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Code: 031342

B. Tech 3rd Semester Examination, 2018

(New Course)


Time: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 28 FullMarks: 70



The marks are indicated in the right hand
There are NINE Questions in this paper.
Attempt FIVE Questions in all.

(iv) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Choose the correct answer (any seven): 2 x7= 14

(a) Mechanical power developed by a d.c. motor is maximum when (back

e.m.f. is equal double the applied voltage

(i) back e.m.f. is equal double the applied voltage

(i) back e.m.f. is equal to haif of applied voltage
(ii) back e.m.f. is equal to applied voltage
(iv) none of the above

(b) If the field of d.c. shunt motorgets opened while motor is running fu the
speed of the motor will be reduced
(i) the speed of the motor will be reduced

(ii) the armature current will reduce

(ifi) the motor will attain dangerously high speed

(iv) the motor continues to rotate ai constant speed
(c) The use of higher flux density in the transformer design reduces the
weight per KVA
(i) reduces the weight per KVA
(ii) increases the weight per KVA
(iii) has no relation with the weight of transformer

(iv) none of the above

(d) Power transformers are designed to have maximum efficiency
S.QB,n Electrical

(e) A
) at nearly full-load

80% full-load

transformer has
() 50%
at full-load


(ii) reduced magnetic
() high cddy current loss None of the above
los losses,
copper and copper
(ii) negligible on
makes cffective saving
()Auto-transformcr is
when its transformation ratio 1
(ii) less
approximately equal
to 1

(iv) none
ofthe above
(ii) greater than1 is 2: 1, The
of a transformer
secondary voltage to is
(B) The ratio of primary required in an
of weight of copper
Saving in terms be
a two-winding
transformer will
used instead of
(ii) 33.33%
(i) 50%
(iv) 97%
(iii) 66-67% is 100 N-m. If the
induction motor
by a 3-phase, 400 V be
(h) Torque developed the developed torque
to 200 V,
applied voltage is reduced
(ii) 25N-m
50 N-m

b(iv) 62.5 N-m
unit as 0.01 and 0-04
and reactance in per
(i) A transformer has resistance lagging and
for 0.8 power factor
respectively. Its voltage regulation

leading will be
3.2% and -1.6%

) (i) 6% and -4%

(iii) 4.89% and -3.2%

shunt generator has a critical

(iv) none of

800 r.p.m. If the speed of the generator

the change in the critical
the above

is increased to 1000


200 ohm at a speed of


what is

of the generator?

(i) Decreases to 160ohm

(ii) Remains the same at 200ohm
(iii) Increases to 250ohm
(iv) Increases to 312-5 ohm

(a) Describe the four phasor groups pertaining to 3-phase transformers. Draw
the phasor diagrams and connection schemes for each of these groups.

(b) The daily variation of load on a 100 kVA transformer is as follows:

8:00 AM PM:65 kW, 45 kVAr

to 1:00

1:00PM to 6:00 PM: 80 KW, 50 kVAr

6:00 PM to 1:00 AM: 30 kW, 30 kVAr
1:00 AM to 8:00 AM: No load

The transformer has no-load core loss of 370 watts and a full-load ohmic

loss of 1200watts. Determine the all-day efficiency of the transformer.

3. (a) Discuss in detail the conditions required for successful parallel operation
of three-phase transformers. 6
) S.Q.B. in Electrical Engineering (3"d Semester) 119

A 100 KVA, 1100/230V, 50 Hz transformer has an HV winding

resistance of 0-1 S2 and The LV winding
a leakage reactance of 0-4 12.

has a resistance of 0.0006 12 and a leakage reactance 0:01S2.Find the

equivalent winding resistance, reactance and impedancereferred to HV
and LV side. Convert these to puvalues. 8
4. (a) Compare the characteristics of auto-transformer and two-winding
transformer in terms of kVA rating, losses and voltage regulation.

(b) 100/400 v, 2 kVA, single-phase transformer has impedance. If it is 5%

connected as a 500/400V auto- transformer, deduce from fundamentals
its KVÀ rating and percentage impedanceas an auto-transformer.

5. (a) Why starters are requied in three-phase induction motors? Explain the
construction and working principle of star-delta starter.
(b) A 400 V, 40 hp, 50 Hz, 3-phase star-connected squirrel-cage induction

motor gavethe following test results: No-load test: 400V, 20 A, 1200 W

Blocked-rotor test: 100V,45 A, 2750 W Stator d.c. resistance per phase is
0.01 22 the ratio of a.c. to d.c. resistance is 1.5. The friction and windage

loss is 300 W. Calculate the circuit elements of the approximate

of the motor,
equivalent circuit

50 Hz induction motor has a of 2.5% and a

(a) An 8-pole,
full-load slip
torque. At what value of slip does
maximum torque of twice the full-load
the maximum torque occur?

of the equivalent circuit of an induction

(b)Show how the circuit elements

motor can be determined from the readings of no-load and blocked-rotor


7. (a) What meant by commutationin d.c. machine? Differentiate
the methods of
good commutation and bad commutation. Also explain
in d.c. machines.
improving commutation
current of 20A on a particular
(b) A 230 V d.c. shunt motortakes an armature
load. The armature circuit resistance is 0-5 ohm. Find the

armature to reduce the speed

by 50% if (i)) the
required in series with the
proportional to square of the
load torque is constant and (ii) load torque is
a machine? Explain the working
of starter in d.c.
8. (a) What is the requirement 7
of a three-point starter with schematic diagram.
V supply, runs at 600 r.p.m., when
a 440
(b)A d.C. series motor connected to

value of resistance which

A., Calculate the
taking a current of 50 the
speed to 400 rp.m,
the motor, will reduce the
inserted in series with of the
value. The resistance
torque being then half its previous 7
motor is 0.2 Q 14
9. Writeshortnotes on the following:
speed of d.c. generator.
resistance and critical
(a) Critical

(b) Cooling methods of transformer.

S.Q.B. in Electrical Engineering (3rd Semester)

1. (a)(i)Explanation: Thus gross mechanical power developed by a motor is
maximum when back EMF is equal to half the applied voltage. This condition is.
however, not realized in practice, because in that case current would be much
beyond the normal current of the motor.

(b) (ii) Explanation: If the shunt field suddenly opens while the motor is

being operated under full-load conditions, only a small voltage due to the residual

Reduces weight
magnetism of the pole pieces will be induced into the armature. Current will
increase considerably.

Explanation: The use of higher

per kVa. Reduces iron
flux density in the transformer design:
losses. Reducescopper
i) Explanation: The efficiency of power transformer is always greater

than 90%. Thus, can be said highly efficient

it device. Power transformers are
operated on full load hence power transformers are designed to have maximum
efficiency at full load.
(e) (ii)

() i) Explanation: This means that an auto transformer requires the use of

lesser quantity of copper given by the ratio of turns. Hence,if the transformation
ratio is approximately equal to one, then the copper saving is good and the copper
loss is less.


(h) (iv)


2. (a) Three-phase transformers are formed in either of two ways. The

method is to connect three single-phase transformers to form a
three-phase bank.
The second method is to manufacture a three-phase transformer bank
with all
three-phases located on a common
multiplexed core. As far as analysis is
concerned; there is no difference between
the two methods.

The primary windings and secondary windings of

the three-phase transformers
may be independently connected in either way (Y)or delta
(A)connection. As a
result, Four types of three-phase
transformers are in common use:
(a) A-A (Delta-Delta)
(b) Y-Y (Star-Star)connection
(c) A-Y (Delta-Star) connection
(d) Y-A (Star-Delta )connection
The choice of connection of three phase
transformer dependson the
factors likes the various
of a neutral
load connections, connection for grounding
insulation to ground and protection or
voltage stress,
the flow of third availabilityof a path ro
harmonics, etc. The various
types of connections are
below in details. explainea
S.Q.B. in Electrical Engineering (3d Semester) 121

1. Delta-Delta (A-A)connection:
The delta-delta connection of three identical single phase transformer is

shown in the figure below. The secondary winding a,a, is corresponding to the

primary winding A,Az and they have the same polarity. The polarity of the

terminala connecting a,,and c, is sameas that connecting A, andC,.The figure

below shows the phasor diagram for lagging power factor cos


A2 G2
Q0000 B
B b b b I

Primary Secondary

Delta-Delta Connection of Transformer





V ca
of Transformer
of Delta-Delta Connection
Phasor Diagram
drops in impedances have
current and voltage
The magnetising current is V3 times the phase
condition, the line
neglected. Under the balanced line and phase voltage
the corresponding
winding current. In
in magnitude on both primary and secondary line-to-line
are ídentical with the primary
voltage is in phase
The secondary
equal to the turns
voltage ratio side, the phase
Voltage with a is reversed on either
phase windings
of the and the secondary
If the connection
obtained between the primary
difference of
180° is
an 180° connection.
is known as below.
in the figure
shift is shown
Such a connection
with 180° phase voltage
The delta-delta transformer
shown that the secondary
of a three phase
Ihephasor diagram
with the primary voltage.
is in phase opposition
(3 Semester)
122 S.Q.B. in

lcb b c
b ro0000


A 00000 B, B ag
I, C B,

of Transformer
Shift of Delta-Delta
180° Phase
Vba V ca





Connection of Transformer
180° Phasor shift of Delta-Delta

associated with it and problems

The delta-delta transformer has no phase shift

with unbalanced loads or harmonics.

Advantages of delta-delta connection of transformer: The following are

the advantages of the delta-delta configuration of transformers.

1. The delta-delta transformer is satisfactoryfor a balanced and unbalanced


2. If one transformer fails, the remaining two transformers will continue to

supply the three-phase power. This is called an open delta connection.

3. If thírd harmonics present, then it circulates in a closed path and

therefore does not appear in the output voltage wave.
The only disadvantage ofthe delta-delta connection is that there is no neutral.
This connection is useful when neither primary nor secondaryrequires a neutral
and the voltage are low and moderate.
2.Star-Star (Y-Y) Connectionof Transformer

The star-star connection of three identical single phase transformer on each of

the primary and secondary of the transformer is shown in the figure below.The
phasordiagram is similar as in delta-delta connection.
S.Q.B. in Electrical
Engineering (3td
Semester) 123



0 Phase Shift


180° Phase Shift

Star-StarConnection of Transformer

The phasecurrent is equal to the line current, and they are in phase. The line

voltage is three times the phase voltage. There is a phase separation of 30°between
the lineand phase voltage. The 180° phase shift between the primary and
secondary of the transformer is shown in the figure above.
Problems Associated With Star-Star Connection:
The star-star connection has two very serious problems. They are
1. The Y-Y connection is not satisfactory for the unbalance load in the
absenceof a neutral connection. If the neutral is not provided, then the

phase voltages become severely unbalance when the load is unbalanced.

2. The Y-Y connection contains a third harmonics, and in balanced

conditions, these harmonics are equal in magnitude and phase with the
sum the neutral of star connection is not
magnetising current. Their at

produce a voltage
zero,and hence it will distort the flux wave which will

having a harmonics in each of the transformers.

