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RES Important Questions for IA3

1. what is meant by renewable energy sources ? explain in brief these energy 10M
sources with special reference to Indian context
2. Explain the significance of energy consumption as a measure of prosperity 8M

3. What are the advantages and limitations of renewable energy sources 6M

4 Define the following with respect to solar radiation: Each for

i) Latitude angle ii) Altitude angle iii) Hour angle iv) Zenith angle v) 2M
Azimuth angle
vi)Declination angle vii) solar constant viii) local solar time
5 Define energy & energy resources. Discuss different ways of their 10M
classification with examples
6 List the solar thermal energy application. 4M

MODULE 4 : a)Biomass energy, b)Bio gas energy, c)Tidal power

1. Describe the construction & working of fixed dome biogas plant & its material 6M
2. Brief about the working of types of gasifiers(Updraft or downdraft or cross 8M
3. Write the various factors those are affecting generation of biogas. Name the 10M
different models of biogas plant in India
4. Explain the working of single basin tidal power plant 6M

Dept. of EEE Staff In-charge: Amulya H G Page1

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