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Written by Ali Hassan

1. Past Introduction 01
2. Present Introduction 04
3. A Good Man 08
4. A Lone Survivor 15
5. To the Present 26
6. First Fight 31
7. Do or Die Part 1 38
8. Do or Die Part 2 49
9. Do or Die Part 3 64
10. Days of Future Past Part 1 79
11. Days of Future Past Part 2 92
12. Shahood’s quest 134
13. First Class
14. War with the Devil Part 1
15. War with the Devil Part 2
16. A New Empire
1. Past Introduction

Once there were 4 brothers Babar Shah (24), Nabeel Shah (22),
Faisal Shah (19) and Latif Shah (17), they were the children of
Hafeez Shah and Faiza Shah.
When Latif was only 2 years old, their parents passed away.
They were brought up by their uncle Rashid Shah. Hafeez and
Rashid were brothers, which was why he opted to take them.
But he and his wife were cruel to those four brothers. Hafeez
and his wife died during the 2005 earthquake that also felt in
Babar was born on 5 November, 1996. He was good in studies
from the start. He passed several classes with First position. He
was not good in sports or games like others but he was a genius
in studies. He also got brilliant marks in university level, which
was why the Government decided to send him to Europe to
study. Since Babar was the oldest of his brothers, so he loved
them more than anything. His Uncle and Aunt were not cruel
with him, since they knew that he can make good money for
them but they were bad with others. So, when at the age of 22
he left to study for Lahore, he also took his brothers with him.
In 2020, current year, He was going to study abroad and he
gave the responsibility of his brother’s protection to his
younger brother Nabeel.
Nabeel was born on 17 October, 1998. Unlike his older brother
Babar, he was average in studies but good in sports and games
too. During school days, many school bullies tortured him
which was why he trained himself to be good in sports and to
take revenge. Whenever, any of his cousins, uncle or aunt tried
to torture him or his brothers, he will not hesitate in beating
them though whatever happened in the aftermath. He was also
brave, which made him perfect for the job to protect his
brothers when Babar was abroad. When he moved to Lahore,
he was 20. In university, many bullies took him easy since he
came from KPK, but since he was used to this, so he had no
problem in fighting them. He was also a good leader. He chose
the IT field and was good in Computer Science too.
Faisal was born on 16 August, 2001. When his parents died, he
was 4. Since he was not much old for being good in studies and
couldn’t protect himself too, so his aunt abused him and made
him do all the housework. He had to do all the housework,
which was why he couldn’t concentrate on his studies properly
and he failed in several classes. When they moved to Lahore,
he was only 17 years old and after coming to Lahore, he started
to study hard and got good marks in his new semester exams.
He was not good in anything like his brothers but after coming
to Lahore he started to learn karate for his own protection.
Latif was born on 2 March, 2003. When his parents died, he
was only 2 years old. Which was why his uncle and aunt
brought him up as their own son. They fulfilled every wish he
made. They loved him more than any of his older brothers.
Which gave him courage and confidence in a bad way. He was
used of spending most of his time playing, he gave so little time
for studies. Which was why his brothers will always tell him to
stop playing and start studying but due to the support given
from his uncle and aunt, he never listened to them. When they
moved to Lahore, he was only 15 but he started bad company
because of that he failed again and again. Whenever, his
brothers will be angry at him to tell him to study he will go to
his Uncle’s home and spend days there. After doing this for
sometime, his brothers left him on his own.

2. Future Introduction

In the year 2108, Faheem Shah became the Prime Minister of

Pakistan. In the next year, Rahul Kumar became the Prime
Minister of India.
In the same year, the relationship between Pakistan and India
became even more friendly than it had been in all the previous
years. It was because Faheem Shah declared that now Pakistan
will stop protesting for Kashmir, and that Kashmir is now
officially a part of India. This incident made the Pakistanis super
angry at him and the President tried to dissolve the National
Assembly to take Faheem out of the Prime Minister chair but
instead, he was assassinated by an American mercenary who
was sent by American President. Since, Faheem was doing
everything in accordance with America, so they never wanted
to let anyone else become the PM of Pakistan.
In 2110, Faheem toured America where the American President
Tim Clinton asked him to join Israel, which he did. In just a few
months, Pakistan started their new friendly relations with

Israel. On this the Pakistanis came to the Prime Minister house
to beat him, but his protection was arranged by Tim Clinton, as
he had sent his own soldiers for the protection of Pakistani
Prime Minister.
In 2111, India started to nuke Muslims in Kashmir and after
some days they atomic blasted Kashmir. On this Pakistan
started a war with India against the will of their PM, and
because of that he left for America and since in his rule,
Pakistan didn’t buy much military equipment and had sold
much of what they had, so Pakistan faced a big defeat and
without even thinking once India atomic blasted Pakistan too.
After this for the next 10 years, Israel and the other non-
Muslim countries passed a Muslim Containment law and made
a Muslim Containment Unit also known as the MCU. Every
country which had Muslim majority was destroyed by atomic
blasts. While countries with minority Muslim population were
ordered to kill them in a month or they will get atomic blasted
too. In those years, several Muslim countries were demolished.
Israel let one Muslim country undestroyed, Saudi Arabia. They
instead of letting Muslims live there, killed them one by one
and then started to rule there. They used Kaaba for their own
purposes instead of Namaz and Tawaf. “The world had again
entered the days of ignorance.”
This was until 2121, that Israelis and others were successful in
eliminating Muslims from this world.
For the next 18 years, another law was passed in which all
minority religions and countries were to be eliminated. Unlike
the previous law in which Muslim countries were nuked. This
law was different, in this all the population of those countries
were sent to Africa and were then nuked. Due to being nuked
again and again, the African continent was a wasteland and
whenever a person was sent there, he died in a mere of
minutes as of too much air pollution and no trees there, since
everything there was destroyed again and again. In those years
many people were killed.
In the start of 22nd Century, the world population had reached
20 Billion but after year 2139, the population had fallen to 3
Billion. Europe was taken by Britain, Spain, France and
Germany. Africa was a wasteland. Asia was taken by Israel,
India, Australia, China, Russia and New Zealand. USA and
Canada took over North America, South America, Mexico and
Caribbean islands.
After this in 2141, Israel wanting to take over more of the world
in their hands, started a world war “WORLD WAR 3”. In this
war, several countries like China, Russia, Australia, New Zealand
etc. were destroyed totally until year 2144. During the war,
Israel only used US for fighting.
After this for the next year, US and Israel fighted each other for
the domination of Earth. Israel showed more power than they
had ever shown. Israel defeated USA very badly but before USA
could surrender, they nuked atomic blasts to all seven oceans
thus sending tsunamis and disasters to all over the globe.
Which was not enough until Israel destroyed the whole planet
and themselves, because of their jealousy. As they nuked
“The world ended in the year 2145, because of Israel’s hunger
for more land and world domination. They had planned this
world domination for years and when they finally got it, the
world ended due to their actions. Since they were Jews, they
didn’t know what danger they possess do this world. They
ended Muslims and used Kaaba for their purposes, thus taking
the world back to the days of ignorance. But we all know that
where there is violence, destruction and other things that can
end humanity, there is also hope. Hope that has kept us alive,
all this time. The only thing that could save Earth and humanity
now was to turn all of our wrongs to right. A person tried but
what will happen to him, we will find out.”

3. A Good Man

Before the world was destroyed in 2145, a person named

Patrick Xavier sent one of his students to go and change the
future. He used a time machine for the purpose. Patrick played
the role of a mentor in the fight against Israel.
Patrick Xavier was born on 4 July,2067. He was born in
Melbourne, Australia. He was the heir of the very wealthy

Xavier family. From early age, He was good in studies and was
also good in games. He also got several scholarships in biology
and he was also PhD. When he was 25, he joined the military
and was sent on several missions by army. At the age of 30, He
got paralysed, when a bullet was shot at his legs. By this
incident he got on wheelchair. Even though having so much
pride, money and fame. He didn’t know what to do next. So, he
went on a world tour in year 2097. In his world tour, he learned
about more than 50+ religions and 50+ languages which also
included Islam and Arabic language. When he came back from
his world tour in 2105, he was a guy who was inspired by
several religions and languages. Due to his new knowledge, He
opened a school in Melbourne (Australia), which was named as
Xavier’s School for all. That school was available for students of
any religion or country for free. In the year 2107, He married a
woman. In the year 2108, Patrick Xavier who was getting his
money from his father’s nuclear power plants decided to use
his geniuses for the betterment of mankind and created a
device, which he called the Telepathic Generator.
Since after getting paralysed, he was stuck in a wheelchair, so
he decided to create this device. This device had the ability to
communicate with any person on the planet no matter
wherever he is. That device can also be used to show people
what he wanted to show them, though he never chose to. He
created a whole room for his device. That room was locked
with Xavier’s face recognition and he only knew how to use it.
In the year 2109, He did a brain surgery with himself in which
he planted a chip in his brain which was a smaller version of his
Telepathic Generator. After the surgery he was able to
communicate with humans in range of 1,000 meters.
In the year 2110, his son was born which he named as Victor
Xavier. Both his wife and son were Christians and both were
against his school for everyone. They told him that his school
should be for only Christians and Jews, but Xavier never
listened to them and he did, whatever he wanted to. His wife
and son hated all the other religions and this was the thing
what Patrick hated about them.
In the year 2111, He became the PM of Australia. When he
became the PM of Australia, he allowed Australian visas for
free. So, more and more students can come to his school and
study. In this year, he launched a satellite by his name. Due to
several of his family’s nuclear power plants under his control,
he started a business called Nuclear Xavier, which made several
weapons and atomic bombs. Due to his famous school, his new
business also got so much recognition and he became
Trillionaire in just a matter of months. In the December of the
same year, he was called by the US President in a party. Since
he was the PM of Australia so he was invited. Firstly, he didn’t
know what was the party about, but when the President of US
gave a speech, he revealed that the party happened because all
the Muslim countries had joined Israel and that they got rid of
Pakistan for good. There he saw the Pakistani PM enjoying but
he had no worries of the destruction what his country faced.
After some time, he was called by the President by USA, with
whom he had a conversation. “What happened with Pakistan, I
thought that their army was better than any of us.” Said Patrick.
“Their army is powerful indeed, but you know a great planning
by Israel and USA was all what we needed to eliminate them.
That guy over there Faheem, helped us, but we are going to kill
him anyway since a human who doesn’t love his own
country, how is he going to love ours.” Said Tim Clinton. “You
used him.” Said Patrick. “Of course, we did and that is what we
always do. And you know, now he is of no use to us. By the way,
I forgot to tell you something that uh... yours weapons from
Nuclear Xavier, I meant your atomic bombs were brought by
Israel and they were and will be used by all of us non-Muslim
countries to eliminate Muslims. I wanted to say Thank You since
those bombs only destroy what we want them to destroy.
Pretty advanced indeed.” Said Tim laughing.
This whole thing of his weapons being used for killing humanity
shocked Patrick so much that he spent the whole party with
tears in his eyes. There he witnessed something more
unbelievable and something that he only witnessed because of
his new powers of mind reading. Since his head had the chip
inside, so he read a mind full of darkness inside it, plans to
destroy the humanity and world itself. He tried to see his face
but saw a person red in colour like a demon. This thing was one
of the most terrifying moments of his lifetime. Not only he had
seen that monster but he also saw Patrick and because of that
Patrick escaped from that party, as fast as he could. After
returning from there he had full faith, that the world is about to
end in a few years to come, and he can only save it. When the
Muslim Containment law and unit was established, he had
more than 10,000 students in his school including several
religions but since the law was against Muslims, so he decided
to help his poor students. In his school, he had restricted
students from telling anyone even their classmates that what is
there religion. But in this situation, he granted all the Muslim
students Australian nationality and told them to change their
names to English names, so that other students and teachers
don’t turn against them and call the Muslim Containment Unit.
Afterwards, he used his device to show people outside his
school that his school is only for Christians and Jews and it is
not for any other religion, thus saving his Muslim students. He
knew that once all the Muslims are dead, they will have to face
the wrath of Allah. Like others he never believed that Allah has
created them but after seeing that terrifying monster, he had
started to believe in Allah. He not only became a Muslim
himself but also advised all of his Muslim students to pray for
betterment of humanity and their protection. He also told them
everyday that they don’t exploit to anyone that they are
In the year 2121, Now Israel thinking that all the Muslims have
been eliminated started a new law Minorities Containment
Law. Which was going for another 18 years. Patrick not letting
the world know that Muslims are still in his school was even
more frightened when he heard that several more religions will
be eliminated next. Just like he saved Muslims in his school, he
also saved all the minorities in his school too. After this, he
knew that the Earth cannot be saved now, so he opted to
discover time travel instead. With the help of his student
turned friend Hank (who was also a Muslim but to fool MCU, he
changed his named just like Xavier said) made a time machine
in the year 2140. During this time, Patrick created several
others serums and devices like he created several serums that
can give anyone powers for 6 hours and a device that can stop
all the surroundings around a person instead of the person and
whom he didn’t wanted to stop. In this year, a Jew student
revealed that his school had been hiding Muslims and
Minorities altogether, which got the attention of MCU and his
school was destroyed.
By this incident, only he and some of his students were left
which included Muslims and Minorities. Now his students
ranged from 10,000 to less than 100. He took all of his students
to his home. He knew that his wife and son are against this, so
with his Generator, he had shown them that his school was
destroyed because a bomb accidently fell onto it and some of
the Jew students are still left. So, his wife and son willingly gave
hostage to those students. In 2141, He searched the remains of
his school, and got his all serums, devices and time machine. All
of them were in a good condition. Theses all things were in the
basement of his school and were fully protected with a
powerful forcefield. He used the forcefield for his home too but
was upset that he didn’t used the forcefield for his school. After
this he without the knowledge of his wife and son decided to
work on their time travel mission.
Now after this only a few students were left. He takes his
students to the basement of his home where all of the
important stuff was and starts describing them their time travel
mission and what they need to do, before he started explaining
everything, he asked that which of his students will go on to
complete the mission. Everyone was silent in the room but only
one person agreed to do the mission and his name was Hank.
On this Patrick said smiling “I knew that you would only agree
for the mission, my beloved student Hank or should I say

4. A Lone Survivor
Shahood Malik was Patrick’s only student, who decided to
travel back in time.
Shahood was born on 5 October,2093. He was the citizen of
Kashmir in India. Shahood was the son of Rahat Malik and
Minahil Malik. From early age, he had the urge to go and study
abroad but due to Indian violence in Kashmiri Territory, he
couldn’t. The easy way he knew how to study without
becoming the victim of Indian Army, he changed his name to
Rohan and showed that he was a Hindu living with a family. His
parents knew that for the protection of their son this was the
only way. At the age of 12, when he was going to study in
Mumbai, his young sister Maryam Malik was born on 1
March,2105. He went on to study Mumbai but he was not able
to visit his parents again, he kept contact with them through
mobile phone. Due to Hindu Supremacy, he knew that if he
went back to Kashmir without a reason, Hindus will find out
that he is a Muslim. So, for the next 6 years, he studied hard
and passed several exams with first position. At the age of 18,

His Indian ID, Passport was made. Since Australia was the only
country with free visa, he was sent by Government to Australia
for studying purposes. Several Indian students were sent
abroad the March of that year. They all joined Xavier’s School.
Xavier was told that all of them were Hindus but he knew due
to his Generator chip in head that one of them is not a Hindu
but he kept that a secret.
In June of that year, India nuked Kashmir with atomic blasts.
Shahood became so sad on this, that everyday he would go to
bathroom and cry for his father, mother and sister everyday. He
did this alone so his true identity is not revealed. He was not
only sad on the fact that he lost them but was also sad that he
never met them in the previous 6 years. He couldn’t even say
Goodbye or Allah Hafiz. He was so desperate to study that he
hided his true identity and became someone else. He focused
on himself that what he wants to be: Rohan or Shahood. He
burned his ID and Passport since he was not Rohan anymore.
He wanted to become what he truly was.
After this the Pakistan-India war was started which continued
for some months. Shahood instead of studying in Xavier’s
School, ran from their and started finding a way to kill the
people who were responsible for the death of his family.
In December, Patrick was invited in the party by US President as
Australian Prime Minister. Shahood disguised as one of
Patrick’s bodyguard got into that plane and went to that party.
There Patrick saw the devil and started to run away but them
he sensed another mind, determined to take revenge which
was the mind of Shahood. Patrick reacted to this instantly and
got into his mind. At that time Patrick started saying: - “Please,
let it go. I know what this means to you but busting into this
party is not a good idea, please let it go, come with me, back to
my school in the same plane you came here, please, I have a
better plan.” Shahood immediately stopped on this and looked
at his school principal disappointed at himself. Patrick got into
plane with Shahood right after he got into his mind. During the
way back home Shahood was silent throughout the journey but
only asked one thing that, how Patrick got into his mind. On
this Patrick replied with I will tell you later. When they returned
back to Xavier’s School, Patrick showed anger on his face and
called Shahood in his office by the name Rohan. In Principal’s
office, Patrick and Shahood had a brief discussion.
“Good evening Sir.” Said Shahood while looking down as a
student, who had been caught cheating. “Don’t look down like
that, please sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee.” Said
Patrick. “I am sorry sir for running out of your school like that
and then trying to kill someone, I am truly sorry.” Shahood said
in disbelief. “And can you tell me about how many things are
you gonna be sorry about now? first you hide your identity for 6
years, left your parents in Kashmir to die, ran from my school
and...” Patrick was saying this in anger when Shahood
interrupted him. “Sir, I am sorry to interrupt you but I have
some questions to ask from you, how do you know so much
about me? I never told anything about myself to anyone but
you know everything, how? I know I am expelled or suspended
from this school but I want some answers. If you knew about
me why you never talked with me? How you get in my mind
and why in this school I am the only one who is ignored?” asked
Shahood with tears in his eyes. “I am sorry if you felt ignored in
my school, I have tried to eliminate this religion, country,
colour, creed but now no one listens to me, huh..., well about
your other questions, don’t you know who I am really, I mean
don’t you know my full intro or maybe you can say that what
made you come to this school in Australia, what even made you
to come to Australia not any other country, I will answer your
other questions after that.” Said Patrick. “Actually sir, I only
know that you are the head of this school and PM of Australia. I
came to this school because Indian Government send me here.
How you got into my mind?” Asked Shahood. “Well then
Shahood look that years ago, I went on a journey, a world tour
where I read you religion Islam too. Back from there I made a
Telepathic Generator by which I was able to communicate with
anyone at any time and anywhere, I also got it in my brain by
which I got into your head. I knew that you are not one of them
from the beginning, from the time you came here but unlike
others you were special and you are still special. When your
parents died, I sensed your feelings, your emotions, every time
you would cry for your parents, I would feel the same about
mine too, since if I was a Muslim and my parents were taken
away from me, I would have cried too like you. Humans doesn’t
think that what they are doing right now could have also
happened to themselves, being from a different religion, colour
or cast doesn’t mean you are an outcast. I knew that you will go
on to avenge your parents and you did, you got in my plane, I
even knew that it was you but I wanted to see the Muslim
passion, determination and spirit, in Urdu it is called Jasba and
then through you I saw everything I wanted to see, you showed
me everything and I can only say Thank You for that.” Said
Patrick smiling. “Then why you stopped me from killing them?”
Asked Shahood hesitatingly. “Hm, look, first of all killing is not
an answer and you were going to kill them with knife seriously
and second killing them will not bring back your parents, it will
result in your death, you will be outnumbered Shahood, you
cannot stop the Devil, that Devil I saw with my own eyes, you
can’t and to change everything back to good, I am planning of a
time machine.” Said Patrick. “So, does this mean that I am
expelled from this school?” asked Shahood. “You ask so many
questions and I like it, and of course not, instead you are
enrolled as my personnel best friend, we will make the time
machine together and change the future, make a better one
and in that world your parents will be still alive okay, since by

time travel, we can bring anyone back.” Said Patrick smiling.

“Uh... time travel seriously sir, I mean in Islam it is impossible
and now I think I better meet my parents in heaven.” Said
Shahood while trying to get out of the room. “No please, don’t
go I need a person like you for my mission whom I can really
trust. You are the one I need for the betterment of humanity

please.” Said Patrick while stopping Shahood. “But how come

can I trust you; I had been betrayed by many before.” Asked
Shahood. “You are the only one who was betrayed, I was too,
without my permission my weapons were sold to Israel so they
can destroy humanity, I don’t even know why I created such a

dangerous thing maybe I was also influenced by that.” Said

Patrick in sadness. “By what sir, did you saw a ghost or

something?” Asked Shahood. “Come here, close to me I will

show you by tapping at your mind, after that take your time to
think and when you are ready come to me, tell me that you are
with me or them, you wanna be a hero or see the world getting
destroyed just like the rest of my students, if you join me, we
can be best friends forever.” Said Patrick and tapped on
Shahood’s forehead, thus, showing everything, he wanted to
show Shahood to make Shahood believe that Patrick is on the
good side. After this Shahood stumbles a bit and then silently
walked out of Patrick’s room.

