Japanese Thailand Thai
Costa Rica Costa Rican Malaysia Malaysian Turkey Turkish
Czech Republic Czech Mexico Mexican the United Kingdom British
Ecuador Ecuadorian Morocco Moroccan the United States American
Egypt Egyptian New Zealand New Zealander Uruguay Uruguayan
England English Paraguay Paraguayan Vietnam Vietnamese

Irregular verbs
Present Past Participle Present Past Participle
(be) am / is, are was, were been keep kept kept
break broke broken lose lost lost
bring brought brought meet met met
build built built put put put
buy bought bought ride rode ridden
come came come ring rang rung
do did done run ran run
drink drank drunk see saw seen
drive drove driven send sent sent
eat ate eaten set set set
fall fell fallen speak spoke spoken
feel felt felt stand stood stood
find found found steal stole stolen
fly flew flown swim swam swum
forget forgot forgotten take took taken
give gave given teach taught taught
go went gone tell told told
grow grew grown think thought thought
have had had wear wore worn
hear heard heard write wrote written

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Adjectives with -er and -est Adjectives with more and most
big dingy huge neat safe attractive dangerous inconvenient serious
bright dirty large new short beautiful delicious interesting spacious
busy far long nice slow boring difficult modern special
cheap fast loud noisy small comfortable exciting patient terrible
clean heavy messy old tall convenient expensive popular unusual
dark hot near quiet young cramped famous private
crowded important run-down

Irregular adjectives
good better best bad worse the worst
Appendix T-151
9 Language summary

Nouns shame Verbs miss

advantage situation Modals move
advertisement steam train can offer
assembly line takeout may order
builder tax might receive
bunch teleportation would shout
(common) cold spend
Adjectives Other tear down
attracted to admit travel
bright be able
brilliant become Adverbs
dark begin anymore
driverless consider anywhere
embarrassed die nowadays
empty earn sadly
falling down exist soon
grocery store
high-paying fall in love still
in shape feel
intelligent fight
housing so
jealous fly
multiple get
non-polluting hang out
national team
popular improve
serious join
ocean liner
shy look after
office tower
two-hour meet

Talking about the past Talking about the future Describing situations and
In the past, . . . . Soon, there will be . . . . possible consequences
People used to . . . . In . . . years, people might/may . . . . If I . . . , I won t be able to . . . .
. . . years ago, . . . . In the future, people are going to If you don t . . . , you ll have to . . . .
.... If they . . . , they might . . . .
Talking about the present
If you . . . , you may have to . . . .
These days, . . . .
Today, people . . . .
Nowadays, people . . . .

T-160 Language summary Interchange Teacher s Edition 2 © Cambridge University Press 2017 Photocopiable
2 Language summary

Nouns device forgetful check (something) out

Jobs/Occupations employee generous design
accountant experience hardworking develop
activities director honesty impatient do for a living
agent overseas lazy draw
architect overtime level-headed enjoy
artist personality trait moody evaluate
flight attendant pressure nine-to-five go over
journalist public speaking organized hire
marine biologist relationship patient interview
reporter r sum punctual laugh
stockbroker (special) skills reliable lighten up
teacher stock market rude make a decision
video game tester straight talk serious make up (your mind)
timetable short-tempered manage
Other strict place (one s trust in)
agreement Adjectives unfriendly realize
applicant attentive release
article broke Verbs sell
bug creative agree sign
career critical analyze
co-worker cross-cultural apply Preposition
deadline developing (country) be fed up (with besides
(business) deal disorganized something/someone)
decision efficient chat

Talking about possible occupations Agreeing with feelings and opinions
I d make a good/bad . . . because . . . . So do I.
I wouldn t want to be a/an . . . because . . . . So am I.
I could (never) be a/an . . . because . . . . Neither am I.
I wouldn t mind working as a/an . . . because . . . . Neither do I.
The best job for me is . . . because . . . . Neither can I.
Expressing feelings and opinions Disagreeing with feelings and opinions
I like/hate/enjoy . . . . I don t.
I m (not) interested in . . . . Really? I . . . .
I m (not) good at . . . . Oh, I m not.
I don t mind . . . . I am!
I can t stand . . . . Well, I am.
Oh, I don t mind.

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11 Language summary

Nouns microscope Adjectives Verbs

B.C.E. (Before the needle agricultural catch
Common Era) northwest amazing consume
canal novel corrupt cultivate
cattle pin digital direct
chess set revolution food-processing employ
clue rice life-size export
construction seabed manual (typewriter) feature
crop sheep medieval film
currency souvenir official manufacture
dialects soybeans tiny preserve
drawing textiles traditional produce
euro variety unique raise
exhibit wheat warm record
feta cheese World Heritage City wide wonder
Flemish wonder
handicraft Adverb
lobster officially

Describing works of art, inventions, and Asking about a country
discoveries Where is it located?
. . . was/were built/composed/created/designed/ What languages are spoken?
directed/painted/recorded/written by . . . . What currency is used?
. . . was/were developed/discovered/invented/ What famous tourist attraction is found there?
produced by . . . . What products are exported?
What cities are found there?
Is English spoken (much) there?
Are credit cards accepted (everywhere)?

