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Five Faiths, One Hand

‘It’s Not You’

“Felix, Wake up” A familiar voice shouting at me. I woke up

with red and watery eyes. What was that? It’s not me? Was

that a dream? “Can you at least get up? It’s 8 AM, Sister

Cassandra will go manic” That familiar voice again. I look to

the left and see Tyler standing and shouting lectures at me.

But Tyler’s voice definitely not the one in my dream. “Just get

out, I’ll get ready in a second”. He walk out while mumbling


Tyler? Sister Cassandra? Are they my family? No. Not by

blood but in a way, yes. I live at an orphanage, my mom left

me here after dad got in a prison for illegal substances. I

wouldn’t say it’s fun here, but it’s not the worst.
I walk down the stairs to the main hall with kids screaming,

laughing, and crying. “Good morning Felix! How’s your night?”

Another familiar voice. “hey, same as usual” I respond to

Elliot. She smiled and giggling. “Alright! Since Felix already

awake, time for breakfast!” Sister Cassandra shouted happily

with a smile. Shit, they were waiting for me for breakfast? If I

knew, I would have woke up a bit more early. “You teens go

eat and enjoy your evening, I’ll handle these kids. Don’t forget

to eat first” Sister Cassandra says. I went to get my plate and

the, a hand holding my shoulder from the back. “Hey man,

sprint up before someone take your seats” Alex says to me. “If

he didn’t dip his seat, I’ll take it” Scarlet walk past me while

saying that. I can hear Elliot laughing from that phrase Scarlet

just said while that, Tyler walk past me without saying

anything. Tyler, Elliot, Alex, and Scarlet, The kids my ages. We

are 15 this year, and we all been close a lot for the past few

years in this orphanage.

As we walk down the hall, we all sit and eat in the study

room. It was complete silence, I tried to not make it awkward

by saying “What are you guys doing after this?”. Shit, not even

one respond. “I’m going school library to study since exams

are near!” Elliot says to break the silence. Scarlet squinted her

eyes at Elliot and says “Fence class”. What a short respond. “I

have baseball practice since our school will have sport day

soon” Tyler said while eating. “Oh that’s great, I’ll have a walk

at the back town” Alex says. Everyone has their own stuff to

do, what about me? As I don’t want to be left out, I start

saying “I’m-” my words got cut off by Sister Cassandra. “You

will be washing the dishes since you woke up late”. I respond

“Alright alright”.
“Why did you woke up late today?” Sister Cassandra says to

me with her arms cross around and smiling while I wash the

dishes. “I don’t know, I have nightmares all the time” I said

while giggling. I always think that I am Sister Cassandra

favourite kid since she always spend time with me, I wonder

When I finished the dishes, I thought I should check on Tyler

since school field is near the orphanage. Hopefully he’s doing

well. No matter how harsh he seems to me, apparently he’s

the most closest to me and everything. As I was about to walk

to the school field, a hand touch mine. Bella is holding my

hand, Bella is Tyler’s 6 year old little sister who muted. I smile

and says “Do you want to see your brother?”. she nodded and

we start walking. Honestly, Tyler never told me why he end

up as an orphan. Does his parents dead? I know if I ask him he

will ignore me and Bella does not know anything since she

was very young at that time. We arrived and Bella start

running toward her brother. Tyler glance at me and nod his

head. I take that as thank you. Bella look so happy with Tyler,

maybe because Tyler is the only one who understand her. I

never learn sign languages in my life, the only person I know

that can is Sister Cassandra and Tyler. And thinking about it,

Bella is the only kid that muted in the Orphanage. Must be

hard to interact, maybe I should try learning the sign

languages. I guess I’ll find some sign languages book at the

school library, Elliot was there too anyway.

Since Elliot is there, maybe I can ask her about the words I

heard from my dream. I know those words are normal but I

have always hear it just don’t understand a word from it, I

guess this is the first time. Plus Elliot love these kind of things,

Elliot is really interested in Lucid Dreams, Paranormal things,

and theories even tho she seems so sweet. And she’s the only

one who believes me when it comes to these things, even

Tyler wouldn’t believe me if I told him about these dreams. I

give my library cards to the register and I see Elliot at the third

table writing notes. I call her out while walking towards her

“Ellie!”. She finally notice me and waving at me, I sit down

beside her and she puts down her pen and smile at me.“Hi

Felix! What are you doing here? Are you studying too? You

should study with me!” she said with a big smile. I take my

breath and smile back while saying “Not really, I want to ask

you about the lucid dreams things. I might have dream about

it”. Her eyes seems wide open, her smile lost for a second.
After a minutes, she started smiling back while saying “How

was it? It is why you always woke up with red eyes?”. I can

see the serious look on her face even if she’s smiling, I

respond with “I don’t know why but it were saying ‘It’s Not

You’ but I don’t know who said it, it just pure dark”. She looks

down while saying “Well that’s not much information” She

was quiet for few minutes. I think about the dream for a

second, “Maybe it’s telling a future?” I said while looking at

her. “Impossible! Lucid Dreams does not predict the future!

Maybe it’s a message for help instead?” she said with curious.

We both sits there in silents figuring about that dream.

“Maybe we should see for another night, if it really a lucid

dreams or just a message interactions from someone?” Elliot

says. I agreed with her and stand up to find the sign languages

book. I borrow the book and start reading while walking out

of the library. I head back home while practising my hand with

the sign languages. It’s really hard to remember every step

and everything. I read the book until it’s almost dawn, I see

Alex open the front door. He didn’t notice me at first and then

start smiling at me. If he already back, then Tyler will be back

anytime soon. Shit, I don’t want him to know I’m trying to

learn sign languages for his sister! That’ll be embarrassing! I

run up to my room and hide that book. I heard another door

close, I run back downstairs and see Scarlet. She stunned

there at the door while staring at me. “Does Kate up there?”

She said at me while holding on the door handle. Kate? Oh

Elliot’s last name, Elliot Katelyn. “No, I don’t think so, I think

she at the library” I respond. She runs back outside leaving

the door wide open. Jeez, what’s wrong with her? But come

to think about it, Scarlet is the only one who called Elliot by

her last name. Alex close back the door and says “Is she

alright?”. I think he referred to Scarlet, I respond “I don’t

know”. He giggles and says “I heard you checked on Tyler and

Elliot, why don’t you come hang by me and Scars?”. Shit, I

forgot I didn’t come by them both. “Fuck, I forgot. I guess

you’re not really important to me” I said with sarcastic voice

while he’s laughing. Tyler opens the door with Bella holding

his hand and an ice cream on her left hand, while looking back

he said “The hell is wrong with that maniac ponytail

women?”. I think he’s talking about Scarlet since she has a

ponytail, “Neither of us know, maybe she left something on

her fence class” Alex says. I don’t really want to interrupt

them by saying it’s because of Elliot, because that would the

last reason. Scarlet has always seems to ignored her all the

time, not sure why. So if I told them that, neither of them

would believe me. After a couple of minutes, the front door

start opening and we see Elliot. She smile and says “Hey boys!

How was your day?”. Weird, I thought Scarlet was after her? I

don’t really want to say anything. “Hi Ellie, it’s been great”

Alex respond to her. After a while I realize that Scarlet wasn’t

walking with her, then why does she panic when Elliot wasn’t

upstairs? I guess I’ll just ignore it. Scarlet come back home

after a few minutes Elliot was back, she just went straight

upstairs and sleep. But it’s 7 PM? Maybe she’s not in the


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