Before Shahood could walk out of Xavier’s room, Xavier says
this with tears in his eyes and crying: - “Look Shahood please
don’t disappoint me now, you know, I mean I know that time
travel is impossible but please, we are the chosen ones, I mean
that why only I was the ne to stand against this?... tell me huh,
why I only saw that devil, doesn’t it mean that we are destined
to do the right thing and if time travel was impossible than
Allah would have shown us another way instead of this, to me
this is the only way. As far as I am concerned about you, it is the
same for you, why I have been observing you all over those
weeks Shahood tell me (Xavier says this while shouting)? We
were destined to be the friends we can be and we were
destined to become the heroes we will be and if you want to
have an argument, you can but please I am begging you, don’t
leave me here like this, in a world where I cannot trust my wife
Marie and my son Victor. I don’t want to trust them in a thing
serious like this. Shahood, you are my only hope, you are
humanity’s only hope and if you will leave me then.... huh I
don’t know how much time will it take for me to find someone
like you, please, everything depends on you. I am not building
pressure on your mind and I am not going to convince you. I am
giving you as much time as you want to think, ok, carefully and
if you don’t want to do this, then tell me I will find another way
and I will never bother you again, Goodbye.” On this Shahood
says Goodbye and goes back to bedroom to sleep but couldn’t
due to what his Professor showed him.
After a few days, Muslim Containment Law and Unit were
established and, on this Patrick, helped several of his Muslim
students get Australian nationality and told them to hide their
Muslim identities as they took English names for themselves to
fool MCU. During all of this Shahood was granted Australian
Nationality and he changed his name to Hank.
After one month of MCU, Shahood came to Xavier and agreed
to do what Xavier asked him to do but he asked some things.
“Sir Xavier, with my due respect and what have you done for us
Muslims, I agree for doing time travel and be the hero what I
was made for but, I want to ask that how are we going to do
that.” Asked Shahood. “Uh... we will create a time machine
with the concept of travelling at speed of light together why are
you asking that I am glad that you joined and doing this mission
can change everything.” Said Patrick. “Speed of light, cool but I
wanted to ask another thing that we both know that this entire
school and your wife and son will create havoc if we are caught
doing this thing.” Asked Shahood. “Of course, we will make the
time machine secretly and for that I have a secret room and for
that room, only I have access to that school, not any of my
students or son can unlock that room. Let me take you there.”
Said Patrick and with the secret elevator in his room took
Shahood with him into the secret room for his inventions.
Patrick lighted the room up which was covered with blue
screens. “This is the room we will work in Shahood and to me
this is totally safe right and by the way, by which name should I
call you Hank or Shahood, for me Hank is better” Asked Patrick.
“Your choice Sir” replied Shahood. “Yeah I am changing your
name but even if you have to be what you are not, you will
promise me that you will remember that who you really are and
what are you really fighting for.” Said Patrick smiling. Then
Patrick looks down and disappointedly says that: -
“If someone stumbles and loses their path doesn’t mean
that they are lost forever.”
“My wife and son are right now influenced by something I
haven’t seen before, something even more dangerous than
Israel, you know I have faith that after we change the future
and defeat Israel, even several countries will go on to become
the good countries they should have been. I have faith that this
world will become a planet with peace and justice that, even
evil people will be great men in that world. You will have to
promise me that you will not tell anyone, anything about this
mission while I will do some research on what we have to
change for see a better future.” Said Patrick and left the room
on his wheelchair.
After this Shahood helped Xavier in making the time machine
for the next years. In 2121, MCU started hunting down
minorities too and was now known as Minorities Containment
Unit. During another 18 years of crisis, Xavier and Shahood now
known as Hank helped several minorities and Muslims. At one
occasion, Xavier made hank the Prime Minister of Australia but
after a month, Hank resigned thinking that he is not perfect for
the job. In the year 2116, Hank met a person named Faiz who’s
English name was Scott. He was a survivor too who came to
Xavier’s school for protection. Shahood became friends with
him in 2 years and in 2119, Scott married a woman in Xavier’s
school. From 2121 to 2139, Hank tried his best and took several
stands against the growing wars alongside his friend Patrick. In
the year 2139, It was over for all Muslims and Minorities. Even
though Xavier had cloaked all students in his school, still several
of the world’s population were sentenced to death for being a
minority religion. After this Xavier’s school was destroyed as 1
student told police that Xavier has been hiding Muslims too.
The remaining 100 Muslims and Minority students were taken
too his home where he made his wife and son to believe that
they are Jews. After finding the time machine safe and sound in
2141, he decided to tell all of his students about the mission
they were going to accomplish.
He asked that who will do the mission on this Hank said that he
will do it. Patrick then started describing the important devices
Hank will need. “Look Hank, now I will tell you first that which
things will be most important in your mission Ok.” Said Patrick.
“Ok Professor, I will not let you down.” Said Shahood/Hank.
“Now, since only 1 of us wants to make the trip and it will be
impossible for him to do the mission and not get surroundings
attention, I have created a stopwatch that can stop the
surroundings but not stop time, ok. Now due to this, you will be
able to complete the mission without getting police’s attention
but there is a problem, you cannot kill a person when he is
stopped, so to make sure that police interruption never
happens, I have created some power serums that can give you
different powers. If you use these powers without stopping the
time, then your powers will create disasters in future and by
giving them one serum either will stop them from getting
jammed due to watch and when you are jammed you cannot be
killed. In short, to kill the person you will kill on mission you will
have to give him the serum too.” Said Patrick. “But Sir, how we
will get powers and how powers will stop us from being
jammed?” Asked Shahood. “The serums will affect your DNA
and you will sort of mutate and by mutation, you will not be a
normal human, the watch can only stop normal humans not
people who have powers in their DNA.” Said Patrick.
While Patrick was explaining time travel mission his son Victor
happens to pass by, but while passing by he stops there so he
can also hear what is going on.

5. To the Present

“Look in short I am saying that if you will kill a person in the

past, this will create several disasters in the future. For that I
have discovered a stopwatch, which can stop the surroundings
around it having human DNA. When you will take the serum,
your DNA will mutate and you will not be freezed by the power
of this watch. When someone is freezed you cannot kill him and
because of that you will to give this serum to them either.” Said
Patrick while explaining but he is interrupted by Shahood. “But
won’t it give our opponents advantage against us?” Asks
Shahood. “It will but what have no other choice, well now
maybe we should start on our mission.” Says Patrick. Before he
starts the story, he tells his students to keep quite and listen to
him more carefully.
“In the year 1996 and 1998 two brothers named Babar and
Nabeel were born respectively. Both grew up together. In the
year 2026, Babar married with Irfa while in 2028 Nabeel
marries with Maryam. In the year 2030, Babar’s son named
Shafiq was born while in 2032, Nabeel’s son Jamal was born.
Even though both Nabeel and Babar were good in their own
fields but their sons were not like them. They preferred the
wrong way instead. By the age of 30, they both had became
smugglers as they smuggled several things. They both became
rich but they had disgusting hearts from the inside. In the year
2060, Babar’s son married Alizay while on the other hand Jamal
refused to live in Pakistan as he went to India where he married
Mithali in 2062. Then they were the parents of Faheem Shah
and Rahul Kumar. Both Faheem and Rahul spended their lives in
their separate countries. But in 2100, Faheem was met by
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Gantz. He gave Faheem several
things pride and fame but in return Faheem had to do a simple
thing for him. In 2108, with the support of Israel and the US,
Faheem became the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Now was the
time to use Faheem for their own purposes. They made Faheem
to destroy his own country Pakistan from the inside. In 2113,
just as Tim Clinton had told me that he will kill Faheem, he did,
well on the other hand Rahul was with Israel and US from the
start. He wanted to destroy Pakistan from the beginning. This
had been the reason why his father hated him but his father
couldn’t stop his son from becoming a monster. Rahul lived till
World War 3. I don’t know much about him but I know about
our mission. Shahood you will have to go back to the past and
kill both Babar and Nabeel in the year 2020. At that time Babar
was in England, so he will be easy to kill. Nabeel can be found in
Lahore, Pakistan. The reason why you have to kill them is that
by doing this you will create a paradox; I mean that when
Babar will die before the birth of his son then there will be no
Faheem and Pakistan never joined Israel. The reason why this
friendship of Pakistan and Israel must be stopped is that, I still
remember the day when they became friends. A psychonic
earthquake was felt throughout the globe. Since I have
telepathic powers so, maybe I was the only one who felt it. The
earthquake was originated from Bermuda triangle. From there
the monster or devil awoke whom I call Apocalypse. Israel or
Jews believe him as their god or creator. They had been trying
to awake him for years. They had been planning his arrival for
years and they had even created a plane that looks like donkey
on which that monster came into Israel. If you will succeed in
your mission then we will be able to prevent Onslaught from
ever awaking which will mean that we have won and the world
will be safe from destruction.” Patrick pauses after telling the
mission and asks if anyone wants to ask questions. On this
Shahood asks that can he take another person with him. “Yes,
of course you can. You were not going alone anyway, you will
also need someone else, my son Bill.” Said Patrick. “What you
have 2 sons and you never told me?” Asked Shahood surprised.
“It is quite complicated and I don’t have time to tell you that.
Who is the one you want to take with you?” Asked Patrick
smiling. “He is Sohail Ahmed, son of my friend...” Just as
Shahood is saying this he is interrupted by Victor who rushes
into the room by
opening the door violently and starts shooting at everybody.
Shahood tries to save Patrick but instead Patrick uses his
powers and tells Shahood to go do the mission.
“Professor, no I... I can’t leave please.” Said Shahood while
running and talking with Patrick in his brain. “Run for the time
machine hurry, if you will win then we will meet each other
again!” Says Patrick while talking with Shahood through his
mind powers.
While Patrick is talking with Shahood, Victor after shooting
everybody, tries to run after Shahood, Bill and Sohail but let go
and comes back to his father.
“I am sorry my son but we had to take a stand against all of
this.” Said Patrick when victor had a gun pointed at his
forehead. “You know father you deserve to die because you are
the reason, I lost my mother Patrick (Victor starts yelling). Now
you have another son Bill about whom my mother doesn’t
know. You never gave me the time you should have because
why would you, you were busy with your second wife and son.
Right.” Said Victor. “Look I can explain......” Said Patrick but is
shot in the head by Victor before he can say anything further
Shahood sees his friend die like that and with a heart full of
anger, revenge and tears, runs for the time machine. He keeps
silence in the time machine when they start it. Sohail asks Bill
that do you know how to start this thing. On this he replies with
I helped in creating it. After a couple of minutes Shahood, Bill
and Sohail all 3 arrive in London, England. The place where they
will find Babar.

6. First Fight

On 15 June 2020, Babar was about to leave for England the

next day. At night, when everyone was sleeping, Babar and
Nabeel meet each other at the balcony of their house to have a
conversation. While Babar was just staring outside from the
balcony, Nabeel came with two cups of tea in his hand and
asked Babar about having a cup of tea. On which he agreed.
Both then started talking with each other.
“So, are you really gonna leave tomorrow... I mean, man
wouldn’t you miss Lahore or Pakistan, just leave like that?”
asked Nabeel while taking a sip from his tea. “I can’t leave you
all and I don’t want to cause you are my brothers but I will have
to do that since when I will go abroad, I can study more to earn
money for, yes, of course you all’s future. So, you all can live a
happy life.” Said Babar while looking outside, not even
bothering to look towards Nabeel. “We don’t need a better
future but, what we do need is a big brother who can take care
of us like you.” Said Nabeel. “Look I really have to go for all of
you and besides you are a good protector than me, since you
have it in you to protect your other brothers while I can only do
study, I am not a fighter like you and the only thing I can do is
to make money for all of your futures.” Said Babar still not
looking at Nabeel. “Are you ignoring me or what?” Said Nabeel
while looking at Babar who wasn’t bothering him. “No, I am not
ignoring you!” Said Babar while finally turning his attention
towards Nabeel. “You were not looking at me, so I thought that
maybe you were ignoring me, I didn’t mean to say that but, I... I
don’t know what to say, what are we going to do without you?”
Asked Nabeel while looking in Babar’s eyes. “What do you
exactly mean by all of this?” Asked Babar while ironically staring
at his brother. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to say that but who is
gonna look after us when you are gone. You were the brother
who has protected us for so long but when you will go, we can’t
stand a chance against threats to us brothers. You are our big
brother and without you, we are nothing but instead we will fall
easily, I will miss you, please don’t go.” Said Nabeel trying to
convince his brother to stay. “Look, I really need to go out,
because, one of us has to make money right. After the death of
our parents, I think that someone should care about you all.
About keeping all of you safe, you are good in fighting and
protecting stuff and in that perspective, you are way better
than me, so I think you will protect them, I am giving you the
responsibility.” Said Babar smiling. “Ok fine, you can go but how
am I gonna protect them? I am not like you.” Said Nabeel. “Yes,
you are not like me because you are something more, you will
take care of them and if I don’t return, then they will be your
responsibility, Ok.” Said Babar and walks away to reach his
room for some sleep. “No, don’t say that (But gets no response
from Babar), hey, I am talking with you.” Says Nabeel but still
doesn’t get any response from Babar. “Fine don’t talk. Yeah
ignore me!” Says Nabeel and heads towards his room.
In the morning, all brothers drop Babar at the airport. Babar
encourages all of his brothers that he will come back soon.
Babar also encourages his brother Nabeel to take care of the
rest. Babar and Nabeel both hug each other before leaving.
Shahood, Bill and Sohail arrive in London six months after Babar
left for London.
“Where can we find him?” Asked Sohail. “I don’t know father
gave me three photos of Babar from the internet but due to
wars, the technology wasn’t advanced at our time. So, the
photos are not that much perfect and because of that maybe
you will have difficulties in recognizing him and we should split
up. So, it can be easier for us to find him rather than finding
together.” Said Bill. On this Shahood said Ok in a sad mood and
without saying anything else, left by taking a photo from
Babar’s hand furiously. “What happened with him?” Asked
Sohail from Bill on Shahood’s reaction/mood. “I don’t know,
maybe he is upset on father’s death. We should move on.” Said
Bill by shaking his head in left to right direction and splitting up.
All three of them split up in different directions to find Babar
but none could. After spending quite some time on looking for
Babar, Shahood accidently bumped into a person. He asked the
person that if he has seen this man. The person whom Shahood
bumped into was Babar himself but due to the low quality of
the photo, he couldn’t recognize him. After seeing a person
holding his photo in his hand, Babar got surprised and said that
yes, it is me, why were you looking for me? Shahood politely
ask him to take Shahood to his home, it is not safe to talk here.
Babar becomes a lot suspicious about it but Shahood then says
that I am your father’s friend and I have been searching you for
years. I had some money to give your father before he died, so I
thought I will give it back to you.
“How can I trust you that you are a friend of my father and
where were you all these years?” Asked Babar while being
suspicious in trusting Shahood. “I have a photo of yours and I
moved to USA when your father died and as a Pakistani coming
back from USA was not easy, I still made it to England. I heard
that you are coming here and because of that I started looking
for you.” Said Shahood while trying to assure Babar that he is a
friend of his father.
Babar still doesn’t believe Shahood’s story and without saying
anything goes on his way. Babar goes on his way home thinking
that the person he met was lying and is a psycho and because
of that he doesn’t bothers and without noticing anything
reaching his home. But on the other hand, seeing the
opportunity that Babar is not noticing anything, Shahood starts
following him and learns that where Babar lives. He gives the
address to the rest and violently enters the apartments in
which Babar was living.
“You followed me to my home, I knew that you were not a
friend, tell me who are you, huh?” Asked Babar after seeing a
violent Shahood busting into his apartment. “I am the
Frankenstein’s monster and I am here for his grandfather.” By
saying this Shahood takes out 2 knives from his shirt and starts
to advance towards Babar to attack him.
Shahood with those knives’ attacks at Babar at his arms but
Babar trying to protect himself runs into another room of his
apartment. When Shahood reaches the room, he tries to find
Babar but couldn’t and, in some time, Babar attacks from
behind with a bat to injure Shahood. Shahood drops both
knives and falls on the floor. Babar tries to hit with another
blow but is stopped by Shahood as he catches the bat by his
hand in mid air. Since, Babar is not that good in fighting, so his
every punch meant nothing for Shahood as he starts choking
Babar by his throat. He nearly ends Babar but then leaves his
neck and picks up a knife. He takes the knife and cuts one arm
of Babar violently. A blood fountain starts to come out of the
part of his body from where Babar’s arm was splitted from his
“Why, ......why are you doing ...... this? What have I done with
you?” Asked Babar crying. “Oh! You wanna know why, huh,
why, I will tell you why.” After saying this Shahood becomes
even more violent and starts smashing and punching Babar
again and again but after some time stops and in a loud voice
starts explaining why he did all of this.
“Your grandson in the future destroyed Kashmir and I am from
the future. Because of you and your grandson I lost my family
and friends but by ending you, there will be no grandson of
yours and this will mean that I will have my family back but I
am not going to end you now, with the help of my teammates
you will die even more brutally. After you I will finish your
brothers.” Says Shahood in an angry and raging tone before
Babar replies with no and blacks out.
After a few seconds, Bill and Sohail arrive there only to see
Shahood sobbing and an unconscious Babar. “What did you do
with him, tell me Shahood you didn’t kill him, right because it
will be bad in case, we haven’t freezed anyone yet.” Says Bill
while yelling at Shahood. “I didn’t, I didn’t kill him, he is just
unconscious Bill.” Said Shahood while crying over what he has
done. “Ok, good I will do exactly what father said with his body.
You have the pics of his other brothers and you also know
where they are. You have a teleporter too, which will help you
in teleport anywhere and because of that you and Sohail will
continue the journey without me.” Says Bill in a calmed voice as
he presses a button on his watch and calls the time machine
there. “Why are you leaving?” Asks Sohail. “You will find out
later kid, I am bringing some backup.” After saying this Bill
drags Babar’s body in the time machine and goes away. “He ran
from here, am I right kid?” Asks Shahood from Sohail. “Yep!”
Sohail replies.
On the other hand, in Lahore, Nabeel gets a call from Punjab
Government that his brother is died. Nabeel cries over the fact
that he will not be able to even see the dead body of his
brother and he was not able to say a last goodbye to his
brother. Nabeel spends the next 2 days crying over the fact that
his brother had done so much for them and their big brother
even died because he was earning for them. After two days,
someone knocks on the door and as Faisal opens it to see who’s
there, a strange person hands him a letter and disappears.
Faisal comes inside of the house to show Nabeel the letter.


7. Do or Die Part 1

When Faisal comes to show the letter to Nabeel, Nabeel firstly

doesn’t agree to take it but it was for Nabeel and continuous
efforts by Faisal to make Nabeel read it had him agree on letter
reading but he told Faisal to do the job. Faisal then grabbed the
letter and started reading.
“Ok hmm, let’s begin. Dear whoever you are...” Said Faisal while
firstly starting and then reading what was written on the letter.
“What can you please stop joking after the death of Babar.”
Said Nabeel being annoyed of seeing anyone and thinking that
Faisal is joking in a time like this. “No, I am not joking it is
written here.” Said Faisal. “What? Who sent it?” Said Nabeel
being surprised. “Look, take a look at it.” Said Faisal. “It is really
saying dear whoever and it is also sent by a mysterious name.”
Said Nabeel in surprise. “Ok, I was reading it remember.” Said
Faisal while interrupting Nabeel. “No, I will do it.” Said Nabeel
while not letting Faisal take the letter from him and gently
making Faisal sit down. “Ok, this letter says that the person
who has sent us this letter has killed our brother (On this Nabeel
pauses for some time like he is thinking something and then
again starts to read the rest of letter)? The letter says that the
person who killed our brother wants to meet us in two weeks
near the Minar-e-Pakistan monument. He says that the rest of
things will be told to us later, he is saying that he is from the
future and since in the future my and Babar’s grandsons are the
reasons of destruction of the future so he wants to kill us. He is
also saying that they don’t want to include police in this so they
will freeze them and we will be given serums that will have
powers so they will get a fair fight with us. We will get powers.
But how?” Nabeel says this as a summary of the letter. “Maybe
someone is lying about this, right.” Says Latif. “No, I don’t think
so because nobody except us knows about Babar’s death.” Says
Nabeel while moving his death in left to right and pauses to
think something. “What are you thinking?” Says Faisal. “If they
are giving us powers then maybe they are fools and instead of
fearing them we can actually fight them back and we can take
the revenge of our brother Babar, that’s awesome. I mean they
are fools, why they are letting us take powers and fight back
even if they want to kill us.” Says Nabeel while laughing.
“Maybe they are lying.” Says Latif. “We should not fight them, if
they are from future, we don’t know which powers they
possess, right.” Says Faisal. “No, you all never loved Babar and
this is why you don’t want to take revenge of his death.” Nabeel
says this while shouting. “You are taking him between
all of this, Babar was innocent and we do love him.” Said Faisal.
“Then prove it by fighting by my side.” Says Nabeel and walks
out of the room. “So, be it brother we will prove our mantle and
prove that we are better brothers than you.” Both Faisal and
Latif said this. “He is only making us fight because he had loved
fighting himself but death is not child’s play, we should stop
him from doing this.” Says Latif. “No, even if he is dragging us
into this still, we will fight against whatever comes in our way.”
Says Faisal and he also walks out of the room. “I will not fight
by heart.” Says Latif.
On the other hand, two weeks after delivering the previous
letter, Shahood is in a hotel room in which they were staying
writing a letter. He is sitting in his chair holding a pen with
papers on table and thinking when Sohail comes to talk with
“So, what did you write and why are you writing it in English, I
mean since they are Pakistanis and they mostly speak Urdu and
by that means I don’t think they should have understood a
single word you wrote or you are writing right now.” Says Sohail
while sitting in the nearby chair. “What are you saying? People
whose next generations will become politicians and wipe out
humanity, don’t know how to speak or write English. Are you
out of your mind?” Said Shahood. “No, I was thinking
something else.” Said Sohail. “Ok” Said Shahood and again
starts to writing the letter. “What are you writing?” Said Sohail.
“I am allowing him to invite anyone else if he wants to.” Said
Shahood. “You mean that they can invite anyone in our fight.”
Said Sohail. “Yes, of course” Said Shahood. “if they do then
what will you do?” Said Sohail. “I will also kill those who seek to
help my enemy.” Said Shahood. “Why? You are yourself inviting
them, right.” Said Sohail in a bit of tension. “So, what I am
giving them a fair fight and this is the fairest I can get.” Said
Shahood while looking towards Sohail. “Listen my friend, killing
someone who is not part of our mission will not bring you
peace.” Said Sohail. “Peace was never an option.” Said
Shahood. “What?” Said Sohail. “You are the son of my friend
and you were never ever my friend so just stop giving me
lectures ok.” Said Shahood and then asks Sohail to leave the
room. “Ha-ha, oh you really think that I admitted you as my
friend, I mean there is a huge age difference between us and
you are wrong. I will only leave when I want to and you are not
my boss.” Said Sohail and he starts to stare Shahood as he is
writing. After every minute, he says something funny or
annoying just to annoy Shahood which in the end Shahood lost
it as he starts to yell at Sohail. “What is wrong with you? Can’t
you just shut your mouth for one second. I am tired of you and
everything related with you and if you will say one more thing I
am going to go back to future and kill your father Faiz, Ok.” Said
Shahood as he gets up from his chair and grabs Sohail from his
shirt. “Chill man I will not do this again, I was just making you
laugh and that’s all.” Said Sohail as Shahood let’s go of Sohail’s
shirt. After this Shahood completes his letter while Sohail with a
sad face sits there and watches Shahood.
On the other hand, the same day, Nabeel is alone in his home
while Faisal and Latif are outside. The bell of his home rings
indicating that someone is on the door. Nabeel for 5 minutes
shouts to tell Faisal or Latif to open the door as he was in his
room and didn’t knew that they were out. But after some time
against his will he has to go open the door to find that he has
received a letter. The letter was not through mail and no one
was even there to give the letter. Someone had just ringed the
bell and ran away after leaving the letter on their doorstep. On
this Nabeel was very afraid to open it because he thought that
maybe it can be a bomb or something. It was actually an
envelope with a box. Nabeel firstly read the letter and then
opened the box. Inside the box it had some injections and a
bottle full of a green serum. Nabeel then again looked at the
letter. The letter said that tomorrow Nabeel and his brothers
will have to fight his brother’s murderers In the Iqbal park in
front of Minar-e-Pakistan monument. The letter also gave the
details on how to use the serums and injections. It said that use
the serum equally no matter how many are you. The powers
you get will last for 6 hours so please don’t try this before our
fight. The letter has also told them to bring anyone in the fight
if they want. This made Nabeel angry thinking that why does he
even want someone else to fight the killers of his brother. The
injections were to inject the serum in their veins so the serum
can reach their blood or DNA. So, it will be able to mutate
them. When Nabeel is reading the letter, he tries to take the
serums at that time to see that whether they will work or not.
He tries so much to not let himself take them but after so many
tries, he takes the serum bottle and injection when suddenly
the slams open and his brothers enters their house. They had 3
more boys with them but after seeing Nabeel with injections
Faisal says that, “What are you doing are you taking drugs,
man?” Said Faisal. “No, of course not. This is sent to me by the
people, you know, I ones who had killed our brother.” Said
Nabeel as he puts those down back on the box. “Wow, you
aren’t seeing they gave you drugs and they only want to turn
you into a drug addict.” Said Faisal. “No, these are their so-
called serums and I was just going to test them and
something’s really fishy about them.” Said Nabeel. “What?”
Said a boy who was standing alongside Faisal and Latif. “Who is
he?” Said Nabeel while pointing at hi and asking from Faisal.
“They are a long story; I mean that they are our cousins and
remember our uncle and aunt who had brought us and did me
absolutely no justice. They both are going through Covid-19
which was why they had to bring them here and met us.” Said
Faisal. “Ok, whatever we will just continue and what was I
saying. Oh, yeah he has said that he wants to fight us on 1
January,2021 and you know what will happen that day?” Said
Nabeel. “It’s New year.”
Said a boy from his three cousins. “Wow, what kind of brilliant
cousins we have and by the way Modi will announce that they
will start a curfew in Kashmir.” Said Nabeel. “Yeah, so what and
why should we care?” Said a boy from his cousins. “What is
your name?” Said Nabeel. “I am Haris, he is Javeid (as he points
towards the boy who said it’s New Year) and this is Rahman
(pointing towards the boy who said what).” Said the boy who
said why should we care. “The letter that I got says that we can
invite whoever we want so if you want you can join us.” Said
Nabeel. “For what?” Said Haris. “To fight the people who killed
our brother Babar.” Said Nabeel as he becomes sad on saying
Babar’s name. “Oh, then maybe we should help you.” Said Haris
after seeing Nabeel’s upset face. “Good, then I will leave now
and nobody touches those things, ok. We will discuss the rest
tomorrow. Tomorrow is New Year.” Said Nabeel as he wakes
out of the room. “Ok.” Said Faisal. “How we will help you?” Said
Haris. “Fight.” Said Faisal. “How?” Said Haris. “With powers for
some reason.” Said Faisal. “Wow.” Said Haris with an ironic
face. After this all of them go out except Nabeel to enjoy and
meet Haris’s parents in hospital.
The last time Bill was with Shahood, he told him that he will
take Babar’s body and do what his father said with Babar’s
body but since Xavier died in 2141 when they left. Bill had gone
to year 2121 instead to meet a younger self of his father.

