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Sr. Full Stack Java Developer

Phone: (732)844-0261


 Around 8+ years of experience in all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which
includes Design, Implementation, Development, Testing, Integration, and Deployment of
Enterprise Web-based applications using Java/J2EE technologies.
 Have good knowledge of Spring Framework, MVC architecture, Spring Boot, Micro Services,
Restful Web services, Oracle SQL, HTML, and CSS.
 Experience in following Agile software development methodologies like Scrum, Sprint, and
Traditional software models like Waterfall, and Test-Driven Development (TDD).
 Proficient in User Interface (UI) applications by using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery,
JSON, AJAX, Angular, React JS, and Vue JS.
 Designed and Developed End to End customer self-service module using annotation-based
Spring MVC, Hibernate, and Angular 12. 
 Extensive experience in implementing and managing Collibra Data Governance platform,
ensuring effective management and governance of organizational data assets.
 Experience in Core Java with a strong foundation and working knowledge of core java
components: Collections, Multithreading, Data Structures, Exception Handling, Garbage
Collection, Method referencing, and Stream API.
 Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Micro Services and developing
Spring-based applications with very less configuration.
 Familiar with Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, and GitHub.
 Strong knowledge of RDBMS concepts and experience working with relational databases like
MySQL, Oracle SQL PL/SQL, SQL Server (MS SQL), DB2, and NoSQL databases like MongoDB and
Oracle Performance Tuning.
 Strong expertise in designing and implementing service virtualization and orchestration patterns
in Oracle Service Bus, enabling the composition of complex business processes by integrating
multiple services.
 Hands-on experience in using React JS JavaScript library for building interactive UI’s using one-
way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, and React native concepts.
 Integrated REST API with Spring for consuming resources using Spring Rest Templates and
developed RESTful web services interface to Java-based runtime engine and accounts. 
 Good experience working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud services like EC2, S3, RDS,
Dynamo DB, Elastic Load Balancing, Elastic Beanstalk, SNS, SQS, and IAM.
 Experience in developing web-based applications using Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JSF (Prime Faces), EJB,
JDBC, Swing, Struts, Applets, JSI, Java Persistence API (JPA), JNDI, MDB, and JMS.
 Extensive experience working with JBoss Application Server, including installation, configuration,
and deployment of Java EE applications.
 Knowledge in implementing MEAN Stack (MongoDB, AngularJS, NodeJS) with RESTful stands.
 Strong experience developing Dynamic Single Page Applications (SPA) using MEAN (Mongo,
Express Angular, and Node) full-stack development tool kit.
 Proficient in using Terraform to automate the deployment and release processes, enabling
efficient and reliable application deployment across different environments, such as
development, staging, and production.
 Experience in working with SOA architecture by developing restful and SOAP-based web services
using JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WSDL, Apache Axis2, Apache CXF, Jackson, Spring REST, and Jersey
 Experience in deploying and managing Aurora PostgreSQL clusters in a cloud environment.
 Experienced in using Operating Systems like Windows and Unix /Linux.
 Knowledge of integrating GIT into a Continuous Integration (CI) environment along with Jenkins.
 Experience with MongoDB Installation, Configuring, and Monitoring and Worked on MongoDB
database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, sharding, replication, schema design,
 Experience in handling messaging services using Apache Kafka.
 Extensively worked on JIRA for tracking stories in a Project in a different methodology of
Software Development Life Cycle.


Programming C, C++, Java, J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL

Web Technologies HTML, DHTML, XML, React JS, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, Bootstrap, JSON,
Angular 6, Node JS, Express JS.

Tools and Framework Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, JMS,
Log4J, Spring Boot, Angular, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Jasmine
Web Services SOAP, Restful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS JAX-WS, JAX-B, Axis2, Jersey, Micro Services
Architecture and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Methodologies Agile, Waterfall, OOAD, SCRUM.

