Gillespie 5e Lesson Planpdf

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5E Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Mrs. Gillespie

Date July 25, 2023

Subject 8th Grade Physical Science


Materials Chromebook, internet access, a writing utensil, mini whiteboards/expos, INB QuickSheets, scissors,

ALCOS 1: Analyze patterns within the periodic table to construct models (e.g., molecular-level models,
Standards (State and including drawings; computer representations) that illustrate the structure, composition, and characteristics
ISTE Standards for of atoms and molecules.
ISTE 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practices and to
demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

ISTE 2b: Students engage in positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior when using technology, including
social interactions online or when using networked devices.

ISTE 3a: plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their
intellectual or creative pursuits.

ISTE 7b: Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or
community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.

ISTE 7c: contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work
effectively toward a common goal.

Objectives Students will be able to….

• Use the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons to draw a model of the atom, identify the
element, and determine the mass and charge.
• Predict how addition or subtraction of a proton, neutron, or electron will change the element, the
charge, and the mass.
• Use the element name, mass, and charge to determine the number of protons, neutrons, and
• Define proton, neutron, electron, atom, and ion.
• Generate an isotopic symbol for an atom, given the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
• Compare different models of the atom.

Essentials • What is the basic structure of atoms?

Questions • How is an atom’s mass calculated?
• Which subatomic particles are electrically charged?
• Where are the three main subatomic particles located?
• How do protons determine an atom’s identity?

Differentiation • All assignments will be available both digitally and in paper format.
Strategies (How will

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the lesson address • All explanations of assignment expectations will be posted digitally on Schoology and printed and
the various learning placed in sheet protectors for students to pass around.
styles of the students • ELL students will be allowed to work with a peer, allowed to used Spanish-English dictionaries as
and the needs of needed, and able to paraphrase instead of writing complete sentences when necessary.
those with special • When presenting the sample project, I will verbally discuss the steps to completing the project
needs?) while showing a visual representation of what is expected.
• I will provide students with a piece of copy paper, and allow them to draw a rough draft of their
timeline prior to completing it on google slides.

The 5 Es

E Description

Engagement Intro Activity: The teacher will begin class by passing out the lyrics to the “Atoms Family” song and then will
play the song for the class. While the song is being played the students will be highlighting important terms they
find in the song. The class will then work together to create a word wall that will remain throughout the unit.

Engagement Activity: Following the “Atoms Family” song, the teacher will have students get into designated
pairs to start the Engagement Activity-Modeling an Atoms. The teacher will display the objective onto the
SmartBoard and have students Think-Pair-Share as a way to discuss the objective of the lesson. The teacher
will read the objective and the pair will respond by writing their understanding of the objective on their personal
whiteboard. The teacher will instruct the pairs to take 2 minutes to discuss their thoughts with a different group
and create one final understanding of the objective to be presented to the class during the “share” portion of the

The teacher will quickly play the brief video lesson Dogs Teach Chemistry-The Atom allowing students to jot
down some quick notes in their interactive notebooks before starting the Making Atoms Activity. Students will
complete the Modeling Atoms activity by using the Bohr Model Template, PowerPoint, and 3 colors or M&M’s.
The student will need to make models of the following atoms:
• Hydrogen - 1 proton, 0 neutrons, 1 electron
• Helium - 2 protons, 2 neutrons, 2 electrons
• Lithium - 3 protons, 4 neutrons, 3 electrons
• Beryllium – 4 protons, 5 neutrons, 4 electrons
• Boron - 5 protons, 6 neutrons, 5 electrons

Engagement Students will complete a series of small Engagement activities – “Atoms Family Song” and Making Atoms.
Assessment These activities will be used as informal assessments to see the connections students can make to content. The
activity also introduces students to key vocabulary and trends that will allow students to gather a deeper
understanding of atoms and elements. Throughout the Intro-Atoms Family Song activity, students are required
to listen to the song and determine key words that may be used throughout the lesson. The students will then
work together to create a word wall of all the terms they feel will be useful throughout the lesson.

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Here is a photo of the lyrics page students will use:

During the Making Atoms activity, the students will be required to work with a partner in a Think-Pair-Share-
Answer style activity. The students will be required listen to the objective from their teacher and then with their
partner write a response on the mini whiteboards that displays their understanding of the objective. The teacher
will then instruct the students to share their answer with another pair and work to create one last initial
understanding of the objective before sharing with the class. Students will be required to use as many of the
terms from the Intro activity that was added to their Word Wall. The teacher will then play a short video of Dogs
Teach Chemistry-The Atom before giving the pairs a copy of the Bohr Model Template and 3 different colored

Students will be assessed on their ability to differentiate between protons, neutrons, and electrons along with
where they each belong on the Bohr Model of Atom. I will ask students to look for patterns. Hopefully, they will
see that # of protons is the same as # of electrons in a neutral atom.