In the year 2121, Bill through his time machine ended up in
Xavier’s office while he was outside teaching. Xavier felt a new
brain enter his school and dismissed the class to go on his
wheelchair know more about the new brain that had entered
his school. When Xavier reached there with a younger self of
both Bill (11 according to 2121) and Shahood (28 according to
that time) of that time. “Who are you?” Xavier asked from Bill.
“Read my mind father, I mean Professor.” Said Bill confident.
Xavier looked towards both Shahood and Bill from that time
and read Bill’s mind. “You are from the future meaning that I
sent you. How can I help my future self?” Said Xavier. “Father is
dead there, so I had too come to you, which means that you are
also my father. It is about the Xavier Protocols and father told
me that they are only two which you had made to make your
mission easier and you made them approximately in 2120s.”
Said Bill. “Do you even know that how dangerous they are. I
made them way back when I had that Nuclear Xavier thing.”
Said Xavier while looking at Bill eye to eye. “I don’t know
because you sent me from the future and you can even read my
mind to know that I am saying the truth.” Said Bill while
assuring his innocence. “Yes, you are telling the truth and you
are my son.” Xavier says this and then looks at young Bill and
points towards old one to show young one that he will become
him in the future. “Ok, come to my basement but young Bill you
will stay here.” Said Xavier as he presses a button on his
wheelchair that reveals an elevator which was going to take
them to the basement. Before leaving young Bill comments on
him growing up to become the version of himself that was
standing in front of him saying, “so I will become handsome
when I will grow up”. On this all of the others laugh before
young Bill leaves so they can get into elevator. In the elevator it
takes some time to reach down where a confused Shahood says
“wow, time travel is possible”. He then looks towards the body
of Babar which Bill was carrying in a bag. “What is it?” Said
Shahood. “It is a part of Xavier Protocols.” Xavier tells this to
Shahood as the door opens and they enter into the basement.
After entering their Xavier tells Bill to take the body of Babar in
the laboratory where they will perform the procedure and
later, we will get to the Generator room. Bill and Shahood both
ask that what will happen on this Xavier silently on his
wheelchair goes inside the lab. (The lab was approximately 20
feet in length while 20 in width either, which was enough to fit
several experimental objects including time machines and
several others on which Xavier was working on.) After entering
there, Bill sets up Babar’s body on a bed which was there. After
that Xavier again asked that are you sure you want to do this
from Bill. Bill on this answered with that I don’t know you told
me to do it. Xavier then puts his right hand’s index finger and
middle finger on the side of head and closes his eyes and after
some time, he opens them and says cut his left arm. Both
Shahood and Bill shocked asks from him why. On this Xavier
replies with, “This was the thing I was telling you and because
of this I didn’t wanted to do this. Xavier Protocols is the
deadliest and most terrifying things I have ever created, apart
from Nuclear Xavier. I created this project way before and I
made several. I made them before 2111 and this is why I now
regret them. Through Bill’s mind I contacted my older self from
Bill’s memory and he told me that which Protocol he was
talking about. It was Protocol No. 17779. In this one, we will
firstly have to brainwash him so he doesn’t remember anything.
Second, we will replace his left arm with a robot arm. Third, we
will have to send him on the mission we want him to give with a
serum. Now it will be on us that he listens and us. Also, my
older self told me that he wants me to do this and send him
back in time to 2020, because he knows that Shahood will lose
it as he never made Shahood to be a killer and I also never
made him a killer. Older me told me that through Bill’s memory,
I will have to connect with Shahood in 2020 and see if he wins
or lose. If he wins, then good we will then kill Babar completely
here and timeline will be altered but if he loses then Babar will
kill Nabeel instead of us and after he will kill Nabeel, he will kill
After this, Xavier tells Bill and Shahood to put Babar in a pod
and after some time, a new Babar will emerge who will be
brainwashed and work as a computer. He will do as what they
will tell him to do and after that we will replace his one arm
with a robotic arm. On this Shahood asks that if there are
several Xavier Protocols then how many are there. On this
Xavier replies with, “They are all taken from movies that could
be created like Robots, Cyborgs, Terminators or even Super
Soldiers but all of them require the brainwashing of the subject
and make them do things against their will and this is why I
never wanted to use them. This one is taken from a character
named Winter Soldier but since there is no winter out there and
we will be doing time travel, I call it the Time Soldier.”

8. Do or Die Part 2
Back in 2020, the day before 1 January had arrived as people
had started celebrating and partying on 31 December’s night.
At 10:00 PM of night, Shahood is in his room and is thinking of
what will happen tomorrow. He opens his back and takes out a
pill. The time when he is about to swallow it, Sohail bursts
inside his room without knocking the door and surprised seeing
the pill in hand asks Shahood that are you taking drugs now.
Shahood on this firstly feels annoyed but then says that it is not
what you think it is but due to Sohail asking him that again and
again he has to tell what this is. Shahood swallows the pill and
takes a sip from the glass of water and says, “This is not what
you think it is. Xavier gave me this and it will help me in
remembering everything from this timeline either and if we
succeed in altering it, then I will still remember everything and
by taking advantage of this. Xavier told me that when I will get
my memory back in the alternate timeline, I should go to him
and he will read my mind. It will be confirmed that Jews are bad
guys and then together me and Xavier will fight them to
the Devil from ever awakening again.” On this Sohail replies
with wow and asks that when we will take the serums. Shahood
tells him that they will do it at 10:00 AM. Since they will fight at
11. Shahood also tells that he has told them about the timing
In the morning, Nabeel and the others eat their breakfast and
go to Nabeel’s room for gathering and to decide that what they
should do about it. “I think that we should take them and it is
almost 10 in the morning. They have given us the time till 11.
We cannot waste it right, Nabeel.” Said Haris as they all were
sitting on chairs around a round table that had the serums on it
but Nabeel who is surrounded by his immense thoughts,
doesn’t answer the question. After some minutes of silence in
the room, Nabeel stands up and takes an injection. He takes 25
ml of the serum just as it was written in the description. All of
the others stare at him as he closes his eyes and injects the
serum in his arm. For some time, he feels nothing but after a
few seconds Nabeel starts to scream as if something is
happening inside of him. Others got up of their chairs to help
Nabeel. Javeid on this says that it looks like we are cheated
bros. Faisal doesn’t listen to them and tries to help Nabeel until
suddenly 3 metal claws comes out from each hand of Nabeel
and in a few minutes, his pain also decreases. Seeing those
metal claws was a shock for all of them and it also made them
to take the serums either. Nabeel still doesn’t get what had
happened to him. As he goes to the bathroom to himself in the
mirror. All the others looked in surprise with questions pooping
in their minds. They were speechless on what they saw and
then sudden silence spread in the room. In the bathroom,
Nabeel’s claws did came out and he was also surprised to see
himself like that in the mirror. Nabeel then becomes very happy
and starts making cool poses in the mirror. The fun always
doesn’t last long as suddenly he started to fumble in the
bathroom. The blades were bigger than the size of his hand. He
accidently slips in the bathroom and his blades cuts down the
sink in the bathroom. Then other things in it. The experience
goes good in start but then turns into disaster as water from all
pipes around him starts to come out of the cuts made by his
claws as a fountain. The water splashes onto his face. This took
him a few minutes of fumbling around in the bathroom and
recover all the damage that was done (sort of).
Outside Faisal took the serum next, in a few minutes he
becomes a muscular and handsome guy. After witnessing metal
claws come out of Nabeel’s hands, the others are not much
shocked to see a muscular Faisal. Faisal also feels a little jealous
over the fact that his brother got metal claws to slice up anyone
and what he got is just super strength.
Next Haris took the serum and started to feel a little anger
inside him. The moment he screamed laser beams came out of
both his hands but since no one was standing in that direction
so, everyone was safe. The beam destroys the things in its
direction including two chairs and a bedroom before passing
through all of the houses in their neighbourhood. All of them
looked at each other in intense horror, thinking that if they
someone finds out that they are the reason behind the
destruction. Everybody then quickly grabbed one injection with
the serum inside and injected themselves.
When Javeid took the serum, he had a pen in his hand.
Suddenly his powers show up and the pen explodes. Since the
explosion is minor so no one gets hurt. Then he touches the
chair on which he is sitting and that explodes either. This time
the explosion was bigger and all of their faces were covered in
ashes. Then Rahman’s powers showed up as wings came out
from the back of his body meaning that he can fly. Then Latif’s
powers showed up and the minor injuries on his bodies
disappeared demonstrating that he has healing abilities. He
then takes two knives with him. All the them started to yell at
Nabeel to come of the bathroom so they can wash their faces
but when the door opened all the drainage pipes were leaking
so they had to wash their faces through mineral water which
Latif was sent to get from shop. Nabeel’s claws are still out and
Faisal tells him to calm down and open his fist slowly which
Nabeel does. In no time his claws go back inside. Surprised
Nabeel asks Latif and Faisal and claws coming out of his hands
should cut out his skin and result into blood but nothing
happened. On this Faisal says that maybe you have healing
abilities and those abilities lets your skin to heal and get
attached to your claws when they come out and the skin joins
with each other again when you take them inside.
Then they go outside to get inside the car but the beam
destroyed it either. Rahman had to wear a huge coat to hide his
wings. Their car was destroyed and they decided to walk. It
took them more than 3 quarters of an hour to reach there.
On Shahood’s side, he had taken the serum 15 minutes before
Nabeel’s arrival there. Shahood and Sohail both took the serum
at the same time. When Shahood took it, he felt pain inside his
body like something was tearing him apart while Sohail on
taking the serum fells nothing. Shahood feeling the pain sits
down along a wall as suddenly several metal things around him
and Sohail starts moving and levitating in the air. Some things
including metal knives points towards Sohail and advance
towards him in a fast speed to kill him but against Shahood’s
will due to his pain and screaming. For Sohail, he is about to die
when suddenly all the knives that were advancing towards him
slows down in the air at a speed at which they can be caught in
the air. By this, he directs all knives in different directions away
from him and then they all strike against the walls at high
speed. Shahood becomes surprised by this as he thought that
he had killed Sohail but Sohail was alive. Due to this, Sohail
assumed that his powers were running fast but at how fast
speed this was unknown and Shahood’s were of course lifting
After this they without talking about anything with each other
uses the teleportation device, teleport to Minar-e-Pakistan
monument but still it was 10:50 so they had 10 minutes to talk.
“What did you do back then? I thought I killed you back then
and I couldn’t control it but you did. How?” Said Shahood while
towards Sohail as if he has been thinking something but kept it
inside himself. “I think my power is speed and yours is metal
controlling. That’s how.” Said Sohail while smiling and looking
at Shahood. “I get it but how did you control your powers while
I couldn’t.” Said Shahood by assuring what he was talking
about. “I guess, you should stay calm and use peaceful
thoughts.” Said Sohail while being totally cool. “Ok.” Said
Shahood as he looks on his watch and wonders that where are
the people he will fight as he only knew how they looked like.
Both Shahood and Sohail are walking randomly across the Iqbal
park when Sohail asks a question. “Can you tell me that why did
you chose first of January to fight with them while you could
have chosen another day and please don’t say that you wanted
t do it on a New Year.” Asked Sohail. “No, it is because today
PM Modi will officially start the Kashmiri Curfew with the help
of several President Trump. In that ceremony Trump will be
included and this is the beginning of the end of us Kashmiris.”
Said Shahood in a sad manner. “Wow, you are a Kashmiri.” Said
Sohail surprised. “Yeah.” Said Shahood while smiling. “I had
read in some books that Pakistan did took a stand for Kashmiris
but all in vain. So, isn’t Pakistan going to do today either?”
Asked Sohail. “They tried, maybe but things got worse.
Whenever, anybody tried to raise their voice for us, they are
ignored and many people die like my family.” Said Shahood as
he takes out a photo of his parents and himself (when he was 6
years old) from his jacket’s pocket and tears starts to appear in
his eyes.
Back in 2121, Babar’s body becomes ready for the
experimentation of the Time Soldier. They had even ripped
apart his one arm and made a metal arm to replace it. Babar
was also brainwashed and was in an unconscious state. Xavier
tells Shahood to attach the metal arm in the place of Babar’s
real arm. After that, Xavier with old Bill enters the Telepathic
Generator room. There he tells Bill to lay down on a bed that
looked like a hospital bed just like the one used for Babar and
then he turns on the Generator.
“What is about to happen, father?” Asks Bill while settling on
the bed. “Through your memory I will contact Shahood. Now,
since you were with them till the time, they attacked Babar,
right. Because of that I will get inside Shahood’s memory from
there and thought hat I will reach his current memory and
where he is right now. By this I won’t be visible to him but I will
be able to communicate with him telepathically. I will also be
able to get inside the heads of the people in Shahood’s
surroundings.” Said Xavier while he explains to Bill. “Wow.”
Said Bill in reply. “Wow, indeed. Now, I need you to close your
eyes and let me get inside your memory.” After saying this Bill
and Xavier both closes their eyes and Bill starts to scream.
Back in 2021 now, Shahood spots his enemies and tells Sohail
to take him there. Sohail holds the back of Shahood’s neck and
takes him there. When Sohail and Shahood reach there, they
block all six other boys as they are surprised to see two people
suddenly coming out of nowhere and blocking their way.
Before any of them could say anything, Shahood takes out a
watch of his pocket and presses a button on it. Suddenly every
other human being in their surroundings freezes including
animals. All five brothers except Nabeel are surprised but
Nabeel has his eyes set on Shahood. Shahood and Sohail are
standing with their backs towards the Minar-e-Pakistan while
Nabeel and his squad can see the Minar-e-Pakistan monument
as they are facing it and they can clearly see it since they are a
few miles away from it. After observing the surroundings all
others join Nabeel and Nabeel starts the confrontation.
“Why have you called us out here? Why have you called our
brother? Why do you want to fight us? Who are you and what
are you? What are the things you have sent me? Tell me...” Said
Nabeel loudly when he is interrupted by Shahood. “Look,
boy you have a lot of questions I know and I will answer all of
them but for that ask me one by one.” Said Shahood laughing.
“Well, who are you?” Asked Nabeel. “Ok, I am from the future
as you know and I am a Kashmiri and I am serious about that.
In the future, you and your brother Babar’s grandsons decided
to go up against their own religion and I am here to bring
justice to all Muslims from future by killing your brother and
you. When there won’t be you then there won’t be your
grandsons and we will be able to live a happy life.” Said
Shahood in a calm but oud voice. “Ok, but can’t we do it like I
tell my grandsons to not do that.” Said Nabeel in a funny
manner. “No, they won’t listen to you and besides I have
orders.” Said Shahood with his hands behind his back. “Then I
have too to kill you, either from my brother’s dead soul.” Said
Nabeel in an angry and confident manner. “Fine, but I have
nothing to do with your brothers and by that they can leave.”
Said Shahood in a calm manner and still his hands behind his
back. “No, we are all brothers.” Said Faisal and all the others
nodded on what he said. “So, be it. Sohail!” Said Shahood with
still his hands behind his back. When Shahood says this Nabeel
and his team knows that fight is about to begin. Nabeel starts
to take out his claws. Latif takes out two guns and shoots at
Shahood. Javeid takes out some cards and touches them while
Haris emits energy blasts from his hands. While claws, bullets
and energy beams are still mid-air, everything slows down like
the time itself is moving slow, as Sohail puts his goggles on
which he brought to protect his eyes
since he can get something in his eyes while running fast. Sohail
is in fast mode so other things are slow for him and he is
invisible for them, travelling at minimum the speed of sound
and maximum at the speed of light but attaining speed of light
is much more difficult. Sohail runs fastly towards Nabeel’s
group. Nabeel’s claws are still coming out but his arms are on
the sides of his body. Sohail brings Nabeel’s arms up in air and
directs his claws to the sideways when they are half out
already. He then places Haris and Javeid in the sideways of
Nabeel in the direction where the claws were going to come
out. Sohail places both Haris and Javeid facing towards Nabeel
and their heads 2 inches away from the claws that are still
coming out, while Nabeel is facing Shahood. After doing his
work there, Sohail goes towards Latif who had shot two bullets
at Shahood. Sohail places Rahman in the point between the
bullets and Shahood, so that not only Shahood is safe from
those bullets but also Rahman who has wings can die before
taking flight. After that Sohail returns to his place where he was
standing before with Shahood and he now goes in normal
mode, by which other things are normal too instead of slow
motion. Suddenly, all things happen as Sohail has set them up.
Nabeel’s claws comes out of his hands immediately without
him noticing that he has just killed his two cousins till the blood
comes out of the holes made in their faces through claws and
falls on Nabeel’s face. Nabeel tries to find out that whose blood
is this until he recognizes that he has killed his cousins. Terror
runs through his veins after this but on the other hand Latif also
can’t believe that Rahman died because of him. Latif knew that
he had fired the bullets at Shahood and Rahman wasn’t in his
way. Both of them feel disturbed until Sohail says, “Bet, you
didn’t see that coming”. This gives Nabeel and Latif the
explanation for the murder of their cousins and they also get to
know that how much dangerous the people they are about to
fight are.
After a few seconds of silence, Sohail tells Shahood that the
extras are dead and now what. On this Shahood replies, “Step
aside, let’s see what I can do. Shahood then brings a metal door
of a car underneath him and starts to levitate/lift it in the air
with himself. Shahood then closes his eyes and starts to lift
more than a dozen metal cars in the air. This thing brings terror
on the faces of Nabeel, Faisal and Latif. Latif on this occasion
trying to show that he is brave and fears nothing, starts to
shoot more than 15 bullets at Shahood, which he catches in
mid-air and fires them back at Latif. All the 15 bullets pass
through latif’s body and making several holes, but due to Latif’s
healing factor, the holes in his body disappear in the matter of
On this Shahood says, “Fascinating but not what you require.”
After this Shahood then throws all those cars on Nabeel, Faisal
and Latif, thus injuring them. Nabeel and Latif remain under the
cars but Faisal stands up angrily throwing the cars on top of him
and around him aside and then jumps towards Shahood. Due to
his super strength he can jump more than 100 feet in the air
but when he is close in reaching and punching Shahood in mid-
air, Shahood lifts a car and blocks Faisal from reaching him and
Faisal falls on the ground underneath him. He gets severely
injured but while he is on ground, he tries to stand back on his
feet but all in vain, as Sohail runs fast towards him and due to
his fast speed remain invisible to Faisal. Sohail smiles and
punches Faisal, sending the 400 pounds muscular guy into the
air as in fast speed Sohail’s one punch can send 500 pounds
people flying into air. Sohail then delivers him several punches
and kicks to have him injured to death, Faisal just like this
receives punches for another 3 minutes with 10 punches every
second due to Sohail’s fast speed but Faisal not even knowing
that how is this happening.
While Sohail is giving Faisal a beatdown. On the other side,
Shahood continues to drop cars on Nabeel and Latif to
completely destroy them easily but Nabeel has enough as he
slices his way out of the cars and gets ready to fight with
Shahood with an angry look and claws all locked and loaded,
quickly charges at Shahood while not even noticing what is
happening with his brother Latif. Due to the fire of revenge
inside him he only sees Shahood and forgets about anything
else. Shahood lowers himself as he knows that Nabeel is ging to
jump at him and stab him. Shahood lowers himself and gives
Nabeel a chance while Nabeel thinks Shahood stupid for
lowering himself. Nabeel jumps and faces his claws directly
onto Shahood’s ribcage. When only inches remain between
Nabeel’s claws and Shahood’s ribcage, Shahood takes his right
hand towards Nabeel with his hand full open. After that he
slowly starts to close his fist. For Shahood it is just a fist closing
but for Nabeel it’s a violent death.
Shahood has the ability to control metal of all sorts and since
Nabeel’s claws are made out of metal, so Shahood can easily
control them. Firstly, it seems like Shahood is going to take the
claws out but as he is aware of Nabeel’s healing factor, he goes
for a different approach. Instead of taking the claws out, He
takes them further in. Shahood makes the metal to go towards
Nabeel’s heart. The metal goes inside slowly, so Nabeel can feel
every second of the immense pain. The metal breaks several
bones while going further inside slowly and makes severe cuts
in the inside of Nabeel’s arms. The bones regrow due to healing
abilities but the real punishment is about to come yet. Nabeel
on the exterior side is mostly helpless, his body is completely
paralysed as Shahood is controlling it and Nabeel has no control
over it. The only thing Nabeel can move at this moment is his
head. He moves his head and sees his brother Faisal getting
beaten in a severe fast pace with neither him nor Faisal
knowing what is happening. He then looks back at Shahood
with him begging from Allah for help. Now, it is the same fire of
revenge in Shahood’s eyes as he continues to give the most
violent punishment to Nabeel in history. Nabeel is hopeless
right now as he groans with the pain inside him. Suddenly when
the metal is only some inches away from reaching Nabeel’s
heart, he sees a figure flying behind Shahood as the figure
shoots energy beams at Shahood. This makes both Shahood
and Nabeel to fall down. Nabeel thinks he is Haris but when the
figure comes closer, Nabeel knows that it is not Haris and closes
his eyes as he knows that this man is not Haris and he will kill
Nabeel too, then Nabeel blacks out as his healing powers try to
get the metal out of his body and to heal him but due to the
metal stuck inside his ribcage it takes time.
The person has the power of energy absorption, as he had
absorbed the energy of two energy beams emitted by Haris
earlier. This made him have the same energy beams as Haris’s
and still he can absorb more. Sohail drops Faisal and stops
punching him to see the person but he doesn’t recognize him.
Shahood then opens his eyes to see that who is the person who
has fired at him and much to Shahood’s horror, the guy is Victor
Xavier wearing a helmet, the son of Patrick but the one who
hates Muslims. He is also the one who had killed Shahood’s
best friend Patrick in front of his eyes. Shahood is surprised
right now as he has several questions that how is Victor here
and what are his powers. Shahood still does have a score to
settle with Victor for the death of his long-time friend
but before Shahood can even stand up, Victor shoots several
energy beams at all five of them, decimating them all and then
he flies away.
All of them are lying on the grass, parts of their faces turned
black due to ashes, when Shahood is channelled by a voice he is
very much familiar with, the voice of his friend Patrick. He
doesn’t get it that from where the voice is coming and he can’t
even hear what Patrick is saying. He stands up to look around
to find Patrick but can’t, assuming that his ears are ringing he
sits down. But again, the voice comes into his head and tells
him that he is from 2121 and he tells him that Patrick is talking
with him through Bill’s memory and his telepathy. He also tells
Shahood that he couldn’t just leave his friend in battle and asks
what happened, why is there so much smoke I am seeing
through your mind and the people you will kill are in front of
you, why are you not killing them right now. On this Shahood
only replies with, “The real fight has just begun old friend.” in a
sad manner.

