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Major Project on



G.KAVYA (16311A03H8)

E.JYOTHI (17315A0329)

T.ROHIT (16311A03G7)

Department of Mechanical Engineering


(An autonomous institute under JNTUH)
Yamnampet,Ghatkesar (M), Hyderabad -501301 ,TS
(An autonomous
institute under JNTUH)
Yamnampet, Ghatkesar (M),Hyderabad-501301

This is to certify that the Major project Report entitled “Design and Analysis of Impeller”
is the bonafide work of the following students

G.KAVYA (16311A03H8)
E.JYOTHI (17315A0329)
T.ROHIT (16311A03G7)



(Assistant professor)

We are greatly indebted to V. RAMADEVI, Assistant Professor and our reverent project
guide for his valuable and affectionate guidance in the preparation of this dissertation. He has
been a source of great inspiration and encouragement to us. He has been kind enough to
devote considerable amount of his valuable time in guiding us at every stage. This is our
debut, but we are sure that we will able to do many more such studies, purely because of the
lasting inspiration and guidance given by him.

We deeply express our sincere thanks to our Head of the Department Dr.T CH SHIVA
REDDY, Professor in mechanical engineering, for encouraging and allowing us to present our
project at our department premises for the partial fulfillments of the requirements leading to
the award of B.Tech degree.

We are also thankful to our principal Dr. T CH SHIVA REDDY, for providing us a platform
to carry out our project in the college premises with the help of proficient, accomplished and
co- operating faculty in the college.

We are also thankful to our lab technicians for giving their valuable time in sorting out my
every problem and putting their efforts in satisfying us in every aspect.

G KAVYA (16311A03H8)

E JYOTHI (17315A0329)

T ROHIT (16311A03G7)

Title: Design and Analysis of Impeller

An impeller is a rotating component of a centrifugal pump which transfers energy from

the motor that drives the pump to the fluid being pumped by accelerating the fluid outwards from
the center of rotation. They are used in many applications like pumps, compressors, water jets
etc. In real time applications bronze and stainless steel impellers rapidly corrode when exposed
to corrosive mediums such as Seawater, Sewage, Waste Water, Chlorine, Bromine, and many
Chemicals. They are subject to cavitation and electrolysis (galvanic corrosion) which
prematurely destroys the impeller drastically and increases pump maintenance expenses. The
corrosion of the impeller can be tackled by using plastics.

The main objective of our study is to select the appropriate material for the impeller to resist
corrosion. A couple of materials like Caprolone (Nylon) and ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene
Styrene) were considered. The impeller is designed, analyzed using the modeling and analysis
soft wares, Solid Works/CATIA and Ansys. Also the Discharge head of the impeller is obtained
by using CFD.

By the end of the study, we would be able to select an appropriate material to resist corrosion
and analyze the impeller.

Signature of the project guide



List of figures
List of tables
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Pumps 1
1.1.1 Classification of pumps 1
1.1.2 Pump Applications 2
1.2 Centrifugal pump2
1.2.1 Components of Centrifugal pump 4
1.3 Impeller 6
1.3.1 Applications of impellers 6
1.3.2 Classification of impellers 7
1.4 Considerations of Impeller Design 8
1.4.1 Capacity 10
1.4.2 Head 10
1.4.3 NPSH 12
1.4.4 Power and Efficiency 13
1.5 Design and analysis 15
1.5.1 Modelling using Catia 15
1.5.1(a) History 15
1.5.1(b) Scope Of application 16
1.5.2 Ansys 17
1.5.2(a) Ansys CFD 17
1.5.2(b) Other Ansys Software 17
1.5.2(c) History 17

2. Literature Review 18
3. Design Of Impeller 20
3.1 calculation of impeller dimension 20
3.2 3D model 26
4. Material Selection (ABS) 27
5. Structural Analysis 28
5.1 Analysis with brass material 29
5.1.1 Total Deformation 30
5.1.2 Equivalent Shear Strain 31
5.1.3 Equivalent stress 32
5.1.4 Factor of safety 33
5.2 Analysis with ABS 34

5.2.1 Total Deformation 35

5.2.2 Equivalent Shear Strain 36
5.2.3 Equivalent stress 37
5.2.4 Factor of safety 38
5.3 comparison of results between brass and ABS 39

6. CFD Analysis 40
6.1 Pressure 45
6.2 Velocity 46
6.3 Wall Shear 47
6.4 Streamline Velocity 47
6.5 Head Calculation 48
7. Results and discussions 49
References 50
Page No.

Fig. 1.2.1 Components of centrifugal pump 4

Fig. 1.4 Chart efficiency of pumps versus specific speed. 9

Fig. 3.2 Impeller CATIA V5 model 26

Fig. 5.1 Impeller in ANSYS 16.0 28

Fig. 5.1 Rotational Velocity 29

Fig. 5.1.1 Total Deformation 30

Fig. 5.1.2 Equivalent Elastic Strain 31

Fig. 5.1.3 Equivalent Stress 32

Fig. 5.1.4 Safety Factor 33

Fig. 5.2 Rotational Velocity 34

Fig. 5.2.1 Total Deformation 35

Fig. 5.2.2 Equivalent Elastic Strain 36

Fig. 5.2.3 Equivalent Stress 37

Fig. 5.2.4 Factor of safety 38

Fig. 6.1 Impeller within the enclosure 40

Fig. 6.2 Meshing of the component 41

Fig. 6.3 Named selection 42

Fig. 6.4 General solver settings 43

Fig. 6.5 Inlet Velocity an pressure 43

Fig 6.6 Outlet pressure 44

Fig. 6.7 Pressure in the enclosure 45

Fig. 6.8 Details of contour (pressure) 45

Fig. 6.9 Velocity in the contour 46

Fig. 6.10 Details of contour (velocity) 46

Fig. 6.11 Wall shear 47

Fig. 6.12 Streamline Velocity 47

Fig. 6.13 Final Values 48

Fig. 6.14 Final Area values 48

Page No.