The unbalanced and thirdharmonics problems of Y-Y connection can be
solved byusing the solid ground of neutral and by providing tertiary windings.
124 S.QB. in Electrical

the figure
3.Delta-Star (4-YConnection transformer
is shown in
of the three winding phase voltage. The
The A -Y connection is equal to the
below. The primary line voltage
voltages is Vs =V3 Vps
relationbetween the secondary

B, B
I C B, IBc

Delta Star Connection

phase transformer
of the A-Y connection of the three
The phasor diagram the phasor diagram that
the secondary
figure below. It is seen from
shown in the Similarly, V,n
voltage VAN by 30°.
phase voltage V
leads the primary phase
by 30°.This connection is also
called +30°
leads VN by 30° and leadsV Vx

VAB an





Primary Secondary
Phasor Diagran of Delta-Star Connection of Transformer

Byreversing the connection on either side, the secondarysystem voltage can

be madetolag the primary system by 30°, Thus, the connection is called -30°

4.Star-Delta (Y-4)Connection:
The star-delta connection of three phase transformer is shown in the figure
above. The primary line voltage is V3 times the primary phase voltage. The
secondary line voltage is equal to the secondary phase voltage.
S.Q.B. in Electrical Engincering (3rd Semester)

The voltage ratio of each phase is


B1 C

ap o0000

Primary Secondary

Star-Delta Connection of Transformer

Therefore line-to-line voltage ratio of Y- A connection is

The phasor diagram of the configuration is shown in the figure above. There
is a phase shift of 30 lead exists between respective phase voltage. Similarly, 30°
leads exist between respective phase voltage. Thus the connection is called +30°
The phase shows the star-delta connection of transformer for a phase shift of
30° lag. This connection is called -30° connection. This connection has no
problem with the unbalanced load and thirds harmonics. The delta connection
provided balanced phase on the Y side and provided a balanced path for the
circulation of third harmonics without the use of the neutral wire.

LQ000 az

B2 bg b


Star-Delta Connection of Transformer

of delta-delta
Ifone transformner is removed, and
V-V Connection: transformer,
Open delta or the defective bank. The rating
then phase

opened, a threc
is damaged or accidentally
to work ns bank. This
is known as
transformer continues of the actual
the remaining 58% of that two transformers
is redduced to transformer,
the transformer bank open winding
or V.V delta. Thus,
the open delta winding of the
3-phase operation.
of three for the tothe primary on
are used instead applied
winding one
Let the Vab Vh and
V, be the voltage
in the transformer Vhc There is no
winding two
transformer. The voltage induced low voltage
the by applying KVL
voltage induced
may be found
IS Vab The c. The voltage
a and Thus,
winding between points a, b and

V + V =0
made up of point
around a closed path
Vab t
=-Vab -Vhe

Vpc =V, <-120°

VcA =V, < +120°
Let Vgc =V <-120
on the primary side.
of the line

Where V, is
the magnitude

Vab =V, <+09 V= V, <-120°


b Vca


(V-V Connection) of transformer

Open Delta

On substituting the value of V,h and Vp in equation, we get

Vea =-V, -(-0.5V, - j0.866V,) =-0.5V, -j0.866V,

= V, <+120°.

and 120°
The V, is equal in magnitude from the secondary terminal voltage

apart in time from both of them. The balanced three phase line voltage produced
balanced 3-phase voltage on the secondary side.

Ifthe three transformers are connected in delta-delta configuration and are

supplying rated load and if the connection becomes V-V transformer, the current
in eachphase winding is increased by W3 times. The full line current flows in each Electrical Engincering (3rd Semester) 127

Che twophase windings of the transformer. Thus the each transformer in the V-V

system is overloaded
by 73.29%.
It should be noticed that the load should be reduced
by times in case of an
onen delta connected transformer. Otherwise, serious overheating and
of the two transformers may take place.

(b) All day output =65 x5 +80 5 +30 7=935 KWh

x x

270x 24
Iron loss for 24 hours = =6.48 KWh
Load in KVA from 8:00AM tol:00 PM

=y(Kw)? + (KVAn?
=y(65) + (35) =73.824 KVA
Load in KVA froml:00 PM to 6:00 PM

=V(80) +(50) =94.34 KVA

Load in KVA from6:00 AM to l:00 AM
=(30) + (30) =42.426KVA
Copper losses for 24 Hours
- 73.824 94.34 )2 )2
x1200 x5 + x1200x 5 +| 42.425
100 110 100
=10,122 Wh or 10.122 KWh
All day efficiency n=935 +6.48 + 10122-x100 =98.26%
3. (a)Parallel Operationof transformers: Two transformers are connected in

parallel means that the two primary windings are connected to supply bus and the
two secondary windings are connected to load bus-bars as shown in the figure.





Need of parallel Operation of Transformers:

> To supply a load in excess of the ratings of an existing transformer, Two or
more transformers may be connected in parallel with the existing
transformer. This is more economical connecting an extra small
in Electrical
128 S.QB.
another large capacity
of keeping extra smallrating
in parallel for purchasing
transformer is also less
The cost
transformer. i.e, eveen inthe
more reliability
the bus
transformer. provides load can
of be
oftransformers half
> Parallelloperation
of one transformer
out off service cases.
failure or in emergency
using signaltransformer There are various
driven of Transformers
operation of transformers
for parallel operation
for the successful
that must
follows. must be equal.
of two transformers and the.
line voltage
ratio should be equal
1. The transformer
of cach to the eaual
2. The per unit leakage reactance
of equivalent
should have
same ratio

resistance(X/R). winding polarity.

should have same secondary
3. The transformers (Three phase
phase sequence
should have same
4. The Transformers
transformer) phase replacement
the zero relative
transformers should have transformers)
5. The phase
secondary line
between the must be equal
of the two transformers two
induction at the
The line voltage the inequality EMF
used to avoid
This condition is have slightly
connected in parallel
If the two transformers the secondary
secondary windings. induced emfs in
voltage ratios, then
due the inequality of the secondary
flow in a loop format
current will
voltages, a circulating
windings. will be quite
high due to
than the no load current and
This curent is greater windings are loaded,
during load. When the secondary
impedance one
less leakage
to unequal loading
on two transformers and
will tend
circulating current
over loaded and another
may be less loaded.
transformer may be
or line voltages are equal
impedance: If the ratings
(2) Equal per unit leakage equal load
in order to have
impedance's should be equal
their per unit leakage
If the ratings are unequal
then the transformer
sharing of the both transformers.
sharing. It
current and it leads to unequal load
which has less rating will draw more
to voltage drops.
may also lead to mismatch in line voltages due
values of their impedance's
Inother words, for unequal ratings, the numerical
to have current in them inline with
should be in inverse proportional to their ratings
their ratings.

A differencein the ratio of the reactance value to the resistance value of the

different phase angles of the currents carried by the two

impedance results in
parallel transformers. Due to this phase angle difference between voltage and
current, one transformer may be working on high power factor and another

transformer may be working on lower factor, Hence real power sharing is not
proportional between the two transformers.
S.Q.B. in Electrical
Engincering (3rd Semester) 129

(2) The transformers should have same

secondary winding polarity: The
fornersshould be properly connected with regards to their polarity. If they
connected with in correct
are polarities then thetwo emf's induced in the
winding whhich are in
secondary parallel, will act together and produce a short
circuit between
thettwo of them. Total loss
of powersupply and high damage tothe
(A) The Transformers
should have same phase
sequence In case of three
inding transformers in-addition to the above conditions the
phase sequence of
Hoe voltages of the both
transformers must be identical for parallel operation. If
the phase sequence iS not corectin every
voltage cycle each pair of phases will get

(5) The transformers

should havezerorelative phase
displacement between
the secondary line voltages This condition indicates that the two
secondary line
voltages should have zero phase displacement which
avoids UN-intended short
circuit between the phases of two windings. There are four groups which in to
which the three phase windings connections are classified:

> Group 1: Zerophasedisplacement (Yy0,Dd0, Dz0)

> Group 2: 180°Phase displacement (Yy6,Dd6,Dz6)
Group 3: -30° Phasedisplacement (Ys1,Dy1,Yzl)
> Group 4: +30° Phase displacement(Ydl1,Dyl 1,Yzll)

The letters Y, D and Z represents the Star, Delta and zigzag type winding
connections. In order to have zero phase displacement of secondary side line
voltages, the transformers same group can be paralleled. For
belonging to the
examplewith Ydl and Dyl can be paralleled. The transformers of groups and 2 1

can be paralleled with their own groupwhere as the transformers of group3 and 4
canbe paralleled by revering the phase sequence of one of them. For example a
transformer with Ydll connection of group4can be paralleled with that having Dyl
connection by reversing the phase sequence of both primary and secondary
terminals of the Dyl transformer.

(b) Given: Rating of the transformer =100 KVA

Turn ratio =V, N_1100

Primary voltage, V, =1100 V

Secondaryvoltage, V, =230 V
100x 1000
=434.78 A
Full load secondary current I = 230
Equivalent resistance referred to primary side:
Roy =R + K2=0.0006 +
-x(23)' =0,00497 2
K? (110)2

Equivalent resistance referred to secondary

=0.1 +|
0.0006 =0,100026 S.
Roz = R,+ K'R 10)
in Electrical
130 windings
and secondary are
primary over the other one
one winding
both the
(a) In two-winding or interleaved So, fundamentally
4. limbs in between). and connected only
on separate isretained
wounded electrically
andinsulation each
Ito secondary side
concentrically from power the case of Auto
are isolated So whatever In
windings of flux. winding).
by mcans emfin secondary
is common between
magnetically only(induced part of
induction winding, both primary and
is through only one winding
there exists means by
the power transferred
transformer. That and hence
and secondary. linked electrically The power
primary by conduction.
are essentially
windings is between primary
mutual (common)
secondary winding,
of this
common is not
because which
of winding
transferred, Auto transformer and
is by induction. between
and secondary, differences construction. insulation,
basis of
the main
article, on the
In this
are discussed efficiency, losses,
transformer connections,
power transfer,
The following
Conventional explains
size, cost,
mechanism, and applications. Transformer in
output voltage, and Conventional
excitation current,
Auto transformer
between and applications.
the key Differences working principle, Transformer
operation, and Conventional
terms ofconstruction, Auto transformer
between AUTO
ICS with a single
of A transformer can
A transformer winding, which
Construction used toelectric
three pairs
of winding
used as
a step-down or
set of three-phase|be
transforma device.
one voltagestep-up
voltages from
level to another. and secondary
and secondary Primary
Primary are not insulated
are insulated windings

as there is only
Uses mutual induction.
Principle one winding
There can be multiple There
Windings as
like serves as a primary
windings primary,|which
well as secondary.
secondary, and tertiary.

as there is only
|Large in size because ofSmall
separate (multiple)windings winding.
SQB. in Electrical Engineering (3d semester)

for These type of transformersThey require less material for

utilize more material in terms winding.
of winding.
|Lesseconomical because of Much more economical as
bigger size and maintenance compared to their counter

Cost for same VA More costly Less costly


Power transfer Through induction ONLY |Throughinduction as well as

|direct electrical connection.

Circuit connection Primary and secondary and Primary and secondary and
coupled (connected) coupled (connected)
magnetically. magnetically as well as

Possesses high impedance. |Lessimpedanceas compared

toconventional transformer.

Efficiency |Less efficient in terms of Much more efficient.

operation and maintenance.
Losses More windings so more|Losses are significantly less.


Output voltage Constant (unless taps areVariable (can be changed if

employed). needed easily).

Excitation currentLargecurrent is needed. Small current is required.

Applications Use to step-up and step-down Widely used as Voltage

the voltage in transmission regulator Starter in an
and distributionsystems. induction machine, Boosters
in an AC feeders to increase
the voltages.