9. Do or Die Part 3

When Victor had killed Patrick in 2141, he tried to stop

Shahood, Sohail and Bill from reaching the time machine but
failed. Victor had become a Jew at that time after the death of
his mother in 2137. He chose the Jewish relation and had
become one of the most beloved Jews of the Devil. He had also
made it to the Inner Circle and the Hellfire club and this was the
reason why he even killed his father for helping Muslims. After
the incident, he went straight to the palace of the Devil in
Jerusalem, Israel. There he met with the Devil.
“Why are you here?” Said the Devil in a devilish tone. Inside the
palace, Victor couldn’t see the Devil itself but whenever a
person entered there, he was asked questions in a devilish
voice and then they had to answer to them. The place is like
hell on fire and this was why people only brave enough had it
inside them to go there. The voice of the devil was so horrifying
that it can scare anyone, even the bravest person on the planet
but some of the still were capable of doing the deed
including Victor himself. “I am here to tell you something much
more incredible, but it can only result in our demise.” Said
Victor. “What?” Asked the Devil. “You know my father, he
never cared for me. Because of him my mother died and he was
the one behind hiding Muslims. He had sent someone to change
the past and I have learned about their plans.” Said Victor.
“They want to erase the events that let you, our God to be
awoken and I will never let this happen, please grant me with
something so I can stop that.” Said Victor.
After this Victor kneels with his eyes closed and right hand on
his heart, his head down. Then the devil says something and
after a while he told Victor to go hunt down them as Victor
disappears and then finds himself, where he wants. On the 1
January of 2021.
Back to the current time, Shahood tells Xavier that their real
fight has just started. Shahood also tells Xavier about his death
through Victor’s hands but Xavier says that I have seen it
through Bill’s memories. Xavier then freezes all the others like
Sohail, Nabeel, Latif and Faisal so they can talk what to do.
“So, what are Victor’s powers?” Asks Xavier while talking
through his mind. “I don’t know and the only thing I know is to
kill him, for what he did with you.” Said Shahood to a person he
can’t see but only hear, after this there is a complete silence. “I
know what he did but we can do it the other way, right.” Said
Patrick breaking the silence. “You still love them, right.” Spoke
Shahood. “I am not like them.” Replied Xavier. “Well, I know
what we can do but first tell me how did you got here?” Said
Shahood first rubbing his hands. “Well, I used Bill’s memory and
my telepathy to contact you and what is your plan.” Said Xavier.
“Ok, you said that you will tell me later that who is Bill and now
tell me who he is because you told me that he is your son.” Said
Shahood. “My older self-told you that, I didn’t say that I will tell
later.” Said Xavier. “Wait, what do you mean with your older
self.” Said Shahood surprised. “Bill came to me in 2121 and I
am 54. Through Bill’s memory I contacted my future self and
came to know that what to do.” Said Xavier. “So, you aren’t
going to tell me that who is Bill?” Said Shahood. “No!” Said
Xavier. “Ok, I have a plan that I think I did saw something weird
in Victor, today.” Said Shahood. “What?” Asked Xavier. “He was
wearing a helmet type something.” Said Shahood. “Did you see
him?” Said Xavier. “Yes, why?” Shahood asks. Xavier then goes
into Shahood’s memories and tries to get inside Victor’s head
but is blocked. “I can’t get into his mind; it looks like the helmet
is restricting me from getting into his mind. If I can get into his
mind then I will able to freeze him and stop him from doing
what he is doing. I think that he got his powers from the Devil
and it is inside the helmet. We will have to get the helmet off.”
Said Xavier. “Why can’t you get inside his mind?” Asked
Shahood. “The helmet is Anti-Psychonic and it prevents
telepaths from getting inside.” Said Xavier. “Wow, you know
so much in just a few times.” Said Shahood. “Let’s just get to
plan.” Said Xavier. “Yeah, let’s do this. Sohail is on our side
anyway and the other three are not going to help us so you
control their bodies and take Sohail with you, while I will be
back in a matter of time.” Said Shahood. “Yeah, I know where
he is, he is in India, absorbing energy from the Nuclear power
plants there, but why will you come later?” Asks Xavier. “I will
bring a backup of some of the most amazing metal.” Said
Shahood while smiling. “Ok.” Said Xavier as he takes control of
Faisal and Latif’s body, but when he takes control of Nabeel’s
body, he immediately tells Shahood to fix the damage done to
Nabeel, which Shahood does and Sohail also wakes up, meets
with Xavier and with him goes to Mumbai, India. In Mumbai,
not only Victor is absorbing power but also Modi and Trump
are about to make the Kashmiri Curfew permanent and official.
In Mumbai, Victor is absorbing energy at a Power Plant and just
a few miles away, Modi is giving a speech but since Shahood
used the freezing watch, Modi and others hearing that
Conference are freezed and they can’t move, talk or do
anything else. While he is absorbing energy, he is attacked from
behind by Faisal (being controlled by Xavier) but the
Devil/Demon inside Victor senses Faisal and shoots him with
energy beams this time even more powerful than the previous
time due to absorbing more energy. Faisal goes flying to the
place where the conference is being held but people can’t see
him due to being freezed. Sohail knows that Xavier is inside
Faisal, so he goes in fast speed and saves Faisal before he
On the other side, Shahood after others leave stands in front of
the Minar-e-Pakistan monument. “Beautiful place, isn’t it.”
Shahood whispers to himself with tears in his eyes. Then
Shahood starts to look around himself and sees parents with
their children hanging out on the New Year. Shahood sees the
smile on the children’s faces who are freezed and slightly smiles
himself. Shahood then says, “I am doing it for mine.” and
directs his hands towards the monument. He then lifts his up in
the air as the structure of the monument starts to be dragged
out on the ground. Shahood then brings a metal door
underneath him and climbs on it. He then starts to levitate both
the door underneath him and the monument in the air with his
both hands on his sides, fists open.
Back in Mumbai, after Faisal, Nabeel (Xavier) attacks Victor
from behind but Victor senses him and blasts him either but
due to Nabeel’s healing factor, the damage done to him heals
and he doesn’t even land far enough like Faisal. Then Latif
(Xavier) with two swords (he took from an Indian temple
nearby when he was approaching there), attacks Victor and
lands the two swords on Victor’s chest but before the impact,
Victor catches both blades by his hands and directs them back
at Latif, cutting Latif’s head into two pieces but Latif eventually
heals. Then Victor shoots beams at Latif, which he dodges firstly
moving his head to the right and then to the left and then
suddenly Nabeel (Xavier) from behind through his claws stabs
the right hand of Victor and then goes for the Helmut, thinking
that the claws will go through the Helmut and kill him by
stabbing Victor’s head but it only makes Nabeel’s claws to bend
as the helmet is made of stronger metal. Angry at the situation,
Victor then uses his left hand and directs it towards the ground
and gets into the air. He then flies in air and blasts energy
beams towards the Power Plant where Nabeel (Xavier) and Latif
(Xavier) are. Victor keeps on blasting the place for 5 minutes
which makes the whole place and due to being a Power Plant,
several other houses or buildings closer to get destroyed and
then Victor flies away and lands the place where Modi and
Trump are. Nabeel and Latif there burns to a crisp although
they start to heal. Victor then directs his hands towards the
place where the announcement is being made to destroy it as
Faisal (Xavier) tries to stop him but is blasted again and falls
miles away. Sohail then comes running towards Victor, smiles
and punches him and kicks him. This time even faster than the
previous time. The Devil inside Victor then controls and slows
down time around itself and sees Sohail only to catch his
punches and blast him away in faster speed as Sohail goes
flying more than 40 miles away. Victor then directs his hands
towards the place to burn it but the whole place is covered in a
shadow. Victor looks up and sees Shahood. Shahood with his
eyes closed starts to rearrange the monument into a ring shape
with empty space in the inside and then he drops it on top of
the entire place. The ring-shaped structure is like a barrier
around where the Kashmiri Curfew is being made and Victor is.
Seeing this, Victor feels disturbed but the Devil sees Shahood as
his new host for World Destruction. Xavier comes into contact
with Shahood.
“This is brilliant Shahood, we just now need to take his helmet
off and the Devil will be out of the equation and then we will
easily be able to take out others and change history.” Said
Xavier. On this, Shahood doesn’t reply with anything and faces
off with Victor. “So, you are the chosen one from my father.”
Said Victor as Shahood lands close to Victor and both of them
stare each other in the eyes. “Yes, and your father told me that
you are one of the bad guys.” Said Shahood. “Hmm, Muslims
you all only believe in stupid things.” Said Victor ironically and
starts laughing thinking that how stupid Muslims are. Seeing
this Shahood lifts his hand and the helmet from Victor’s head
starts to levitate in the air. Shahood then says, “Now.” to Xavier
as while Victor tries to get the helmet back, he is freezed, with
his body unable to move.
“Yes, Shahood you have done well and now it’s time to destroy
that Helmut, do it.” Said Xavier. Shahood without listening to
Xavier then grabs the helmet in his hands. Terrifying voices
start to come out of the helmet drawing Shahood towards it.
“No, no Shahood stop. If you are going to do this now and like
this, there won’t be any turning back, please. It will use you just
like Victor and then abandon your body when it is done with
you.” Patrick says this while being connected through 2121. Bill
asks from that time that what is happening and Patrick replies
with nothing. He again tells Shahood to not wear the helmet
himself but all in vain and slowly, slowly Shahood brings the
helmet towards his head closer and closer. “You had said it
yourself; you are not the Xavier I remember. You don’t know
what happened with him. I will avenge my friend and I know
how to not let a Devil takeover my body and I want to do it
without getting interrupted by your telepathy.” Shahood says
this and puts the red helmet on completely. “Oh no, now I can’t
even control his body.” Says Xavier as he then starts to think of
ways to do something.
Ignoring his friend, Shahood with the helmet on, then turns
towards Victor’s freezed body and tells him that, “You are
right, I am stupid. I know that you are still inside and I want you
to know something. You were always my enemy and what you
did with my only friend in the entire world. This is a coin given
to me from my father when I was going to come to Mumbai for
studies (Shahood says this as he takes a coin out of his pocket,
the coin is an Indian coin of his time) and you will pay. While,
you are in this state, I will move this coin slowly and count to
three. On three, this coin is going to pass through your skull and
kill you once and for all.”
On hearing this, Xavier takes over the body of Latif, and starts
to shout at Shahood to stop and don’t listen to the Devil and
don’t become what it wants Shahood to become. Shahood still
ignores him and starts the counting with One, Xavier then starts
to shout more loudly with, “Shahood, no and Shahood, that’s
enough.” Bill asks from Xavier that what is happening and
Patrick tells him and Shahood is going to kill Victor but on this
Bill without saying anything closes his eyes. Shahood then
counts Two as the matter gets out of Xavier’s hand and then on
Three, the coin brutally passes through Victor’s skull and after
passing through it, comes out from the back of Victor’s head
and falls on the ground. The coin is covered in immense as
Victor falls on the ground with blood coming out of his
Then Shahood takes out the time watch and unfreezes the
surrounding. Xavier watches in silence from 2121 as he is still
sitting beside Bill. Modi who was on his speech when he was
freezed, starts from there saying, “And now this will be a great
future for us.”, as Trump sees the barrier around him and a guy
in helmet and tells Modi of the current situation saying, “Who
the hell is this guy”. All of the security guards then take out
their guns to shoot at Shahood and Modi tells Shahood to raise
his hands in the air, while Trump takes his phone out to call
some back up. Shahood raises his hands in the air and all the
guns, mobile phones, briefcases and cars start to levitate in the
air. He then points the guns at the guards and PM Modi and
President Trump, while levitates all cars on top of the
audiences so that he can kill them by dropping the cars on
them at any time. The phones and other things still dangle in
the air. Then Shahood turns all the cameras filming Modi and
Trump’s speech for Kashmir’s demise towards himself to record
his own speech while Xavier still in 2121, unable to do anything
to stop the Devil from destroying as he knows that it won’t take
much time until the Devil takes over and destroys. Shahood
then starts talking while all the audiences, Modi, Trump look
horrified and Xavier thinking of a solution.
Shahood says: - “From this day forward, you were going to start
a curfew in Kashmir to destroy us Kashmiris for the next
century. Why? Because you want the land of Kashmir and yes
you will have it anyway. But what had all we Muslims and
Kashmiris did to you that made you unleash such a punishment
on us (Shahood says this while pointing towards Modi and
asking in a calm manner)? You could have just taken the land
and let the people go but you didn’t. Another reason for this
Curfew is that you are afraid of our religion, our Allah. You
know that we can destroy you easily. You are afraid because we
are different (points towards himself as he is the only Muslim in
that place), you all non-Muslims have always feared what’s
different and today I am here to tell you that you are right to
fear us. Because, we Muslims are the future, we are the ones
who will dominate this world and if anyone tries to stand in our
way will suffer the same fate as PM Modi, you see on your
screens today (Shahood says this as he turns the cameras
towards Modi and Trump and then again at himself), they will
suffer that terrible fate either. Today was meant to be a display
of your power, what can you do with us Muslims and Kashmiris
but instead I will give you a glimpse of what my race can
unleash upon yours. Let this be a warning to the world. As for
my Muslim and Kashmiri Brothers and Sisters out there, I say
this as no more hiding, no more suffering, you have lived in the
shadows in shame and fear for too long. Come out and join me,
fight together in a brotherhood of Muslims, a brotherhood of
our kind, as we all are brothers to each other. Together we
Kashmiris will unite and take out our enemies (points towards
Modi) with the help of Allah Almighty. We will dominate this
world. I am from the future and I know that no one is going to
help us for the next century. Not even Pakistanis who say they
are with us, not even Arabians, not even any other country.
First, we will take care of Hindus and then other religions. Only
Muslims should remain on this planet. This will become a
Muslims paradise where we will live in peace and harmony.
Under my leadership and our cooperation, we will achieve this.
We don’t need any country’s help, not even Pakistan, not even
any other Muslim country because I know how much they care
about us. Together we will fight and achieve what other
Muslims couldn’t. For non-Muslims, they are dead (moves his
head from left to right in a calm manner). A new tomorrow that
starts today.”
Everybody around the globe with many non-Muslims and
Muslims see and hear Shahood’s speech including many
Kashmiris who were watching news to have their fate being
decided but instead got a person who wants to stand for them
and is giving a speech in front of many people including Modi
and Trump. The Kashmiris are pleased to see Shahood as he is
the guy who is standing for them bravely and no one can even
touch him.
Meanwhile, Modi then advances towards Shahood tells his
guards to stand down who try to stop him from trying to fight
with Shahood as they have seen what Shahood can do.
Shahood then also sees the PM Modi advancing towards him.
He starts to walk towards the PM as Trump gets scared on
every step that Shahood takes to get closer. Modi then looks
into the eyes of Shahood and says, “You want to make a
statement, fine kill me but spare everyone else.” Shahood on
this, replies with as he wakes even more closer and in an ironic
tone, “Very heroic Mr.PM but you had no intentions on sparing
any of us. The future of our religion begins now.”
After this Shahood points all the guns at that place all around
Modi’s body and tells him to raise his hands in the air in a
raging tone. Modi hesitates and doesn’t do so but then
Shahood shouts that do it now. On this Modi raises his hands in
air and starts weeping and saying that I was told by Trump to
do so but Shahood doesn’t believe him and prepares to start
killing Modi. “This is what is going to happen with you. These
more than fifty guns are pointed at all around your body. From
arms, legs, heart, brain, stomach, everywhere. When I will
count to three. You will die.” Shahood says this as then starts to
shout at Modi saying Die and this makes Modi to cry. Shahood
then starts to count, “One...Two and...” but then he is
interrupted by Trump who says, “Please, don’t do this. You are
a Muslim and you are a good person. Remember yourself
Shahood. Killing them will not do the job. This is making you the
enemy. You know what this helmet or the Devil inside did with
Victor and then it will do the same with you. It will only use you
and then kill you either. Think about your friend that died. Think
about your parents, your family. Had they wanted this from you
either, tell me? There’s still good in you, too. Old friend.”
Shahood immediately recognizes that Xavier is talking with him
so he falls on his knees and says, “I know you are right.
Something just got inside me and I couldn’t control it (Shahood
says this while sobbing)”.
“Good, I know and now gently take that off. So, I can kill Nabeel
mentally and we can change everything and I know that you
are not evil.” Xavier says this with a little smile on his face.
Shahood says OK and wipes his tears off to remove the helmet
but when 76
he tries, he starts to feel immense pain as he shouts loudly.
Xavier through Trump asks what happened but before can say
anything, his eyes turn black and anger reappears on his face
but this time Xavier knows what is about to happen. Shahood
with Devil who has taken full control closes his fist as all the
bullets passes through Modi and Modi’s dead body falls on the
ground. He then starts to through several metal things on any
person around him thus killing everybody.
Patrick now breaks his contact with 2021 as he now believes
that nothing can be done now. “What happened, father.” Bill
asks while standing up from the place he was told to lay down.
“Worse and I can’t do anything. In some time, everything will
be destroyed as if he is destroying everything from 2021, this
means that he will be able to destroy mankind before we were
even born and we never existed.” Xavier says this and then
starts to think what to do. Patrick couldn’t get any idea and the
time is even running out. Suddenly, he calls young Shahood
from 2121 and says I am sorry. Old Bill and young Shahood both
ask what will happen but Patrick without telling them, puts his
right index and middle finger on Shahood’s forehead and erases
his memory about himself and the entire mission which makes
Shahood to black out. “I am sorry but I have to. If you don’t
know about the mission then I never sent you back and Devil
never took over your body. Goodbye, now we will live a
separate life.” Patrick says this as he catches young Shahood’s
body and sees that old Bill is not there either as that Bill had
come from 2141 and time travel but that didn’t happen. Xavier
then takes over Shahood’s body and takes it outside. After this
he realizes that no one has left in his life with him now since
now Shahood has also betrayed him just like other people in his
life. He starts to weep either and loses hope about his mission.
He gives up his mission while crying looking towards everything
he and Shahood had created together. He goes to his office as it
is now night time. He gets on his bed to sleep and thinks that
this is the only way to save Earth. Do nothing. He couldn’t sleep
for some time due to the things inside his mind about the
incident. After some time of weeping and thinking, he finally
“But what does he know that this will only make the matters

