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Humans pollute a lot and contribute to air pollution, water, 1. Destruction (n): sự huỷ hoại, sự phá
sound, light, and even soil pollution. This is due to many of huỷ
the human activities like travel, power generation, dumping 2. Pollute (v): làm ô nhiễm
industrial waste into rivers and oceans, cell phones, wifi 3. Power generation (n-n): sự/ quá
etc. Those kinds of pollution are harmful not only to trình tạo ra năng lượng
humans but also to animals and plants around. What are 4. Industrial waste (adj-n): rác thải
some human activities that destroy the environment? công nghiệp
5. Dump (v): đổ/ xả rác
6. Destroy (v): phá huỷ

DEFORESTATION 7. Living conditions (n-n): Những điều

kiện sống
When we look at our activities in the world today, we have
8. Demand (n): nhu cầu
created better living conditions by building amazing
9. Wooden materials (adj-n): Vật liệu
houses, cities and have increased our demands for wooden
làm từ gỗ
materials. Logging activities are increasing, and little
10. Logging (n): sự chặt phá cây lấy gỗ
measures are introduced in making forests back to their
11. Measures (n): giải pháp
initial stage in a few years.
12. Initial stage (adj): thời kỳ ban đầu
These can be reduced by making sure governments of 13. Replant (v): trồng lại cây phủ xanh
countries which depend on cutting down trees for money đất trống đồi trọc
are made to start replanting trees. In other words, 14. Tree planting (n-n): việc trồng cây
governments should take the responsibility to emphasize 15. Emphasize (v): nhấn mạnh
more on tree planting. In addition, the process can be 16. Compulsory (adj): bắt buộc
made compulsory for all logging companies across the 17. Taxes (n): các khoản thuế
world, and their taxes which they pay should be used for 18. Deforestation (n): nạn phá rừng
solving deforestation. 19. Extracurricular activities (adj-n):
hoạt động ngoại khoá
Students should also be encouraged to have tree planting 20. Volunteering campaigns (adj-n):
as one of their extracurricular activities; and volunteering các chiến dịch tình nguyện
campaigns for tree planting need to be organized more 21. emissions (n-n): (lượng) khí thải
regularly as a way to make more trees available, which
helps limit the increasing carbon emissions.

1 IELTS Writing Task 2 | TEL: 0971 700 098 (Ms. Hằng Bùi)

AIR POLLUTION 22. Industrialized world (adj-n): thế giới

được công nghiệp hoá
When we look at the world we live in today, we are faced
23. Automobiles (n): ô tô
with emissions from our industrialized world and
24. Ozone depletion: sự thủng tầng Ozon
automobiles. All these contribute to Ozone depletion in
25. Fuel burning (n-n): Việc đốt cháy
the atmosphere. Fuel-burning from industrial activities
nhiên liệu
and exhaust fumes from vehicles are major causes of
26. Exhaust fumes (n-n): khói thải
higher air pollution levels. Poor air quality increases the
27. Respiratory diseases (adj-n): Các
number of people getting respiratory diseases like
bệnh về đường hô hấp
asthma, or even lung cancer.
28. Asthma (n): hen suyễn
However, we can deal with these by making sure carbon 29. Lung cancer (n-n): ung thư phổi
dioxide emissions are controlled. Automobile industries 30. Solar (adj): thuộc về (năng lượng)
are being encouraged to use safe fuels (solar or electric) mặt trời
for these products. We also have to spend more of our 31. Alternative energy sources (adj-n-n):
energies on developing alternative energy sources, as Những nguồn năng lượng thay thế
most of them are eco-friendly. At the same time, fossil 32. Eco-friendly (adj): thân thiện với môi
fuels should be moderately used, and cars should be trường
built with lower emissions of carbon dioxide to help 33. Impose penalties (v-n): áp dụng các
reduce air pollutants released into the atmosphere. hình phạt
34. Release (v): thải
Besides, we have to make sure governments impose 35. Moderately (adv): một cách vừa phải
penalties for factories releasing toxic gases into the 36. Toxic gases (adj-n): khói bụi độc hại
atmosphere. Governments can also impose “green 37. Fossil fuels (n-n): nhiên liệu hóa
taxes” on drivers and airline companies. In this way, thạch
people could be encouraged to use public transport and 38. Air pollutants (n-n): chất gây ô nhiễm
take fewer flights abroad, therefore reducing emissions. không khí


When we look at some of the activities that are harmful 40. Coal mining (n-n): việc khai thác than
to the environment, exploiting fossil fuels is part of it. 41. Oil-drilling (n-n): việc khoan dầu
Coal mining and oil drilling, for example, have brought
42. Bring threats to…: mang đến sự đe
great threats to the environment.
dọa với…
They have taken the habitat of other creatures and have
43. Habitat (n): môi trường sống
caused erosions and oil spills on the planet. All these
44. Creatures (n): các sinh vật sống
have their negative effects on the environment; oil spills
cause the death of aquatic animal and plant species, 45. Soil (n): đất
46. Erosion (n): sự xói mòn

2 IELTS Writing Task 2 | TEL: 0971 700 098 (Ms. Hằng Bùi)

while the erosions cause degradation of the soil and 47. Oil spill (n-n): sự cố tràn dầu
create an unhealthy life for all creatures.
48. Aquatic animal and plant species:
As a result, the mining of oil or other minerals, gold, các loài động thực vật sống dưới nước
silver,… should be discouraged; more efforts should be
49. Minerals (n): Các khoáng chất
focused on reducing humans’ dependence on the
50. Exploitation (n): sự khai thác
exploitation of oil, maybe by promoting the use of
eco-friendly vehicles or machines run by alternative 51. Promote (v): thúc đẩy
energies such as solar or wind.