Table 3.1 Design Values 25

Table 5.1.1 Units 29

Table 5.1.2 Material Data for brass 29

Table 5.1.3 Statistics 29

Table 5.1.4 Loads 29

Table 5.1.5 Deformation values 30

Table 5.1.6 Equivalent Elastic Strain Values 31

Table 5.1.7 Equivalent Stress values 32

Table 5.1.8 FOS values 33

Table 5.1.9 Results 33

Table 5.2.1 Material Data for ABS 34

Table 5.2.2 Statistics 34

Table 5.2.3 Loads 34

Table 5.2.4 Total Deformation values 35

Table 5.2.5 Equivalent Elastic Strain values 36

Table 5.2.6 Equivalent Stress values 37

Table 5.2.7 FOS values 38

Table 5.2.8 Results 38

Table 5.3 Comparison of results between Brass and ABS 39



1.1 Pumps

Man's economic and technical progress through the ages might be measured in
terms of development from the primitive pumping devices operated either by man or
animal to the positive displacement and dynamic pumps he fashions today. Typical
progress in the development of pumps is found in municipal water works, power plants,
agriculture, transport and many other utility services and industries.

The pumps are defined as the hydraulic machines which convert the mechanical
energy into hydraulic energy which is mainly in the form of pressure energy. If the
mechanical energy is converted into hydraulic energy, by means of centrifugal force
acting on the liquid, the pump is known as centrifugal pump. But if the mechanical
energy is converted into hydraulic energy (or pressure energy) by sucking the liquid into
a cylinder in which a piston is reciprocating ( moving backwards and forwards), which
exerts the thrust on the liquid and increases its hydraulic energy (pressure energy), the
pump is known as reciprocating pump.

1.1.1 Classification of pumps

The pumps are mainly classified into the following two types :

(i) Positive - displacement pumps and

(ii) Rotodynamic pumps.

Those pumps, in which the liquid is sucked and then it is actually displaced ( or
pushed) due to the thrust exerted on it by a moving member, are known as positive
displacement pumps. These pumps have one or more chambers (or cylinders) which are
alternately filled with the liquid to be pumped and then emptied again. In case of
positive displacement pumps, a member (say a piston) is moving backward and forward
inside a chamber (or inside a cylinder). As the member starts moving backwards a
partial vacuum is created in the chamber and liquid is sucked inside the chamber from
the sump through the suction pipe. The chamber is filled with the liquid. When the
member starts moving forward, the thrust is exerted on the liquid and the liquid is
forced into the delivery pipe and is lifted to a required height. Reciprocating pumps are
the most common example of the positive displacement type of pumps.

Those pumps which have a rotating element are known as rotodynamic pumps.
In these pumps, the liquid passes through the rotating element and its angular
momentum changes. Due to the change of angular momentum, the pressure energy of
the liquid increases. The centrifugal pumps are the most common type of roto dynamic

1.1.2 Pump applications

A pump adds to the pressure, existing on a liquid, and increment sufficient to do

the required service. This service may be increasing the pressure, imparting kinetic
energy, lifting and circulating, exhausting or extracting liquids etc. Some notable
applications of pump installation are in the fields of:

 agriculture and irrigation works

 municipal water works and drainage system
 condensing water, condensate, boiler feed, sump drain and such other
services in a steam power plant
 hydraulic control systems
 oil pumping
 transfer of raw materials, materials in manufacture and the finished
products in industry.

1.2 Centrifugal pump

Centrifugal pumps are classified as rotodynamic type of pumps in which a

dynamic pressure is developed which enables the lifting of liquids from a lower to a
higher level. The basic principle on which a centrifugal pump works is that when a
certain mass of liquid is made to rotate by an external force, it is thrown away from the
central axis of rotation and a centrifugal head is impressed which enables it to rise to a
higher level. Now if more liquid is constantly made available at the centre of rotation, a
continuous supply of liquid at a higher level may be ensured. Since in these pumps the
lifting of the liquid is due to centrifugal action, these pumps are called `centrifugal
pumps'. In addition to the centrifugal action, as the liquid passes through the revolving
wheel or impeller, its angular momentum changes, which also results in increasing the
pressure of the liquid. As such centrifugal pumps behave quite differently from positive
displacement pumps. A centrifugal pump does not push the liquid as in the case of a
positive displacement pump, but it modifies the hydraulic gradient such that the liquid is
lifted to a higher level. According to the general direction of flow of liquid within the
passage of the rotating wheel or impeller the rotodynamic pumps are classified as,

(i) Centrifugal pumps,

(ii) Half axial or screw or mixed flow pumps,

(iii) Axial flow or propeller pumps.

In the impeller of a centrifugal pump the liquid flows in the outward radial
direction, while the flow of liquid in a propeller pump impeller is in the axial direction,
parallel to the rotating shaft. The mixed flow pump impeller has an intermediate form so
that the flow of liquid is in between the radial and axial directions. However, there are
no rigid boundaries separating these three types of pumps, and often all the three types
of pumps are called centrifugal pumps.

In general all the rotodynamic pumps closely resemble reaction type of

hydraulic turbines and they may be regarded as reversed reaction turbines. Thus the
action of a centrifugal pump is just the reverse of a radially inward flow reaction
turbine. Similarly the axial flow pumps are reverse of propeller or Kaplan turbines and
the mixed flow pumps are the reverse of mixed flow type turbines such as Francis
turbine. In the present chapter only centrifugal pumps have been described.

1.2.1 Components of a centrifugal pump

The main component parts of a centrifugal pump which are described below:

Fig.1.2.1 Components of a centrifugal pump.

(i) Impeller. It is a wheel or rotor which is provided with a series of backward

curved blades or vanes. It is mounted on a shaft which is coupled to an external source
of energy (usually an electric motor) which imparts the required energy to the impeller
thereby making it to rotate. The impellers may be classified as. (a) closed or shrouded
impeller, (b) semi-open impeller; and (c) open impeller, which are all shown in Fig.
24.1. A 'closed or shrouded impeller' is that whose vanes are provided with metal cover
plates or shrouds on both sides. These plates or shrouds are known as crown plate and

lower or base plate as shown in Fig.1. The closed impeller provides better guidance for
the liquid and is more efficient. However, this type of impeller is most suited when the
liquid to be pumped is pure and comparatively free from debris. If the vanes have only
the base plate and no crown plate, then the impeller is known as 'semi-open type
impeller'. Such an impeller is suitable even if the liquids are charged with some debris.
An 'open impeller' is that whose vanes have neither the crown plate nor the base plate.
Such impellers are useful in the pumping of liquids containing suspended solid matter,
such as paper pulp, sewage and water containing sand or grit. These impellers are less
liable to clog when handing liquids charged with a large quantity of debris.