Version Control Tools GIT, GITHUB 2.12.0, SVN, Bit Bucket.
Web/App Servers Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, Web Logic Server
Database Oracle, PL/SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra

Methodologies Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Rapid Application Development

OS Windows, Mac OS, LINUX, UNIX


US Bank, New York APR 2022 - PRESENT

Sr. Full Stack Java Developer


 Creating models, views, and controllers using HTML, JavaScript, and jQuery. Extensively
worked on User Interface views using CSS, HTML, AJAX, JavaScript, and Bootstrap.
 Application front-end/UI developers actively participated in the definition, design,
development, and implementation of functionalities using ANGULAR. Developed application
using concepts of Single page application using Angular, and Angular CLI commands.
 Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Python on the Django framework.
 Proficient in developing modern web applications using React.js, a popular JavaScript library for
building user interfaces.
 Utilized Redux or other state management libraries to manage complex application states and
ensure data consistency across components.
 MVC architecture in developing web applications with the help of the Django framework. Stack
and created POCs for rest service development using Node.js, Express.JS, and MongoDB.
 Used Angular forms to validate fields and created custom validator directives and updated
pages using HTML5, and CSS3 in the AngularJS framework. Develop client-side web pages
using HTML5, CSS3
 Used Typescript in Angular reformation, by using the System JS we convert the Typescript files to
 JavaScript files, as a default extension with the help of reference libraries.
 Built web application on the server side using Node JS with Express framework. Developed user
interface using JSP with JavaBeans, JSTL, Custom Tag Libraries, CSS, jQuery, Node.js, and Angular.
 Create Mule flows to integrate Data from various sources into Database from ActiveMQ topics
and WMQ queues, some transformations were also done at the integration layer.
 Integrated JBoss with other middleware technologies such as RabbitMQ enabling seamless
communication and data.
 Creating and configuring OSB proxy and business services, defining service endpoints,
implementing transformations, and managing service policies for security, reliability, and
 Designed and developed application codes using Java/JEE, XML, SOAP, REST, Spring
Framework, and Hibernate Framework. Created automation scripts in SOAP UI for web
services testing.
 Implemented functionalities using Spring Boot and Hibernate ORM. Implemented Java EE
components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions, and Spring security modules.
 Developed highly scalable and modular applications using Spring's dependency injection (DI)
and inversion of control (IoC) principles, promoting loose coupling and testability.
 Perform the API Testing for the endpoints systems using Swagger, and POSTMAN tools and
make sure the endpoints are working fine.
 Extensive experience developing CDK applications using Java, leveraging the AWS Java SDK
and CDK constructs to define infrastructure resources, application logic, and deployment
 Wrote SQL queries, stored procedures, and modifications to existing database structure for
additional features Controller Servlets, Action, and Form objects for the process of interacting
with Oracle database.
 Collaborated closely with developers and product owners to define test requirements and
acceptance criteria using Jasmine's BDD syntax.
 Optimized cache configurations and fine-tuned cache parameters to achieve the desired
balance between performance and resource utilization.
 Utilized JMS publish/subscribe model to implement a robust and flexible messaging system,
allowing multiple consumers to subscribe to specific message types and ensuring reliable
 Actualize the business necessities utilizing Spring Data and Spring Security and implement the
authentication and authorization of the application using Spring Security and OAuth2.
 Implemented comprehensive security measures using Spring Security, including
authentication, authorization, and role-based access control (RBAC), ensuring robust
protection for sensitive resources.
 Integrated RxJS with frontend frameworks such as Angular or React to handle asynchronous
operations and state management in a reactive manner.
 Used Lambda function to index the data dump in MongoDB and Adopted MongoDB for data
storage, designed different schemas and data access services to communicate with MongoDB.
 Produced and consumed centralized Spring Restful Web Services for enterprise applications in
JSON format and trusted client-server environments.
 Used GitHub to keep up the form of the documents and assumed the liability to do the code
converges from the branch. Worked with Jenkins plugins, GitHub, Code Commit API, and
webhooks to leverage CI/CD pipelines.
 Utilized Maven as fabricated computerization apparatus for sending the venture on Tomcat
Application Server. Implemented Maven builds to automate jar and war package creation.
 Used Kubernetes to manage containerized applications using its nodes, ConfigMaps, selector,
Services, and deployed application containers as Pods.
 Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create customized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensure
successful deployment of Web applications and database templates.
 Used Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance and manage docker containers with multiple
namespace versions and managed light weight Kubernetes for self-healing and high

Environment: Java 8, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.JS, Angular 6, Bootstrap4, NodeJS, AJAX,
Express.js, Hibernate, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring DATA, Spring batch,
SOAP, RESTful, Soap UI, Ready API, AWS, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, MongoDB, AJAX, Log4J, JUnit,
Kafka, JIRA, Maven, Apache Tomcat, GitHub, GIT, Bash shell scripting and STS.