(b) Given: Rating =2 KVA, 400 V

As an auto trans former,

Rated voltage on L.V Side 400V =

Rated voltage on H.V Side =500V
K=(Ratio oftransformation of auto tans former) =0.8
(KVA rating of 2 winding transformer)
x2=10 KVA (% impedancean auto transformer)
=(1-K) (% impedanceas 2 winding transformer)
=(1 -K)x5 =1%
(3 Semester)
132 S.Q.B. in Electrical

=10 KVA
()HenceKVA rating of

(2) % age impedance of

motor because at thetime of

for a three phase induction
5. (a) A starter is needed draw a huge amount of
will current

starting, ifinduction motor is started
to adjoining equipments.
which can cause danmage resistance
At the time of starting,
slip 1, so the rotor S=
equal to "0",
- S)/Swill be
depends on slip i.e. R,(
act as short circuit.
i.e., rotor will
heavy amount of current
initially induction
motor will draw
the starting current.
onder to limit
Thus, a starter is needed in
current and hence reduesa
at reduced starting
After the motor has started now
mains supply so that
are diverted towards the
voltage, the connections
starting current and voltage.
motorcan run at higher with a star
connected stator winding.
A star delta starter will start a

will begin to run in a delta

80% of its full load speed, it
When motorreaches about
connected stator winding.
3phase supply




9p Start

Squirrel Cage Rotor

A star delta starter is a type of reduced voltage starter. We use it to reduce the

starting curent of the motor without using any external device or apparatus. This
is a big advantage ofa star delta starter, as it typically has around 1/3 of the inrush

current compared to a DOL starter.

The starter mainly consists of a TPDP switch which stands for Tripple Pole

Double Throw switch. This switch changes stator winding from star to delta.

During startingcondition stator winding is connected in the form of astar. Now we

shall see how a star delta starter reduces the starting current of a three-phase
induction motor.
sQB. in Electrical Engineering (3d Semester)

For that let us consider,

V. =Supply Line Voltage. Ips =

Supply Line Curent and, Ips =Winding
and Z =Impcdance per phase winding at stand still condition.
per Phase


This is the reduced voltage starting method. Voltage reduction during star
delta starting is achieved by physically reconfiguring the motor windings as
illustrated in the figure below. During starting the motor windings are connected in

star configuration and this reduces the voltage across each winding 3.This also
reduces the torque by a factor of three. After a period of time the winding are
reconfigured as delta and the motorruns normally.

Torque &i/p Power = 1/3 of

Run Condition 30 A
t10 A2400 V 400 V
10 A
|230V 17.3 A

Star Connection Delta Connection

> Star/Delta starters are probably the most common reduced voltage
They are used in an attempt to reduce the start
starters. current applied to
the motor during start as a means of reducing the disturbances and
interference on the electrical supply

> Traditionally in many supply regions, there has beena requirement to fit a

reduced voltage starter on all motors greater than 5HP (4KW). The
Star/Delta (or Wye/Delta) starter is one of the lowest cost electro
mechanical reduced voltage starters that can be applied.

> The Star/Delta starter is manufactured from three contractors,a timer and
a thermal overload, The contractors are smaller than the single contractor
134 (3 Semester)
Electrical Engincering
S.Q.B. in

used ina Direct on Line starter as they are controlling

only. The ccurrentsthrough the winding are 1/root 3(58%) of the
the line.

>There are two contractors that are close during run, often referred
contractor and the delta contractor. These are AC3 rated
main at
58% of
the current t rating of the motor. Thethird contractor is the star
and that only star current while the mnotor is connected in star.
curentin star is one third of the current in delta, so this contractor can
AC3 rated at one third (33%) of the motorrating.





3o1 50 16 36| 50| 10| 3o 5

29 40l 6o 29 49 6! 29 49 6


U1 V1 W1 W2 V2 U2

s.Q.B. in Electrical Engineering(3rd Semester) 135

Circuit t off Star-Delta Starter (Open Transition):


The ON push button starts the circuit by initially energizing Star

(KMI)of star circuit and Timer Coil (KT)circuit.
Contractor Coil
LWhen Star Contractor Coil (KMI) energized, Star Main and Auxiliary
contractorchange its position from NO to NC.
When on Main Contractor
Star Auxiliary Contractor (1) (which is placed
coil circuit) became NO to NC
The Circuit of Main
it's complete
contractor Coil (KM3) so Main Contractor Coil energized and Main
Contractor's Main and Auxiliary Contractor Change its position from NO
TO NC. This sequence happens in a friction of time.
After pushing the ON push button switch, the auxiliary contact of the main
contractor coil(2) which is connected in parallel across the ON push
button will become NO to NC, thereby providing a latch to hold the main
contractor coil activated which eventually maintains the control circuit
active even after releasing the ON push button switch.
> When Star Main Contractor (KMI)close its connect Motor connects on
STAR and it's connected in STAR until Time Delay Auxiliary contact KT
(3) become NC to NO.
> Once the time delay is reached its specified Time, the timer's auxiliary
contacts (KT)(3) in Star Coil circuit will change its position from NC to
NO and at the Same Time Auxiliary contractor (KT) in Delta Coil

Circuit(4)change its position from NO TO NC soDelta coil energized and

Delta Main Contractor becomes NO TO NC. Now Motor terminal
connection change from star to delta connection.

> A nomally close auxiliary contact from both star and delta contractors

(5&6)are also placed opposite of both star and delta contractor coils, these
interlock contacts serves as safety switches to prevent simultaneous
activation of both star and delta contractor coils, so that one cannot be
activated without the other deactivated first. Thus, the delta contractor coil
cannot be active when the star contractor coil is active, and similarly, the star
contractor coil cannot alsobe activewhile the delta contractorcoil is active.

The control circuit above also provides two interrupting contacts to

shutdownthe motor. The OFF push button switch break the control circuit
and the motor when necessary. The thermal overload contact is a
protective device which automatically opens the STOP Control circuit in
case when motoroverload current is detected by the thermal overload relay,
this is to prevent burning of the motorin case of excessive load beyond the

rated capacity ofthe motoris detected by the thermal overload relay.

(b)Given: Rating =40 hp

of motor
Stator DC resistance per phase =0,014 2
A.C. resistance
D.C. resistance
136 Engineering
S.Q.B. in Electrical

Friction and windage loss =300 W

Applied voltage per phase =400 V
No load current 20 A =
No load phase current =V3 =11.55 A
on no load =400x 200 =6000 W
= 3I,R, =3(11.55)(0.01)
=4 W
Stator copper losses
Total stator core loss P, =P, -P, - Pp
Here P, =No load power loss =1200W
P= 1200-4–300= 896 W. 896 =0.064.
power factor

No load cos

component of no. load current

Watt ful

=(11.55) 0.064
=0.746 A.
I, =lLo cos

I,m =NLo-4,)?
=y(11.55) -(0.746)2
Magnetizing component
=/133.4-0.564 =
11.52 A.

Magnetizing no. load phase current I

400 =60.15 Q.
No load leakge reactance = 6.65

6. (a) Given: No. of poles =P =8; f=50 Hz

Full load slip =2.5%
Max. torque = 2 full load torque

corresponding the maximum torque (N)

The speed

N=N,d-s,ma) =(1-s,)

the at maximum torque


Sm S,n 0.025
Tmax =S S,m
or, 2=
0.025 Sm
2 2
0.025 625
or, 4=. Sm or, 4(0.025S,) = S t (10)2
S=01 S,

Solving this equation and putting this value in equation (i)above,

120x 50x 0.875

P = 8
=656 rpm.
S.Q.B. in
Engineering (3rd

aTheefficiency oflarge motors

can be
measuring their input and determined by directly
and by output powers, loading them
loads for For larger
dificult to arrange them. Moreover motors it may
power loss
tests. Thus no load and will be
loading blocked rotor tests large with direct
the name suggest no load test is performed on the As
performed when motors.
there is no load rotor rotates
speed and torque. This test with synchronous
similar to the

transformer. Actually,to achieve open circuit test on
synchronous speed in an
impossible. The speed is assumedto be induction motor is
synchronized. The
Neachieved by taking synchronous
slip=0whichcreates speed can
infinite impedancein
This test gives the the rotor branch.
information regarding
no-load losses such
friction loss and windage loss. as core loss,
Rotor copper loss
lne is negligible.
Smallcurrent is
at no load is very
less that its
required to produce
This test is also adequate torque.
well-knownasrunning light
test. This testis
the resistance and used to evaluate
impedanceof the magnetizing
path of inductíon
Theory of No Load Test of motor.
Induction Motor
The impedance of
magnetizing path of induction
ohstruct flowof curent. motor is large enough to
Therefore, small current is
which there is a fall in the applied to the machine due to
stator-impedance value and rated
Rcross the voltage is applied
magnetizing branch. But the drop in
dissipated due to stator resistance are stator-impedance value and power
very small in comparison
Therefore, there values are to applíed voltage.
neglected and it is assumed that
total power drawn ís
converted into core loss. The air
gap in magnetizing branch in an
inductíon motor
slowyincreasesthe exciting curent
and the no load statorI'R loss
can be recognized.
One should keep in mind that current
should not exceed its rated
otherwise rotor accelerates beyond its
limit. The test is
performed at poly-phase
voltages and rated frequency
applied to the stator terminals.
When motor runs for
some times and bearings get
lubricated fully, at that time readings
of applied
voltage, input current and input power
are taken. To calculate the rotational
subtract the stator IR
losses from the input powe.

V R ww Am

Calculation of No Load Test of Induction Motor

Let the total input power supplied to induction motor be Wo, watts.

Where,V, =line voltage
I, no = load input current
(3d Semester)
138 in Electrical Engincering

Rotational loss =W,-S

Where,S, = stator winding loss = NoR
N =number phase and rotational loss are fixed
loss, core loss,
The various losses like
losses which can be calculated by

Stator winding loss =31R,

Where,I, =No load input current
R, =Resistance of the motor

Core loss =3G,V".

motors are widely
Induction Motor: The induction
Blocked Rotor Test of performance
power. To im prove

and consumemaximum
used in the industries like no-load
and block
have been designed
an induction motor
certain to
performed on
etc. A blocked rotor test is normally as torque,
rotor test, such
it, other parameters
impedance. Apart from could be found
find out the leakage voltage, and many more
current at normal of
motor, short-circuit short circuit test
rotor test is analogous to the
from this test. Blocked
it cannot move
i.e. blocked so
shaft ofthe motoris clamped
transformer. Here winding is short
In slip ring motor rotor
rotor winding is short
circuited. circuited.
bars are permanently
through slip rings
and in cage motors, rotors as the resultant value
is a little bit complex
of the induction motor and by
The testing
position, rotor frequency
leakage impedance
may get affected by rotor could be minimized
path. Theseeffects
dispersion of the leakage flux
rotor current test on squirrel-cage
conducting a block In the
Rotor Test of Induction Motor:
Testing of Blocked
Process of stator
applied voltage on the
be kept in mind that the
blocked rotor test, it should winding of
could damage the
otherwise normalvoltage
terminals should be low the rotor does not
is applied so that
test, the low voltage
the stator. Inblock rotor through the stator
zero and full load current
rotate and its speed becomes load resistance
is unity related to zero
speed of rotor hence the
winding. The slip the stator winding so that
increase the voltage in
becomes zero. Now, slowly down the readings of the
value. At this point, note
current reaches to its rated power and
voltmeter, wattmeter and
ammeter to know the values of voltage,
the accurate value.
at different stator voltages for
current.The test can be repeated

Equivalent circuit:

S =R2
S.Q.B. in Electrical
Engineering (3dSemester) 139

Commutation in DC Machine
7. (n)
voltage generated in
Commutationin DC Generator or
the armature, placed in
Motor: The a rotating
magnetic field,
DC generator alternatingin nature. The
of a commutationin DC machine or
commutation in DC
more generator is the process in which
I alternating current in the armature winding
generated of a de machine is converted
current aftergoingthrough the commutator and
into the stationary brushes.
Nenin in DC Motor, the input DC is to be converted
in alternating form in
and that is also done through
armature commutation.
This transformation
current from the rotatingarmature ofa
machine to DC
actationary brushes needs to maintain continuously
moving contact between the
and the brushes.
commutator segments When the armature starts to
rotate, then the
tle situated under one pole (let it be N pole)
rotates between a positivebrush and
its consecutive negative brush and the current flows through this coil is in a
irection inward to the commutatorsegments. Then the coil is short
he help of a brush for a very short fraction of time (1/500 sec). It is called
commutation period. After this short-circuit time the armature coils rotates under
S nole and rotates between a negative brush and its succeeding positive brush.
Then the direction is reversed which is in the away from the commutator segments.
This phenomena of the reversal of current is termed as commutation process. We
get direct current from the brush terminal.
The commutation is called ideal if the commutation process or the reversal of
curent is completed by the end ofthe short circuit time or the commutatíon period.
If the reversal of current is completed during the short circuit time then there
is snarking occurs at the brush contacts and the commutator surface is damaged
due to overheating and the machineis called poorly commutated.