(ii) Casing. It is an airtight chamber which surrounds the impeller. It is similar

to the casing of a reaction turbine. The different types of casings that are commonly
adopted are described later.

(iii) Suction Pipe. It is a pipe which is connected at its upper end to the inlet of
the pump or to the centre of the impeller which is commonly known as eye. The lower
end of the suction pipe dips into liquid in a suction tank or a sump from which the liquid
is to be pumped or lifted up. The lower end of the suction pipe is fitted with a fool valve
and strainer. The liquid first enters the strainer which is provided in order to keep the
debris (such as leaves, wooden pieces and other rubbish) away from the pump. It then
passes through the foot valve to enter the suction pipe. A 'foot valve' is a non-return or
one-way type of valve which opens only in the upward direction. As such the liquid will
pass through the foot valve only upwards and it will not allow the liquid to move
downwards back to the sump.

(iv) Delivery Pipe. It is a pipe which is connected at its lower end to the outlet
of the pump and it delivers the liquid to the required height. Just near the outlet of the
pump on the delivery pipe a delivery valve is invariably provided. A delivery valve is a
regulating valve which is of sluice type and is required to be provided in order to
control the flow from the pump into delivery pipe.

1.3 Impeller: An impeller is a rotor used to increase (or) decrease the pressure and
flow of a fluid. An impeller is a rotating component usually made of plastic, which
transfers energy from the motor that drives the pump to the fluid being pumped by
accelerating the fluid outwards from the center of rotation. The velocity achieved by the
impeller transfers into pressure when the outward movement of the fluid is confined by
the pump casing.

1.3.1 Applications of impellers:

 In Centrifugal Compressors:

The main part of a centrifugal compressor is the impeller. An open impeller has
no cover, therefore it can work at higher speeds. A compressor with a covered impeller
can have more stages than one that has an open impeller.

 In Water Jets

Some impellers are similar to small propellers but without the large blades.
Among other uses, they are used in water jets to power high speed boats.

Since impellers have no large blades to turn, they can spin at much higher
speeds than propellers. The water forced through the impeller is channelled by the
housing, creating a water jet that propels the vessel forward. The housing is normally
tapered into a nozzle to increase the speed of the water, which also creates a Venturi
effect in which low pressure behind the impeller pulls more water towards the blades,
tending to increase the speed.

To work efficiently, there must be a close fit between the impeller and the
housing. The housing is normally fitted with a replaceable wear ring which tends to
wear as sand or other particles are thrown against the housing side by the impeller.
Vessels using impellers are normally steered by changing the direction of the water jet.

 In Agitated Tanks

Impellers in agitated tanks are used to mix fluids or slurry in the tank. This can
be used to combine materials in the form of solids, liquids and gas. Mixing the fluids in

a tank is very important if there are gradients in conditions such as temperature or

1.3.2 Classification of Impellers:

1.3.2 (a) Depending on the flow regime created:

 Radial flow impeller: Radial flow impellers impose essentially shear stress to
the fluid, and are used, for example, to mix immiscible liquids or in general
when there is a deformable interface to break. Another application of radial flow
impellers are the mixing of very viscous fluids.
 Axial flow impeller: Axial flow impellers impose essentially bulk motion, and
are used on homogenization processes, in which increased fluid volumetric flow
rate is important.

1.3.2 (b)Depending upon the shape:

 Closed Impellers: The closed impeller has both a back and front wall for
maximum strength. They are used in large pumps with high efficiencies and low
NPSHR. They can operate in suspended-solids service without clogging but will
exhibit high wear rates. The closed-impeller type is the most widely used type of
impeller for centrifugal pumps handling clear liquids. They rely on close-
clearance wear rings on the impeller and on the pump housing. The wear rings
separate the inlet pressure from the pressure within the pump, reduce axial loads,
and help maintain pump efficiency.

 Open impellers: Vanes are attached to the central hub, without any form,
sidewall, or shroud, and are mounted directly onto a shaft. Open impellers are
structurally weak and require higher NPSHR values. They are typically used in
small-diameter, inexpensive pumps and pumps handling suspended solids. They
are more sensitive to wear than closed impellers, thus their efficiency
deteriorates rapidly in erosive service.

 Partially open or semi closed impeller: This type of impeller incorporates a

back wall (shroud) that serves to stiffen the vanes and adds mechanical
strength. They are used in medium-diameter pumps and with liquids containing


amounts of suspended solids. They offer higher efficiencies and lower NPSHR
than open impellers. It is important that a small clearance or gap exists between
the impeller vanes and the housing. If the clearance is too large, slippage and
recirculation will occur, which in turn results in reduced efficiency and positive
heat buildup.

1.4 Considerations for Pump Impeller design:

The key performance parameters of centrifugal pumps arc capacity, head, BHP
(Brake horse power), BEP (Best efficiency point) and specific speed. The pump curves
provide the operating window within which these parameters can be varied for
satisfactory pump operation.

The following parameters or terms are considered.



Significance of using Head instead of Pressure

Pressure to Head Conversion formula

Static Suction Head, hS

Static Discharge

Head.hd Friction Head,


Vapor pressure Head,

hvp Pressure Head, hp

Velocity Head, hv

Total Suction Head H.S.

Total Discharge Head Hd

Total Differential Head


Net Positive Suction Head Required NPSHr

Net Positive Suction Head Available


Fig.1.4 Chart efficiency of pumps versus specific speed.


Capacity means the flow rate with which liquid is moved or pushed by the pump
to the desired point in the process. It is commonly measured in either gallons per minute
or cubic meters per hour (m 3/hr).The capacity usually changes with the changes in
operation of the process.