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12 Language summary

Nouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs

audience accidental achieve accidentally
audition amazed act coincidentally
bunch brilliant break fortunately
celebrity calm burn immediately
childhood normal compare luckily
classical music powerful crash miraculously
deaf quiet drive (someone) crazy obviously
disability spectacular drum sadly
effect surprising hear strangely
ending tiny pick up suddenly
flat tire worth realize surprisingly
fork recognize unexpectedly
headphones reply unfortunately
hearing aid save (money)
influence ski
knife slip
luck spend (money)
nightmare spill
sign language

Talking about past events Expressing interest and surprise
I was . . . , but I . . . . Wow! Tell me more.
I was . . . when I . . . . Oh, really?
While I was . . . , . . . . Really? I didn t know that!
Oh, I see.
Exchanging personal information
I had no idea.
What have you been doing lately? I ve been . . . .
Well, that s exciting.
How long have you been doing that?
For . . . . Asking for a reason
Since I graduated. How come?
Greeting someone after a long time
I haven t seen you in ages. What have you been up to?

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13 Language summary

Nouns director excellent be based (on)

Movie types lines fascinating bore
action motion picture horrible confuse
adventure producer main disgust
animated rib odd dress up
(romantic) comedy special effects outstanding embarrass
documentary story ridiculous excite
drama studio silly fascinate
horror thumb stupid interest
musical trivia talented laugh
science fiction terrible put through
Adjectives terrifying rate
amazing unpleasant shock
Other amusing weird surprise
acting awful wonderful terrify
audience bizarre
bill blockbuster Verbs Adverbs
boot camp choosy amaze by mistake
character disgusting amuse mentally
critic dumb annoy physically

Giving opinions about movies, books, and Describing movies, books, and people
people It s the movie which/ that . . . .
I m (not) interested in . . . . It was a great book which/that . . . .
I thought . . . . It s about a man/woman who/that . . . .
I m fascinated by . . . . He s/She s . . . who/that . . . .
I (don t) think . . . .
I (don t) find . . . .
I was bored by . . . .

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14 Language summary

Nouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs

body language annoyed argue absolutely
garbage can bored bite definitely
gesture broke break maybe
lane confused clap perhaps
nail disgusted exist possibly
obligation embarrassed fasten quickly
permission exhausted nod
prohibition flushed park Preposition
regulation frustrated pull out side to side
rule heart-shaped raise
sailor irritated roll
seat belt late scratch
speed limit nervous scream
stairs polite tap
trash reserved turn off
thumbs up rude wink

Hypothesizing Disagreeing Expressing prohibition
It might/may mean . . . . I don t think so. You can t. . . .
It could mean . . . . You aren t allowed to. . . .
Expressing permission
Maybe/Perhaps it means . . . .
You can . . . . Expressing obligation
It possibly means . . . .
You re allowed to . . . . You have to . . . .
Making a logical assumption You ve got to . . . .
That must mean . . . .
That probably means. . . .
That definitely means. . . .

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15 Language summary

Nouns Adjectives confess oversleep

campsite honest demand pay off
cashier overweight deny refuse
comb selfish dislike reply
diet strict disqualify save
fundraising valuable divorce spend
honesty enjoy spill
jail Verbs exchange text
owner accept find trust
predicament admit fit (something) in warn
problem agree forget
repair shop borrow ignore Adverbs
catch lend meanwhile
cheat lose straight
truth complain marry

Describing imaginary situations and Expressing disbelief
consequences in the present You re kidding!
What would you do if . . . ?
Giving opinions or suggestions about actions
If I . . . , I d/I could/I might/I wouldn t . . . .
in the past
Saying someone is right What should I have done?
Hmm. You ve got a point there. You should have . . . . /You shouldn t have . . . .
What would you have done?
I would have . . . . /I wouldn t have . . . .

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16 Language summary

Nouns joke Verbs Adverbs

apology lie bounce quickly
assignment request donate out of town
coach stomachache fire past (= later than)
complaint suggestion hide
day off sympathy lose track
employee truth make up
excuse pick up
Adjectives slip
hallway sympathize
highway take care
flat (tire)
(good/bad) intentions

Reporting requests Exchanging personal Expressing regret
. . . asked/told me to . . . . information That s too bad.
. . . said to . . . . How are things? I m really sorry.
. . . asked/told me not to . . . . Just fine, thanks. I m sorry, too.
. . . said not to . . . .
Talking on the phone
Reporting statements Hi, . . . . This is . . . .
. . . said (that) . . . . Oh, hi.
. . . told me (that) . . . .

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