10. Days of Future Past

Part 1

After Patrick brainwashes Shahood and gets him out of the

school, his school runs for some time with him thinking about
the incident again and again. Bill is still 11 and studying, which
is why he can’t help his father much while all the burden of
school is on Patrick now. Before this, he got help from Shahood
but now it is on him only. Moreover, he couldn’t even get full
sleep at night due to the burden on him and all the voices in his
head. One day, he discovered that while having the Telepathic
chip in his head and using the Generator too much, his brain
and DNA are used of it and hence mutated. This is why he could
hear voices in his head even more now. Due to his own
personnel sad condition, he is only used of hearing sad voices
of people in his head and many dying at the same time.
Screams of people that keep him awake at night. These voices

drives him mad at some times. Even this isn’t much enough at
this time that Shahood’s so called friend Faiz exploits the fact
that his friend has been brainwashed by the Professor himself
after he finds Shahood nowhere. He then spies on Xavier and
finds that out either. Faiz is the father of Sohail and isn’t much
of a friend of Shahood either. He only gets to Shahood for help
and then forgets. He does this only for talebearing and this is he
does that. This makes all the students and teachers in Xavier’s
school to leave it and move on. They have to do this since they
think that if Xavier can do this to his friend then he can do this
to them either. Some even think that they are already living
with false memories. Most of them head out of school to ban it
and complain that Xavier has extraordinary powers that can
take away a person’s free will from him. Xavier grows super sad
on this and erases memories of people who are going to
protest against him. He does that as he doesn’t want to reveal
everything about him. Erasing their memories meant no protest
and people who are left got it that no protests means the same
has happened with them. They also decided to leave school. In
a span of a few months, many students left the school and
ultimately Patrick shuts it down. Most Muslims and minorities
are still there but when Patrick shuts down, they have to go.
They mean that their identities are revealed and the world will
know that Muslims have been hiding somewhere. When Jews
finds out that Muslims are still going, they askes those Muslims
that who helped them but they never told as Xavier has erased
everyone’s memory who was in his school. Patrick has only
erased the memories of only the school.
Many Jews and Christians who have just passed the Minorities
Containment Unit decide to do something different with those
all Muslims that they have just find out are alive. A law is
passed to brainwash all Muslims and tell them that their
religion is Jewish. Since they are brainwashed, they don’t even
remember about their previous religion and gladly accept it.
Jews thought that instead of killing people this is the only good
way. It is decided that Muslims will be turned into Christians
and Jews but the brainwashing facility in India is being run by
Jews and they mischievously turn people into their own
religion. This goes till 2131.
In 2131, The pill that Shahood had taken works and he get his
memory of previous and current timeline altogether despite
being brainwashed. He then remembers that due to himself
Xavier lost so much as he remembers that his memory was
brainwashed by Xavier due to his own deed of wearing the
helmet, which makes him to think that Xavier will never accept
him again. Shahood then goes on by himself on the mission on
killing but without powers due to taking no serum. He starts it
with the then Indian Prime Minister as after getting
brainwashed he finds a job in India but gets captured in the
process. After this the Jews find out that Shahood is a Muslim
and even getting brainwashed he has his memory back. The
brainwashing facility where they brainwashed people also had
the technology to read someone’s memory through a computer
but since other’s memories were erased so they couldn’t find
anything. Through Shahood’s memory, they got everything they
wanted. Shahood knew the formula to make the Power Serum
that triggers mutation so this made the Jews make several of
the serums. Shahood didn’t knew the full formula of the time
machine so it is impossible for Jews to make. They had
captured him and held captive for a month and then he is
executed in front of the world to show the world what will
happen if you go up against Jews. Jews then passed another
law, which is for the Majorities including everyone like Hindus,
Christians, Chinese and Russians. Due to this law, only people
outside the promised land of Israel are going to die. The others
decided to take this on by force as nobody including all
Christians wanted to die. All other countries then started to
fight against Jews which made it difficult for Jews to complete
their mission but they started to use the serums on soldiers
which gave those soldiers powers either but it isn’t enough
either as the powers are temporary. Whenever, a person is
being given power their DNA is taken but for a reason
unknown. This happens till 2139, when Jews introduce robots
to destroy other religions. The reason of robots is that humans
can’t even figure out the difference between a Muslim and Jew
or Jew and Christian but robots have chips inside them that can
detect a religion. The DNAs of people were taken because their
DNAs are used as a weapon by robots and those robots have
those powers themselves. These powers are also permanent in
those robots. These robots also have machinery on them and
not flesh like humans and this is why Jews preferred robots
over humans. These robots are named as Terminators. They are
more than 30 feet in height and these robots consist of an eye
in the middle. They were made way back in 2131 but not used
because of thinking of a robot Apocalypse. But then Jews
started to feel their need. These robots killed many religions
except Jews till 2141. Leaving only Jews and the worst of
humanity alive. On this, at first Patrick gave up everything and
decided to not do anything about anything. In 2139, Bill dies
when he is gone shopping for his father and himself. This only
helps in making him even more sad but one day he is reached
by his previous student Sohail who is leading a team of
survivors ranging from 15 to 24 years age. Sohail encourages
the Professor to help them again. Patrick after many attempts
made by Sohail is brings back to life. Patrick only successfully
makes 25 ml of the serum and then gives up. Everybody knows
that nothing can happen now as Professor is the one who
knows the formula and the question arises that who should get
that serum. At last, it is decided that Sohail will be given the
serum. Some of the team members of Sohail’s
team thought that Sohail is Patrick’s new Shahood type friend
but it is wrong. Patrick is still isn’t that much good in friendship
with Sohail as he was with Shahood. Patrick one day asks that
how did Sohail and the others got their memories back even if
they were brainwashed and Sohail tells him that we don’t
know, maybe their machines had a limit that it will keep
brainwashed till a specific time and so we got our memory
back. Sohail with the serum again gets super speed and due to
this he becomes invisible while running fast. By super speed,
Sohail goes into the Pentagon in Washington, where many
amounts of serum are saved for future use made by Jews.
Sohail took several amounts of the serum and gives it to his
team and saves the rest for future use. In 2140, due to an
attack on Patrick’s home by Terminators, they are separated.
Patrick is left with some young teenagers in which some being
Muslims and some Christians. While Sohail is separated in
another team.
In the same year, after Sohail is separated from Patrick. Patrick
gets to meet with Marie and his son Victor. Marie tells him that
it was her who helped those boys who came under the
leadership of Sohail to get their memories back. She explains
that these kids were part of Patrick’s school and Victor took so
much time in finding them. She further tells that after the
Majorities Containment Unit. They (Marie and Victor) were at
first not even touched but due to the age of robots, it was
necessary and Marie got access to Xavier’s school in which he
was living at that time. Patrick on this gets surprised as he says
that he didn’t saw Marie. Victor then explains that through
Xavier’s docs they started to search people who belonged to
Xavier’s school but most of them were Muslims turned Jews.
Victor says that those Muslims didn’t got their memories by
miracle it was because of Marie and Victor. There were also
serums that let you have your memory back. They then send
them to Patrick so Patrick can lead them and save everybody as
they had also came to know the Patrick-Shahood thing by
Shahood’s memory and saw that Patrick is great leader and a
person who understands this. Still Patrick asks them that why
they are helping Muslims and Victor gives a simple statement
that due to the current things happening everywhere and no
humans can let robots takeover and they believe that there is
bad force behind Jews that is making them do this and they
expect that these robots are not being controlled by Jews but
something paranormal is controlling them. Patrick then agrees
with them and shows them his own visions through his
telepathy and after this both Victor and Marie joins Patrick.
Next year in 2141, Patrick continues his search for Sohail and
his friends that had separated from them. While doing this,
Victor flies the jet they are in. Patrick’s side now remaining with
9 out of 14 people since the other 5 died. The ones who
remained are Patrick himself, his wife Marie, his son Victor,
Sohail’s friend Ali, Bilal, Yawer, Qadus, Amaan, Barnes. While
the Jet is flying, Patrick due to his telepathy searches for Sohail.
Doing this, he sadly explains that now there are so few of them
left and all of the others look each other in silence. Patrick says
this thinking that after a long time of searching maybe Sohail
has also passed away but he gets a response from Sohail as he
senses Patrick’s telepathy and asks that is it the Professor.
Patrick then tells Victor that he has found them and they all go
to an ancient temple in China, where Sohail and others are.
Sohail also remains with only 6 left out of 11 now. The
remaining ones included Sohail himself, Ahsen, Shoaib, Warren,
Peter and Henry. When Patrick arrives some of them becomes
suspicious but Sohail and Shoaib assures that they are friends.
Sohail hugs his friend Ali and looks towards Patrick smiling.
Sohail then invites them to come inside.
“You didn’t told me Sohail that your friend Ali can control metal
like Shahood. Now, i think we both have same kind of friends.”
Says Patrick while smiling as he first says this looking at Sohail
and then looks at Ali who is standing upset in a corner. “I think i
didn’t knew either.” Says Sohail surprised and looking at Ali. Ali
still doesn’t reply.
“What it is Sohail, you can tell me.” Says Patrick politely being
on his wheelchair when Sohail tells that he has an idea. “Shoaib
can send a person back in time. I don’t know how much but he
can send anyone’s conciousness back in time. We lost five of us
due to Terminators but then found out that Shoaib has this
ability. Due to this, whenever the Terminators attack. Shaoib
sends someone of us back in time.” Sohail explains but gets
interrupted by Victor. “So, Shoaib sends people back in time.”
Asks Victor surprised after interrupting Sohail. “No, their
conciousness into their youngr body.” Says Patrick smiling. Then
Victor nods and says wow. “So, now Shoaib can do that so i was
thinking that maybe we should time travel and fix everything
what you wanted.” Says Sohail. “Can he send someone 120
years ago.” Asks Patrick. “No, Sir I can only send people back a
month or maximum a decade but 120 years is impossible.” Says
Shoaib himself before Sohail replies and says anything. “Then
we can’t do anything because there is nothing that happened a
decade ago and we can’t change anything. Just forget about
time travel (Patrick says this sadly due to his previous
experience of time travel).” Says Patrick and sudden silence
occurs in the room but then his wife Marie interrupts.
“No, this might just work Patrick.” Says Marie. “What do you
mean by that.” Asks Patrick surprised. “The Terminators
program started back in 2131 when Shahood got his memory
back. Due to him getting his memory back. We were able to
easily make serums through his memory and that time robots
were created. Since they feared that if Muslims get their
memories back their can be more like Shahood who had gotten
powers like in his memory and this will result in Jew’s demise.
After Shahood was captured they kept him there for two
months. They created his clones, serums and researched more
on him until one day he was executed to show the world that
what will happen if you go against Jews. If we can stop him
from ever getting executed and if we get you (facing towards
Patrick) to believe and start to help people again or do time
travel to save things again then we can stop this world from
getting to this point. I don’t know the exact date of when he
gets captured but I remember of when they started creating
robots and that was about one week later of that time. From
here to a decade ago you will yes land between that time but I
am sorry since I can’t tell that when he got captured. The most
important thing we will have to do is that get Patrick to believe
again (looks at Patrick and smiles, and Patrick smiles back).”
Marie then pauses and this puts everyone in doubt. But then
Victor tells Patrick that his mom is right and this is the only way
by which they can save the world. “But the important thing is
that who will make the trip.” Says Patrick looking concerned.
“We need someone who can not only break Shahood out of
prison but also make Patrick to believe again.” Victor says this
and looks towards Sohail. “Who was living with you Patrick at
that time do you remember.” Asks Marie. “I didn’t have my
powers at that time.” Says Patrick. “No, I mean that was
someone with you at that time by which the trip could be made
easier and that person will cooperate with us.” Asks Marie
again, this time clearing her point. “No, I was alone.” Says
Patrick like he is hiding something from them which makes
Marie a bit suspicious but she doesn’t say anything on that.
“Sohail can do the trip father since he made you go fighting
again and since his power is running fast so it can help us in
that either. The building or prison or something in which
Shahood was held captive is massive and he was 100 floors
under the ground. A person who can run fast can only get inside
and outside of that place without getting seen, right father.”
Says Victor smiling since to him they have found the person
who will travel through time and they will live better this time.
“You are right Victor. Are you ready Sohail?” Asks Patrick after
agreeing with what Victor said. “No, please. You are just
deciding yourself and not asking who will volunteer. I can’t
since well it maybe risky.” Says Sohail. “But you are the only one
who can.” Says Marie in a kind manner. “What about you
(pointing his fingers towards Marie), why don’t you time
travel?” Asks Sohail. “Patrick wouldn’t believe any of us at that
time and besides most importantly you can only run fast.”
Marie says this in a loud manner this time. “But...?” Sohail says
this which makes everyone except some to shout at him saying
No. This makes him to admit to time travel unwillingly.
After this everyone moves out of a single room inside the
Temple so if Terminators attack, they are able to fight them
outside. Only Marie, Sohail, Shoaib and Patrick stay inside.
Sohail then stands facing towards Shoaib and the bed he is
about to lay down on for travelling through time. “So, I wake
up in the past, Allah knows where then what.” Sohail asks while
turning his face towards Patrick. “You will have to go to my
house and find me. Do what you did for me the last time.” Says
Patrick. “You didn’t have your powers at that time and due to
that you wouldn’t be able to read my mind, right?” Asks Sohail
interrupting Patrick. “Yes, of course.” Says Patrick. “You will
also need me since there would be no one with Patrick at that
time so I can be helpful.” Says Marie. Sohail looks at Patrick and
Patrick nods. “Ok, can you show me your home and address
through telepathy since I forgot that how your house looks
like.” Says Sohail. After this Patrick closes his eyes and shows
Sohail his home and address of that time. He also shows Sohail
that he was living with Bill at that time and that what is Bill’s
relationship with him. Sohail then tries to say something on the
fact that Patrick lied that no one was living with him but Patrick
tells him to not tell that in front of Marie. Sohail then without
saying anything lays down on the bed. Shoaib starts to explain t
him that what will happen as he never went through the
experience and only knew that Shoaib can send people back in
“So, basically your body will go to sleep and your consciousness
will take your previous body from that time. When you wake up
from here, your past body will return to the exact place from
where you took it. It will tickle a bit.” Says Shoaib sitting besides
the bed on which Sohail is laying. Shoaib then holds both the
sides of Sohail’s head. “Since your future consciousness is going
to get inside your past self so you will still have your powers.”
Shoaib says this and blue light emits from his hands due to
which Sohail screams.