Citi Group, Long Island, NJ MAR 2020 – APR

Full Stack Java Developer


• Used Agile Sprint planning and Scrum methodologies, used JIRA to create tasks and subtasks to
assign work to team members and create and track the defects during the QA phase.
• Participated in meetings with the end-clients to develop layout, color scheme for the web page and
implemented them with the help of HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX and JavaScript.
• Worked with ReactJS, React Flux, and Redux architecture using complex object-oriented concepts to
improve website performance.
• Developed the React container and presentational components as Stateless, Functional components,
worked on ReactJS components like Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations & Redux concept.
• Worked with React to build Bootstrap components for responsive UI Objects and linked with API
data to view render the virtual DOM dynamically, React Observables to create custom
components for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format.
• Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component
based architecture provided by Angular and Used Webpack to build Typescript modules.
• Involved in setting up test automation, developed cucumber feature files and used Selenium for
automated testing with TestNG, used Selenium (data -driven, XPath locator) to test the web
• Proficient in using build tools like Maven or Gradle to manage Java dependencies, package CDK
applications, and orchestrate deployment workflows, ensuring streamlined development and
deployment processes.
• Setting up and configuring RabbitMQ message brokers, including creating exchanges, queues, and
bindings, as well as defining message routing rules.
• Implemented caching strategies using Spring Cache and integration with caching frameworks like
Ehcache or Redis, enhancing application performance and reducing database load.
• Experience in building isomorphic applications using React.js and Redux with GraphQL on server side
and worked with GraphQL queries and use Apollo GraphQL library.
• Worked on building an isomorphic application using React.js and Redux with GraphQL on server side.
• Developed, configured, and maintained a new GraphQL service using Spring Boot, Spring WebFlux,
Reactor, that was responsible for communicating with the SOAP/REST endpoints in our existing
microservices to fetch the required data.
• Utilized Jasmine's beforeEach and afterEach hooks to set up and tear down test environments,
ensuring consistent and reliable test execution.
• Used Java 8 lambda expressions along with Streams for creating internal iteration and
performing chain operations such as Filter, Map, Collection a collection.
• Developed Micro Service to provide Restful API utilizing Spring Boot with various data persistence
frameworks such as Hibernate, Spring Data JPA and messaging engines.
• Utilized Spring Boot Scheduler to define and manage recurring tasks, such as data synchronization,
email notifications, and data cleanup.
• Developed and implemented data governance strategies, policies, and frameworks using Collibra to
ensure data quality, integrity, and compliance.
• Worked closely with cross-functional teams, including business analysts and architects, to define JMS
message formats, message contracts, and integration protocols for seamless data exchange.
• Used Micro service architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination
of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers and worked with Kafka Cluster using ZooKeeper.
• Used Spring Framework and developed the Spring Features like Spring Core, Spring IOC, Spring
AOP, Spring Data Access and spring web test, Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Boot and Spring
Security and Spring Integration. Integrated Spring Security, SAML 2.0 and OAuth for single sign on.
• Managed and maintained Oracle and NoSQL Cassandra implementation using Datastax Java API,
Hector API, CQL and Kundera API.
• Used Swagger for Restful API documentation because it gives the rich UI to test the API. Developed
unit & integration tests for existing microservices using JUnit, Mockito and Docker environments.
• Involved in migration project from on-Premises Infrastructure to AWS Cloud working on configuring
various AWS Services: Lambda, S3, EC2, ELB, VPC CloudFront, SNS and DynamoDB
• Implemented CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins and extensively worked for end-to-end automation for all
build and deployments for timely builds, code coverage, running test.
• Developed ActiveMQ message listeners and consumers in Java, using the ActiveMQ Java client
library or frameworks like Spring JMS, to process messages, implement message-driven
architectures, and handle asynchronous message reception.
• Launched Kubernetes to provide a platform for automating deployment, scaling and operations of
application containers across clusters of hosts.
• Containerized the application components using Docker and deployed them on Red Hat
OpenShift Container Platform for efficient management and orchestration..
• Involved in configuring the Git repository and maintaining the version control using Git and
used GIT for source code version control and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.