Direct Current



Physical Concept of Commutation in DC Machine

For the explanation of commutation process, let us consider a DC machine
having an armature wound with ring winding. Let us also consider that the width
(3r Semester)
140 S.Q.B. in ElectricalEngineering

and current flowing

wvidth of the brush

the commutator bar is equal

to the

through the conductor is I. brush will move

left to right.
Then the
moving from is
Let the commutator
bar b (as shown
from right to left.
connected the commutator
b into the brush is 21.
the brush
At the first position, by the commutator bar
hg. 1). Then the total current to contact of bar
right, then
the brush comes
the bars a and b.
When the armature starts paths and through
current flows through two
a. Then the
by the brush remain area of
The total current (21) collected and the contact
of the bar
a with the brush increases
As the contact area and decreases
through the bars increases
the current flow
the bar b decreases,
simultaneously. bar then same
the commutator
the contact area become same for both
When 1).
the bars (as shown
in fig.
current flows through further, then the current
brush contact area with the bar b decreases
When the
and starts to flow counter
coil B
changes its direction
flowing through the
clockwise (as shown in fig. 2).
in 3)and
under the bar a (as shown fig.
When the brush totally
I flows through the
the coil B in
the bar b then current
disconnected with is removed.
direction and the short
counter-clockwise done.
of commutationis
of current or the process
Inthis process the reversal of sparkles
There are three methods
Methods of ImprovingCommutation:
1. Resistance Commutation

2. Voltage Commutation
3.Compensating Windings


b C
a b


Fig. (1) Fig. (2)


Fig. (3) Electrical
Engineering (3
Semester) 141

The main task of a motor is tOstart as

well as stop
Starters are the motor too which
is allied. particularlydesigned

electro mechanical
that are
uSed Ito provide an overload protection switches like relays
for the motor. The
the motor starter gives the
to manually or
supply automatically as well as
overload. protects the motor from
the faults or Based on the type of motor, the
motor starters are
with different available
in different sizes ratings in the market.
Thís article
which is used in discusses 3 point
starter commercial as well as industrial
applications. Three-
Point Starter
A three-point starter is an
electrical device, used for starting
DCshunt motor as well as
maintaining the speed. The connection of
resistance in this circuit
is in series
which decreases the initial
high current and
guards the equipment
any electrical failures. Here,the
against occurrence of back e.m.f
the motor. This emf plays s an essential
role in operating extends when the
armature of motor starts for
rotating in
the magnetic field by making
the action as well as
opposes the voltage
Construction of 3Point Starter: The
motor based 3point starter mainly
incndesthree terminals namely L, A, and F.
Here, L(line terminal) is connected to
the positive supply, A (armature
terminal) is connected to the windings of an
armature terminal, and F (ield terminal) is
connected to the winding of field


No volt coil

2 5
1 Run
Soft iron piece

Starter handle


Over load




142 Engincering
S.QB. in Electrical

includes a resistance
'R'for controlling
The construction of 3 point starter with
kept in the
OFF condition a

initial current. The 'H-handle

in the circuit
for motor operation. At
can be operated manually
Spring 'S.The H-handle the total supply
field winding gets
position, the motor
Deginning of the motor to the particular secure value by the
current is restricted
Voltage and the armature
resistance R.
of the 3 point starter can be
Starter: The handle
Working of a Three-Point positions), and this increases the
to another stud (contact
moved from one stud are three main points are
till gets the RUN
position. There
speed of the motor
the following.
considered in thisposition which includes
The DC shunt motor gets the full

is straight across both the motor's

in the circuit
The voltage supply
> The R-resistance is totally cut-out.

an electromagnet
is held in RUN condition with
The H-handle in the circuit coil can be coupled
in series
(no volt trip coil). This NVC
strengthened by an NVC OFF or dropped below a fixed
In the incident turned
with the motorfield winding. the handle-H is
will get energized.
By the act of S-spring,
value, then the
back to the OFF condition.
released as well as pulled OFF position,then
tuned by H-handle in theON
At first when a DC supply is The winding of the shunt
wise direction to the stud1.
the handle will move CLK resistance, in the
voltage supply as the total
field is directly associated across the
series with the armature circuit.
beginning, is included in
is unexpectedly disrupted, then the no-volt
If the voltage supply in the
back to the OFF location
coil is demagnetized as well as the H- handle goes
then there will be a supply
coil were not utilized,
pull of the spring. If no-volt
stay on the last stud. If the
voltage supply is returned,
failure. The H-handle would
resulting in an extreme
then the DC motor will be openly allied across the supply,
armature current.

DC motor is overloaded, it will draw extreme current from the current

If the
ampere rotates offthe excess release coil as well as
supply, then it amplifies the
be short-circuited. This coil is

pull the armature, therefore no-volt

coil will

pulled near the OFF location by the

demagnetized as well as the H-handle is

motor is automatically detached from the current

S-spring. Hence the electric

Drawbacks of a Three-point starter
> The main drawback of the 3 point starter is, it experiences from a

drawback of motors by a huge difference of speed with a modification
the field heostat.

> To amplify the motor speed, the field resistance must be amplified. So the
flow ofcurrent throughout the shunt field is decreased.

> Whenever adding high resistance to get a high speed will make the field

Current very low.

S.O.B. in Electrical
Engineering(3rd Semester)

when NVC(novolt coil)is associated in

series by shunt field, then
minute current will 1
decrease the power the
of the
magnet may liberatethe arm ofthe electromagnet.
H-handle through the usual motor
operation as well detach it fromthe power

Thereforc, the 4Point Starter can beused,whereno volttrip coil is allied
in the parallel field.

is used t restrict high initial current and

protects from no voltage, over
and under voltage. The
voltage, main drawback of this 3 point starter is a large
difference of speed.

(b) Voltage of DC. shunt Motor 230 V =

Armature current I 20A=
Armature circuit resistance =R,= 0.5

T, Qa
and T, =T:

oI, E, =V-Iaa =230 -20x05 = 220volt

With constant flux E, c speed
and hence 220 oc N,
E c0.5N, and So E =105
220 -105
R+0.5= -=5.75.
Hence R=5.25 Q.

(b) With constant flux, developed torque is T cI, and Tm c 20.

From the load side T, = N

or, Tm =Ty or, 20 cN?

Or, =230 -I (R + 0.5) Or, E =220

=Tm, Lan =(0.5N,)


Iy =220 -I,(R + 0.5)

Since E =210
144 Engincering
S.QB. in

So R+0.5 =2305-105 -25.

R= 25-0.5 = 24.5

as well as
is an electrical device, used for starting
5. (a) A three-point starter
connection of resistance
in this circuit
shunt motorspeed.
maintaining the high current and guards
the equipment
in series which decreases the initial an essential
of back e.m.fplays
Here, the occurrence starts for
against any electrical failures.
the armature of
the motor. This emfextends when
role in operating as opposes the voltage
field by making
the action as well
rotating in the magnetic
DC motor based point starter
mainly 3
Point Starter: The
Construction of is connected to
and F. Here, L(
line terminal)
namely L, A,
includes three terminals to the windings
of an
is connected
supply, A (armature terminal) winding of field
the positive to the
terminal, and F (field terminal) is connected
terminal. controlling the
a resistance 'R'for
of3 point starter includes with a
The construction
kept in the OFF condition
initial current.
The 'H-
handle in the circuit
At the
for motor operation.
can be operated manually
spring 'S'. The H-handle
winding gets the
total supply
motor position, the motor
beginning of the

R. R4

No volt coil

resistance 5
2 Run
Soft iron piece

Starter handle


Over load


Lever Triangular

iron piece
F1 A1
F2 Ag
s.o.B. in
Engineering (3hd

and the armature current is
restrictedto the
R. particular
resistance secure value by
Working of a
Three-Point Starter:
The handle of
from one to another
stud the 3 point
moved stud (contact starter can be
the motor till gets the positions), and this
of RUN increases the
in this position which There are three
considered includes the main points
The DC
shuntmotor gets the following.
full speed
The voltage supply in
the circuit is
straight across
The R-resistance is totally cut-out. both the motor's
mhe HLhandlein
the circuit is
held in RUN condition
strengthened by an n NVC (no volt trip
with an
with the motor field winding.
coil). This NVC coil can be coupled
Inthe incident in series
turned OFF
value, then the NVC will get energized.
or dropped
below a fixed

Bythe act of the handle-H is

released as as pulled S-spring,
well backtothe OFF
Atfirst when a DC supply
is turned ON by H-handle
OFF position,then inthe
the handle will move CLK wise direction to
the stud1.
The winding of the
Geld is directly associated shunt
across the voltage supply
asthe total resistance,in the
beginning, is included in series with the
armature circuit.
Need ofa starter: Ina nutshell,
we can say that starter are used to
protect the
Alectrical machine because of abnormal flux
generation if we don't use the
or because of the very starer,

e high current and torque during

add an external resistance start-up.
(R)in series with the armature's
By using a starter,

winding which
restrict the current to an acceptable level.

Since E =E, +1,Ras at beginning, E, is very much small

So E =IRgsand hence I, = this indicates that armature
current will be
controlled by armature resistance, which is given by a starter.

(b) =440 V DC
Supply voltage
Speed =600 rpm; Current= 50A
The new reduced speed =400 rpm
Since E, =440V=Kx600
E, x 500 440x 5
=244.44 Volt
900 9
440 -244.44 =R
Eh -E =I, xR or,

So R= =3.91 2.
9. (a) Critical speed:The critical speed is the maximum resistance of the circuit
in which the shunt generator resistance become the critical field and produce the
of the resistance is high as compared to the field
voltage when the critical filed

circuit resistance.
146 Engineering (3r Electrical

of the generator is associated DC

resistance: The critical resistance and produce
Crittcal get excited
with the shunt DC In which the shunt generator
as the voltage is directly
the induced voltage across the generator armature
proportional to the DC generator flux.

of a d.c. shunt generator
Consider the field magnetization

shown in the figure.