11. Days of Future Past

Part 2

On 18th March of year 2131, Sohail wakes up in his younger

body in an apartment room. Sohail sees Ali sleeping on a bed
closer to his. As their room had two beds. Sohail then walks
towards the window to see the view outside. It is a bright sunny
day but still he could hear distinct voices of people screaming
due to violence and MCU torturing people. Sohail becomes too
much disgusted by the fact that while innocent people are
getting beaten up most of the other humans instead of saving
them are just sleeping. Sohail then sees himself in a mirror and
finds out that unlike ten years later when he has black hair right
now, he has silver hair. Then Sohail writes a note that he is
going to the Market and will return later so that Ali doesn’t
becomes suspicious of anything since Ali doesn’t know that
Sohail is from future. Sohail finds out that he is already in
Melbourne which made it easier for him to reach Xavier as
Xavier lives in the same city. Sohail finds Patrick’s school in less
than half an hour. Sohail parks the car close to Patrick’s school.
Sohail then knocks on the door. Bill comes out quite some time.
Sohail doesn’t recognize Bill.
“How can I help you, Sir?” Asks Bill when he opens the door and
sees Sohail. “Umm.... What happened to the school?” Sohail
asks looking concerned. “The school has been shut for years.”
Bill replies. “Ok, who are you?” Asks Sohail after Bill’s reply of
his question. “I am Bill Xavier. I look after the house now.” Bill
says. “Oh, so you are Bill.” Sohail says this laughing. “Yeah, now
you can go.” Bill says this and tries to close the door but Sohail
then stops him from doing that and tries to open it himself by
force but Bill also uses force to close the door. “Let me see the
Professor.” Says Sohail as he uses maximum force to open the
door. “I told you there is no Professor here.” Bill says this and
successfully closes the door. Sohail then feels embarrassed
outside and backs off a little, closes his eyes. He then opens his
eyes to use his powers as Shoaib told him that he will still have
his powers. Sohail sees the surroundings around him and sees
that birds aren’t even moving in the air meaning that he has
super speed. Bill is still trying to lock the door after closing it.
Sohail in fast speed pushes the door and opens it. He then
stops using his power and starts to walk at normal speed. Bill is
surprised by the fact that how did Sohail got inside so he goes
After Sohail who is currently walking upstairs to see Patrick,
Sohail shouts Professor again and again upstairs? Bill goes
upstairs and starts to fight with Sohail. Sohail who doesn’t
know of the upcoming threat from behind gets beaten by Bill
easily. Since Bill starts to fight from behind so Sohail doesn’t get
the chance to use his powers. Bill then throws Sohail
downstairs but Sohail uses his super speed and gets the
momentum to not crash on stairs in the first place. Sohail then
in fast speed takes Bill on the ground floor in the hall which
comes after entering from the front door. Sohail there pins Bill
to the ground and smashes him with some punches. Then
Sohail stops hitting Bill as he hears someone coming
downstairs. Bill also looks towards the stairs to see that Patrick
is coming down. Patrick asks Bill that who is down there. Sohail
then stands up letting go of Bill to see the person who is
coming. Bill also stands up as he recognizes that the voice is of
his father Patrick. Patrick then reaches the top of the stairs and
then goes on to walk till the bottom of the stairs. During his
time doing this, he asks that who is down there from Bill. Sohail
becomes surprised that Patrick is walking. “Professor, you can
walk?” Sohail asks as he witnesses Patrick walking down the
stairs and finally sitting at the bottom of the stairs. Sohail is
surprised as he has never seen Patrick walking before. “Hey
don’t call me that.” Patrick says when he hears someone calling
him by the name Professor as he doesn’t know Sohail. “You
know this guy?” Bill then asks his father on his response to
Sohail. “No! What’s going on here?” Patrick replies with no on
Bill’s question. Patrick then turns his attention to Sohail. Sohail
again asks that you can walk. “Well, you are a perceptive one.
Which makes it slightly perplexing that you missed our sign on
the way in. This is private property my friend. I am gonna have
to ask him to ask you to leave.” Patrick then starts to look at the
empty glass he is holding in his hand while still sitting on the
stairs. “Well (sighs). I am afraid I can’t do that, because I was
sent here for you.” Sohail says this to Patrick while Bill looks at
him in anger due to what Sohail did with him. “Well, tell
whoever it was to send you that I am ... busy.” Patrick says this
laughing. “Well this is gonna be a little tricky as the person who
sent me was you.” Says Sohail. “What?” Patrick asks surprised
due to Sohail’s answer. “About 10 years from now.” Says Sohail
after seeing the frustration on Patrick’s face. “Like in the future
10 years from now. You mean that I sent you from the future.”
Patrick says this completely frustrated and looks at Bill. Bill
shakes his head from left to right while Sohail tells that he really
means that he is sent from the future but Patrick still doesn’t
believe Sohail. “If you had your powers then you would know
that I am telling the truth.” Says Sohail concentrated on his
goal. “How do you know that I don’t have my powers. Who are
you?” Patrick asks even more concerned about Sohail. “I told
you.” Sohail says interrupting Patrick. “Were you watching
me?” Says Patrick cutting Sohail. “No! (Sohail says this to
Patrick’s question of were you watching me) but I know you,
Patrick.” Says Sohail as he takes a few steps towards Patrick
and then stops. “Your best friend was Shahood but you think
that he betrayed you. Using that Generator made your DNA to
change forever and give you Telepathy. Many people think that
Bill is just your assistant or something. You never told anyone
that who he is but the real thing is that he is your son and not
only that but he is also Marie’s son. You took Bill and erased
Marie’s memories about him. Victor and Bill are twins but both
of them even their mother except you don’t know that. You did
this because you feared the fact that Marie’s hate for other
religions will also develop in both of your children like it has
already been done to Victor. Do you want me to go on?” Says
Sohail as this catches the attention of Patrick but Bill walks into
another room. “I never told anyone that.” Patrick says this
confused and afraid of the fact that Sohail should know more
things about him. “Yeah, but you are going to do that some
day.” Sohail says. “All right, you have piqued my interest. What
do you want?” Asks Patrick. “We have to save Shahood. I know
this will be difficult for you so I am here.” Says Sohail. “I think I
would like to wake up now.” Patrick says this and stands up,
then walks towards his principal office and invites Sohail to
come with him. Sohail goes into that room and asks that will Bill
be okay after hearing what he said and Patrick tells him to stay
in his office until he comes back. Patrick goes to Bill’s room
where Bill is sitting quietly on the corner of his bed. He has
tears in his eyes. Patrick sits beside him on his bed. “I am sorry,
my son. I am so sorry that I never told you about your real
mother. I know what this means to you. This thing has haunted
me for a long time. I knew someday you will come to know the
truth. I am truly sorry. I never wanted to do this.” Says Patrick
expressing his own thoughts to his son Bill. Bill listens to him
quietly but then asks that why did you did that. “Well, you are
aware of my school and the fact that I host this school for every
kind of people. I was just afraid that if you will live with your
mom then she will make you just like Victor. Both of them hated
me and my school. I just wanted to make my parents proud of
something. I just wanted to help every kind of religion. I don’t
care about religions. To me all are same but why do people still
think that any religion has superiority over another. Why people
think that any one has superiority over anyone else even we all
know that one day we all are gonna die. The last Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said that no black has superiority
over a white and no white has superiority over a black then why
do we these changes. I was afraid that just like Victor hates me
you will do the same and when I will grow old, I will have no son
to care about me. I still have this (Xavier takes a birthday card
out of his pocket, that has some drawings on it possibly made
by a child). I know you made me this when you were 4. This was
the most beautiful thing that someone ever gave me. I am sorry
about your mother.” Patrick says this and tries to stand up to
leave the room but Bill stops him. “Father
you really kept it after all this time?” Bill asks about the card
Patrick showed him. “Yes, why?” Asks Patrick. “I thought you
didn’t like it. You had taken care of me even when you had lost
so much. You are the best Dad of the world. You are right. I
forgive you.” Bill says this and then both Patrick and Bill hug
each other. “I love you, Dad.” Bill says. “I love you too, son.”
Says Patrick in return. “You are not angry on me anymore?”
Patrick asks. “No.” Bill replies as both of them now decide to
discuss with their visitor.
Sohail instead of sitting in the room he was told to stay in, takes
his time in having a tour around the house. Sohail even gets to
listen to Patrick and Bill’s discussion. Sohail then hears that
they are coming towards him so he runs back to Patrick’s office
and sits down there on a seat and starts looking at his wrist
watch like he is watching that how much time he has been
“So, you are saying that we should save Shahood?” Says Patrick
as he opens the door and both Patrick and Bill come inside his
“I am sorry Bill for fighting with you earlier.” Sohail says this as
Bill sits down on a chair besides him and Patrick sits on a chair
in front of him. “No, it’s okay.” Bill replies with no expression
on his face showing that he is angry with Sohail or anyone. By
seeing Bill’s reaction towards this type of things Sohail becomes
too surprised thinking that other people might even go on to
start fighting with you on simple occasions. Sohail then gets the
thought that maybe it is because he grew up with such a good
person like Patrick. Since, Patrick is so kind to everyone so his
children must be like him. “Hello, I am asking something.”
Patrick says this waking up Sohail from his thoughts. “Yeah, we
need to do that.” Says Sohail. “What?” Asks Patrick to confirm
what is Sohail asking. “What are you saying?” Sohail asks
confused. “You sure that you are from the future or someone
just drugged you?” Asks Patrick frustrated. “Yes, ok I will tell
you everything. Jews are going to use Shahood’s memories for
their own purpose. They will create robots to wipe us out. Only
Jews will remain on this world and no one will be able to stop
them. Not even Christians. They just wiped every single human
and even every single species. We need your help, Patrick. What
was the reason why you selected Shahood to team up with you
in the first place? What happened with Patrick who wanted to
save the world? Why you left your dream before it came true?”
Sohail explains. Patrick and Bill don’t reply with anything. “In
the start, they used Shahood’s memories to create serums for
themselves but the human soldiers that were made to fight us
were vulnerable. Due to this, robots were created but due to
the fear of a Robot Apocalypse. They were used later.” Sohail
says but gets interrupted by Bill. “So, you mean that they have
created robots?” Bill asks. “Yes, already and your wife was with
you in the future and she said that this all can lead in both of
you getting together again. I am a bit late as they already have
captured Shahood and made several things. But we can still do
time travel and save things. Why did you pick Shahood in the
first place?” Says Sohail. “I picked him up because of his faith
and he is more Muslim than us. I know that the only person
who can fight with Jews can only be a Muslim and you know
what was his power. He could control metal like a magnet. I
was so proud of a student like him. He did everything for me.”
Patrick says this in a sad manner while even tears dropping
from his eyes. “Why you left him?” Sohail then asks. “He
betrayed me but I don’t know what was it. Something
happened that I can’t tell you. You are telling me that my wife
will be again with me but what makes you believe that?”
Patrick asks. “She sent me from the future.” Sohail replies. “So,
if I listen to you and help Shahood or save him. Still he won’t
listen to me. He has changed and I saw it in our last encounter.”
Patrick says. “But he is important like he is a Muslim and you
said that we will need a Muslim to fight with Jews.” Sohail asks
again this time in a loud voice. “You are right but can’t you or
any other do that like we don’t have to get to Shahood?” Asks
Patrick again. “There is hardly any copy of the Holy Quran that
can found easily.” Sohail replies. “Maybe, this is why Shahood is
important. He is from Kashmir of India. That place was a
Holocaust but still many Muslims thrived to learn about Islam
even when they were tortured for that and this can be why he is
important since he knows more than us.” Says Patrick after
Sohail’s reply. “How do you know that there are literally no
copies out there of Quran.” Asks Bill from Sohail. “There are still
many copies but Jews have collected them for themselves. Jews
even collected the Bible for themselves. They collected them out
of the people’s reach who deserve them. Jews did this because
they say that they want to study about everything and they
want to learn about everything. They say that this makes them
stronger.” Sohail tells this to both Bill and Patrick. “How do you
know that.” Patrick asks concerned. “I was brainwashed like
any other Muslim and when I was a Jew, I learned so much
about them. Now I am a Muslim. They can brainwash people
but they have a medicine that can give anyone’s memory back
to him. Marie and Victor told us about that in the future and
this is why we will need them.” Sohail says this as he gets up
from his chair. “You know that.... just leave me alone.” Patrick
says this as he also gets up from his chair and starts to walk out
of the room and towards the stairs. “So, you are just gonna
walk out?” Asks Sohail on Patrick’s sudden behaviour. “Ooh,
top marks. Like I said, you are perceptive (pointing his arm
towards Sohail meaning that he is referring to him).” Says
Patrick while smiling and walking backwards towards the stairs
and while watching Sohail. “The Professor I know would never
turn his back on someone who had lost their path or someone
he loved.” Says Sohail still confident about completing what he
was sent for. Patrick reaches the stairs but comes back to Sohail
after hearing what he said. “You know that the Professor you
say you know is died. I buried him.” Says Patrick as he continues
walking towards Sohail. “You didn’t, he is still alive inside you
and I saw him.” Says Sohail in reply. “Go to hell. I don’t even
care about the people you are telling me to team up with.” Says
Patrick while coming more closer to Sohail and looking him into
his eyes. “Listen to me, you little man (picks the collars of
Patrick’s shirt and calls him little man as Patrick is shorter in
height than Sohail, Bill also gets up to stop Sohail). I have come
a long way and I have seen a lot of people die. Good people.
Friends. If you are gonna wallow yourself in self-pity and do
nothing then you are gonna watch the same thing. You
understand (as Sohail lets go of Patrick)?” Says Sohail. “We all
have to die sometime why not like this.” Says Patrick as he turns
back and starts to climb the stairs to get to his room.
“Told you there was no Professor here.” Says Bill to Sohail when
Patrick has gone upstairs. Sohail turns back to talk with Bill.
“What happened to him?” Asks Sohail from Bill. “You were
mentioning Shahood, Marie and Victor too much.” Says Bill. “I
am sorry about that.” Says Sohail. “No, there is more to the
story.” Says Bill. “What?” Asks Sohail. “Firstly, he had no one
with him. Marie and Victor were already against him. Then
Shahood left him. I don’t know what really happened that time
and why did father brainwash him or what was the reason of
that. He just did that. After that night he lost everything. A
person named Faiz spreads the news of this incident and people
start to view father as a monster so they started to
leave the school one by one. Until no student was left. It broke
him. He retreated into himself. I wanted to help do something
for me so I designed a serum to treat his spine. Father’s DNA
had mutated due to using the Generator too much. He had got
used to it. By this he had started t hear voices inside his head.
That serum also helped him control his mutation. Those voices
inside his head of so many people broke him from the inside.
The serum gave him his legs by treating his spine and took
away his powers so he doesn’t have to listen to other people’s
voices. But he takes that too much. I tried easing him back but
he just couldn’t bear the pain, the voices. He got his legs but it
is not enough. He has just lost too much.” Bill says this with his
voice telling that he is going to cry any moment while Sohail
also feels sad about Patrick. “I am sorry.” Says Sohail in a sense
that he is guilty of something. “For what?” Asks Bill. “Faiz was
my father but he left me and killed my mother for some
woman. He has left me a long time ago. I am sorry for what he
did with Professor.” Says Sohail looking sad because of his
father. Sohail’s face tells that he is definitely hiding something
darker about his father. “No, it is not your fault.” Bill says in
reply to Sohail.
In his room, Patrick sits on his bed taking the serum that Bill
made for him. He then starts to remember previous things still
sitting on the bed sadly. He remembers the first time he met
with Shahood. He remembers himself contacting Shahood
saying Let it go, I know what this means to you but busting into
this party is not a good idea, please let it go, come with me,
back to my school in the same plane you came here, please, I
have a better plan. Patrick starts to cry on this and wipes his
tears off. But the tears don’t stop and continue to make him
feel lonely, emotional and the feeling that he has lost everyone.
Then Patrick starts to think about his dreams of seeing a better
world where people are living happily and following their own
religion everywhere with no one stopping them. This makes
him to again walk down the stairs and come to Sohail.
“I will help you but not for any of the people you just named.
But for a better future for humanity. For mankind. A place
where no one has to depend on someone else. A place where
people can live together in harmony.” Patrick says this
confident that now he will help Sohail. “Fair enough.” Sohail
replies on Patrick’s comment that he will only help for a better
future. “What we will do first?” Asks Patrick. “Rescue
Shahood.” Replies Sohail. “Before we start to discuss that
where is Shahood and how we will get him out. I want to tell
you something. You want Shahood to change. That’s splendid
because he was not in his senses back then. But what makes
you think that you can make Marie and Victor to change their
ideologies?” Asks Patrick confidently. “Because you and Marie
sent me from the future.” Says Sohail in reply to Patrick’s
“The room they are holding him in after replicating his DNA was
built in second world war when there was a shortage of steel.
So, the foundation is pure concrete and sand. No metal.” Says
Bill as all three discuss what to do in Patrick’s office. All of them
are standing besides a table on which a map showing the inside
of the Pentagon in Washington is shown. While Bill is explaining
he gets interrupted by Sohail. “How do you know that they
even replicated his DNA.” Sohail asks interrupting Bill. “They
were experimenting that whether a person DNA’s can be
replicated or mutated, I wanted to use the word mutated but I
said replicated by mistake. That experiment was on TV so Jews
can show the world that what they can do.” Says Bill. “Ok.” Says
Sohail and then Patrick starts talking. “He is being held a
hundred floors beneath the most heavily guarded building on
the planet.” Says Patrick. “We don’t have any resources to get
us in.” Says Bill. “Or out. Are you sure you want to carry on with
this?” Asks Patrick from Sohail while interrupting Bill. “It was
your idea. Not mine.” Says Sohail. “It is just me and Bill.” Says
Patrick while looking at Sohail like he has a big question inside
him. “I can do it.” Says Sohail. “What?” Asks Patrick surprised.
“Yes, I am from future and I know that. I am currently in my
past body which will be complicated for you. In short, I still have
my powers of super speed. I can get inside there without
anyone even seeing me. I can do it easily. I may have told you
this before but sometimes when I speak fast people don’t
understand me.” Says Sohail. “What, your power is running
fast?” Asks both Patrick and Bill totally surprised of Sohail’s
idea. “Why you didn’t tell us that in the first place. We can
easily save him by super speed. You can go anywhere by that,
right.” Asks Patrick excited about Sohail’s powers. “Yes.” Says
Sohail. “Good, that’s brilliant. We will go to Washington D.C
and save him from inside of the Pentagon without even getting
caught for our future.” Says Patrick excitedly as he rushes
upstairs to get some clean clothes for himself. “Ok, so this was
why you came in even I had closed the door and this was the
reason why you defeated me.” Says Bill after Patrick leaves his
office and goes upstairs. “Yeah.” Says Sohail smiling.
“So, do we need a car or anything getting there.” Asks Patrick as
he comes downstairs all dressed up wearing a black pant coat.
“Actually, you will only need me just come outside.” Says Sohail
as he goes outside in no time due to his speed. Patrick and Bill
look towards each other confused but then they also have to go
behind Sohail. Outside when they open the front gate, Sohail is
standing waiting for them. “You two can stand in front of me,
like a bit closer so that I can hold both of your necks.” Sohail
says this as both Bill and Patrick stand in front of him and he
holds their necks. “Why do you want to hold our necks?” Asks
Bill frightened by Sohail saying that he is holding necks. “I am
holding your necks so you don’t get whiplash. You will your
destination in Washington D.C before you can even say Hello.”
Says Sohail as he starts to use his super speed. Sohail by this
easily goes all the way from Australia to the USA in between a
minute. He super speed even let’s him walk over the ocean.
Then he takes them inside the Pentagon and easily gets them
ninety floors beneath the surface into the kitchen that prepares
food for prisoners held there including Shahood. Sohail takes
both Bill and Patrick into the kitchen without anyone even
seeing them. When they finally enter the kitchen, both Bill and
Patrick feel dizziness due to not only being people who don’t
run fast but also due to so much pressure of wind blowing at
them. This makes Bill even vomit. The people that are already
in the kitchen feel terrified when they see 3 people suddenly
appearing in front of them. Patrick tries to calm them down by
saying that they are the CIA but they don’t listen and many
guards even take out guns to shoot them. Sohail then starts to
run fast and within a minute the sides are turned. Everything
happens so early that no one can even notice it. Then in the
aftermath of Sohail’s running, all guards and people in the
kitchen are laying on the floor unconscious and Sohail drops a
gun on the floor while standing close to the elevator’s door. Bill
then takes a plate on a table consisting of food and gives it to
Sohail. “Take this and go to the floor where they are keeping
Shahood. Dress as an officer so they think that you are there to
give him food okay. Also, a page on the wall reads that this is
the time when Shahood is getting fed everyday.” Says Bill and
hands the plate to Sohail. Sohail then takes an officer and take
him inside the elevator while shouting that I will take his
clothes no worry. Before the door of elevator is about to close
Patrick shouts that hurry up, they maybe sending more guards
down this floor as they could have seen everything on CCTV
cameras. He also says that I am not that good with violence.
Then the door of elevator closes and Sohail changes his clothes
as an officer instantly. After some time, the door of the elevator
opens up and several guards are standing in the hallway,
besides the walls on both sides i.e., right and left. They were
standing with a distance of some metres between each other.
Sohail gets nervous that if any guards figure out that he is an
imposter but no one gets suspicious of the situation. Then
Sohail gets into another elevator the opposite side of the
hallway. After entering the elevator, he finds himself in a large
room with only one guard standing close to the elevator in
which he went there. Then Sohail walks towards the opposite
side of the room and looks back at that guard. He pushes a
button and the wall starts to move forward revealing another
room on the right side. Sohail then goes inside the room, the
room is empty but a small potion in the middle is dugged up
like a pentagon. On top of the prison that is made like a
basement is glass to cover it and stop Shahood from using his
powers. Sohail then sees Shahood who is sleeping. He must be
some feet under the ground but due to the glass Sohail can see
him. Sohail then throws the plate he was given through a
square shaped opening for food just some inches away from
Shahood. The food gets to Shahood and he looks at it. It also
consists of a note reading “Mind the Glass” inside it. Shahood
sees the note and looks up to see Sohail who smiles back at
him. Shahood also gives an ironic smile but Sohail doesn’t care
about that. Sohail then places his both hands on the glass and
the glass starts to vibrate due to Sohail moving them at a fast
speed. This makes the glass surrounding the cell to break and
shatter into pieces. It then falls down and some of the pieces of
broken glass even hit and land on Shahood but he covers
himself from getting much injuries. Suddenly the alarm starts to
ring meaning that most of the people in the Pentagon now
know that a jail break is happening. Shahood then climbs out of
the cage since the glass is now all broken. He stands on the
floor of the room facing the door from where the guards will
enter to shoot them while Sohail is standing behind him. “In 3
seconds, those doors are going to open and 20 guards will be
here to shoot at us.” Shahood says to Sohail who is standing
behind him. While still looking at the door and not looking at
Sohail. Sohail then holds Shahood’s neck from behind and says,
“I know, that’s what I am waiting for.” Sohail says this smiling.
“What are you doing?” Shahood says awkwardly after feeling
Sohail’s hold of his neck. “I am holding your neck so you don’t
get whiplash.” Says Sohail. “What?” Says Shahood who doesn’t
get the meaning of Sohail’s answer as he is talking in fast speed.
“Whhiiippllaasshh.” Says Sohail slowly.
Then the doors open and several guards rush in to say don’t
move but as they do it, Sohail rushes out of there holding
Shahood’s neck in fast speed which makes the guards to get
lifted a few inches in the air uncontrollably and then falling
down again. Sohail gets Shahood inside the first elevator.
Shahood also feels dizziness. Sohail had a guard/ officer’s
clothes on but then he instantly changes his clothes back to
what he was wearing. A pair of goggles, a silver jacket with a
black T-shirt and black pants. Shahood becomes surprised when
he sees Sohail changing his clothes so fast. “You are good, it
will pass. It happens to everyone. You must have done pretty
serious. What did you do, man? What did you do? Why did they
have you in there?” Asks Sohail annoying Shahood. “For trying
to kill the Prime Minister.” Replies Shahood. “Ah, wow.” Sohail
whispers to himself. “The only thing I am guilty of is fighting for
people like us.” Says Shahood while slightly looking back at
Sohail but again turning his attention at the elevator’s door
from which they will enter the kitchen portion of Pentagon.
“You take karate? You know karate, man?” Sohail asks. “I don’t
know karate. But I know crazy.” Shahood replies. “They told me
you control metal.” Says Sohail. “They?” Asks Shahood worried
about that who does Sohail means from they. Then the elevator
bell dings and the door opens revealing Shahood and Sohail on
the other side and Bill and Patrick on another. Shahood gets
surprised after seeing Patrick but Patrick instantly punches
Shahood in the face. Sohail first smiles seeing Patrick but after
seeing Patrick punch Shahood, he then changes his expression
to serious. Then both Patrick and Shahood groans. Shahood
after getting punched falls on the elevator surface and is sitting
holding his face with one hand while Patrick is holding his hand
from which he punched Shahood. Shahood then stands up and
says that, “Good to see you too, old friend and walking”. “You
are the last person in the world that I expected to see today.”
Says Shahood after getting up. “Believe me, I wouldn’t be here
if I didn’t have to. If we get you out of here, we do it my way.
No killing.” Says Patrick. “No helmet.” Says Shahood while
pointing his fingers at his head suggesting that he is not
wearing that helmet again. “I couldn’t disobey you even if I
wanted to.” Says Shahood jokingly as he tries to tell Patrick that
he will do what he says. “I am never getting inside of that head
again.” Says Patrick as he moves closer to see Shahood eye to
eye. “I need your word, Shahood.” Says Patrick angrily like he
means business this tells Shahood that Patrick isn’t joking this
time. “I promise you as a Muslim.” Says Shahood after seeing
Patrick’s new expression.
Then suddenly a door opens and several guards rush in with
glass guns in their hands saying, “Nobody move!”, On this
Patrick looks frightened towards the guards and the four of
them stand in front of the elevator door as it closes while facing
the guards. “Hold it right there. Hands up or we will shoot!”
One guard says this after seeing them stepping forward.
“Freeze them, Patrick.” Says Shahood facing Patrick who is
standing on his left side thinking that Patrick has his powers and
will easily be able to freeze all the guards but Patrick instead
replies with I can’t which makes him to take the matters into
his own hands. He then starts to move the metal things in the
kitchen like knives and stuff. Patrick on this holds Shahood by
his chest and says No, so Shahood doesn’t kill anyone but many
metal things start to float in the air. Water starts to sprinkle on
them through sprinklers. Many guards even go on to shoot
bullets after seeing metal moving. Then everything starts to
slow down as now Sohail seeing the opportunity uses his
powers. He puts his goggles on and starts running while
everyone of them is a statue for him.
Sohail in his fast speed starts by running on the wall on his right
side without even falling. By running on the wall, he easily gets
to the other side of the kitchen from where he started. The
bullets are still moving slowly even for him meaning that he is
running faster than the speed of bullets. He then being on the
wall passes by a guard and flips his cap in the air. Then he with
his index finger touches the face of one guard resulting in him
getting larger impact as in fast speed Sohail can do more
damage to anyone. He then catches a bullet that is coming
towards a guard from behind by accident. Sohail lands on the
floor and throws a plate at one guard while passing by in front
of Shahood and Patrick without them even noticing him due to
his speed. Then he punches some guards. He even places a
guard’s fist on his own mouth so that the guard will punch
himself. Then Sohail goes to two guards who are standing close
to each other. Sohail makes fists of both of their hands and
places their fists at each other’s faces so that it can look like as
if they punched each other since no one can see Sohail when he
is moving in fast speed. He takes one guard’s cap and wears it
himself. Sohail then goes to Patrick, Shahood and Bill who are
standing as they were before but the bullets are close to
reaching them. Sohail then catches the bullets one by one and
then displaces them from their paths. Then Sohail stops using
his powers so that he can see what happens standing in a
corner. By the impact, all the guards fall on the ground like the
previous time. Sohail is still standing in the corner. Patrick,
Shahood and Bill are shocked by the thing that none of the
bullets hits them but instead all the guards are on the ground.
Shahood says, “Thanks Kid” as Sohail is in his younger body.
“We still have got one thing to do. On a few floors more
underneath the ground, they have the serums that will help in
your mutations and also the serums that will help in getting
people’s memories back who were brainwashed.” Sohail says
this as everyone else is trying to leave. “Good.” Both Patrick
and Shahood say this and look at each other. Shahood is smiling
but Patrick instead gives an ironic expression. Sohail then goes
by fast speed into the vault that contains all the serums. Sohail
takes more than fifty litres of mutant serums. Sohail even takes
some injections containing the serum that gives memories back
for future use and then gets outside and even takes Shahood,
Patrick and Bill outside with all the serums. He then stops at an
airport as Patrick tells him to stop at an airport. Sohail then
stops there and Bill, him and Shahood ask Patrick that why are
they here. Suddenly a private plane automatically lands. “It is
my private plane; I am in the 60s so I didn’t want to risk my life
again by that dizziness.” Says Patrick as he gets inside the
plane. “Wow, you have an automatic private plane.” Says Sohail
smiling. Inside the plane, there are a few seats but everything is
VIP and First Class. Sohail sits on a chair close to the window
while Shahood and Patrick sit on two chairs in front of each
other with a table in between them. Bill gets into the pilot’s
seat to fly the plane even Patrick tells him that the plane is
automatic but still Bill says that he wants to do this as a hobby.
“So, from where did they dig you up?” Asks Shahood from
Sohail. “You are gonna find it hard to believe but I am sent from
the future by Patrick and Marie to save you.” Says Sohail smiling
again but this time his smile is showing confidence instead of
making fun. Shahood on this looks too much anxious about
what Sohail said. “What happens to me in the future?” Asks
Shahood with him totally becoming worried and showing the
urge to know. “I think I am not supposed to tell you that.”
Replies Sohail after seeing that him telling this can even make
things go wrong for them.
Later, the plane is flying to Australia from USA while all of them
are sitting in silence. Shahood becomes a little sad on the fact
that Patrick is not talking with him and that Patrick is just
leaving him alone. Shahood then goes deep in his thoughts
thinking about his days with Patrick and thinking that how one
moment has changed everything. Many thoughts go around his
head and he feel free in processing them as he knows that
Patrick won’t be able to read his thoughts anyway. He even
gets the thoughts that as a Christian Patrick is doing this with
him and he wants to use him. Shahood takes the final decision
as the answer to the questions in his head that as a Christian
Patrick was using him and since he is a Muslim. And that
Christians have always tried to use Muslims for their own
purpose. He then for a moment eliminates all thoughts to work
on them later. Shahood then breaks the silence by asking
Patrick about his powers.
“How did you lose them?” Asks Shahood by breaking the
silence. “The treatment for my spine affects my DNA and since
after using the Generator too much the power was inside my
DNA. That treatment took my powers and gave me my legs.”
Says Patrick constantly looking at Shahood and not converting
his attention to anything else. Shahood was looking at his own
legs the whole time but Patrick’s sentence makes him to look at
him. “You sacrificed your powers so you could walk?” Says
Shahood after getting shocked that a person will willingly lose a
gift so he can only walk. “I sacrificed my powers so that I could
sleep.” Says Patrick with his eyes wide open and like tears are
about to drop from his eyes instantly. Then he looks outside
through the window and says that what do you know about it.
“I have lost my fair share.” Says Patrick now ready to face
Patrick with his tone changing from sad to confident. “HaHa,
dry your eyes, Shahood. It doesn’t justify what you have done.”
Says Patrick. “You have no idea what I could have done if you
never came inside me and my destiny.” Says Shahood. “You and
your dear Devil’s destiny right.” Says Patrick as his tone also
changes to getting close to shouting. “Don’t insult me and make
me what you are.” Says Shahood. “Me?” Says Patrick as he
points his right hand towards his chest and some tears start to
fall off his eyes. “Yes, from the moment we have reunited you
are treating me as your enemy even you were there and you
know that it wasn’t me. You have never experienced your loved
ones and your only best friend in the world getting killed. The
Patrick I knew my entire life, died a long time ago by the hands
of his son.” Says Shahood as he shows extreme anger in his
eyes. “You want to know that what you did? You took the
things that meant the most to me.” Says Patrick shouting.
“Well, maybe you should have fought harder for them.” Says
Shahood not coming to shouting yet. “If you want to fight
Shahood, I will give you a fight.” Says Patrick as he stands up
from his seat. “Let him come.” Shahood says this as he also
stands up from his seat and stops Sohail from doing anything.
“You wore that helmet; you didn’t listen to me and you
abandoned me. You abandoned me, Shahood.” Says Patrick as
he holds Shahood by the collar of his shirt and shouts at him
but then Shahood starts talking.
“Abdullah, Saqib, Asma, Charles (While saying this Shahood has
pure anger and rage in his eyes. Patrick looks into him and sees
that Shahood is losing control over his anger. Shahood has
started to use his powers and the plane starts to get damaged
which makes it to go out of control meaning that Shahood is
now controlling it by his powers and not Bill. The plane starts to
fall and there is an ocean under them.), Human Brothers and
Sisters. All dead! Countless others. Experimented on, Butchered!
(Now, Shahood controls the seat belt of Sohail and traps him so
he doesn’t interfere while also constantly dropping the plane.
Patrick falls on his seat and shouts his name telling him to calm
down. Bill also shouts Shahood’s name from the pilot’s seat.)
Most importantly brainwashed. Where were you, Patrick? We
were supposed to protect them! Where were you when your
own people needed you? Hiding. You and Bill! Pretending to be
something you are not! You had abandoned us all not me!”
Now, Patrick says that please stop Jews want us to fight. “Jews
want us to fight. Is that what you are saying? Did a Jew told
you to brainwash me and leave all of your students to die?”
Says Shahood still not letting Bill control the plane. The plane
even closer to the surface of water. Patrick says that Shahood
please you promised me but this makes Shahood even more
angry as metal things inside the plane start to levitate. “I
promised you but didn’t you promised me something either
(Shahood says this time shouting even higher and the plane is
about to fall when Shahood controls it and saves it from falling.
Shahood then starts to move it just some feet higher from the
surface of water). What were you trying to do? Now, they are
all suffering with numbers burnt on their arms, back of their
necks. Suffering from everything I did in my Holocaust in
Kashmir. You brainwashed me; I am good with that but why
you let them die? Why did you do that? Why?” Says Shahood as
his anger decreases and he lets go the control to Bill. Shahood
even lets Sohail go from the seat belts he was trapped with.
Shahood says I am sorry while Patrick rubs his face and says I
shouldn’t have used this plane and walks towards the pilot’s
seat where Bill is sitting.
“So, what do you know about numbers getting printed?” Asks
Sohail who is sitting on his chair first terrified and no relaxed
with what Shahood did. “Stop being foolish, you know that your
name is written behind your neck and I have seen it. You wanna
see mine?” Says Shahood still angry. “No, man I am good. I
don’t want to see yours.” Says Sohail as he rubs the back of his
At night, Bill and Sohail are sleeping while the plane is flying
automatically. Patrick is holding a glass of soda in his hand and
looking outside the window. Outside there are some flashes of
lightning meaning that in a couple of minutes, even rain can
drop on them. They are close to Australia and will get there in
just some minutes so they don’t have to worry about the
upcoming rain.
Shahood comes to Patrick with a chess board in his hand.
“Fancy a game? It’s been a while.” Says Shahood as he sets up
the chess pieces on the table between him and Patrick and
smiles. “I am not in the mood for games. Thank You.” Says
Patrick as he again gives the same expression to Shahood that
made Shahood angry before. Shahood on this tries not to lose
control of his anger again and smiles. Shahood then sits down
in front of Patrick. “I am sorry for what I did.” Says Shahood.
“What if any of us drowned, then what?” Says Patrick still not
looking at Shahood. “I am talking about the previous incident.”
Says Shahood as now Patrick looks at him. “Look, if you had
your powers then you would know that how does it feel to be
me. I never wanted to become someone like them. I even
answered you and woke up but it was too late for me as the
Devil had completely taken over my body.” Says Shahood. “It
happened because you let it to.” Says Patrick. “I know, it was
my fault. You don’t know how it feels when you wake up each
morning and see the skulls of your grandparents and some
relatives hanging outside your house, you don’t know that how
does it feel to be in a Holocaust. You don’t that how does it feel
to leave your parents for studying and then you see that they
died. You don’t know how does it feels to live your entire life
with the thing that your parents died because of you and the
thing that you weren’t there with your parents when they died
(Shahood bursts into tears). You don’t know how is it like to live
your life with numbers printed on your arm. You don’t know
how is it like to lose your best friend when you know that you
can save them. You don’t know that how is it like to see your
only friend constantly ignoring you and giving you impressions
like he hates you.” Says Shahood as he looks at Patrick with
tears in his eyes. “From the moment I have reunited with you.
You have only looked at me like I am nothing for you. You first
left me and now this. I am nothing for you? Tell me? I know
what I did but if you wanted to brainwash me then brainwash
me. Why did you left all of them to die? I knew that I deserved
getting brainwashed and captured but why so many people.
Your new behaviour with me made me to do that and I am
sorry for that.” Says Shahood as he now looks down and wipes
his tears off. “I never did that. A guy named Faiz spread the
news that I can brainwash people and people just left my
school. Trust me my friend. I never wanted to leave so many
students to die. I was made to do that. I am also sorry for my
behaviour. I have not been so good for the previous decade. I
am also sorry if I hurt you.” Says Patrick as he rubs his hands
and gets to the
chess board to play. “It’s been a while since I played.” Says
Patrick. “I will go easy on you. Might finally be a fair fight.” Says
Shahood as he smiles. “At least a dispute got resolved. You
have the first move.” Says Patrick as both of smile declaring
that they have nothing against each other in their hearts.
Shahood moves a piece by his powers without touching it and
looks at Patrick while Patrick is looking at the chess board.
In just some time, the plane lands and they all go to Patrick’s
school to take some rest and sleep. Sohail by his speed rushes
in and Bill follows. Patrick and Shahood also go to their
separate bedrooms. Patrick again says sorry for his behaviour
to Shahood. Sohail comes again and tells them that tomorrow
they will meet Marie and Victor who know much. Shahood tells
that he may know that where they will be as they have started
a bank business. After some time, they all go to sleep but at 5
AM, Patrick hears something which makes hi to wake up and
see what was that noise. He sees that both Bill and Sohail are
sleeping but then he gets something in his mind and rushes
towards the front gate of the house. He sees that Shahood is
“Shahood what are you doing?” Asks Patrick after seeing
Shahood like that. Shahood doesn’t reply while facing the door
and not turning back to see Patrick. “You said that you know
where they are. Why are you leaving Shahood? Sohail told me
that in the future they make robots to eliminate us. Do you
want this to happen again? We can change this if you fight with
us.” Says Patrick. “Sorry, Patrick but you don’t have your
powers anymore. I have. You are talking about robots, don’t
worry. I will deal with that. I will change everything for
Muslims.” Says Shahood still not facing Patrick. “Look, I said
that I am sorry and it wasn’t my fault. Why are you doing this?
Aren’t we friends anymore?” Asks Patrick trying to win
Shahood’s trust back. “We are friends. But our ways are
different and the way you want to deal with Jews is not what I
want. I will have to leave you. You don’t understand everything
what I went through. All those deaths. All of their pains. I can
still feel them inside of my head. I cannot let that happen again.
You know what was the result of our previous time travel and
maybe Allah don’t want us to change our past. So, we can at
least change our future. You can stand by my side, killing Jews
or you can just be in your time travel fantasy waiting for it to
come true.” Says Shahood ironically with some determination
in his voice. “What are you looking for, old friend?” Asks
Shahood after a few minutes of silence when Patrick doesn’t
say anything in response. “I am looking for hope.” Says Patrick.
“Ah, yes. Your search for hope. I will bring you hope, old friend.”
Says Shahood as he slightly nods his head a couple of times.
“Shahood, whatever happens. Just remember that you were
and are my best friend. If you will need my help. I will help you
and I am willing to. But I also need you. Please don’t
leave.” Says Patrick in a calm manner. “You are doing this
because you know that I have powers too and for forever.” Says
Shahood with more determination in his voice. “No, it’s just
that there are millions of men out there in the world who are
just following orders. Many brainwashed Muslims. If you will
use your powers then you can destroy the world and kill those
men who are just innocent and following orders.” Says Patrick
trying to tell what he really means. Shahood pauses for a
second while showing some tears in his eyes a little but then
retreats and gets angry. “I have been at the mercy of men just
following orders my entire life. Not Anymore!” Says Shahood in
an angry tone as he starts to breath heavily, Shahood then
opens the front gate of Patrick’s school turned house to leave.
“Please, Shahood there’s no need to fight. Besides, you
promised that we will do it my way.” Says Patrick thinking that
Shahood’s promise will make him to stay as he must know that
breaking your promise is a sin. “My name is ... Magneto!!!”
Shahood instead of staying uses another name for himself,
looks at his left arm where Hindus had printed numbers on
during the Kashmiri Holocaust and leaves making Patrick to
burst into tears. Shahood’s expressions and behaviour also
changes as Patrick’s. Shahood leaves and slams the door so
hard that it makes both Bill and Sohail to wake up. Patrick gets
to his room with his hands shaking and himself weeping for
what happened. Sohail tries to find Shahood but can’t as he had
gone too far. Bill tries to calm Patrick but he
doesn’t listen and says the same thing over and over again that
people hate him and this was only a mistake. Patrick tells Sohail
that tomorrow he will do as Sohail said but Patrick assures him
that they will also turn their backs on them like Shahood as
maybe Shahood is right. They ended up in darker timeline as
they tried to change the past and Allah is angry with humanity
for that before going to sleep.
During morning of the next day, Sohail, Bill and Patrick go
outside with no aim or knowing that where and how they can
find Marie and Victor. Patrick doesn’t want to use his powers
and thy don’t know the address. After countless hours of
driving a car with no aim, they return back home. They return
and just in a few seconds Patrick falls on the ground meaning
that the affect of his treatment is ending. He starts to scream
with his hands on his ears trying to block any voices that are
coming to him but it is of no use as the voices are in his head as
when affect of his medicine ends, his legs are gone and his
telepathy comes back. Sohail asks What happened and can he
walk. Bill tells him that Patrick needs his treatment. “Bill, I can
hear them.” Says Patrick. “I know, it’s okay. I will get them.”
Says Bill as he rushes inside to get the serum that Patrick uses
as his treatment. Patrick groans in pain as all the voices and
pain of people had start to return in his head. “Hey, hey. Pull
yourself together. It’s not over yet.” Says Sohail to Patrick after
some time of thinking. “You don’t believe that.” Says Patrick
who has his index and middle fingers of his right hand on the
side of his forehead? “How do you know?” Says Sohail as he is
surprised due to the fact that Patrick knows what Sohail is
thinking. “As these go (pointing at his legs), this comes back
(pointing at his head). They all come back.” Says Patrick and
again covers his ears with his hands. “Look, I am still here.
Shahood is now out there. We don’t know what will happen if
Shahood remains out there. Slightest change in time by time
travel can change so much and I don’t even know that does my
timeline exists or not. I don’t know that how much time, I am
still here. We need you, Patrick. Not like this. Not without your
powers. Shahood left you because of that either. The Professor
we need who can change the world for a better future should
have his powers. The Professor I want should stand up for
people with his powers and you also want a better world. We
can’t do this without you. Please help me and we don’t even
know that what will happen with Shahood or whatever. I can’t
believe in Shahood. I need you, Professor.” Says Sohail. Patrick
doesn’t reply but Bill approaches them. “I added a little extra
because you missed a dose.” Says Bill as he gives an injection to
Patrick. Patrick takes it and pulls sleeve of his shirt to inject
himself in any vein in his arm. Patrick holds the injection and
tries to do it while looking at Sohail but reading Sohail thoughts
makes him to put the injection down and he then inhales
sharply. He doesn’t take the dose and asks Bill to take him to
his wheelchair. “You sure about this?” Bill asks as he opens a
door revealing Patrick’s wheelchair. “Absolutely Not.” Says
Patrick in reply as he can’t walk right now so Sohail is providing
support for Patrick to walk. Then they enter the basement and
head towards the Telepathic Generator room. “When was the
last time you were down here?” Asks Sohail as the three of
them are approaching the Generator. “A lifetime ago.” Replies
Patrick as he takes the helmet connected with the Generator in
his hands and blows the dust of it. A helmet is connected with
the Generator as Telepathy is a mental power and is associated
with head. They are standing in a large room with blue tiles all
around. It is like a globe. Patrick is on his wheelchair in the
middle while Bill is standing on Patrick’s right and Sohail on his
left. Bill then turns it on. Patrick gasps and suddenly the entire
room turns red and many images of people who are suffering
from pain start to appear. This all is going on around the Earth.
Patrick isn’t able to bear so many people crying and all of a
sudden, the images start to move in a fast speed and the
Generator goes off. Patrick in a hurry takes off the helmet and
screams. Bill says it’s all right and both Patrick and Sohail leaves
the room and the door closes so Bill can see that if the
Generator needs to be repaired.
“It’s not the machinery, is it” Asks Sohail as he and Patrick come
out of the room. “I can’t do this. Even before this Generator
needed a person who has the ability to bear other people’s pain
but now I can’t.” Says Patrick as he nods his head from left to
right declaring that he can’t do it. “You can do this; you are just
being a little rusty.” Says Sohail. “You don’t understand, it’s not
a question of being rusty. I can flip the switches. I can turn the
knobs but the power that you need comes from here and here
(points firstly to his heart and then his head) and it’s broken. I
feel like one of my students. Helpless. It was a mistake coming
down here. It was a mistake freeing Shahood. This whole thing
was a big stupid mistake. I am sorry, Sohail but they have sent
the wrong man.” Says Patrick as he starts to cry and bites his
right hand. “You are right. I am the wrong man. A long time
from now. I got to back to becoming the Professor you were,
but you were different then and you are different now. Every
student of yours was helpless and you helped them. I can’t do
this for you as now after seeing so many deaths I am not the
cool guy I was but I know someone from my timeline who can
help you. I need you to look inside my mind.” Says Sohail as he
bends himself to get an eye contact with Patrick as he is
standing and Patrick is on wheelchair. “You saw what I did with
the Generator. You don’t want me inside your head.” Says
Patrick annoyed by what Sohail just said. “There’s no damage
that you can do that hasn’t been done already. Trust me. Come
on.” Says Sohail. Patrick then puts his index and middle finger
of right hand on the side of Sohail’s forehead.
Patrick sees Sohail’s memory from his childhood moments
when his father is beating him and ultimately his father Faiz
goes on to kill his mom leaving him scarred for his entire life.
Then he gets glimpse of Sohail’s first meeting with his friend Ali
and their friendship. Then, Sohail performing a Jewish ritual in
which a full bucket of blood is thrown on him. Sohail trying to
save his team mates from dying by the hands of Terminators
but failing constantly. These including the names of Adeel and
Ahmed. Sohail even crying over the death of a girl he met once
named Irene.
“You poor, poor man.” Says Patrick after seeing Sohail’s past.
“Look past me.” Says Sohail. “No, I don’t want your sufferings. I
don’t want your future!” Shouts Patrick at Sohail while his
fingers still on the sides of Sohail’s head. “Look past my future.
Look for your future. The times these three you saw died, I
failed to save them. For a guy like me who can run fast. I-I was
too late. Now, please it is on you to save these people. I don’t
know where you can find Irene, Ahmed or Adeel but I know
where you can find me and my best friend Ali. My past body will
return to the place it was after I will leave this You know what
true friendship is like. You promise me that you will find me and
my friend, please.” Says Sohail as tears starts to appear in his
eyes. “I will do my best.” Says Patrick as he is about to cry.
“Your best is enough. That’s it.” Says Sohail and Patrick
breathes heavily, then both Patrick and Sohail closes their eyes
with Patrick’s fingers on the side of Sohail’s forehead.