The capacity depends on a number of factors like:

 Process liquid characteristics i.e. density, viscosity

 Size of the pump and its inlet and outlet sections
 Impeller size
 Impeller rotational speed RPM
 Size and shape of cavities between the vanes
 Pump suction and discharge temperature and pressure conditions

1.4.2 HEAD

The pressure at any point in a liquid can be thought of as being caused by a

vertical column of the liquid due to its weight. The height of this column is called the
static head and is expressed in terms of feet of liquid.

The same head term is used to measure the kinetic energy created by the pump.
In other words, head is a measurement of the height of a liquid column that the pump
could create from the kinetic energy imparted to the liquid.

Static Suction Head (hs):

It is the vertical height of the centre line of the centrifugal pump above the water
surface in the tank (or) pump from which water is to be lifted .this height is also called
suction lift and is denoted by "hs".

If the liquid level is above pump centerline. hs is positive, lithe liquid level is
below pump centerline, hS is negative. Negative hs condition is commonly denoted as a
"suction lift" condition.

Static Discharge Head (hd):

It is the vertical distance in feet between the pump centerline and the point of
free discharge or the surface of the liquid in the discharge tank. This is denoted by "hd".

Manometric head (hm):

This is the head against which the pump has to work

Manometric head (hm) = static lift +delivery head + losses of heads in the pipes .

Hm = Hs + Hd + Hfs + Hfd.................................. (1)

The manometric head is ultimately the head developed by the pump. The
manometric head is slightly less than the head generated by the impeller due to some
losses in the pump.

Hm = (Vw1*U1) - impeller losses...........................

(2) Friction Head (hf):

The head required to overcome the resistance to flow in the pipe and fittings. It
is dependent upon the size, condition and type of pipe, number and type of pipelining,
flow rate, and nature of the liquid.

Vapor Pressure head (hvp): Vapor pressure is the pressure at which a
liquid and its vapor co - exist in equilibrium at a given temperature. The vapor
pressure of liquid can be obtained from vapor pressure tables. When the vapor
pressure is converted to head, it is referred to as vapor pressure head, hvp. The value
of hvp of a liquid increases with the rising temperature and in effect, opposes the
pressure on the liquid surface, the positive force that tends to cause liquid flow into
the pump suction i.e. it reduces the suction pressure head.

Pressure Head (hp): Pressure Head must be considered when a pumping
system either begins or terminates in a tank which is under some pressure other than
atmospheric. The pressure in such a tank must first be converted to feet of liquid.
Denoted as hp, pressure head refers to absolute pressure on the surface of the liquid
reservoir supplying the pump suction, converted to feet of head. If the system is open,
hp equals atmospheric pressure head.


Velocity Head (hv): Refers to the energy of a liquid as a result of its
motion at some velocity 'v'. It is the equivalent head in feet through which the water
would have to fall to acquire the same velocity, or in other words, the head necessary
to accelerate the water. The velocity head is usually insignificant and can be ignored
in most high head systems. However, it can be a large factor and must be considered
in low head systems.

Total suction Head (Hs): The suction reservoir pressure head (hps)
plus the static suction head (hs) plus the velocity head at the pump suction flange
(hvs) minus the friction head in the suction line (hfs).
Hs = Hps + Hs + Hvs + Hfs.................................. (3)

The total suction head is the reading of the gauge on the suction
flange, converted to feet of liquid.

Total Discharge Head (Hd): The discharge reservoir pressure head
(hpd) plus static discharge head ( Hd) plus the velocity head at the pump discharge
flange (hvd) plus the total friction head in the discharge line (hfd ).
Hd = Hpd + Hd + Hvd + Hfd.................................. (4)

The total discharge head is the reading of a gauge at the discharge flange,
convened to feet of liquid.

Total Differential Head (HT): It is the total discharge head minus the
total suction head or

HT = Hd + Hs(with a suction lift).........................(5)

HT = Hd-Hs(with a suction head).......................(6)

1.4.3 NPSH

When discussing centrifugal pumps, the two most important head terms are Net
Positive Suction Head Required, NPSHr

NPSH is one of the most widely used and least understood terms associated with
pumps. Understanding the significance of NPSH is very much essential during
installation as well as operation of the pumps.

Pumps can pump only liquids, not vapors

The satisfactory operation of a pump requires that vaporization of the liquid

being pumped does not occur at any condition of operation. This is so desired because
when a liquid vaporizes its volume increases very much. For example, 1 ft3 of water at
room temperature becomes 1700 ft3 of vapor at the sane temperature. This makes it
clear that if we are to pump a fluid effectively, it must be kept always in the liquid form.

Rise in temperature and fall in pressure induces vaporization

The vaporization begins when the vapor pressure of the liquid at the operating
temperature equals the external system pressure, which, in an open system is always
equal to atmospheric pressure. Any decrease in external pressure or nsc in operating
temperature can induce vaporization and the pump stops pumping. Thus, the pump
always needs to have a sufficient amount of suction head present to prevent this
vaporization at the lowest pressure point in the pump.

NPSH as a measure to prevent liquid vaporization

The manufacturer usually tests the pump with water at different capacities,
created by throttling the suction side. When the first signs of vaporization induced
cavitation occur, the suction pressure is noted (the tern cavitation is discussed in detail
later). This pressure is converted into the head. This head number is published on the
pump curve and is referred as the "net positive suction head required (NPSHr) or
sometimes in short as the NPSH. Thus the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is the
total head at the suction flange of the pump less the vapor pressure converted to fluid
column height of the liquid.

1.4.4 Power and efficiency

Impeller power :

This is power of the impeller determined in terms of the work done by it on the

Impeller power = ( W * ( Vw1*U1 ) / g ) / 1000..........(7)


W = weight of water discharged per second

= W * π * d * b * V...................................(8)

Manometric efficiency( ήman):

This is the ratio of the manometric head to the head actually generated by the

ήman= Hm / (( Vw1*U1 ) / g) ...................................(9)

Mechanical efficiency( ήmech):

This is the ratio of the impeller power to the power of the prime mover

ήmech= impeller power / power of the prime mover......(10)

Overall efficiency (ήo) :

This is the ratio of the work done by the pump in lifting the water against gravity
and friction in the pipes to the energy supplied by the prime mover.