Below is a photo of the Bohr model template page students will use to Make their Atoms:

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Exploration The teacher will guide students into an interactive Exploration-Atoms Stations where the students will be
exploring in more details needed information about atoms. Here is the link to the Interactive Google Slides
Stations: Virtual Exploration Stations-Atoms Lab or Printable Exploration Station Cards. This activity allows
students the opportunity to learn the content through various stations like videos, article readings, and
exploratory mini activities that help teach the information that students will need to understand the 1) basic
structure of an atom, 2) how to calculate an atom’s mass, 3) which subatomic particles are electrically
charged or neutral, 4) where subatomic particles are located, 5) how to determine an atom’s identity, and
6) how all of these factors help with patterns and the organization of the periodic table. The activity also
requires students to practice applying the information through a variety of self-assessment outlets like organizing
information, illustrating information, assessing their knowledge and understanding, and even challenging
themselves to further apply the content. The stations require students to take the knowledge they have gained
and practice organizing the key words learned, illustrating/labelling the parts of an atom, and then taking an
assessment that requires the use of the material to be applied to the questions.
Students will work individually on this activity as they explore each station and record their answers into the
Google Forms provided Explore Stations Google Form. They will be responsible for using their Chromebooks,
headphones, and turning the assignment into Schoology as directed by the end of class.
Below are screenshots of some of the 3 Input Stations (Watch It, Read It, and Explore It):

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The activity also has Output Stations- Organize It, Illustrate It, and Assess It- all which require students to
take the information just learned in the Input Stations to show their understanding.

Exploration Students will be assessed on their understanding of atoms throughout the stations but more directly through the
Assessment last station-Assess Part 1 and Part 2 Stations. The Organize and Illustrate stations are informally assessing
students and helping them organize and interpret their understanding of the material. The students will be
assessed by questions 1-8 on the last two slides. The teacher will use this assessment to gauge student
progress within the lesson to determine where students are and what needs to be retaught, discussed, or of high
importance during the next station.

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Explanation Students will participate in taking notes led by the teacher using a Google Slides presentation on Atoms. The
students will follow along using the handout provided Atoms Notetaker and answer the implemented questions
that are throughout the slides as the teacher reaches each of them during the lecture.
*Here is the link to the google slides presentation: Atoms

The students will then use these notes to help create their INB Atoms QuickSheets. The teacher will provide
students with the interactive notebook quick sheets for them to complete at the conclusion of the Google Slides
lectures presented by the teacher. These INB QuickSheets will help students organize the information they have
learned from the engagement videos/activities and exploration stations.

Here is a copy of several options of INB QuickSheets to provide students: Interactice Notebook

Explanation Students will be assessed throughout their Interactive Presentations in the form of fill in the blanks and
Assessment questions that are placed strategically throughout the notes. The activities will allow students to self-assess the
knowledge obtained during the Engage and Explore segments of the lesson. The students will also be self-
assessed and checked by the teacher as they complete the INB QuickSheets on Atoms that will be used
throughout the rest of the lesson as a guide.

Elaboration Atoms Student Choice Project- Students will complete a small project presentation using technology to teach
their understanding of atoms. The teacher will present the students with some different options for students to
choose from to demonstrate their understanding of atoms. Students will use their Chromebooks to create a
digital product that follows the specific guidelines of their choice of project style. Students will be able to use
various outlets like Canva, Piktochart, Google Slides, Prezi, etc. to create their digital project. Students will have
the choice of creating a digital scrapbook, newspaper ad, digital infographic, or presentation to show their
understanding of atoms.

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Evaluation Students were assessed throughout the whole lesson through various forms or formal and informal
assessments. Students also had multiple opportunities to self-assess their progress and understanding
throughout the lesson. The teacher assessed students during each stage of the lesson in various ways.

1. Terms highlighted throughout the “Atoms Family” Song
2. Key terms suggested by students for the word wall
3. Student/partner understanding based on responses provided to lesson objectives written out on mini
4. Bohr Modeling using M&Ms-the teacher will be walking around checking student understanding and
ability to properly model the atom being described in the prompts given by the teacher.
1. Students will continuously be informally assessed during the Exploration Stations. The students will be
able to self-assess their understanding and the teacher will be walking around the room asking probing
questions and for explanation of responses to different portions of the stations.
2. Students will be directly assessed by their responses to #1-8 on the Assess It! Station. The teacher will
look at the students’ responses to gauge student development with the content and will provide a grade
for participation and correctness (only on the Assess It! Station). Students will be completing answers
and turning them in through a Google Form for the teacher to collect all student responses to help
direct the Explanation phase of the lesson.
1. Students will be informally assessed during this phase as the teacher works through lecture notes.
Students will be completing a notetaker during the lecture and will be prompted with questions to
continually assess student understanding and knowledge throughout the lecture.
2. Students will be informally assessed and checked by the teacher during the completion of the INB
1. Students will be formally assessed on their Student Choice Technology Project on Atoms using the
following rubric.

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Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks for
curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.

Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.

National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for
teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New
York: Teachers College Press.

Note: Content of form approved January 2013.

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