Environment: Java 8, AWS, Spring (Boot, Batch, MVC, DAO, IOC, Security), Hibernate, JavaScript
Frameworks, HTML5, CSS3, React, Node JS, BootStrap JS, GraphQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Kafka, log4j,
JUnit, J2EE, Jenkins, Docker, GIT version Controller, JIRA.

Amedisys Health, Durham, NC JAN 2019 – MAR 2020

Full Stack Java Developer


 Worked with AngularJS Controllers, Filters, Validations, Service, Factory, and creating custom
directives to interact with the Restful services and connect with the back end.
 Developed views using Bootstrap components, Angular-UI, and involved in configuring routing
for various modules using Angular UI Router.
 Diverse experience utilizing tools in N-tier and Microservices architecture applications using
Spring Boot, Spring Cloud config, AWS, Cassandra, My SQL, Restful Web Services.
 Created Docker images for the Node-React micro services and deployed in Azure Container
 Worked on migrating code from Angular.js/Java application code to React.js/Node.js micro
 Implemented Micro Services based Cloud Architecture on AWS Platform and Cloud Foundry.
 Fundamental mastery of AWS clouds computing platform and its dimensions of scalability.
 Implemented Angular form validations and used Bootstrap to show errors, warnings, and info
 Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including architects, testers, and infrastructure
engineers, to ensure successful application deployment and operation on Red Hat OpenShift.
 Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using jQuery and developed code to call the
web service/APIs to fetch and populate data on UI using jQuery/AJAX.
 Involved in all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using Agile Scrum
 Implemented data serialization and deserialization techniques to convert Java objects to JSON
and vice versa.
 Developed Single Page Application (SPA) using Angular 4, Typescript, Angular CLI, HTML5, CSS3,
jQuery, JavaScript, and Bootstrap.
 Serializing and deserializing Java objects to and from messages in RabbitMQ, ensuring proper
data transformation and compatibility between sender and receiver.
 Used HTML5 for displaying the contents requires on a web page, CSS3 for styling, and Bootstrap
for quickly designing and customizing the web pages.
 Implemented Core Java Collections, Multithreading, Exception handling, Design patterns for
functionality, also worked on Java 1.8 functional programming concepts, and lambda
 Developed the backend of the application using Spring Boot and handled the authentication,
authorization, and access-control features by using Spring Security.
 Integrated Autosys job scheduling capabilities with Spring Boot applications to enable centralized
control and visibility of scheduled tasks.
 Used Spring Dependency Injection, Spring MVC components, Spring Annotations, and other
Spring Modules to implement the business layer and navigation part of the application.
 Developed DAO’s using JPA, hibernate persistence API to interact and performed CRUD
operations like Update, Delete, and Insert data on the MongoDB database.
 Developing and consuming web services and RESTful APIs within JBoss environment, utilizing
frameworks like JAX-WS or JAX-RS.
 Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based RESTful Web services and made REST
API calls from Angular and parsed the data to the client.
 Utilized RxJS to handle user interactions, including debouncing, throttling, and event aggregation
for improved performance and user experience.
 Used JIRA ticketing system to keep track of issues and to monitor the status of tasks assigned to
 Conducted code reviews and made sure that best practices are maintained in the development
 Coordinated with the testing team in fixing Bugs at various stages of the application
development process.
 Developed POC’s to create an interface between Backend to Frontend by using MongoDB,
Express JS, Angular, and Node JS.  
 Developed XML Web Services for data transfer between client and server using SOAP, WSDL, and
 Used Postman and SoapUI to test web services and Implemented OAuth 2.0 token-based
authentication, and authorization for securing APIs using Spring Security for session fixation, and
cross-site request forgery.
 Led the end-to-end implementation of Collibra Data Governance platform, including installation,
configuration, and customization, to meet specific organizational requirements.
 Developed Micro services using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Spring Security.
 Involved in creating JUnit, Mockito based unit test cases as the mocking technique for the
objects under test.
 Used Terraform to provision and manage infrastructure resources, such as virtual machines,
networks, storage, and load balancers, across different cloud providers like AWS, Azure, or
Google Cloud Platform.
 Used Maven for project management and creating JAR files and deployed it on the Web logic
 Built applications using IntelliJ IDEA and used Log4J for application logging and tracking
 Used SVN for version control management and code commits.
Environment: JDK 1.8, J2EE, Angular 2, Angular CLI, Typescript, Spring Boot, Rational Rose, Hibernate,
jQuery, AJAX, JSON, XML, Postman, Soap UI, Rabbit MQ, React JS, AWS, MongoDB, Node JS, Express JS,
Web logic Server, SVN, JIRA, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, Log4J, IntelliJ IDEA.

