Murder in Paradise4

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Murder in Paradise

Pedro Lopez, the butler and chef
Gillian Arnheim, Joel’s wife

Joel Arnheim, murdered

Nigel Palmer, Joel’s business partner

Alberto Rossi, Joel’s business partner

Mr Brown, the detective

Part 1
A - Alberto Rossi, D - detective Brown

Joel Arnheim’s room

Alberto Rossi was questioned first, as he found the murdered.

A: ‘Good evening, sir. Did you want to ask me somethin’?’

D: ‘Yes, I did. Please sit here and tell only the truth. When did you last see Joel alive?’

A: ‘We had dinner together and talked ‘bout some business.’

D: ‘Who was at that dinner?’

A: ‘Nigel, me and my dear friend, may he rest in peace.’

Murder in Paradise 1
D: ‘Why did you come to Joel’s room later?’
A: ‘Oh, I wanted to talk with him ‘bout Pedro, he’s real mad, you know, so he has a lot of
cash and real does nothin’. So we were chattin’ and he wasnt answerin’ for a long , so then I
came in and was reaal scared seein’ Joel dyin’.’

D: ‘So it was 10:15, right?’

A: ‘Yessir.’

D: ‘Didn’t you get on well with Mr Lopez?’

A: ‘Real, sir. Since I knew him.’

D: ‘Do you think that Mr Lopez killed your business partner?’

A: ‘No, sir. But I real know who it was.’

D: ‘So?’

A: ‘Course it’s Gill. You know, they had an argument earlier. She was reaal mad bout him.
Seems she found out ‘bout his mistress.’

D: ‘Okay sir, that’s all. Can you call for Mr Palmer?’

Part 2
D - detective Brown, N - Nigel

Joel Arnheim’s room

N: ‘Hello, Mr..?’

D: ‘Detective Brown. You can sit down here. I’ll ask you some questions that must help me
to find the murderer.’

N: ‘Okay, we can start.’

D: ‘When did you last see Joel alive?’

N: ‘We were playing poker with Mrs Arnheim in patio after the dinner.’

D: ‘What was the approximate time when you stopped and Mr Arnheim went to his room?’

N: ‘9 p.m. Then I went to my room at 9:30 after I spent some time in the lounge, working
with my laptop and Mrs Arnheim went swimming.’

D: ‘Okay, so did you notice anything strange recently?’

N: ‘Yes, I have accidentally heard an argument between my business partner and Mr Lopez in
kitchen while I was going to my room the other day.’

D: ‘Do you get on well with him? Or have you noticed something strange in his behavior?’

Murder in Paradise 2
N: ‘He was a nice man, but has changed a lot after his wife died. He used to drink a lot, but
was an old friend of Mr Arnheim, so he decided to keep him at work. Unfortunately, he
became behaving rude and couldn’t stop arguing with everybody.’

D: ‘So you think that Mr Lopez hes murdered Mr Arnheim. But why?’
N: ‘I’m not sure, as Mr Lopez was so sad after my partner’s death. But alcohol does it’s job.’

D: ‘Okay, you may be free.’

Part 3
P - Pedro Lopez, D - detective Brown

Lounge, patio, kitchen, servant house

Detective Brown enters the lounge with the suspects and takes Mr Lopez (little drunk) for
questioning to the patio.

P: ‘I’m not the murderer, we were friends for many years!’

D: ‘Good evening, Mr Lopez. I have to question everybody on the island to gather the needed
information. So, when did you last see Joel alive?’

P: ‘I was cleaning the kitchen when Joel came in to say Goodnight.’

D: ‘What time it was?’

P: ‘9:15 p.m. on my kitchen clock.’

D: ‘What did you do after that?’

P: ‘I went cleaning the patio, and, when I finished my work, I went to the servant house. Mr
Nigel called me immediately at 10:12 p.m. on my phone when he saw Mr Arnheim dead, I
was alredy in bed.’

D: ‘Did you notice anything strange earlier?’

P: ‘I saw Mrs Arnheim coming into Mr Palmer's room. And… I was really angry when I
almost fell because of slippery floor in the kitchen. Those were wet footprints I think…’

D: ‘Okay, call Mrs Arnheim, please.’

Part 4
G - Gillian Arnheim, D - detective Brown

Patio, swimming pool, reception

D: ‘I’m very sorry for your loss, Mrs Arnheim, but I must ask you about the last night.’

Murder in Paradise 3
G: *looks really bad* ‘Oh… I loved my dear husband so much, you can never imagine how
hard it is for me to lose him. But I’m ready to help you.’

D: ‘When did you last see your husband alive?’

G: ‘I gave him a kiss before he left the patio and went to our room. If I knew what would
D: ‘And where did you go?’

G: *sobbing*‘I went swimming and spent almost an hour there, in the pool.’
D: ‘Have you seen anybody else?’

G: *murmuring*‘Yes. When I returned to the house, I went to the patio and chatted with my
friend, when I heard someone in the kitchen. I knew it wasn’t Mr Lopez because he leaves at
10, so that could be a murderer.’

Part 5
N - Nigel, G - Gill, D - detective Brown
D: ‘Mr Palmer, you are arrested for premeditated murder of Mr Arnheim.’ (puts on

N: (coming through the lounge; shouting to G) ‘You b*tch! (turned to D) She forced me to do
that! She wanted his money! She gave me the knife!’

The End.
According to the decision of the Court, Nigel Palmer (actually Gill’s ex lover) was arrested
for the murder of Joel Arnheim.
Thanks to a good lawyer, Gillian Arnheim managed to avoid punishment and lived happily
ever after.

Joel’s mistress really missed him.

Murder in Paradise 4

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