Normal field resistance
(slcpe Rsh)
E, or E, (in volt) Line of Ro
Rah is lcreased, slope

increases, maximum generated

voltage decreases (point B)

Normal maximum
excitation voltage
Lo-occ. normal speed at

A line tangent
initial part of O.C.C.
to CD = = DE
Critical field resistance

o.c.C. at
Ec critical

tangent to OA

point A. This point

voltage builds in step till
The figure showsthat generator characteristics (0.C.C.).
the open circuit
is intersection of field resistance line with
can generate. If
A is the maximum voltage it

The voltage corresponding to point resistance, the

is reduced by decreasing
the field
the slope of field resistance line
be higher than that corresponding to
maximum voltage generator can build

field resistance line is increased

by increasing the
point A. Similarly if the slope of
can build will be less that that
field the maximum voltage generator
point B.
coresponding to point A i.e. corresponding to

resistance line is increased in such a way that it

If now the slope of the field
open The
becomes tangential to the lower part of the circuit characteristics.

just sufficient to drive the

voltage corresponding to this point is Ec. This voltage is

resistance so that cumulative process of building the voltage

current through field

starts. This value of field resistance is called critical resistance denoted as Rc of

the shunt field circuit at given speed.

The critical resistance is the slope of the critical resistance line.

Rc t =tan
Similar to the critical resistance there is a concept of critical speed. As speed
decreases the & induced e.m.f. decreases and we get O.C.C. below the O.C.C. at
normal speed. If we go on reducing the speed, at a particular speed we will get

O.C.C. just tangential to normal field resistance line.

This speed at which the machine just excites for the given field circuit

resistance is called the critical speed of a shunt generator denoted as No

s.O.B. in Electrical Engineering(3d Semester)

Critical Speed: It i is known that as speed changes, the open circuit

also changes, similarly for different shunt field resistances,
characteristics the
lines are also different.
for which the given field
The speed

the critical , resistance
speed, denoted as N.
acts as critical resistance is

Thus if the line is drawnrepresenting given

R. then O.C.C. drawn for
t such a
which hthis line is
speedto tangential to the initial portion,is nothing butthe critical

speed Nc
Graphically critical speed can be obtained for given R4. The steps are,
1. Drawn 0.C.C.for given speed N.
2. Draw a line tangential to this O.C.C. say OA.
3. Draw a line representing the given Rh say OP.
4. Select any field current say point R.
5. Draw vertical line from R to intersect OA at S and OP at T.
6. Then the critical speed N is,

E (in Volts) N1
-Line for RT
given Rsh
|Nc=N x RS
at Nc

+I, (inAmp)

(b) The main source of heat generation in

transformer is its copper loss orIR
Joss. Although there are other factors contribute heat in
transformer such as
hysteresis and eddy current losses but contribution of I'R loss dominate them. If
this heat is not dissipated properly, the temperature of the transformer will rise
continually which may cause damages in paper insulation and liquid insulation
medium of transformer. So it is essential to control the temperature with in
permissible limit to ensure the long life of transformer by reducing thermal
degradation of its insulation system. In electrical power transformer we use
external transformer cooling system
accelerate the dissipation rate of heat of

transformer.There are different transformer cooling methods available for

former, we will now explain one by one.

Different Transformer Cooling Methods

For accelerating cooling different transformer cooling methods are used
depending upon their size and ratings. We will discuss these one by one below,
S.Q.B. in

Speed: It is known

also changes,
that as speed
characteristics similarly changes, the
for open circuit
are also different shunt field
coresponding different. resistances,the
The speed for which the given
field resistance
the critical speed, denoted as acts as
called critical resistance is
Thus if the line is Nc:
drawn representing
given R,, then 0.C.C.
speed to
which this line is drawn for sucha
tangential tothe

speed N. portion, is nothing

butthe critical
Graphically critical speed
1. Drawn O.C.C. for given speed
can be
obtained for given
R. The steps are,
2.Draw a line
tangential to this O.C.C.
say OA.
3. Draw a line
representing the given
4. Select any field Rsh say OP.
current say point R.
5 Draw vertical line
from to R intersect OA at S and OP at T.
6.Then the critical
speed N is,

E, (in Volts)

p N1

-Line for RT
given Rsh

at Nc

R I, (in Amp)

(b) The main source of heat

generation in transformer is its copper
loss orI'R
loss. Although
there are other factors contribute
heat in transformer such as
hysteresis and eddy current losses but
contribution of loss dominate them. If IR
this heat is not dissipated properly, the
temperature of the transformer will rise
continually which may cause damages in paper
insulation and liquid insulation
medium of transformer. So it is essential
to control the temperature with in
permissible limit to ensure the long life of
transformer by reducing thermal
degradation of its insulation system. In electrical power
transformer we use
externaltransformercooling system to accelerate the dissipation rate of heat of
transformer. There are different transformer cooling methods
available for trans
former, we will now explain one by one.

Different Transformer Cooling Methods

For accelerating cooling different transformer cooling methods are used
depending upon their size and ratings. We will discuss these one by one below,
148 Electrical
S.QB. in

ONAN Cooling of Transformer

full form of ONAN

cooling system. for
This isthe simplest transformer flow of hot oil is utilized
convectional of
"Oil Natural Air Natural". Here natural
oil flows to
the upper portion
of oil, the hot hot oil
circulation This
cooling. In convectional is occupied
by cold oil.
tank and the vacant place by natural
he transformer heat in the atmosphere
will dissipate the
cold. In this way
upper side.,
Whtch comes to will become
in air and
and radiation
put into
COnducton, convection when the transformer
tank continually circulate
Ol in the transformer
in air depends
upon dissipating surface
the tank. So
of heat
As the rate of dissipation surface area of
increase the effective
tank, itis essential to to the
of tubes or radiators connected
surface in the form
additional dissipating or radiator bank of
known as radiator of transformer
transformer tank.
This is
on natural cooling
have shown below a simplest form
ofan earthing transformer
COoling arrangement

Transformer Cooling Fans Tank

Forced air flow

Oil Natural air force

or ONAF cooling of


ONAF Cooling of Transformer

be increased, if dissipating surface is
Heat dissipation can obviously

make by applying forced air flow on that

increased but it can be further faster

dissipating surface. Fans blowing air on cooling surface is employed. Forced air

from the surface of radiator and provides better cooling than

takes away the heat

natural air. The full form of ONAF is "Oil Natural Air Forced". As the heat

dissipation rate is faster and more in ONAF transformer cooling method than

ONAN cooling system,electrical power transformer can be put into more load

without crossing the permissible temperature limits. Electrical
Engincering(3 Semester) 149

OFAF Cooling Transformer: In oil

forced air natural
the heat dissipationis accelerated coolingssystem of
transformer, by using forced onthe dissipating
bbut circulation
of thehot oil in air
surface transformer tank is natural
convectional flow.

Transformer Cooling Fans




Ol Purnp

Oil forced air forced

or OFAF cooling of Transformer

The heat dissipation rate canbe still

increased further if this oil
accelerated by applying some force. In
OFAF cooling system the oil is forced to
circulate within the closed loopof
transformer tank by means ofoil pumps.
OFAF means "OilForced Air Forced
cooling methodsof transformer.
main advaritage of this system is that it is The
compactsystemand for same cooling
capacity OFAF occupies much less space than farmer two systems of
transformer cooling Actually in oil
natural cooling system, the heat
from conducting part of the transformer is comes out
displaced from its position, in slower
rate due to convectional flow of oil but
in forced oil cooling
system the heat is
displaced from its origin as soon asit
comes out in the oil. hence rate of cooling
becomes faster.

OFWE Cooling of Transformer:We know that ambient temperature of

water is much less than the atmospheric air in sameweather condition. Sowater
may be used as better heat exchanger media than air In OFWF cooling system of
(ransformer, the hot oil is scnt to a ol to water heat exchanger by means of oil
pump and there the oil is cooled by apping soWers of cold water on the heat
exchanger's oil pipes OFWFmeans"Ol Foced Waer Forced cooling in transfomer.
ODAF Coolingof TIransformer: ODAFor oildirected air forced cooling of
transformer can be considercd as the improved version of OFAF.Here forced
circulation of oil directed to flow through peedetermined paths in transformer
winding. The cool oil cntering the transformer tank from cooler or radiator is

passed through the winding where gaps for oil flow or pre-decided oil flowing
paths between insulated conductor are provided for ensuring faster rate
of heat
transfer. ODAF or oil directed air forced cooling oftransformer is generally used
in very high rating transformer.
(3 Semester)
150 Electrical Engineering

Code: 100307
B. Tech 3rd Semester Examination,
(New Course)

Full Marks: 70
Time: 3 Hours Pass Marks: 28


the right hand margin.

())The marks are indicated in

(i) There are NINE Questions in this paper.

(i1) Attempt FIVE Questions in all.

(iv) Question No. is compulsory.


1. Answer the following short-answer type questions (any seven): 2 x7=14

(a) Distinguish between core and shelltype transformers.

(b) Draw neat and labelled B-H curve.

are wound on a closed iron circuit of
(c) Two coils, having 100and 200 turns,
3 m length with cross-sectional area of 500 cm. Determine mutual

inductance between the coils. (H,iron =3000]

(d) Determine the e.m.f.induced in a coil of 5 mH, when a current of 20A is

reversed in 10milliseconds.
(e) List the methods used for improving commutation in a d.c. machine. vo

What are the different methodsof cooling of transformers ?

() What are the different methods of cooling of transformers?
(g) What for Fleming's left and right hand rules-motor or generator and a.c.

or d.c.?

(h) Briefly discuss the role of a tertiary winding in transformer.

(i) Differentiate between rotating magnetic field and pulsating magnetic
field in induction motor.

(i) Argue the significance of back e.m.f. in a d.c. motor.

2. (a) Derive the expression for dynamically induced e.m.f. 7

(b) Differentiate between the following with one application of each with
connection diagram and mathematical relationships: 7
()Three 1-phase transformers connected to form a 3-phase transformer
bank of same ratings
(ii) One 3-phase transformer

3. (a) State and prove the condition for maximum efficiency of a transformer. 6
(b) What are the different losses in a d.c. machine?Which ofthem are variable
losses? Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of a d.c. machine. 8
S.Q.B. in Electrical Engincering (3td Semester) 151

(a) Whatt is eddy

current loss? Discuss its undesirable
4. effects. Suggest some
remedies to minimize it along with
some applicationsof eddy currents. 6
) An iron ring of cross-sectional area 5 cm is wound with a wire of 120
turns and has a cut of 3 mm. Calculate the magnetizing required to
produce a flux of 0-3 mWb. The length of magnetic path is 25 cm and


permeability of iron

zero regulation and

regulation with

(a) Define voltage regulation of transformer and derive

given as 650.

conditions for

regulation. Also draw the curve of variation of voltage

power factor.

(b) Discuss the applications of
(i) d.c. generator; (ii) d.c. shunt motor;
(iüi) d.c. series motor;

6. Derive an expression for the inducede.m.f. of a transformer. A 3300/220V,50

Hz. l-phase transformer has 80 turns in the low-voltage winding. Calculate
(a)the value of maximum flux density in the core:
(b) the number of turns in the high-voltage winding. 14
7. (a) Why is parallel operation of transformers performed? Explain the
complete laboratory procedure to perform the test.