ήo = (( W * Hm) / 1000) / power of the prime mover........(11)

To eliminate the effect of the losses for the time being, a target efficiency .will
be assumed. The pump specifications often prescribe such an efficiency target. The
prescribed efficiency can be checked against the efficiency derived from the plot in Fig.
1.4, which shows typical, industry wide efficiencies as a function of flow rate and
specific speed. The Hydraulic Institute (1994) also offers an efficiency prediction
method. Since the design head, flow rate, and speed are given, the specific speed can be
calculated. Desired efficiencies higher than those given by the plot would not be easy to
achieve, and would require an extensive combined analytical and experimental
development process.


1.5.1 Modeling Using Catia : CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional

Interactive Application) (in English usually pronounced /kəˈtiə/) is a multi-platform
CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite developed by the French company
DassaultSystèmes directed by Bernard Charlès. Written in the C++ programming
language, CATIA is the cornerstone of the DassaultSystèmes software suite.

1.5.1(a) History

CATIA (Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application) started as

an in-house development in 1977 by French aircraft manufacturer Avions Marcel
Dassault, at that time customer of the CAD/CAM CAD software[41] to develop
Dassault's Mirage fighter jet. It was later adopted in the aerospace, automotive,
shipbuilding, and other industries.

Initially named CATI (Conception AssistéeTridimensionnelle Interactive –

French for Interactive Aided Three-dimensional Design ), it was renamed CATIA in
1981 when Dassault created a subsidiary to develop and sell the software and signed a
non-exclusive distribution agreement with IBM.[42]

In 1984, the Boeing Company chose CATIA V3 as its main 3D CAD tool,
becoming its largest customer.

In 1988, CATIA V3 was ported from mainframe computers to UNIX.

In 1990, General Dynamics Electric Boat Corp chose CATIA as its main 3D
CAD tool to design the U.S. Navy's Virginia class submarine. Also, Boeing was selling
its CADAM CAD system worldwide through the channel of IBM since 1978.

In 1992, CADAM was purchased from IBM, and the next year CATIA CADAM
V4 was published.

In 1996, it was ported from one to four Unix operating systems, including IBM
AIX, Silicon Graphics IRIX, Sun Microsystems SunOS, and Hewlett-Packard HP-UX.

In 1998, V5 was released and was an entirely rewritten version of CATIA with
support for UNIX, Windows NT and Windows XP (since 2001).

In the years prior to 2000, problems caused by incompatibility between versions
of CATIA (Version 4 and Version 5) led to $6.1B in additional costs due to years of
project delays in production of the Airbus A380.[43]

In 2008, DassaultSystèmes released CATIA V6.[44][45] While the server can

run on Microsoft Windows, Linux or AIX, client support for any operating system other
than Microsoft Windows was dropped.[46]

In November 2010, DassaultSystèmes launched CATIA V6R2011x, the latest

release of its PLM2.0 platform, while continuing to support and improve its CATIA V5

In June 2011, DassaultSystèmes launched V6 R2012.

In 2012, DassaultSystèmes launched V6 2013x.

In 2014, DassaultSystèmes launched 3DEXPERIENCE Platform R2014x [47] and

CATIA on the Cloud, a cloud version of its software.

1.5.1 (b) Scope of application

Commonly referred to as a 3D Product Lifecycle Management software suite,

CATIA supports multiple stages of product development (CAx), including
conceptualization, design (CAD), engineering (CAE) and manufacturing (CAM).
CATIA facilitates collaborative engineering across disciplines around its
3DEXPERIENCE platform, including surfacing & shape design, electrical fluid &
electronics systems design, mechanical engineering and systems engineering.

CATIA facilitates the design of electronic, electrical, and distributed systems

such as fluid and HVAC systems, all the way to the production of documentation for

1.5.2 ANSYS

ANSYS, Inc. is an engineering simulation software (computer-aided engineering, or

CAE) developer headquartered south of Pittsburgh in the Southpointe business park in
Cecil Township, Pennsylvania, United States. One of its most significant products is
Ansys CFD, a proprietary computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program

1.5.2(a) ANSYS CFD

ANSYS CFD allows engineers to test systems by simulating fluid flows in a virtual
environment — for example, the fluid dynamics of ship hulls; gas turbine engines
(including the compressors, combustion chamber, turbines and afterburners); aircraft
aerodynamics; pumps, fans, HVAC systems, mixing vessels, hydrocyclones, vacuum
cleaners, etc.

1.5.2(b) Other ANSYS software

Simulation Technology: Structural Mechanics, Metaphysics, Fluid Dynamics, Explicit

Dynamics, Electromagnetic, Hydrodynamics (AQWA). Workflow Technology: Ansys
Workbench Platform, High-Performance Computing, Geometry Interfaces, Simulation
Process & Data Management.

1.5.2(c) History

The company was founded in 1970. by Dr. John A. Swanson as Swanson Analysis
Systems, Inc (SASI). Its primary purpose was to develop and market finite element
analysis software for structural physics that could simulate static (stationary), dynamic
(moving) and thermal (heat transfer) problems. SASI developed its business in parallel
with the growth in computer technology and engineering needs. The company grew by
10 percent to 20 percent each year, and in 1994 it was sold to TA Associates. The new
owners took SASI’s leading software, called ANSYS®, as their flagship product and
designated ANSYS, Inc. as the new company name.



𝑮𝒐𝒕𝒐 𝑨𝒌𝒊𝒓𝒂 𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝟏 [2002] have proposed a computer aided design system for
hydraulic parts of pumps including impellers, bowl diffusers, volutes and vaned return
channels. Technologies include 3D-CAD modeling, automatic grid generations, CFD
analysis and a 3D inverse design method.

𝑨𝒎𝒊𝒕 𝑩𝒉𝒖𝒑𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒊 𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒍 [2013] had undergone performance analysis of centrifugal
pump by using conventional design method. The important parameters like impeller
inlet and outlet diameter, inlet and outlet blade angle, inlet width, number of vanes are
calculated by using conventional design method. He examined that, modified impeller
having maximum pressure as compared to existing impeller which ultimately increases
head then existing impeller.

