An Analysis of Theme and Characterization On The Novel at Bertram

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Studying literature is very important, it can performances the word, it also as a source of factual information and can
give an enjoyment. Thought literature, it offers a unique delight or satisfaction, an author of literary work present
human nature, life, world, and give us lesson about mankind, personality and solving problem Study was made when
the author comes a sense of wonder what the theme of the novel "At Bertram’s Hotel " by Agatha Christie, it is
because the writers are curious about the way the story is filled with The Story theme is fiction detective, as always
the author does with her novel is all about Criminal fiction. The main theme is the idea/thought staple a piece of
literature. Theme in story can be ilustrated us he boundary of a state. Theme in a plays is an important role, because
it ussually provides the unity of the story. Another elements of the story such as : characterization, conflict and other
element have their own technique. Characterizations are the presentation of characters and character image creation.
The problem is the character of the characterizations and is one of the things whose existence in a mind is very
important and even decisive, for not going there might be a work of fiction without any deaths reported that
eventually formed the storyline. In analyzing the characterization in the novel "At Bertram’s Hotel" the author make
an analysis technique based on a physical description, portrayal of thought stream or conscious thought, reaction to
events, discussing of environment, direct author analysis, reaction of other characters, conversation of other
character. Finally, after trying to analyze the themes and characterization found in this novel, the author can
conclude that the themes contained in this novel is a Begun from the murder of one person in the story.

Keyword: Objective Structuralism, Theme, Characterization, Novel

Literary works are part of the community. Literature was born from the imagination of a writer, as
well as reflections of social phenomena that are nearby. Therefore, the presence of a literary work is
a part of community life (jabrohim, 2003: 59). Literature is one branch of art is always in the center
of human civilization can not be denied even the existence accepted as a cultural reality.
Literary works are not only valued as works of art that contains the values of imagination and
emotion wrapped up in appreciation of the author. As a creative literary work which is used as an
intellectual consumption in addition to emotional consumption (Spring, 1990: 1). Literature is one of
the cultural elements of Indonesia which are assessed during this live and thrive among the other
cultures, while the literary works of which are familiar with some form of poetry, drama, short stories
and novels. Novel as a literary works has known since eightenth century in england. With the result
as like novel, poem,poetry, drama and prose. Prose is often as specific terms for all discourage
spoken or written which is not patterned into reccurent matrix united that we call verse. Prose has
longer meaning because it covers everything, that is written as literary work but it includes some of
non fiction work.
In this case, writer makes a research limitation to characterization and theme. Characterization
according burhan nurgiyantoro (1995:165) is a figure or people's character who is put forward in
narrative work, or drama in which interpret by the eaders having a moral quality and certain tendency
through dialogues and their behavior.
Theme as the meaning of the story which especially account of the largest number of its elements in
the simplest way (Stanton,1965:30). Theme is some thing that has traditionally concerned writers and
that therefore is a legitimate concern of readers (Kennedy, 1966:88). Theme is simple the meaning of
the story realise, the meaning the story discovers. By theme we mean the necessary implication of the
whole story, not as a separateable of story. Theme in fiction is what is able to make of the total
experience rendered.
The essence of the novel "At Bertram's Hotel" is a murder based on wealth that takes place
inside the hotel which is actually a safe, peaceful, peaceful place.Although the novel is short or
concise, many events are intertwined in it. Human figure is also reflected, not all can be read
from the oddities of the Act. That picture certainly enriches the knowledge and experience of the
inner reader.This research was chosen because the writer is interested in studying literature. By
reading literary works automatically we can develop our knowledge and science, and we can
manage the works chosen by the author. In addition, the author can also get the feeling or
experience of the writer from the object of research in the novel "At Bertram's Hotel" by Agatha
This research used descriptive qualitative method which reviewed about theme and
characterization from Agatha Christie Novel entitled “At Bertram's Hotel”. The data in this
research are divided into primary data and secondary data. The primary data are taken from
novel At Bertram's Hotel. Meanwhile, the secondary data are several articles from the internet
and other sources which are related to the topic. The researcher collect data through library