(b) Two 1-phase transformers, rated 1-1 MVA and 500 kVA, have p.u.

leakage impedance of (0.018 +j0.07) and (0-024 + j0.085),

respectively. What is the largest kVA by the
load that can be delivered
parallel combination of these two transformers without overloading any
one? 6
8. A 400 V shunt motorhas an armature resistance of 0.5 ohmn and a shunt field
resistance of 200ohms,and is running at 1000r.p.m. It hasa rotationalloss of
500W. a Calculate

(a) the maximum efficiency;

(b) the speed and efficiency,when the motor armature curentis half than that
in (a). 14

9. (a) Describe the process of voltage build-up in self-excited d.c. generators. 7

(b) Explain with neat and labelled diagram the commutation process in a d.c.
machine. Also suggest the remedies for it. 7
1. (a)

Basis for Core Type Shell Type

Comparison Transformer Transformer

|Thewinding surround the The core surround the

Core. winding.
in Electrical
152 S.Q.B.
Lamínation are cut in the

is cut in the form of the long strips ofE

ShapelThe and L.
Lamination L strips.
formofthe is
cross section
may be square,The in shape,
Cross-section rectangular
Cross Section stepped
and three |Less
More Sandwich or Disc Winding
Copper Require or
Other Name |Concentric
Winding. Three
Two Less
More Centrallimb carry the whole
The flux isequally flux and side
on the side limbs the flux.
distributed the half of

ofthe core.
Primaryand secondary
and secondary on the
Winding The primary windingsare placed
are placed
on the
winding central límb
side limbs.

Magnetic Circuit Less

Losses Difficult

Maintenance Easy
Strength High
Output Exist
Natural Cooling
Does not exist


-Hysteresis loss




(c) Since we know that M = Hot, N,N,A

N,=100, N, =200, l=3m
A =500 cm = =5x10m?
100x 100

H, =3000 and =4x10-7

S.Q.B. in Electrical Engineering(3rd Semester) 153

Hence M= 4nX10x3000x 100

x 200x 5x 10

120tx 10-2
=40x 10 =1.257 Henry
(d) emf induced in the coil is given by

e=1di or, lel=Ld

dt dt
d 20
dt 10×10-3
Hencel e l=5x103 (2K) =10 Volt.
(e)There are three main methods of ImprovingCommutation or obtaining
narkles Commutation is Resistance and Voltage Commutation and
Winding. Other methods are:

Resistance Commutation.

> Voltage Commutation.

> Brush Shift.

CommutatingPoles or Interpoles.

> Compensating Windings.

> Air Natural (AN) Air Forced (AF) or Air Blast
Oil Natural Air Natural
> Oil Natural Air Forced (ONAF)
> OilForced Air Forced (OFAF)
> Oil Natural Water Forced (ONWF)
> Oil Forced Water Forced (OFWE)
(g) Fleming's Left Hand Rule: It is found that whenevera
current carrying
conductor is placed inside a magnetic field, a force acts on the conductor, in a

direction perpendicular to both the directions of the current and the magnetic field.

Left Hand Rule

of Force

Magnetic field

Direction of Current

Fleming Right Hand Rule: As per Faraday's law of electromagnetic

induction, whenever a conductor
moves inside a magnetic field, there will be an
(3 Semester)
154 Electrical Engineering
S.QB. in

moved inside the magnetic

induced current in If this conductor gets
it. magnetic field
of applied force,
between the direction by
be a relation
directions is determined
held, there will these three
and the current. This relation among
Fleming's right-hand Rule.
Fleming's Right
Direction of force

Direction of field

Direction of Current

meet one
is provided in electrical
powertransformner to

(h) Tertiary winding
or more ofthe following requirements:

It reduces the unbalancing

phase load.
It redistributes the flow of fault
in the primary due


unbalancing in three

auxiliary load in different

(i1) Sometimeit required to supply an
load can be
level in addition to its
main secondary load. This secondary
taken from tertiary winding
ofthree winding transfomer.
in 3 winding
is connected in delta formation
(iv)As the tertiary winding event ofa short
of faultcurTent in the
transforner,it assists in limitation
circuit from line to neutral.
load may result in neutral
(v) In a star/star connection unbalanced
may circulate between lines
displacement and third-harmonic currents
and earth. These difficulties may be overcome by providing a delta
to take
winding with a rating sufficient

) connected stabilizing (tertiary)

short-circuít fault currents.

Ans Both the revolving field rotates at the synchronous speed. o, =2rfin
magnetic field is resolved into two
the opposite direction. Thus, the pulsating

) magnitude and opposite in direction

rotatíng magnetic fields. Both are equal in

but at the same frequency.

When the armature of a DC motor rotates under the influence of the
driving torque, the armature conductors move through the magnetic field and

hence emfis induced in them as in a generator. The induced emf acts in opposite
dírectíon to the applied voltage V (Lenz's law) and is known as Back EMF or
CounterEMF (Eb),
S.Q.B. in Electrical
Engincering (3rd Semester) 155

induced e.m.f: We can

2. (a) Dynamically see fromthe
figurethat a conductor
a uniform magnetic
Ais lied
within field whose flux
is B density is a uniform magnetic
theflux density wb'.In this fig.the
field and movement of the conductor is
line. When the
shown by arrow conductor A cuts across at
tright angles to the flux.
=Length of the conductor
lying within the field. And
it moves a
adx in time dt. So,the area swept by the

: conductor is =ldx, Hence, flux
conductor = 1-dx x B, Changein Flux = B-l· dx
Time = dt second



According to Faraday's laws. The e.m.f induced in the conductor. and this

induced e.m.f is known as dynamically induced e.m.f.

Th rate of change of flux linkages
= dt
=Bly volt
[where, is velocity]
Ifthe conductor (A)moves at an angle o with the direction of flux which is

shown in (b).
Then the induced e.m.f is ,e=Bly sin0 volts =lvxB
(Le., as cross product vector V and B)
An example, the generator works on the production of dynamically induced
e.m.fin the conductors.

(b)It is found that generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical

power are more economicalin three phase system than a single phase
system. For a
three-phase system, three single-phase transformers are required. Three phase
transformation can be done in two ways, by using a single three-phase
transformer or by using a bank of three single phase transformers. There are

advantages and disadvantages to each option.

A single 3 phase transformer costs around 15% less than a bank of three

single phase transformers. Again formeroccupies less space than later. For a very
big transforner, it is impossible to transport a large three-phase transformer to the
site and is instead easier to transport three single-phase transformers, which are
erectedseparately to form a three-phase unit.

Another advantage of using a bank of three single phase transformers is that,

if one unit ofthe bank becomes out of order, then the bank can be run as an open
delta transformer.
156 S.QB. in Electrical






Connection of Three Phase Transformer: A verity of connection of three

phasetransformer are possibleon each side of both a single 3phase transformer

or a bankofthree single phase transformers.
Marking or Labeling the Different Terminals of Transformer:Terminals
of each phase of HV side should be labeled as capital letters, A, B, C and those of
LV side should be labeled as small letters a, b,c. Terminal polarities are indicated
by suffixes 1 and 2. Suffix l's indicate similar polarity ends and sodo 2's.
Star-Star Transformer: Star-star transformer is formed in a 3 phase
by connecting one terminal of each phase of individual side, together.
The common terminal is indicatedby suffix 1 in the figure below. If terminal with
suffix 1 in both primary and secondary are used as common terminal, voltages of

primary and secondary are in same phase. That is why this connection is called
zero degree connection or 0-connection.

O0000 O0900 o0000

A. B B

00000 O0000 r00000

Star-Star Three Phase Transformer

S.Q.B. in Electrical Engineering(3fd Semester)

3. (a)
Transformer Efficiency: The Efficiency
of the
io f useful
transformer is defined as
output powerto the input power. The
input and output powerare
in the same unit. Its unit is either
measured in Watts (W) or KW. Transformer
efficiency is denoted by n.

n= output power
input power outputpower + losses
n= output power
output power +iron losses + losses

n= V,l,coso,
V,I,Coso, +P, + P.
Where, V, Secondaryterminal voltage
V,= Full load secondary current
cos ¢, =power factor of the load
P,= Iron losses =hysteresis losses +eddy current losses
P. Full load copper losses =IR
Consider, the x is the fraction of the full load. The efficiency of the
transformer regarding x is expressed as

n= V,l,cos6, V, ¢,
Vl, cos o +P,+1Rs V, cos¢, + P ...i)

The value of the terminal voltage V, is approximately constant. Thus, for a
given power factor the Transfomerefficiency depends upon the load current I,.
equation (), the numerator is constant and the transformer
efficiency will be
maximum if the denominator with respect to the variable I,, is
equated to zero.
=(V, cos ¢, ++I,R,) =0 or, 0 + R =0
IRe, =P, .. (ii)

i.e., Copper losses =Iron losses

Thus, the transformer will give the
loss is equal to the iron loss.



, 2P
as (P.

the value of output current

efficiency when their copper

I, at which the transformer

efficiency will be maximum is given as

Ifx is the fraction of full load KVA at which the efficiency of the transformer
is maximum then,
(3 Semester)
158 Electrical Engineering

P. is the full load copper

Copper losses =X'P.
Iron losses =P
For maximum efficiency X,P. = P,
Therefore x=1
P efficiency
to maximum
Thus, output KVA corresponding .. (iv)
Imax =X full load KVA

in equation
(iv)we will get,

ofx from the above equation (ii)

Putting the value


max =

Full load
full load


copper losses
iron losses

at full load

condition of the transformer.

. (v)

equation (v) is the

maximum efficiency
The above energy.
is converted into the electrical
(b) In mechanical energy
DC machine, into output power.
is not transformed
total input power may
During this process, the forms. The form of this loss
wasted in various
Some part ofinput powergets give in the rise in temperature
to another. These losses
vary from one machine In Machine, there are
the efficiency of the machine.
the machineand reduce
of energy loss.
broadly four main categories
loss: The
in dc machine or winding
Copper losses or electrical losses
the current flowing
losses taking place during
copper losses are the winding in the winding. In
These losses occur due to the resistance
through the winding. winding.
windings, armature and field
DC machine, there are only two
field winding
three parts; armature loss, the
Thus copper losses categories in
are proportional to the
loss, and brush contact
resistance loss. The copper losses
Armature Copper loss in DC
square thecurrent flowing through the winding.

Armature copper loss =IR,

Where,I, is armature current and R, is armature resistance. E

These losses are about 30% of the total full load losses.oo laupa eteol

Field Winding Copper Loss in DC Machine:

Field winding copper loss =IR
Where,I, is field current and R, is field resistance.

These losses are about 25% theoretically, but practically it is constant.

Brush Contact Resistance Loss in DC Machine:

Brush contactloss attributes to resistance between the surface of brush and

commutator. It is not a loss which could be calculated separately as it is a part of

variable losses. Generally,it contributes to both the types of copper losses.

So, they are factors in the calculation of the above losses.
s.Q.B. in Electrical
Engineering(3d Semester)

Core Losses or Iron Losses in DC Machine or Magnetic Losses:

As iron core thearmature

rotating in magnetic
which is called
core losses.
field, somelosses
the core
in Normally, machines are operated with
speed,so these losses are almost
constant constant.These losses
Hysteresis loss and Eddy categorized in
two form; current loss.

Hysteresis Loss in Machine: DC

Hysteresis losses OcCur in the armature
to winding due
the core. When the core of
of reversal of
magnetization the armature
exposed to the magnetic
field, it undergoes complete rotation of
magnetic reversal.
ature which is under
The portion of the
S-pole, after completing
half electrical revolution, the
be under the N-pole,and the
same piece will magnetic lines are reversed in
the order to
Overturn magnetism
the core. The within
constant process of magnetic
o the armature, consume some
amount of energy which is called hysteresis
The nercentage of loSs depends upon
the quality and volume of the
The Frequency ofMagneticReversal

Steinmetz Formula:
The Steinmetz formulais for the calculation of hysteresis
Hysteresis loss P, =B.fV watts
Where,n =Steinmetz hysteresis co-efficient
B =Maximum flux Density in armature winding
F=Frequency of magnetic reversals
V= Volume of armature in m.