E.C. Bacharoudis, A.E Filios, M.D. Mentzos, D.P. Margaris 3 presented the influence
of the outlet blade angle on the performance with the help of CFD simulation. He
studied that as the outlet blade angle increases the performance curve becomes smoother
and flatter. In this study, the performance of impeller with same outlet diameter having
different outlet blade angles is evaluated and concluded that, when pumps operate at
nominal capacity, the gain in the head is more than 6%

Mr.C.V.S.Rajesh4 had designed and analyzed an impeller used in domestic open well ,
radial flow pumps. This paper proposed the need and application of structural analysis
in the pump industries. He concluded that the the best design for the high head an low
stress condition is to increase the number of blades in backward flow.

IsaiasHernandez-Carrillo Christopher JWood HaoLiu[2017] 5 presented the
different materials that can be used as impellers in radial micro turbines. This paper
proposed the design of lean radial micro turbine that reduces the production costs
through simplification strategies i.e. using alternative materials for impellers like
thermoplastics (ABS), composite(PEEKGF 30).

Objective: All the above papers discussed the design and enhancement of performance
of the pumps. But the main problem of corrosion and zincification with traditional
materials of the pump or the impeller was not addressed. This gave us a motivation to
propose and work on a material that resists corrosion. As impeller is the main driving
component of the pump, our target shifted towards it. Our main objective is to design
and analyze an impeller by selecting material that can resist corrosion.



3.1 Calculation of impeller dimension

Specifications of the 3 H.p centrifugal pump impeller.

Type of the impeller 3 HP

Speed 2990 RPM

Maximum low voltage 380V

Maximum high voltage 440 V

Total head 70 feet

Discharge 20 lps

Calculations to the present impeller dimensions:

1. Calculation of efficiency of the impeller from formula:

𝐐 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐 𝐦𝟑⁄𝐬 = 𝟑𝟏𝟕𝐠𝐩𝐦

𝐍𝐬 = 𝟑

𝟐𝟗𝟗𝟎 ∗ 𝟑𝟏𝟕𝟐
𝐍𝐬 = 𝟑 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎𝟎

from chart :

𝛈 = 𝟕𝟕 %

2. Calculation of peripheral velocity at outlet of the impeller formula:


𝟗. 𝟖𝟏 ∗ 𝟐𝟏. 𝟑𝟒
𝟎. 𝟓 =
𝟎. 𝟕𝟕 ∗ 𝐔𝟐𝟐

𝟗. 𝟖𝟏 ∗ 𝟐𝟏. 𝟑𝟒
𝐔𝟐𝟐 = 𝟎. 𝟕𝟕 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟓

𝐔𝟐 = 𝟐𝟑. 𝟑 𝐦⁄𝐬

3. Calculation the outlet diameter of the impeller from formula:

𝐔𝟐 =

𝟑. 𝟏𝟒 ∗ 𝐃𝟐 ∗ 𝟐𝟗𝟗𝟎
𝟐𝟑. 𝟑 =

𝐃𝟐 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓𝐦

4. Calculation of outlet impeller width from formula :

𝛟 = 𝛑𝐃 𝐁 𝐔
𝟐 𝟐 𝟐

𝟎. 𝟎𝟐
𝟎. 𝟏𝟓 =
𝟑. 𝟏𝟒 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓 ∗ ∗ 𝟐𝟒. 𝟑

𝐁𝟐 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟐𝐦

5. Calculation of angular velocity from formula :


𝛚= 𝟔𝟎 = 313 rad / s

6. Calculation of inlet diameter from formula :

𝐃𝟏 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝟑𝟑 ∗ (
𝛚) 𝟑

𝟎. 𝟎𝟐
𝐃𝟏 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝟑𝟑 ∗ ( ) 𝟑

𝐃𝟏 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟔𝐦

7. calculation of inlet velocity from formula :

𝐔𝟏 =

𝟑𝟏𝟑 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟔
𝐔𝟏 =

𝐔𝟏 = 𝟗. 𝟑𝟗𝐦/s

8. Calculation of inlet impeller width from formula:

𝛟 = 𝛑𝐃 𝐁 𝐔
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏

𝟎. 𝟎𝟐
𝐁𝟏 =
𝟑. 𝟏𝟒 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟔 ∗ 𝟗. 𝟑𝟗 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓

𝐁𝟏 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟓𝐦

9. Calculation of relative velocity at outlet of the impeller formula :

𝐐 = 𝛑𝐃𝟐𝐁𝟐𝐯𝐟𝟐

𝟎. 𝟎𝟐 = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟒 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟐 ∗ 𝐯𝐟𝟐

𝐕𝐟𝟐 = 𝟑. 𝟓𝟒𝐦/𝐬

10. Calculation of velocity at inlet of the impeller from formula :

𝐐 = 𝛑𝐃𝟏𝐁𝟏𝐯𝐟𝟏

𝟎. 𝟎𝟐 = 𝟑. 𝟏𝟒 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟔 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟓 ∗ 𝐯𝐟𝟏

𝐕𝐟𝟏 = 𝟏. 𝟒𝟏𝟓𝐦/𝐬

11. calculation of whirl component of velocity from formula :

𝐇 = ( 𝐕𝐖𝟐 ∗ 𝐔𝟐 ) / 𝐠 − 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝

𝟐𝟏. 𝟑𝟒 = ( (𝐕𝐰𝟐 ∗ 𝟐𝟑. 𝟑) / 𝟗. 𝟖𝟏 ) − 𝟎. 𝟗𝟏

𝐯𝐰𝟐 = 𝟗. 𝟑𝟔 𝐦⁄𝐬

12. Calculation of inlet vane angle of the impeller from formula :

𝐓𝐚𝐧𝛂 = 𝐕𝐟𝟏 / 𝐔𝟏

𝐓𝐚𝐧𝛂 = ( 𝟏. 𝟒𝟏𝟓/ 𝟗. 𝟑𝟗 )

𝛂 = 𝟖. 𝟓°

13. calculation of outlet vane angle of the impeller from formula :