Theme in a literary work is of great importance, because the theme in a literary work is a main
idea in a story, then after the author read a whole novel "At Bertram’s Hotel" by Agatha Christie,
the writer can find the theme of the novel is a Criminal fiction, this can be seen in conversation
excerpts below:
“The screaming--a woman's-was piercing the mist with a note of terror. Chief Inspector Davy
raced down Pond Street in the direction of the screams. He could dimly visualize a woman's
figure backed against a railing. In a dozen strides he had reached her. She wore a long pale fur
coat, and her shining blonde hair hung down each side of her face. He thought for a moment that
he knew who she was, then he realized that this was only a slip of a girl. Sprawled on the
pavement at her feet was the body of a man in uniform. Chief Inspector Davy recognized him. It
was Michael Gorman.”
Basically the underlying conflict is the conflict of character plot characters, because the conflict
is usually described as a battle between the protagonist and the antagonist.
In the novel "At Bertram's Hotel" by Agatha Christie is very thorough and detailed in visualizing
each character, so that readers will be very easy to imagine the imagination recorded by Agatha
Christie in this novel.
To illustrate the appearance, character, and personal figure, Agatha Christie is very careful in
visualizing the characteristics of each character.


Miss marple characterization was made by the narrator with the expository
method {direct characterization} and the dramatic method {indirect characterization}.
But most of the characterizations are carried out by the narrator with dramatic methods.
This figure requires understanding to understand the nature and character that is in the
figure of Miss Marple himself. Background elements and other characters in miss miss
marple, help in understanding by researchers. The theme and plot in the story was also
the foundation for researcher to discuss character and characterization of miss marple.

The name miss jane marple was chosen by the narrator because the narrator built
the main character's characterization with geniuses in thinking, having extensive
knowledge, and being friendly with the people around. It can be seen from the core of the
story of Miss Marple having spent more time remembering her past ever at the Bertram
hotel, which at the hotel is more often the unexpected happening with its elegant
appearance and the peaceful hotel also contains many suitable features. It's not a problem
for you to meet new people he meets.

The researchers found that characters cannot be directly through thoughts in

novels, especially in characterizing main characters. The narrator expresses the main
thought that Miss Marple can remember events in temporary detail with her age. This led
to the advantage for Chief Inspector Davy to lend and collect the evidence received
followed by the Bertram. The author takes direct characterization through actions in the
novel to reveal the main characters. In helping inspector Davy Miss Marple was very
willing to explain what had happened that night, that night discussed Peter Pennyfather
the absent-minded pastor. this ensures that the character of Miss Marple as the main
character is made by the narrator as a polite, friendly person.

Miss Jane Marple doesn't look like your average detective. Quite frankly, she
doesn't look like a detective at all. But looks can be deceiving ... For a woman who has
spent her life in the small village of St. Mary Mead, Miss Marple is surprisingly worldly.
She has every opportunity to observe human nature - as she often points out, "There is a
great deal of wickedness in village life."
"There was no unkindness in Miss Marple, she just did not trust people. Though
she expected the worst, she often accepted people kindly in spite of what they were.
"Agatha Christie - An Autobiography

Conclusion Based on the data collected, the writer concludes that the novel is a form of prose
fiction where a report reports various problems. In the life of the writer is highlighted by themes
and characterizations that vary according to the life of the author's response displayed by his
1. Based on the research by the author and the evidence and data the writer obtained, can
the writer know that the novel "At Bertram's Hotel" by Agatha Christie has: 1.
The character in Agatha Christie's novel "At Bertram's Hotel" has the main character
Miss Marple. These characters have an important role in the story and other characters
who support the main character are Mr. Humfries, Miss Gorringe, Colonel Derek
Luscombe, Bess, Lady Sedgwick, Elvira Blake.

2. Themes The theme in the novel "At Bertram's Hotel" by Agatha Christie is a question
about Crimical fiction, Begun from the murder of one person in the story.

Novel At Bertram’s Hotel
Terjemahan Novel Agatha Christie penerbit PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama II. Palmerah Selatan
26 Lt.VI Jakarta 10270
At Bertram’s Hotel from Wikipedia
Agatha Christie

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