Condition for Maximum Efficiency in DC Machine: In this DC generator

is taken as reference to find out maximum efficiency.The DCgenerator efficiency
is perpetualbut varies with load. Thinkthrough a
shunt generator supplying a load
current I at a terminal voltage V.
Then Generator output VI

Generator input =Output +Losses

= VI, + Variable losses +Constant losses
= +12, +W.

=VI, +( +1)R,+ W
The shunt field current I,, is generally small as compared to I, and, therefore,
can be neglected.

Generator input = VI +IRa +W.

Efficiencyn = output VI
input (VI +IR,+ W,)
160 Electrical

of aboveequation
maximum when the denominator
The efficiency is always
is minimum i.e.,

RgWc =0 or,
We or, I =W,
V V vI?

Variable loss =Constant loss , ,)

is given by
to maximum efficiency
The load current corresponding

an iron-cored
As shown in the figure, consider
4. (a) Eddy current concept:
toa supply via an on/off switch.
solenoid which connected

Fluxpath by
Induced enfbiothinvd

> When the switch ís closed, the current flows through a coil will increase

rapidly.The coilcurrent will reach to some steady value which will depend

upon the coil resistance,

> A magnetic field will be generated due to the flow of coil current.

> The magnetic flux is proportional to the coil current and it will increase

from zero to some steady value,

This changing flux(do/dt)expands outwards from the centre ofthe iron core. Electrical
Engincering(3fd Semester)

As the flux linking with the core is changing, an emf will be induced in the
Since the iron core is a
conductor, the induced emf will
to be circulated produce a current
around it. This is known as
an eddy current (it
similar to the manner circulates
created by an eddy of water).

Eddy current

The direction of the induced emf and eddy current will be determined by
applying Fleming's right hand rule.

As the eddy current circulates in the core, it will

produce a heating effect.
This is normally an undesirable effect
and is referred as eddy current loss.
This loss is negligible in dc
circuits as it will occur during circuit turn on
and turn off duration only. But in AC
circuits the eddy current will be
flowing continuously, in alternate directions.

How to minimize Eddy Currentlosses?

> In order to reduce the eddy current loss, the resistanceof the core should be

increased. In other words, low reluctance should be retained.

> In devices like transformers, the core is made up of laminations of

the core is made up of thin sheets of steel, each lamination being insulated
from others.
> As the laminations are thin, they will have relatively high resistance.

> Each lamination sheet will have an eddy current circulates within it.

The sum of individual eddy current of the laminations are very less
compared to that of using single solid iron core.
> The eddy current loss is proportional to f. So at higher frequencies, the
eddy current loss is very high.
> Under such conditions, the use of lamination sheets are not enough.
> For this type of application, ferrite cores or iron dust cores are used. Using
these materials, the eddy currents are limited to individual grains, so the

eddy current loss is reduced considerably.

162 in Electrical

(b) Since
Here A

= 5cm²

us findB first since B=


Flux density in air gap =B, =
Since =BA
=6 webber/m?
A 5x104
B, =

B, x1 6x3x10-3 (Since turns =120)

Hence, AT, = 4nx10x120
18x10x7 =119.3 A
88x 120
5. (a) Condition Zero and Maximum Voltage

regulation is given
by this approximation

V.R. = (IRRcos(4R)VR+IRXsin(9)
Zero voltage regulation means, Sending
For Zero voltage regulation:
caseis also known as ideal
voltage become equal. This
voltage and Receiving end
voltage regulation.
V.R. =0
IRRcos(R) +IXsin(z) =0
or, Rcos () =-X sin(oR)ecoisoo
Or, tan() =
or, OR =-tan

-1/ X
or, OR =-cot R

cot-X + tan
R 2
X (X)
cOp1/ tan
R 2 R
or, R 2 tan
S.Q.B. in Electrical Engineering(3rd Semester) 163


Here Reference phasor is Ip

OR E(-, 0).

angle between I and Vis negative, means leading power factor I, is

leading the voltage
For maximum voltage regulation:

Condition for maximum V.R.


dR -Rsin()Xcos(hg) =0
tan ()= X

Op = tan

[Because Both X and R are Positive]

[Lagging power factor >> Current is lagging to Voltage]

% Reg



Leading pf 1f

0 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.6 0e

-1 +Leading pf

Percentage regulation versus power factor: R=0.015 pu, X= 0.05 pu

P =Vdocos)
cos = Po
164 Engineering
S.Q.B. in Electrical

In =l,sin ; I, =Ihcos
Here I, =Magnetrising current
1, =Core Loss component
Core admittance, Y, = G, + jB,, =G +B
Also we know that Y,=
=G, =
Conductivity of core
The susceptance of the core is
given by = =/Y -G

Pye =P2 and V, =IZ
Here, Z =R+ jX =
Resistance offered by the coil, R =

of the core is X =/z'-R2

The susceptance
HV side of transformer, from
These values of R and X are referred to the


(b) )

shunt generators
They are used
is conducted.


Shunt Wound DC Generators: The application
is very much restricted

supply power to the

for its dropping voltage


situated very close to its position.


voltage for small

These type of DC
generators generally give constant terminal
regulators from no load to full load.
distance operation with the help of field

They are used for general lighting.

They are used to charge battery because they can be made to give constant

output voltage.
> They are used for giving the excitation to the alternators.

> They are also used for small powersupply (such as a portable generator).

Applications of Series Wound DC Generators: These types of generators

are restricted for the use of power supply because of their increasing terminal

voltage characteristic with the increase in load current from no load to full load.
We can clearly see this characteristicfrom the characteristiccurve of series wound
generator. They give constant current in the dropping portion of the characteristic

curve. For thís property they can be used as constant current source and employed
for various applications.
1. They are used for supplying field excitation current in DC locomotives
for regenerative breaking.

2. This types of generators are used as boosters to compensatethe voltage

drop in the feeder in various types of distribution systems such asrailway

3. In series arc lightening this type of generators are mainly used.

s.o.B. in Electrical Engincering(3fd Semester) 165

of DC Motors: Now a days, the
(ii) alternating current

first and then it is converted into DC by the
rectifiers. Thus, DC
has generally been suppressed by a rectified AC supply for many

Direct curent motors are very commonly used as variable
speed drives and in
where severe torque variations occur.
Shunt Motors:The shunt motors are used where constant speed is required
t conditions are not severe. The
and starting various applications of DC shunt motor
in Lathe Machines, Centrifugal Pumps, Fans, Blowers, Conveyors, Lifts,

Weaving Machine, Spinning machines, etc.

(ii) Ina series wound DCmotor, reversing either the field winding leads or
the rotor winding leads will reverse the direction of the motor. However,simply
versingthe leads from the power supply will have no effect on the direction of
rotation since it is equivalent to reversing the current through both the individual
windings-in effect a double reversal. In other words the motor willturn in the same

directioneven though the current through the series windings is reversed. This
means that the motorcan run on alternating current as well as direct current since
the direction of rotation is independent of the direction of the current through the
series windings. Universal motors are often used in power tools and household
appliances such as vacuum cleaners and food mixers.

> Itis a variable speed motori.e. very low speed at high torqe and vice versa.
However at no load motor tends to occupy dangerous speed. The motor
has a very high starting torque. So it is used for:

+ The series DC motor is an industry workhorse for both high andlow

power, fixedandvariable speed electric drives.
Applications range from cheap toys to automotive applications.

They are inexpensive to manufacture and are used in variable speed

household appliances such as sewing machines and power tools.
> Its high starting torque makes it particularly suitable for a wide range of
traction applications.
> Industrial uses are hoists, cranes, trolly cars, conveyors, elevators, air
compressors, vacuum cleaners,bosoe be
6. (a) As the current source to primary is sinusoidal, the flux induced by it will
be also sinusoidal. Hence, the function of flux may be considered as a sine
function. Mathematically, the derivative of that function willgive a function for
the rate of change of flux linkage with respect to time. This latter function will be a
cosine function since
d (sin
=cos 0. So, if we derive the expression for rms
value of this cosine wave and multiply it number of turns of the winding,
with the
we willeasíly get the expression for RMS value of induced emf of that winding. In
this way, we can easily derive the emf equation of transformer.
166 (3 Semester)
S.QB. in ElectricalEngineering

Primary winding Secondary winding


V. V2


E +

Secondary Induced Voltage ldeal Transformer

Let's say, N is number of turns in a winding,

is the maximum flux in the core in Wh

As per Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, emf, e= -T do


Where is the instantaneous alternating flux and represented as,

=¢, sin2rft.
2r ft
Hence, e =Nd sin


e=-N,cos (2rf)2rf
e=-No x 2rf cos(2n ft).
As the maximum value of cos 2aft is1,the maximum value of induced emfe is

em= No, x 2yf

To obtain the rms value of induced counter emf, divide this maximum value

ofe by /2.
Then, E = 2T x OmfN

E =4.44, fN volts (Since

This is the EMF equation of transformer.

If E,and E, are primary and secondary emfs and N,and N, are primary and
secondary turns then, voltage ratio or turns ratio of transformer is,

E, 4.44.,fT,
Wecan also derive this relationas follow and solve for the given values in the

Sincewe know that emf induced =N9


Since flux changes proportional to the sinusoided signal applied to the

primaryside, hence mathematically, we can represent as

s.Q.B. in Electrical Engincering(3d Semester) 167

= sin ot

So -(O,, sin or)


e= N,ocos (or)
e= Cmax =0
at ot

Hence emax = 0NO,m,

ms Pm

2rfNm=4.44 fN,m
For secondary side, E, =220
Ems =4.44x 50x 80x .o

So =8.76x 10 wb
m= V2x4.44 x 4000

Since VN E Or,
V, N E,
80x 3300
HenceN, = 220

Hence no. of turns on the high voltage side = N,=1200.

7. (a) For parallel connection of transformers, primary windings of the
transformers are connected to source bus-bars and secondary windings are
connected to the load bus-bars. Various conditions that must be fulfilled for the

successful parallel operation of transformers are

Same voltage ratio and turns ratio (both primary and secondary voltage
rating is same)
-Same percentage impedanceand X/R ratio.

Identical position of tap changer

Same KVA ratings
Samephase angle shift (vector group are same)
> Same frequency rating
Same polarity
> Same phase sequence.
Some of these conditions are convenient some are mandatory. The and
convenient are same voltage same percentage impedance,
ratio and turns ratio,

Same kva rating, and same position of tap changer. The mandatory conditions are
Samephase angle shift, same polarity, same phase sequence and same frequency.
(3 Semester)
168 Electrical

operation is possible but

are not met. paralleled
When the comvenient conditicns
Ot optimal
Trarsformer A



Transformer B

necessary because of the following

Parallel operation of a transformer is

rezsons are given below:

to have a single large transformer for
> Itis impractical and uneconomical
heavyand large Ioads. Hence, it will be a wise decision to connect

number of transformers in parallel

> Insubstations,the total load required may be supplied by an appropriate
reduces the
numberof the transformer of standard size. As a result, this
spare capacity ofthe substation.
> If the transfomers are connected in parallel, so there will be scope in

future, for expansion ofa substation to supply a load beyond the capacity
of the transformer already installed.

> If there will be any breakdown of a transformer in a system of

transformers connected in parallel, there will be no interruption of power

supply, for essential services.