Patrick then opens his eyes and finds himself in a different
place. He sits up and looks around. He sees that Ali is giving
water to Shoaib who has his hands around the sides of Sohail’s
forehead (Sohail’s future body). He even sees Victor standing.
Then he gets a glimpse at a person on a wheelchair. He
immediately recognizes him since he knows that it is himself.
He is right now a consciousness and can stand up. He stands up
and bends himself to match his future self’s eyesight.
“Patrick.” Patrick’s future self says this. “Patrick.” Patrick also
says the same and smiles as he has contacted his future self.
“So, this is what becomes of us.” Younger Patrick says this as he
looks around. “Shahood is right. Maybe we should just fight
them and win by force. He wants to conquer by force and he is
right as doing time travel is of no use. We only made Allah
angry at us.” Says Patrick as he looks into the eyes of his future
self confidently. “Not if we show them a better path. A path or
simply a future where all religions can live with each other,
work with each other in peace and harmony.” Says Patrick’s
future self. “You still believe?” Asks Patrick shocked after
hearing his future self’s comments. “If someone stumbles and
looses their way, doesn’t mean that they are lost forever.
Sometimes we all need a little help.” Says older Patrick. “Oh, I
am not the man I was. I open my mind up and it overwhelms
me.” Says Patrick while shaking his head right to left. “You are
afraid and Bill knows it.” Says Patrick’s future self. “All those
voices. So ... much ... pain.” Says Patrick slowly with tears in his
eyes and sobbing. “It’s not their pain you are afraid of. It’s
yours, Patrick. And as frightening it may be that pain will make
you stronger. If you allow yourself to feel it, embrace it. It will
make you more powerful than you have ever imagined. It’s the
greatest gift we have that we can bear their pain without
breaking. And it’s born from the most human part. Hope
(Patrick through his telepathy shows his younger self a vision of
a brighter future that can be a possibility if they fight again and
change everything). We need you to hope again Patrick.”
Note: - The future that Patrick shows his younger self is only his
own imagination.
Patrick listens to his older self as a student and his older self
says this as a teacher. Younger Patrick looks down for some
time after this and sobs. Then suddenly both of them heard an
explosion from out there and looked outside. A portal opens,
Marie walks in and badly injured. Her left arm is bleeding badly.
Ali and Victor then stand up and rush to the door. Ali goes out
while Victor freezes it with his powers. Since, Younger Patrick is
a consciousness and is only visible to his future self so no one
sees him. Younger Patrick sees this and asks what happened
with pure horror on his face and Old Patrick tells him that they
have come. On asking who, Old Patrick replies that the
“Look, Patrick. This isn’t over yet. You have three capable
Muslims who have powers that can change much. The boy
named Ali was a part of Illuminati and he knows many deepest
and darkest secrets of Illuminati and Jews. But the time, I came
to know about him, I was too late. He can help you very much.
Find him and Sohail. He can do what Shahood can’t. He can find
answers to questions that we couldn’t find. Like in which form,
the Devil is beatable. He can find out what is its weakness.
What are we really fighting? Jews have killed the people who
have knowledge and taken away everything knowledgeable
from us. Only a person who has been brainwashed and lived
inside them can only give us the information we need. I have
seen inside his mind. He knows.” Says Older Patrick. “What are
his powers? Since I can’t send someone who is not much
powerful on a dangerous mission.” Says Young Patrick. “He can
turn anything into any other element like glass into steel, metal,
dust, sand or steel into the other elements like that. Then he
can control the things he changes. By touching the by hands.
Find both Sohail and Ali.” Says Older Patrick. “Ok, but you said
that he can do what Shahood can’t. You want me to replace
Shahood?” Says Younger Patrick. “No, I don’t mean that. He is
my friend too.” Says Older Patrick and he looks at Marie whose
arm is bleeding and she starts to talk. Younger Patrick also
looks at her.

“All those years wasted staying away from each other, Patrick.”
Says Marie as she cries holding her left arm that is injured. “To
have a precious few of them back.” Says Marie as she forwards
her hand to shake it with Patrick. Younger Patrick sees this
between himself and his wife and smiles a bit. Then, he tells his
older self to tell Marie that everything will be all right. His
future self replies that now it is on you that what will you do.
“Patrick, this future is a dark and desolate world. A world of
war, suffering and loss. Both Muslims and Christians fighting an
enemy they cannot defeat. Are we destined down this path?
Destined to destroy ourselves like so many species before us?
Or can we evolve fast enough to change ourselves... Change our
fate? Is the future truly set? These are the questions that you
will answer Patrick. This is on you. Please Patrick hope again.
We need your hope.” As Older Patrick is saying this, four
Terminator robots come inside and are prepared to blast at
them. Their hands turn into guns and orange beam glows as
Shoaib, both older and younger Patrick, and Marie watch their
demise. Young Patrick shouts No but all in vain as he is only a
consciousness right now. Patrick witnesses the deaths of his
older body and wife.
After this Patrick wakes up in his own body in 2131 outside the
Generator room. Sohail isn’t there, meaning that his body has
returned back from where he came. Patrick breathes heavily
and remembers the deaths he saw, which makes him to cry and
shout in pain thinking how they could had felt. Patrick then
wipes his tears off. Bill after hearing his father’s shouting comes
to him and asks what happened and where is Sohail. Patrick
only replies with, “I am ready. I will hope again. I will dream
again. Prepare the Generator Bill, we have people to find.”