52. Poaching (n): việc săn trộm
When we look at our world today, many creatures have 53. Extinct (adj): trở nên tuyệt chủng
gone extinct and many are becoming extinct at an 54. Engage in (v): tham gia vào
increasing rate. All these are because of human 55. Experience a decline (n): trải qua 1
activities, both in the sea and on the ground. Many sự giảm
people have engaged in poaching and the killing of wild 56. Aquatic species (adj-n): các sinh vật
animals without considering the effects of such activities. sống dưới nước
57. Cultural (adj): theo văn hoá
The seas have been experiencing a decline in aquatic
58. Commercial (adj): thuộc về tài chính,
species because of the fishing activities people are doing
tạo ra lợi nhuận
there. Some of these activities are cultural, while some
59. Harm (v): gây hại
are for commercial purposes. It is harming the
60. Land animals (n-n): động vật trên cạn
environment and is causing lots of problems on the earth.
61. Biodiversity (n): sự đa dạng sinh học
Poaching leads to the rising scarcity of land animals in 62. Scarcity (n): sự khan hiếm
the wild which decreases biodiversity globally. For → scarcely (adv)
example, more than 100,000 African elephants were 63. Ivory (n): ngà voi
killed between 2014 and 2017 for ivory, and more than a 64. Rhinoceros (n): tê giác
thousand rhinoceroses are slaughtered a year for their 65. Slaughter (v): tàn sát
horns. 66. Horn (n): sừng

67. Climate change (n-n): biến đổi khí
Climate change causes a rise in global temperatures, hậu
often called global warming or greenhouse effect, and 68. Global temperatures (adj-n): nhiệt độ
more frequent extreme weather conditions such as toàn cầu
drought or acid rain. Global warming can be caused by 69. Greenhouse effect (n-n): hiệu ứng
the overuse of fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil and nhà kính
coal, and agricultural and industrial processes. 70. Extreme (adj): khắc nghiệt
According to scientists, within the next fifty or one 71. Drought (n): hạn hán
hundred years, the Earth may be hotter than it has been 72. Acid rain (n-n): mưa axit
during the last million years. Global warming is a real

3 IELTS Writing Task 2 | TEL: 0971 700 098 (Ms. Hằng Bùi)

global issue and will affect the weather everywhere, 73. Agricultural and industrial processes:
plants and animals everywhere, and of course, humans các quy trình vận hành công nghiệp
everywhere. và nông nghiệp
74. Think over (v): nghĩ về
So, it is high time to think over solutions to all these
75. Transportation (n): giao thông
problems. I think that the main measures should be
76. Bike (v): đi xe đạp
taken in transportation. First of all, people should drive
less, use public transportation or more effective cars, or 77. Heating and providing electricity for
even bike and walk to get around the city. the housing: việc sưởi ấm và cung
cấp điện cho nhà ở
Another way is to drive electric cars to reduce the 78. Solar heat (adj-n): sức nóng mặt trời
amount of pollution. When heating and providing 79. The burning of oil and gas: việc đốt
electricity for housing, people should use alternative dầu hoặc khí ga
energy sources like solar heat and wind power. It will 80. Consequently (adv): như là hệ quả
help to limit the burning of oil and gas, and,
81. Harmful substances (adj-n): những
consequently, the emission of harmful substances into
chất độc hại
the air. 
82. Emission (n): sự thải
83. Live in a greener way: sống xanh hơn
Our future depends on what we will do to slow the 84. Ordinary (adj): bình thường
process of global warming and environmental pollution. I 85. Adopt positive habits (v-adj-n): áp
believe that every individual can make a difference by dụng những thói quen tích cực
trying to live in a greener way. For example, ordinary 86. Reusable bags (adj-n): túi có thể tái
people should adopt positive habits of shopping with sử dụng
reusable bags, buying products with less packaging, 87. Packaging (n): đóng gói
reducing the use of plastic products, and recycling as
88. Plastic products (n-n-): sản phẩm
much as possible. By reusing and recycling, we can help
to reduce waste.
89. Sustainable living (adj-n): cách sống
In fact, preventing damage to the environment has bền vững
become a way of life for many people, with zero waste, 90. A wide range of: rất nhiều (= a lot of)
sustainable living, and carbon reduction becoming 91. Incorporate (sth into sth) (v): tích hợp
common goals in households and businesses. Selecting cái gì đó vào cái gì đó
even a few actions from a wide range of options for 92. Raise awareness of sb (v-n): nâng
greening the planet to incorporate into daily activities can cao nhận thức của ai đó
protect water resources, improve air quality, reduce 93. Environmental issues (adj-n): những
waste and raise awareness of environmental issues. vấn đề môi trường
People should also talk to others about the state of the 94. Increase the likelihood of action:
environment locally and globally to raise people’s tăng khả năng thực hiện hành động
awareness which helps increase the likelihood of action.

4 IELTS Writing Task 2 | TEL: 0971 700 098 (Ms. Hằng Bùi)


Answer questions based on the information in the following passages.

1. What environmental problems that humans and all species on earth are facing?





2. What are the causes of those issues?

3. What can we humans do to solve those problems and protect the environment?


5 IELTS Writing Task 2 | TEL: 0971 700 098 (Ms. Hằng Bùi)


Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can
governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?
















6 IELTS Writing Task 2 | TEL: 0971 700 098 (Ms. Hằng Bùi)

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