𝛙 = 𝛔 − 𝛟𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐚𝟐

𝟎. 𝟓 = 𝟎. 𝟔 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟓𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚𝟐

𝐚𝟐 = 𝟑𝟑°

14.Number of blades

D1  D2  1  2 
Zk sin
 
D2  D1  2 

Z  7 *0.15  0.06
 8.5  33 
sin ,
 
0.15  0.06 2


14. Calculation of blade radius of the impeller from formula:

𝐑𝟐𝟐− 𝐑 𝟐𝟏
𝐑 = 𝟐(𝐑𝟐 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝐚𝟐 − 𝐑𝟏 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝐚𝟏)

𝟎. 𝟎𝟕𝟓𝟐 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟑𝟐
𝟐(𝟎. 𝟎𝟕𝟓 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟑𝟑 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟑 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝟖. 𝟓)

𝐑 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟕𝐦

15.calculation of actual discharge from formula :

𝐐 = (𝛑 ∗ 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 − 𝐧𝐨. 𝐨𝐟𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬 ∗ 𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬) ∗ 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐭𝐡

∗ 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲

𝐐 = (𝟑. 𝟏𝟒 ∗ 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟓 ∗ 𝟔) ∗ 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟐 ∗ 𝟑. 𝟓𝟒

𝐐 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟖𝟕𝐦𝟑/𝐬

Table3.1 Design Values

At 𝐐 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐 𝐦𝟑⁄𝐬 𝐍 = 𝟐𝟗𝟗𝟎𝐑𝐏𝐌 𝐇 = 𝟐𝟏. 𝟑𝟒 𝐦

𝛈 = 𝟕𝟕

inlet diameter 𝐃𝟏 = 𝟔𝟎𝐦𝐦

outlet diameter 𝐃𝟐 = 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝐦𝐦

inlet vane angle 𝛂 = 𝟖. 𝟓°

outlet vane angle 𝐚𝟐 = 𝟑𝟑°

inlet impeller width 𝐁𝟏 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟓𝐦

outlet impeller width 𝐁𝟐 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟐𝐦

3.2 3D Model

Fig3.2. Impeller CATIA V5 model

The figure is the final model which we have modeled using CATIA V5.

Chapter 4


The superiority of ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) over Caprolone (Nylon) in
terms of mechanical properties made it easy for us in the selection of material for the

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) is a terpolymer, or a polymer composed of

three different monomers. This amorphous blend is made up of acrylonitrile, butadiene,
and styrene in varying proportions. Each one of these monomers serve to impart an
advantage to ABS: acrylonitrile provides chemical and thermal stability, butadiene
increase toughness and impact strength, and styrene gives the plastic a nice and glossy

Advantage of ABS: ABS is a common thermoplastic, and often is able to meet the
property requirements at a reasonable price, falling between standard resins (PVC,
polystyrene) and engineering resins (acrylic, nylon). The primary advantage of ABS as
a material is that it combines the strength and rigidity of acrylonitrile and styrene
polymers with the toughness of the polybutadiene rubber.

ABS is exceptionally resistant to chemical degradation, either by alkaline or acidic

agents. The chemical stability of ABS lies in the strong chemical bonding as apparent in
its structure

IsaiasHernandez-Carrillo Christopher J Wood HaoLiu5 tested ABS for micro turbine. In

our study we consider and analyze ABS for centrifugal pump impeller applications.
Further depending upon the analysis results we conclude the feasibility of using this
material for different heads or discharges.




Fig. 5.1 Impeller in ANSYS 16.0

The figure is an image obtained after importing impeller into ANSYS 16.0

5.1 Analysis with brass material
Table5.1.1 Units
Unit System Metric (m, kg, N, s, V, A) Radians rad/s Celsius
Angle Radians
Rotational Velocity rad/s
Temperature Celsius

Table5.1.2 Material Data for brass

Property Value
Density 8730 kg m^-3
Young's Modulus 8.826e+010 pa
Poisson's Ratio 0.34
Bulk Modulus 9.1937e+010 pa
Shear Modulus 3.2933e+010 pa
Tensile Yield Strength 1.35e+008 pa
Tensile Ultimate Strength 3.45e+008 pa

Table5.1.3 Statistics

Nodes 27982
Elements 16281
Mesh Metric None

Table5.1.4 Loads
Define By Vector
Magnitude 500. rad/s (ramped)
Axis Defined
Suppressed No

Fig. 5.1 Rotational Velocity

5.1.1 Total Deformation

Fig.5.1.1 Total Deformation

Table5.1.5 Deformation values

Time [s] Minimum [m] Maximum [m]
1. 0. 1.0112e-004

When a rotational velocity of 500 rad/sec was applied the deformation values of the
brass impeller were found to be as in the table.

The minimum value being 0m and the maximum value being 0.00010112m.

5.1.2 Equivalent Shear Strain

Fig. 5.1.2 Equivalent Elastic Strain

Table5.1.6 Equivalent Elastic Strain Values

Time [s] Minimum [m/m] Maximum [m/m]
1. 1.6922e-006 8.0242e-004

Under similar conditions the equivalent shear strain values were obtained as follows.

Minimum Equivalent shear strain value - 0.0000016922m

Maximum Equivalent shear strain value – 0.00080142m

5.1.3 Equivalent stress

Fig. 5.1.3 Equivalent Stress

Table5.1.7 Equivalent Stress values

Time [s] Minimum [Pa] Maximum [Pa]
1. 1.4935e+005 5.3251e+007

The equivalent shear stress values in Pa were obtained under the similar loading

Minimum Shear stress value – 0.4935e+005

Maximum Shear stress value – 5.3251e+007

5.1.4 Factor of safety

Fig. 5.1.4 Safety Factor

Table 5.1.8 FOS values

Time [s] Minimum Maximum
1. 2.5352 15.