12. Shahood’s Quest

Shahood wearing a coat and a hat while holding briefcase walks
into a bank. Inside, he meets with the bank manager who is
Patrick’s wife Marie herself. Shahood shows her a brick of gold
from his briefcase. He puts that on the table in front of him. On
the other side of the table is Marie sitting on a chair. After
Patrick, she had won the elections for becoming the Prime
Minister of Australia but her source of income included the
bank that she and Victor are running. Today is her turn to be
here, this only occurs once in a month. After seeing the brick of
gold, she starts to talk.
“Possession of this gold is illegal. I should inform the police.”
Says Marie. “Let’s not play this game.” Says Shahood in return.
“Where did you get it?” Asks Marie. “A friend gave me this and
recommended your bank highly.” Says Shahood. “Oh, I see then
you should know the terms of our bank.” Says Marie smiling.
“Yes, but you should also know some mine.” Says Shahood as he
grabs a photo of Victor as a baby on the table and sees it.
Then gives an ironic smile. “This gold is what remains of my
people. Melted from their possession. Torn from their teeth and
now you are going to help me find those murderers who are
responsible for this.” Says Shahood in a serious manner. Marie’s
smile changes to a concerned face after what Shahood says and
slowly tries to reach for the alarm. Shahood notices this, Marie
is wearing a metal watch on her right hand by which she tries to
touch the alarm. Due to this Shahood makes her right hand
along with the watch to her face. She is surprised and doesn’t
even get the idea of what happened. “Don’t you dare touch
that alarm. I want to know that where is the facility that
brainwashes people and where are all the robots.” Says
Shahood after this. “I can’t, our clients don’t give such
addresses.” Says Marie scared of Shahood. “Not that sort of
bank. Huh.” Shahood says with anger and he observes that
Marie is wearing a necklace that contains some metal particles.
He then starts to choke her by her necklace. Marie then starts
to suffocate. She tries her best to breath and screams but
Shahood doesn’t let go. This goes on for some time but when
she senses that Shahood is not going to let go and she has to
open her mouth to stay alive, she tells that the brainwashing
facility is in India, Chennai while the robots are being kept in
Israel. Shahood after this let’s go and she finally gets to breath
some air. “Well good. I do have some unfinished busines in
India. I would have loved to kill you.” Says Shahood as he takes
the brick of gold and prepare himself to walk out of the place.
“If you tell them that I am coming, I will find you.” Shahood
warns Marie before leaving the place.
In Washington D.C, where the Pentagon is located. Both Israeli
Prime Minister and US President are called after Shahood’s
escape. Tim Clinton the US President and a newly elected Prime
Minister of Israel Erik Fassbender reach the place. “What
happened here?” Erik asks angrily from one guard at the
Pentagon. But the guard replies with I am Sorry, Sir. “No, it’s
okay. They had powers and it was our fault to give him powers
even we were doing it for our own good. I think now we should
move on and think about what to do.” Says Tim. “Good, I am so
sorry Tim. These Jews don’t even know how to work. I am
sorry.” Says Erik now as he opens the car door and both Erik
and Tim get inside a car. “No, it’s good. We will figure out
something.” Says Tim as they both smile but Erik’s smile proves
to be ironic. Tim doesn’t understand Erik’s response. “The
robots are our only hope now. We will have to use them. What
do you say?” Says Erik. “Of course. Let’s do this.” Says Tim and
they both shakes each other’s hands.
Shahood 2 hours later reaches Chennai. He gets into a
restaurant that has 3 people inside it. It is hot outside in
Summer days so Shahood is wearing a half sleeves shirt,
sunglasses and is covering his mouth with a handkerchief.
Shahood reaches the counter and asks for a glass of a Kashmiri
lassi. Shahood then sees a framed photo of 3 men on the wall.
The three are Rahul, Faheem and Tim. Shahood turns back to
look the other two men in the restaurant. They are Rahul and
Faheem. As far as Shahood remembered Faheem was killed, He
is then lost in his thoughts until the guy who took order from
him comes to him and gives him his lassi. “Kashmiri?” Shahood
asks in Hindi. “Of course.” Says the guy in Hindi. “It’s famous,
you like it?” Says Rahul from behind him laughing in Hindi.
Shahood takes a sip and says the best in Hindi. Shahood laughs
and asks from Faheem that I thought you died. Faheem replies
that yes but both of our grandparents were brothers so he
saved me. Faheem says this about himself and Rahul. “So, what
do you think about Muslims?” Asks Shahood from them still not
showing them his face knowing that they must know him since
he s famous around the world as a criminal. “We don’t think
that they are bad, I mean like our grandparents were also
Muslims.” Says Rahul laughing and Faheem also slightly laughs.
“My parents were also Muslims.” Shahood finally turns back
and reveals his face. They don’t clearly recognize him which is
good for Shahood. Shahood sits besides them and removes his
sunglasses. “Really what were there names?” Asks Faheem in
Hindi. “They didn’t have a name. It was taken from them by
Indians (touches his glass with Rahul’s) and Pakistanis (touches
his glass with Faheem’s)” Says Shahood as they slightly touch
his glass with their glasses smiling but Rahul and Faheem’s
smiles disappear. Then all three of them start to drink their
drinks. Rahul is sitting closer to Shahood, halfway through
their drinks, Faheem in fear looks at Rahul. Rahul looks at
Shahood in fear but Shahood while smiling looks at Faheem.
After finishing their drinks, they place their glasses on the table
between them. Shahood then looks at his left arm and displays
the number that was printed on him during the Kashmiri
Holocaust. The number is 214782. Both Rahul and Faheem’s
eyes are wide open after seeing this as they now fully recognize
him as a Kashmiri survivor. They had thought that Kashmiris
died. Rahul takes a knife out of his pocket and tries to attack
him but Shahood blocks his attack and takes the knife himself
and also looking in the eyes of Faheem who is fully scared at
this time. Seeing Shahood taking the knife from Rahul’s hand,
Faheem jumps of his chair. Shahood then observes the knife, it
has the words blood and honour written on it in Hindi
language. “Blood and Honour. What would you care to shed
first?” Shahood says angrily in Hindi. “We were under orders.”
Says Rahul in Hindi. “Blood then.” Shahood says and slams the
knife on Rahul’s hand, Rahul screams in pain. The guy who took
Shahood’s order arrives with a gun and says freeze. Faheem
tells him to shoot but Shahood directs the gun to aim at
Faheem and pulls the trigger by using his powers. Faheem dies.
Shahood then throws the knife at that guy’s stomach thus
killing him and then Shahood controls the knife back towards
his hand and again slams it on Rahul’s hand. “Who ... what are
you?” Asks Rahul in Hindi in pain. “Let’s just say, I am the
Frankenstein’s monster.” Shahood says in English and walks
towards the photo on the wall. “I am looking for my creator.”
Says Shahood as he stares at the photo on the wall in English.
Then he brings the gun on the floor towards himself and shoots
Rahul thus killing him. Shahood then comes out oof that place
in open crowd. After some time, he finds a place that doesn’t
contain many people around.
Shahood bends and puts his right hand on the ground and
closes his eyes. He starts to remember things from his past. HE
remembers his moment with his grandmother in which his
grandmother tells him that he is her favourite grandson and
she loves him. After this he remembers a moment of himself
with his mother before the days when he is going to study far
from them. His mother tells him that one day will come when
Shahood will change the world and free them from this prison.
He remembers his father telling him that he is proud of him.
Shahood burst into tears as several buildings around him start
to fall down. Shahood is attracting all things made of metal
even a single particle and is sending it underground from any
house or place around him. His power starts to affect
neighbouring cities of Chennai as buildings start to get
destroyed there either. People are running out of places, so
that they can live but like an earthquake people are facing
death with still worse to come. “I couldn’t change the world,
mother but I can now move it by myself and with the help of
Allah, I will change it.” Says Shahood as he now stands up with
his both arms in air on opposite sides and he screams with his
eyes closed. All metal from all over India that he had directed
underground now starts to come out of the ground in circles.
Metal from all over India is now killing people. People are
running and screaming for their lives but all in vain. In a matter
of minutes, Shahood is able wreck havoc and destroy
everything inside India. Everything the Indians have built now
has fallen. The entire landscape of India had changed into
garbage land.
The news of end of India is all over the world. At night, Erik
goes to Jerusalem, Israel. There he goes to Devil’s palace. Erik
enters the place and kneels with his eyes closed and his right
hand on his heart. “I am sorry my God. I failed you.” Says Erik.
“It was your fault You shouldn’t have gave him powers. Even it
was for experimentation. Look what he has done and wonder
what he can do.” Says the Devil in devilish tone. “I am sorry.”
Says Erik. “You are lucky. I am giving you a second chance. Even
God doesn’t give second chance to people who fail.” Says the
Devil. “Just as you want my God.” Says Erik. Suddenly black fog
appears all around Erik and he inhales it. “Go, Americans
believe in Superman. Show them one. Make them believe my
boy. You are the Superhero that this world needs.” Says the
Devil in a demonic voice. “Yes, yes.” Erik also smiles devilishly
and laughs in a demonic tone. “The evilness inside you is what
we need. Eliminate every religion and show them what we can
do my son.” Says the Devil. Erik then smiles and walks out of
the place. Outside he sees that he is floating so he raises his
arms into the air. Suddenly he comes to know the fact that he
can fly.
Erik then flies to Dublin, Ireland. There he goes to a Christian
Church. He then meets with a Priest named Burke. Erik greets
him. “Hello, I am the PM of Israel.” Says Erik while greeting
hands. “Hello.” Says Burke. “I heard that your daughter can
have visions.” Says Erik. “Who told you that?” Asks Burke as he
is surprised since not many people knew about that. “It doesn’t
matter. I want you two to do a job for me. You know Shahood,
the guy who ended India. He is monster, a murderer and a
demon. Ask your daughter to find him and tell me that where
he is. Investigate him and know that what kind of demon he is.”
Says Erik with confidence in his eyes while Burke is slightly
shaking as he has never been given an opportunity like this. He
is also afraid due to what Shahood did with India. “But my
daughter won’t do this.” Says Burke. “Listen, I don’t care. Do
what you are told to.” Says Erik by squeezing Burke’s face by his
right hand. “Be a good Christian. Obey your Jews or I will do the
same thing to you and your family what Romans and Nazis did
with us.” Says Erik, Burke nods while his entire body shaking in
fear and then Erik lets go of his mouth. Then Erik emits lasers
from his eyes and kills a person who is walking nearby.
Shattering that man’s body into thousands of pieces. Erik then
warns Burke that this can happen with you two and then he
flies away.
Burke reaches home still shaking by the incident. When he
enters the house his daughter rushes towards him and hugs
him. She then tells him that she had a vision of him dying. Then
Burke, his wife and daughter all go inside and Burke tells his
wife to bring some water for him to drink. So, he can start to
tell his daughter of the entire event. “Irene, look this is urgent. I
want you to find the guy named Shahood.” Says Burke after he
stops shaking. “I wanted to tell you the same. I saw you die and
I had two visions. I analysed both of them and it suggests that
Shahood will kill you and he is in UK right now.” Says Irene.
“Then, I think that we should be going then.” Says Burke. “But
why father?” Asks Irene. “I am told to do that. Look, if we don’t
do that then you will die and I don’t want to lose you.” Says
Burke. “But if you die then what will happen to me and mom?”
Asks Irene. “Please, Irene we have to do this. Jews told me to do
that and you will see that what demon is he.” Says Burke.
“What do you mean what demon. Father he is a human. Also,
why are you listening to Jews.” Asks Irene from her father
thinking that his father is hiding something. But Burke instead
of giving full explanation takes some security with him by
assistance from Erik and gets ready to go to UK with Irene.
Back in Melbourne, Bill and Patrick (on his wheelchair) arrive
outside a house in a car. When they knock on the door, two
boys open the door. Both Patrick and Bill easily recognize that
one is Sohail. Patrick has seen Ali in the future so he recognizes
him. Patrick then gets inside both of their minds before they
can even ask anything. Patrick then controls them and makes
them to black out. As both of them becomes unconscious, Bill
takes both of them and gets their bodies into Patrick’s car.
Patrick and Bill then reach Patrick’s home/school. There Bill
gives Sohail and Ali the serum to get their memories back. The
memories they had before getting brainwashed and turned into
a Jew.
Sohail firstly gets the memory back of his father killing his
mother and making him to acknowledge his step mother as his
real mother, then he starts getting other memories but since he
was born in 2117 and brainwashed in 2121 so he only gets 4
years of memory. Ali gets the memory of Jews taking him away
from his parents and thus separating them while he shouts and
screams to get to them but fails, Ali also gets others later and
just like Sohail he was also born in 2117. Both are of the same
age. Both still have all of their memories as a Jew. Both had met
each other in 2130 at the age of 13 and after that their
friendship started.
When both of them gained consciousness, Patrick reaches their
minds and tells them about himself. Both of them are given
separate rooms. Patrick firstly visits Ali and since he has told
them what they are there for and who he is, so he can now
start to tell Ali what is his plan. Patrick knows that Ali stammers
while talking so he makes a direct contact with his mind so that
Ali doesn’t has to talk by mouth.
“Hello Ali, my name is Professor Patrick Xavier. As you know
that who you are and what you went through as I have told you
before. Shall we start. I know you stammer so you don’t have to
talk.” Says Patrick by his mind and without even moving his
mouth, this surprises Ali. “So, are you serious that I won’t have
to talk.” Thinks Ali in his mind but Patrick knows that Ali is
thinking this. “Yes. I can read your mind so don’t talk just
think.” Says Patrick. “Ok, then what happened with my parents,
are they alive? Can you help me in finding them?” Asks Ali. “Of
course, but for that you will have to do something for me.” Says
Patrick. “Anything.” Says Ali. “I know, you were part of
Illuminati or whatever of Jews. You are in reality a Muslim and
not a Jew but we can take revenge from them for what they
did. You know that Jews pray a Devil but he is not a God. You
will have to find its name, it’s weaknesses so it can be defeated
and thus Jews can be defeated. I also need you to bring some
copies of Quran from Jews as they have taken all for
themselves. You can in time contact me, okay. This is your
mission. Also, in the mean time, you will have to prove to Jews
that you are with them and if even I am fighting them and you
are with them. Even attack me so you can assure them that you
are with them.
If necessary, betray us. I will remove your memory as a Muslim
from your mind as since you will show them that you are with
them so you will have to pray their god either and if you will
remember that you are a Muslim so this will be a sin for a
Muslim to pray someone else than Allah.” Says Patrick. “So, you
mean I will betray you first and then betray them. Bring you
some things, right. But what’s in it for me?” Says Ali. “You can
get the chance to meet your parents. Through my powers, I will
be able to find your parents even if they are on the other side of
the globe.” Says Patrick. “What about Sohail?” Asks Ali. “No
one should know about your mission, not even Sohail or they
will know that you are working for me. I should just put mental
blocks on your mind so the Devil doesn’t know what you are
thinking and thus can’t know that you are working for me.” Says
Patrick. “No, it’s okay. It can only read current thoughts and I
will manage it. If you will put blocks then they will be
suspicious.” Says Ali. After this Ali goes out without even talking
to Sohail as he is told not to. Patrick then goes to Sohail and
shows him things about his future self and tells him that Ali left
you for a reason and now it’s time you do the same and join us.
Sohail accepts the offer and agrees to do that on the case that
his father and mother met each other in Xavier’s school and
thus he was born, unless he wouldn’t have been in this world.
In UK, Shahood is in a room sitting on a bed. He is moving the
coin that his father gave him in Kashmir, between all five
fingers of his left hand with a look of pure anger on his face. He
is watching news on TV. “Today was a disastrous day for India
and this has a huge impact on the entire planet. What
happened? Who did this? Sources tell us that the guy who
escaped from the Pentagon a few days ago is behind all of this.
US President and Israeli PM have announced that tomorrow
they will use the Terminators robots to kill that man and save
the entire planet. They will be presented to the world in a
ceremony in front of the White House and this will change the
entire planet once and for all. So, we can get rid of that person.
After Tomorrow the world we know will never be the same.”
Says News Presenter smiling. Then Shahood lifts the coin a few
inches as it starts to dangle in the for few seconds while
Shahood closes his fist. Then Shahood opens his fist and the
coin rushes and slams onto the TV he is hearing to. Then the
coin after breaking the TV, now slams onto a world map on the
wall. The coin slams on the US region of the map. Shahood
does that to indicate that USA is his next target. There is a black
cross on the Indian region of the map. Suddenly the door bell
rings and Shahood opens the door to see that who is here to
visit him.
Shahood opens the door and sees Irene and Burke with some
police officers. Burke is wearing his priest clothes so Shahood
understands that they are sent there by the Church. Shahood
allows them to come inside but when the officers try to do that,
he closes the door and kills every single one of them by their
own guns. Shahood tells them to sit on a couch in the living
room. Behind the couch, Burke sees the dead body of the
person who owned the house as Shahood didn’t bought the
house, he got into it, killed the person whose house it was and
decided to stay there. Shahood sits on a nearby chair and asks
them that what brings them to him.
“I am sorry, sir to disturb you like that but I want to know that
what demon you possessed?” Asks Burke. “Look man, who told
you that thing?” Asks Shahood. “A Jew.” Replied Burke. “You
are a Christian and you are listening to a Jew.” Says Shahood.
“Yes.” Replies Burke. “Wow, I am Muslim and I don’t listen to
Jews, why are you?” Says Shahood but Burke doesn’t reply and
stares at Shahood silently. “Why is she here. She hasn’t done
anything yet except, for looking around.” Says Shahood pointing
his index finger of finger right hand towards Irene. Irene shakes
her head from left to right without saying anything. “She’s my
daughter. Tell me what I am asking.” Says Burke confidently.
“First why don’t you tell me what I am asking.” Says Shahood as
anger appears in his eyes. “You are an unclean spirit.” Says
Burke. “What?” Asks Shahood confused. “You killed more than
30 million Jews and Hindis combined in that region that day.
This is even worse than what Hitler did.” Says Burke. Shahood
on this stands up and all metal things start to move all around
his house. Both Irene and Burke take a view around each other
only to get frightened. Shahood orders them to go away or face
their death. “I have got a thing father. He is not our killer (Says
Irene to her father). You will have to watch out because
something evil is coming your way.” Says Irene to Shahood in
Irish, due to which he couldn’t understand what she said before
going out. Outside, they are terrified by seeing the dead bodies
of people who came with them and then they run away from
that place hurriedly.
When they go back to their house, Erik is already there. Irene
asks from Burke that who he is but he doesn’t reply and walks
towards Erik to talk with him. “I am sorry I couldn’t exorcise on
him but we know that where he lives. He is in UK.” Says Burke
to Erik as he reaches him and greets him. Erik gives him an
angry face in response. “You all Christians are useless. I know. I
will do it myself.” Says Erik as he raises his arm in air and flies
away. Irene is behind Burke but she hears their conversation
and asks the same question again that who he is. Erik after
some time comes back looking angry while Burke and Irene are
still standing there. He grabs Burke by his shirt and lifts him in
air. Irene tries to stop him. Erik tells them that Shahood isn’t
there and they lied to him. Burke tries to assure that he is right
but red light starts to appear in Erik’s eyes. Irene says that
please leave my father alone. Erik then smiles and looks at
Burke saying that she is your daughter, how beautiful. Then Erik
emits lasers out of his eyes and destroys Burke’s body tearing it
apart into thousand pieces. Irene looks terrified by this as she
starts to cry. Burke’s wife comes out of house but Erik does the
same to her. Then he slowly walks towards Irene and drags her
to Irene’s house where no one is right now by force.
Later that night, Ali goes to the place where top members of
Illuminati are told to meet. There he meets with Erik, Trask,
Stryker, Pierce, Tim and Victor.
Erik is explaining everything there. “These robots will change
the world and we know that the last time was a mistake but it
shouldn’t happen this time right Tim.” Says Erik as all are
standing and talking with each other. Erik doesn’t know that Ali
has his memory back. “Yes, you are absolutely right because if
we fail again then Muslims are gonna kill us and that will never
happen.” Says Tim agreeing on what Erik said. “Yes, today we
will announce robots and I want my friend Tim to do so. You will
give a speech and present them to the world. If anything goes
wrong then I will be there.” Says Erik as he shakes hands with
Tim and Tim leaves. “Ok, some of us like all four of you will stay
here and get ready for our next mission all right.” Says Erik and
he follows Tim. “What will be our next mission.” Asks Trask the
guy who had done all the inventions for Jews. “I-I do-do-do.”
Says Ali stammering. “Shut up idiot, no one asked you
anything.” Says Victor yelling at Ali. Erik hears this and comes
back. “Victor, what kind of a person are you? You can’t do this
with your fellow Jew. This is why we lose so much because we
are not united. Trask you all will also take the serums. We have
a big day.” Says Erik. “Now, I made the serums that they can
even give powers for entire life.” Says Trask. “Well great.” Says
Suddenly an announcer announces that just in some time.
These robots will be taken abroad to US from Israel. First, they
will be loaded on a train and then they will head to the airport.
From there to US. Erik on this becomes happy.
There are 20 robots that contains only 1 eye. The train gets
ready and after just some time, it starts its journey towards the
airport. When the train reaches a mountainous area away from
people. The driver spots a guy standing on the track and
blocking its way. The driver doesn’t want to stop. The person is
actually Shahood and the driver notices him. He reverses the
train to escape but Shahood stops the train by his powers. He
then closes his fist and all of a sudden, the carriage in which the
driver is seated gets destroyed and then Shahood throws it
away. Then he rips all the carriages in two pieces and lifts the
robots that were inside them. They are not turned on yet.
Shahood then lifts all of them all around him in a circle. He then
disassembles all of there pieces. Inside of every robot is a chip
and detects a person from religion that needs to be killed. The
dial is currently on Muslims, Christians and every other religion.
Shahood sets the dial on Jews and reassembles them in such a
way that instead of one, now they have two eyes. They all are
arranged all around Shahood in a circle again all assembled.
Ready to kill Jews once they are turned on. Shahood then
brings one robot’s hand towards him on the ground as they are
more than 30 feet tall right now. Shahood climbs on it and then
on its shoulder. Shahood turns them on and says Subhan Allah
and Masha Allah before taking off.
Shahood then after some hours reaches the Pentagon in US but
this time, he doesn’t have his robots. Shahood enters there
wearing a black coat, sunglasses and a hat. He has his hand
raised in mid air, fist open and two metal balls circling in his
hand. He reaches a room, in front of it two guards are standing
and a guy in white shirt is sitting at a desk. The metal balls first
hit the two guards and when the guy in white shirt tries to
reach for the alarm button, it hits him and he blacks out.
Shahood then forwards his hand towards the door blocking the
room and the door opens. Shahood enters and sees a white
(Shahood had learned from one of the guards there that this
cube is made by Trask. It can block telepaths like Patrick.
Shahood is here to use it so he is not only safe from Patrick’s
telepathy but also Devil’s. As Devil also uses telepathy.)
The cube can be turned into any shape. Shahood forwards his
hand towards it and it turns into a helmet. Same as the one
that he wore before. It’s colour also changes from white to
green as Shahood is thinking in his mind. Shahood lifts it and
then puts it on. All of a sudden, the entire Pentagon gets
destroyed. The robots are doing their work. They wreck
everything but Shahood still escapes safely. The entire
Pentagon gets destroyed and nothing is left of it. Shahood again
starts to levitate himself and the robots and then they fly away.
In the morning, Erik is told about the fact that the robots are
stolen and he becomes super angry on this. He emits lasers
from his eyes and kills every single person in front of him. Trask
reaches him after seeing his angry face and shouting that you
can’t do anything. “Boss, I still have one robot left. I knew that
this can happen. You and Tim can go and show the world that
one while I will try to make more.” Says Trask sadly after seeing
Erik’s angry face. “Ok, but do not make more of them. They all
contain metal and he controls metal which means that he can
control them. I will make another plan. It’s time that we reveal
to them that who we really are. What do you say?” Says Erik
angrily. “What can I say. It’s on you. I think it is the right time.”
Says Trask as he nods.
Patrick goes to Sohail with Bill as time is arriving when US will
present robots to the world. “Look, kid your friend is not going
to arrive and...” Says Patrick who reaches Sohail in the garden
outside of his house in a wheelchair with Bill. “And what?” Says
Sohail as he is walking in the garden outside of Patrick’s house.
“We need your help. We know that you are a Muslim and you
know that Muslims are in a bad condition right now. They are
brainwashed. They are taken away from their religion. Do you
want to fight for Islam and save Muslims? In this world, all is
lost yet but I am Professor Xavier and I have been designing a
time machine for a long time. We can change the events that
led to this. Are you in?” Asks Patrick. “I am in. For Islam, I can
do anything. They had brainwashed us. They took away our
religion. They must have taken away Ali too. I will save him.
What’s in it for me?” Says Sohail like a confident teenager. “You
will get your reward at the day of Judgement for fighting for
Islam. But here you will get to have super powers which can
manly be super speed for you.” Says Patrick as Sohail becomes
excited. “Really, you mean like I can run fast. How much fast.”
Says Sohail excitedly. “As much as you want. Bill will give you
the serum and we are going to Washington D.C at the White
House.” Says Patrick. “Wow, ok.” Says Sohail as Bill takes him
inside and Patrick looks at the sky and takes a deep breath.
Patrick, Bill and Sohail go to that place. Patriotic music is being
played. People and cameramen from all over the world are
here. All 3 of them are seated in front of the White House, a
few miles away from it in a crowd of people. The US President
Tim is ready to give a speech. “I am so happy that I have super
speed. I even have silver hair and silver clothes. Right now, I am
feeling like that Quicksilver guy from movies. It’s so exciting.
What are we doing here?” Says Sohail laughing as he now has
some snacks with him which he didn’t had before. Bill looks at
Sohail surprised but doesn’t respond. “What I didn’t said
anything bad.” Says Sohail as he takes a sip from a can of soda
which suddenly appeared in his hand. “We don’t watch
movies.” Says Patrick in a serious manner. Suddenly the
President appears on a stage with patriotic music playing. He
starts to give a speech.
“We humanity has faced a lot of challenges in history. The most
important of them is still Muslims. They have always tried to
eliminate us. But not anymore. Whatever we do to get rid of
them, they still come back. Now, we have discovered another
thing that Muslims even contain super natural powers. Like a
Muslim called Shahood was taken by us and through
experimentation, it is revealed that he has the powers to
control metal. Now, this is the sign that the entire world is in a
huge trouble. But for this by the help of my trusted friend Erik
Fassbender of Israel (pointing towards him as he is also sitting
close to the stage) we have created robots which can easily
eliminate Muslims. After today, the world as we know it will
never be the same (curtains drop revealing the one robot).”
Says Tim as the entire crowd starts to cheer on this occasion
hoping that in the new future, they will make more.
On the other hand, Shahood wearing a green jacket and that
green helmet lands in the JFK stadium. Shahood raises his arms
in air and says Allah-o-Akbar as the stands of the stadium start
to levitate in the air. Shahood then levitates himself in the air
and prepares to go towards the White House as the stadium,
robots and Shahood levitate at the same height above the
ground and start to advance towards White House.

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