> If any of the transformer from the system is taken out of service for its

maintenance and inspection, the continuity of the supply will not get

(b) Rating of transformerl = 1.1 MVA

and of transformer2 =500 KVA
Choosing the base of 1.1 MVA=KVA
Ze (1100KVA =0.018 +j0.07
or, Ze,(500 KVA) =0024 + j0.085)o
=0.0528 +j0.187
S.Q.B. in Electrical
Engineering(3Semester) 169

Now S, = Ze,s or,

Ze, +Ze,
S, =1100
and Ze, +Ze, =0.078 +j0.257
(0.078 + j0.257) 1100(0.2665)
So S=I100 =1508.75KVA
(0.0528 + j0187) 0.1943

Andalso S,
=e +Ze,
0.0708 +j0.257
s-Zt24 Ze 0.018+ j0.07 x 500
Since Ze, <Ze,, Hence trans formes, reaches to its rated
KVA first.
Hence largest KVA load =1508.75 KVA.

8.Armatureresistance,R, = 2
Shuntfield resistance R =2002
Speed =1000rp.m.
N= 1000 rpm

Copper loss in field winding =IR,

Copper loss in Armature=I-R

Total losses =500 +IR,+IR

For maximum efficiency:
Constant losses =Variable losses
Hence Rotational losses +IR,=IRa
so0 +(2)'200 =1)
170 (3Semester)
S.Q.B. in Electrical Engineering

SoI, = 1300
=05,99 51A

I =l, +I
I, =51+2 =53A
Now input power VI, = =400 ×53
Posses =500 + 2x 200 + (51)x 05 = 2600 W
400x 53 -2600 18600
n= x100 = x 100=87.7%
400 x 53 21200
Now for the (ii) situation:

n=? andN, =?forl, =A
I, =255A
Ea KN, N
N, V-Ia, Ra Ea
N, V-Ia, Ra Ea,
1000 400-51x 05 3745
N, 400 -255x 05 387.25

Hence N, = 1000x 387.25

So N, =1034 r.p.m
=l, +a, =2+25.5 =27.5
Pin, = VIa,= 400 x 27.4 =1100W

Pos Rotational loss +I +R,

= 500 +(2)x 200 +(25.5)x 0.5
=500 +800+325125 =1625.125
11000 -1625125
So x100 =10674.875 -x100 =97.04%
11000 11000
9. (a) The smallamount of magnetism is present in the rotor iron.This residual
magnetic of the main poles, induced an electromotive force
in the stator coils,
which produces initial current in the field windings.
Due to flow of small current in the coil, an increase
in magnetic field occurs.

As a result,voltage output increases, in turn, increases the field current. This

process continues as long as the electromotive force in the
armature is more than
the voltage drop in the field winding. But,
after at certain level, field poles get
saturated,and at that point electric equilibrium is
reached, and no further increase
in armature emf and increase in current. The resistance of
the field winding has
certain fixed value, at which self-excitation can be achieved. This resistance value
may vary according to electric parameters of the
S.Q.B. n Electrical
Engineering (3d Semester)

00000 flold
Voltage Regulator

Self-excited Generator

Because of presence of small residual

Aanerator will have a small
flux in the field poles, DC Shunt
voltage at its terminal even though the switch
when driven at rated speed. Now
S is open
suppose the switch S is closed.
As there is smallvoltage is there across the
terminals of DC Shunt Generator
ond Switch S is closed, therefore a small current will
start flowing through the
circuit ofDCShuntGenerator which
turn will produce magnetic flux and if the

nroduced magnetic flux addsthe residual

magnetic flux then net flux will increase
and the generated voltage (E, =Ko,)
will increase corresponding to
point J on
the Magnetization curve as shown in figure below.

At Normal Rated Speed

At Reduced Speed
n Field Current, I,

Since the generated voltage has increased, therefore the field current will also
increase to OK corresponding to which the Generated Voltage across the
Terminals of DC ShuntGenerator will increase to point L. In the same mannerthe
voltage will continue to build up till the point of intersection of Field Resistance
Line and Magnetization curve/Open Circuit Characteristics of DC Shunt
Generator. Beyond point of intersection of Field Resistance Line and

Magnetization curve/Open Circuit Characteristicsthe voltage won't build up asin

that case the generated voltage Ea will not be able to drive the required field
current. Thus the stable point at which the voltage will remain fix is the voltage E,
corresponding to point of intersectionof Field Resistance Line and Magnetization
curve/Open Circuit Characteristics.
(b) Commutation in DC Machine: Commutation in DC machines is the

process by which the reversal of current takes place. InDC generator this process
is used to convert the induced AC in the conductors to a DC output. In DC motors

commutation is used to reverse the directionsof DCcurrent before being applied

to the coils of the motor.
172 Electrical

look at the
in process. Let's
The device called
Commutator helps process. The basic
motor to understand the commutation
Tunctioning of a When current is
motor works is electrornagnetic induction.
principle on whích a
field lines around
conductor it produces magnetic
passed through a around it, is placed
in the
a magnetic field induced
When the conductor with So these magnetic lines
it blocks their path.
magnetic lines of force,
path of these depending
this obstacle by either
moving ít upwards or downwards
try to remnove
This gives rise to motor effect.
ín the conductor.
upon the direction of current attached at its end.
For the
two commutators
Each Armature coil contains
the Commutatorsegments
and brushes should maintain
transformnationof current,
output values more than one
coil is
a continuously moving
contact, To get larger
number of pairs of
machincs, So, instead of one
pair, we have a
Used in DC

-Generated AC



The coil is short-circuited for a very short period of time with the help of
brushes.This period known as commutation period. Let us consider a DC motor

in which the width of the Commutatorbars is equal to the width of the brushes. Let

the current flowing through the conductor be la. Let a, b, c be the Commutator
segments of the motor. The current reversal in the coil .i.e. commutationprocess

can be understood by the below steps.


OO000) O0000) 00000)


S.Q.B. in Electrical Engincering(3 Semester) 173

Let the Armature starts rotating,then the brush moves over the commutator
Let the first position of the brush
segments. commutator contact be at segment b as
above. Asthe width of the commutator is equal to the
shown width of the brush,in
the total areas
the above
position of commutator and brush are in contact with
The total current conducted by the commutator
other. segment into the brush

this position will be 21,.
O0000) 00000) 00000

2 2


Now the armature rotates towards the right and the brush comes in contact
with the bar a. At this position, the total conducted current will be 21,, but the
curent in Here the current flows through two paths
the coil changes. and B. A
3/4th of the 21, comes from the coil B and remaining 1/4th comes from coil
A.When KCL is applied at the segmenta and b, the curent through the coil B is
reduced to I/2 and the current drawn through segmenta is I /2.

00000) O0000 00000

b C


At this position half of the brush, a surface is in contact with segment a and
the other half is with segment b. As the total current drawn trough brush is 21gs

drawn through coil A and I, is drawn through coil B. Using KCL we

current I, is

can observe that the current in coil B will be zero.

of the brush surface will be in contact with
In this position, one-fourth
Here the current drawn through coil B
segment b and three fourth with segment a.
-I,/2. Here we can observe that the current in coil B is reversed.
174 in Electrical Engineering(3

O0000) OO000


contact with segmenta and the current
Atthis position, the brush is in full

to the current direction of positíon 1. Thus

from coilB isI, but is reverse direction
process is completed for segment b.
OO000 00000 00000



Effects of Commutation: The computation is called Ideal commutation

when the reversal of current is completed by the end of the commutation period. If

the current reversal is completed during the commutationperiod, sparking occurs

at the contact of brushes and overheating occurs damaging the surface of the
commutator. This defect is called Poorly commutated Machine.
To prevent this type of defects there are three types of methods for improving

> Resistance commutation.

> EMF commutation,

> Compensating winding.
Resistance Commutation: To tackle the problem of poor commutation
Resistance commutation method is applied. In this method, copper brushes of
lower resistance are replaced with carbon brushes of higher resistance.Resistance
increases with the decreasing area of cross-section. So, the resistance of the
trailing commutatorsegmentincreases as the brush moves towards the leading
segment.Hence, the leading segmentis most favored for the current path and large
current takes the path provided by the leading segmentto reach the brush. This can
be well understood by looking at our figure below.
S.Q.B. in Electrical Engineering(3rd Semester) 175

Io the figure abovethe current from coil 3 can take two paths. Path 1 from coil
ote coil 2 and segmentb. Path 2 from short-circuited coil 2 then coil 1 and
a. Whenn copper brushes are used current will take the path 1 due tolower
d by the path. But when carbon brushes
offered are used, the current
the Path 2 because as the area of contact between brush and segment
Preases the resistance increases. This stops the early reversal of current and
sparking in the DC machine.
EMF commutation:Induction property of the coil is one of the reasons for
the slow reversal of current during commutation process. This problem can be
led by neutralizing the reactance voltage produced by the coil by producing
e reversee.m.fin the short circuit coil during the commutatíon period.This EMF
eommutation is known as Voltage
also commutation.

This can be done in two methods.

> By Brush Shifting method.

> By Using commutating poles.

In brush shifing method, brushes are shifted forward for DC generator and
backward in DC motor. This establishes a flux in the neutral zone. As the
commutating coil is cutting the flux,a small voltage is induced. As brush position
has to be shifted for every variation in load, this method is rarely preferred.
In the second method, commutating poles are used. These are the small

magnetic poles placed between main poles mounted to the stator of the machine.
These are attached in series connection with the armature. As load current causes
back e.m.f., these commutating poles neutralizes the position of the magnetic

Without these commutating poles, the commutator slots would not stay
aligned with ideal portions of the magnetic field as magnetic field position

changes due to back e.m.f. During the commutation period, these commutating
poles induce an e.m.f in the short circuit coil which opposes the reactance voltage

and gives spark-less commutation.

The polarity of commutating poles is the same as the main pole situated next
to it for the generator whereas the polarity of commutating poles is opposite to the
main poles in the motor.
176 Engincering (3rd Semester)
S.Q.B. in Electrical

Code: 100307
B. Tech 3rd Semester Examination,
(New Course)

28 Full Marks: 70
Time: 3 Hours Pass Marks:


()The marks are indicated in the right hand margin.

(ii) There are NINE Questions in this paper.

(ii) Attempt FIVE Questions in all.

(iv) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

following (any seven):
1. Choose the correct answer of the
of magnetic flux in
(a) The property of a material which opposes the creation
it is known as

(i) magnetomotive force

() conductance
(iv) reluctance
(ii) permeance
best suited for making Armature and
(b) Those magnetic materials are

cores cores which have permeability and ...hysteresisloss.

i) high, high (ii) low, high
(iv) low, low
(ii) high, low
armature resistance 0.5 and
(c) The current drawnby a 220 V motor of

back e.m.f. of 200 Vis

(i) 40 A (ii) 44 A
(iii) 400A (iv) 440A
A motor is accidentallyconnected to single-phase a.c. supply.
(d) d.c. series

The torque produced will be

i) of zero average value (i)oscillating

(ii) steady and unidirectional pulsating and unidirectional

(e) The dummy coils in d.c. machines are useful to

(i) increase the efficiency

(ii) improve the commutation

(iii) reduce the cost of the machine
(iv) maintain the mechanical balance of armature

()A d.c. shunt generatoris supplying a load of 1.8 kW at 200 V. Its armature
and field resistance are 0.4 ohm and 200 ohm respectively. What is the

generated e.m.f.?
(i) 190 V (ii) 196 V
(iii) 204 V (iv) 210 V

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