The FOS thus obtained was found to be within the permissible range i.e. 2.5352

Table5.1.9 Results
Type Total Equivalent Elastic Equivalent (von-Mises)
Deformation Strain Stress
Minimum 0. m 1.6922e-006 m/m 1.4935e+005 Pa
Maximum 1.0112e-004 m 8.0242e-004 m/m 5.3251e+007 Pa

5.2 Analysis with ABS
Table 5.2.1Material Data for ABS
Property Value
Density 1040 kg m^-3
Young's Modulus 1.e+009pa
Poisson's Ratio 0.29
Bulk Modulus 7.9365e+008 pa
Shear Modulus 3.876e+008 pa
Tensile Yield Strength 1.3e+007 pa
Tensile Ultimate Strength 2.3e+007 pa

Table5.2.2 Statistics

Nodes 27982
Elements 16281
Mesh Metric None

Table 5.2.3Loads
Define By Vector
Magnitude 500. rad/s (ramped)
Axis Defined
Suppressed No

Fig. 5.2 Rotational Velocity

5.2.1 Total Deformation

Fig. 5.2.1 Total Deformation

Table 5.2.4 Total Deformation values

Time [s] Minimum [m] Maximum [m]
1. 0. 1.0993e-003

When a rotational velocity of 500 rad/sec was applied the deformation values of the
brass impeller were found to be as in the table.

The minimum value being 0m and the maximum value being 0.0010993m.

5.2.2 Equivalent Shear Strain

Fig. 5.2.2 Equivalent Elastic Strain

Table 5.2.5 equivalent Elastic Strain values

Time [s] Minimum [m/m] Maximum [m/m]
1. 1.9127e-005 8.8199e-003

Under similar conditions the equivalent shear strain values were obtained as follows.

Minimum Equivalent shear strain value - 0.000019127m

Maximum Equivalent shear strain value – 0.0088199m

5.2.3 Equivalent Stress

Fig. 5.2.3 Equivalent Stress Table 5.2.6 Equivalent Stress

Time [s] Minimum [Pa] Maximum [Pa]
1. 19127 6.5442e+006

The equivalent shear stress values in Pa were obtained under the similar loading

Minimum Shear stress value – 19127Pa

Maximum Shear stress value – 6.5442e+006

5.2.4 Factor of Safety

Fig. 5.2.4 Factor of safety

Table 5.2.7 FOS values

Time [s] Minimum Maximum
1. 1.9865 15

The FOS thus obtained was found to be within the permissible range i.e. 1.9865

Table 5.2.8 Results

Type Total Equivalent Elastic Equivalent (von-Mises)
Deformation Strain Stress
Minimum 0. m 1.9127e-005 m/m 19127 Pa
Maximum 1.0993e-003 m 8.8199e-003 m/m 6.5442e+006 Pa

5.3 Comparison of results between Brass and ABS

Table 5.3 Comparison of results between Brass and ABS

Type Brass ABS

Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Total Deformation(m) 0 1.0112e-004 0 1.0993e-003
EquivalentShear 1.6922e-006 8.0242e-004 1.9127e-005 8.8199e-003
Equivalent stress(Pa) 1.4935e+005 5.3251e+007 19127 6.5442e+006
FOS 2.5352 15 1.9865 15

The deformation and shear, strain values of both the materials can be tabulated as

The factor of safety obtained for both the materials were found to be satisfactory and
hence the design can be concluded to be safe.




After Static structural analysis, CFD analysis is performed to find the head developed
by the impeller. The design model is imported and analyzed.

A box enclosure is taken for the impeller model that serves the purpose of volute casing.

Fig. 6.1 Impeller within the enclosure

Later on, a mesh is created with fine sizing.

Fig. 6.2 Meshing of the component

Faces were selected and named selection was made to assign the inlet, outlet and

Fig. 6.3 Named selection

Fig. 6.4 General solver settings

Fig. 6.5 Inlet Velocity an pressure

Fig 6.6 Outlet pressure

6.1 Pressure

Fig. 6.7 Pressure in the enclosure

The maximum pressure obtained is 6.79273e+07 Pa and minimum value of pressure is

-1.1427e+08 Pa.

Fig. 6.8 Details of contour (pressure)

6.2 Velocity

Fig. 6.9 Velocity in the contour

Fig. 6.10 Details of contour (velocity)

6.3 Wall Shear

Fig. 6.11 Wall shear

6.4 Streamline Velocity

Fig. 6.12 Streamline Velocity

Fig. 6.13 Final Values

Fig. 6.14 Final Area values

The net pressure acting on the walls and on the blades is obtained from the above table.
These values are further utilized in calculating the discharge head.

6.5 Head calculation:

Head(m) = 2.31 ∗ pressure(kPa)

Taking maximum pressure, we have ,

P = 6.126e + 007

i.e. P = 6.717kPa


Head = 2.31 ∗ 6.717

Head = 15.5m



An impeller was modeled and analyzed with a change in material to resist corrosion.
ABS was the impeller material selected after understanding its properties to sustain the
working conditions of the pump.

In contrast to brass impeller, whose total deformation was found to be 0.0001m and a
FOS of 2.5, ABS impeller has a certain greater deformation and lower FOS. The total
deformation of ABS impeller was found to be 0.001 and FOS is 1.98. However, the
values thus obtained are also satisfactory for the effective functioning of an impeller in
the pump. Hence the ABS impeller designed is safe and feasible.

CFD analysis was carried out on the impeller in order to find the delivery head. The
total pressure was taken into account and the head obtained was 15.5m which is a bit
lesser than the design head of 21m.

The analysis finally proved the feasibility of ABS as an impeller material in situations
where there is a need for corrosion resistance.

1. Pranith.M.Patil,Shrikanth.B.Gawas,Priyanka.P.Pawaskar,Dr.R.G.Todkar,May20
15, “Effect of geometrical changes of impeller on pump performance”
2. “Parametric study of centrifugal pump impeller by varying the outlet
blade angle” E.C.Bacharoudis, A.E.Filios, M.D.Mentzos and
3. “Design of impeller Blade by varying blades and type of blades using
Analytical” ISSN No.: 2348-4845, Mr.C.V.SRajesh,Mr.SK Hidayatula
4. “Design , Modeling and Analysis of Monoblock Centrifugal pump
impeller” Chetan Kalappa Tambake, Prof. P.V.Salunke
6. "Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering" , (SI Units) Dr. D. S. Kumar.
7. “Advanced materials for the impeller in an ORC radial
microturbine” IsaiasHernandez-Carrillo Christopher JWood


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