Client: Energy Transfer Houston, TX OCT 2016 – DEC

Role: Java Full Stack Developer


 Involved in all phases of the Software Development life cycle (SDLC) using SAFE Agile
Methodology, designed use case diagrams as a part of Design Phase, Development, Testing,
Debugging, and Deployment.
 Build responsive applications using NodeJS, AngularJS. Application compatible with mobile
devices, different web platforms, and browsers. Consumed different plugins, angular modules,
and providers.
 Working experience of CI/CD pipeline, GIT, Stash, Bit Bucket, Artifactory, or Jenkins.
 Developed a set of application functionality using CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) features
of Backbone.js.
 Performed AngularJS end-to-end testing using the Protractor framework.
 Used backbone.js as Model, Widgets as Controller, and jQuery template as view. 
 Developed application on Spring framework by utilizing its features like Spring Dependency
injection, Spring Beans, Spring Security, Spring JPA, Spring Web flow using MVC.
 Deployed the drools rules as a service in the J2EE stack environment.
 Worked on Spring Framework handling major concepts like Dependency Injections, Spring IoC
Containers, Transaction Management Declaratives (annotations based).
 Configured Hibernate second-level cache using EH cache to reduce the number of hits to the
configuration table data.
 Collaborated with front-end developers to design JSON-based APIs that efficiently serve data to
user interfaces.
 Conducted data quality assessments and implemented data quality rules and measures in
Collibra to identify and remediate data quality issues.
 Developed Java Message Service (JMS) applications using Apache ActiveMQ, utilizing JMS APIs
and features for sending and receiving messages, managing message persistence, and
implementing pub/sub or point-to-point messaging patterns.
 Integrated JMS with third-party systems, such as ERP or CRM, facilitating seamless data exchange
and enabling efficient business processes.  
 Implemented thorough unit tests for reusable components using testing frameworks such as
Jest, Enzyme, or React Testing Library.
 Implemented Spring boot microservices to process the messages into the Kafka cluster setup.
 Used Maven build tool to deploy the application on web servers, i.e., JBoss.
 Performed code review and Reviewed/Written many test cases for the developed features.
 Experience as a Security Maven in web security for few repositories that belong to the team to
maintain and clear the vulnerabilities using Checkmarx Scans and raise the defects if no
immediate changes are made.
 Unit, functional, end-to-end testing is achieved using the TestNg framework. 

Environment: HTML5, Node, CSS3, Redis, Express JS, jQuery, JavaScript, Node JS, Bootstrap, REST API,
SonarQube, Load Balancer, Mongoose Connector, MongoDB, REST administrations, Docker, Mocha,
Jasmine, Karma, Gulp, SSO Authentication, WebPack, Kubernetes, Selenium, Maven and Jenkins. GIT,
Jenkins, AWS Services, Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2).

YASH Technologies, Hyderabad, India MAR 2014 – MAR

Java Developer

 Developed web application using Struts, JSP, Servlets, Java beans that uses MVC design pattern.
 Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using HTML, CSS and JSP.
 Involved in the development of the User Interfaces using HTML, JSP, JavaScript, CSS and AJAX.
 Wrote JavaScript for client-side validation.
 Used Eclipse as IDE tool for creating Servlets, JSP, and XML.
 Used AJAX API for intensive user operations and client-side validations.
 Developed user interface using JSP, JSP Tag libraries, third party libraries and Java Script to simplify
the complexities of the application.
 Used multithreading in programming to improve overall performance using Singleton design
pattern in Utility class.
 Wrote Stored Procedures and complicated queries for IBM DB2.
 Worked on parsing the XML files using DOM/SAX parsers.
 Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appendix’s
 Used Rational Clear Case for version control and Clear Quest for bug tracking.

Environment: Java, JDBC, Struts, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, Oracle, Eclipse IDE, CVS,

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