Ethics Continuum

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Ethical Behavior in the Business Environment

Actions that support an

Unacceptable Actions
environment of ethical excellence
Committed to doing business with Deals with HP partners, Suppliers and Takes material undisclosed personal
uncompromising integrity customers in a manner consistent with advantage from HP business with
HP's core values and Standards of others
Treats HP colleagues and the Business Conduct
community with dignity and respect Personally violates Standards of
Recognizes ethical conduct concerns Business Conduct guidelines
Accepts personal responsibility to and their possible impact on HP's
embody and model ethical behavior business overall Sets a tone which allows violations of
the Standards of Business Conduct
Understands, follows and Consults appropriate resources when
encourages others to act in faced with ethical uncertainty Covers up violations of the Standards
accordance with the Standards of of Business Conduct
Business Conduct Reports and encourages others to
report ethical concerns immediately Prevents visibility of management to
Avoids conflicts of interests an ethical conduct concern
Protects confidentiality and privacy of
Handles sensitive information with HP's information Retaliates against individuals raising
appropriate care ethical concerns
Actively protects the anonymity of
Protects HP's assets individuals raising ethical conduct Uses different Standards of Business
allegations, if required Conduct locally
Ethical Behavior at HP …helping you lead with uncompromising integrity

What is the ethical behavior model? When to use the ethical behavior model Institutionalizing ethical behavior
The Standards of Business Conduct serve as the The Ethical Behavior model is a tool to help you identify The Ethical Behavior model can be used in a variety of
basic infrastructure of policies, guidelines and ethical behavior in the workplace, so that you can strive workplace settings. Used independently, in private
standards at HP. The Ethical Behavior model was every day to be an ethical leader. discussions or in large-team dialogue, the model will serve
developed to aid individuals and teams in as a catalyst for discussion on leading with
understanding and supporting ethical behavior in As you review the Ethical Behavior model, think about uncompromising integrity.
the workplace. This model will help identify your own business practices, as well as those you
decisions and actions that support an environment of encounter while working with others. Self discovery
ethical excellence. This practical tool was designed A dialogue with yourself- an introspective process to
to help you be an ethical leader with The Ethical Behavior model enables teammates, privately examine your behavior and strive for a new level
uncompromising integrity. colleagues, and managers to explore and challenge each of ethical leadership.
other to new levels of ethical leadership. Use the model to
The Ethical Behavior model highlights acceptable explore independently, or as a team, and think about the Incorporate a regular self-examination as part of your
and unacceptable ethical behavior in the workplace. following: personal development plan to help you excel as a leader.
It depicts examples of ethical behavior that: Review once a quarter.
1 Examine current business practices
• support HP’s Core Value of uncompromising • Which positive ethical decisions and actions do you 1:1 dialogue
integrity. consistently demonstrate at work that support ethical A dialogue with a teammate, colleague or manager to
• are in alignment with the Standards of Business leadership? discuss current actions, their impact on the business, and to
Conduct. • Which unacceptable actions do you see exhibited at set goals reaching new levels of ethical leadership.
• conflict with the Standards of Business Conduct. HP? It can be used for:
- Peer discussions
• are unacceptable at HP.
Explore how these actions, ethical or unethical, - Mentor discussions
impact you personally, your work group, or the - Manager coaching
company at large. - Performance management discussions
- Identifying specific risk areas in your business
2 Take ownership
Group discussion
• What one or two actions could you take to improve
A conversation approach among a team to discuss current
your ethical leadership or the ethical leadership of
ethical behavior and decisions, their impact on the
your work group?
business, and to set goals for improved ethical leadership.
• Regularly incorporate into team dialogue to minimize
Visit ethics@hp Set goals for desired outcomes; commit to them.
risk exposure for the company; identify any potential
areas of risk.
for ethics tools, decision-making guidance, 3 Follow up
• Communicate team expectations
and resources to help you lead with • Set a date to evaluate progress. Assess need for next
o establish team standards of ethical leadership
uncompromising integrity. steps by repeating steps 1 and 2.
o recognize and reward for ethical leadership
o create an open and honest environment to
discuss ethical issues

o lead with uncompromising integrity

Conversation processes adapted for HP from Action Dialogues

by Debbe Kennedy © 2000 Berrett-Koehler with permission.

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