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Tahun 5 Sesi 2022/2023
Bahasa Inggeris (013)
1 jam 15 minit


1. Buka kertas ujian ini apabila diberitahu. Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa
2. Tulis nama dan nama kelas kamu pada Nama Pemeriksa:
ruang yang disediakan.
Markah Markah
3. Tanda jawapan kamu bagi Part 1, Part 2,                         
Penuh Diperoleh
Part 3 dan Part 4 pada ruang jawapan
objektif di halaman terakhir kertas ujian ini. Part 1 5
4. Jawab soalan Part 5, Part 6 dan Part 7 di
Part 2 4  
ruang jawapan yang disediakan dalam
kertas ujian ini. Part 3 5  
5. Kertas ujian ini hendaklah diserahkan
kepada guru bertugas pada akhir ujian.
Part 4 6  
Part 5 5  
Part 6 10  
Part 7 15  
Jumlah 50  

TERHAD 2 013

[5 marks]

Questions 1 to 5

Read the text carefully in each question. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B
or C. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.


At Famous Book Shop

 Old books

75% off

1 July until 25 July

New books

15% off

26 July until 31 July

Tan wants to buy some old books and some new books too. She needs to go to the book
sale from
A 26 July until 31 July.
  B 25 July until 31 July
C 1 July until 25 July

TERHAD 3 013

The chart tells us that

A b urger is the most popular meal.
  B price of the dessert is the highest.
C noodles is as expensive as fried rice.


Subject: Get well soon

Dear Hadi,

I hope you’re getting better. Yesterday, Miss Mary asked us to do a project

about ‘Plants in the dessert’. We are going to hand it in by Friday next week.


From the email, we can say that

A Borhan is not feeling well.
  B Hadi is doing the homework. 
C Miss Mary wants the homework by Friday. 

TERHAD 4 013

Danny wants to watch a movie after his football match in the evening. Which movie is
available for him?
A Superheroes
  B Finding Aaron
C Don't Look Down

TERHAD 5 013

They are going to ______________

A colour paper dolls.
  B make a story.
C sit for a quiz.

TERHAD 6 013

[4 marks]

Questions 6 to 9

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each blank. For each blank, choose the
correct answer A, B or C. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

House On Fire

     Rick was walking home from school yesterday. On the way, he saw (6) _________
coming out from Jana’s house. He ran quickly to find out what was happening. He threw his
school bag by the roadside.

     Rick was (7) ____________ to see Jana’s house was on fire. He acted quickly. He
shouted for helped. He went to the house next to Jana’s house to ask for help. He asked
Jana’s (8) ____________ to call the fire station. While waiting for the fire engine to come,
they did what they can to help.

     A few minutes later, the fire engine (9) __________. They quickly got to work. Finally,
they put out fire in half an hour. Luckily, there was no one at home and nobody was hurt.

6 A smoke B wind C light

7 A worried B shocked C confused
8 A neighbour B customer C driver
9 A arrive B arrives C arrived

TERHAD 7 013

[5 marks]

Questions 10 to 14

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B or C. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

Read the text and answer the questions.

Keisha's Holiday

     Last April, Keisha and her family visited her aunt in Mesra City. They stayed at

her house for 4 days and 3 nights. Her father drove them to her aunt's place. They

did lots of fun activities together. For example, they had a picnic at Bahagia Beach.

The beach was near her aunt's house. They swam and built sandcastles at the beach.

Her mother prepared some food for them to eat there. Keisha's father played ball
with her brother. They also went to her aunt’s farm. She had many ducks and cows.

Keisha helped her aunt to collect some grass for the cows, and her brother helped

collecting some duck eggs. It was very interesting. Her aunt took their family to the

Sandbay Shopping Centre. They did some shopping there. Her aunt bought her a

blouse and a skirt. She also bought a pair of jeans and a shirt for Keisha's brother.

Her father bought a cap for himself and a pair of earrings for her mother. During

their stay at her aunt's house, she cooked them lots of good food. Keisha and her

mother  helped her to cook. They really enjoyed their stay.

TERHAD 8 013

10  Keisha's family travel to Mesra City by

     A  a car

     B  a bus

     C an aeroplane

11  Who cook the food for their picnic?

     A Keisha

     B Keisha's aunt

     C Keisha's mother 

12  What did Keisha's father buy at the shopping centre?

     A a skirt

     B a pair of jeans

     C a pair of earrings

13  What did Keisha's brother receive from her aunt?

     A  a cap

     B  a shirt

     C a blouse

14  During the stay, Keisha helped her aunt to

     A prepare nice meals

     B collect duck eggs

     C buy a skirt  

TERHAD 9 013

[6 marks]

Questions 15 to 20

Read the texts about three different clubs (A, B and C). Choose the club (A, B or C) which
fits the descriptions.

For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C). Mark the correct answer (A, B or
C) on your answer sheet.

Football Club
Hi! I'm Adrian. I joined the Football Club in my school. I have football
practice every Saturday at half past four in the afternoon. I pay RM 30
per month. I always bring my boots. At the end of the month, my coach
will choose some players for our school team.  I hope I will be chosen.
My friends and I will go to the National Stadium to watch a football
match next month. If you want to join our club, please call my coach,
Mr. Alex at 012-2225514 by Thursday.

Badminton Club
Hello! My name is Finna. I joined the Badminton Club in my school. I
have club activities every Wednesday at a quarter past five in the
B afternoon. I pay RM 20 each month to be a member. I got a free racket
because I was one of the first to join the club. My coach, Mr. Tim is very
nice. Please email him at before Tuesday if you'd like
to join us.

Hockey Club
Hi! My name is Dewi. I'm in the Hockey Club in school. I have practice
every Tuesday at a quarter to two in the field. To be a member, I pay RM
C 50 every month. There is a 20 % discount for new members if you give
your name to my coach, Miss Lim by Saturday. New members are given
extra classes to help them learn the game. Please message Miss Lim at
011-7776641 if you would like to join this club.

TERHAD 10 013

A Football Club

B Badminton Club

C Hockey Club

0 Members meet at the weekend. A

15 Club members meet at 4:30 p.m.

16 The club gives special lessons to new members.

17 New members must email the coach to join the club.

18 There will be a school trip to watch a game at a stadium.

The club has a special discount for members who join by


The coach gives presents to members who are among the

first to join.

TERHAD 11 013

[5 marks]

Questions 21 to 25

Read the descriptions of some words about animals.

What is the word for each one?

The first letter is already there. There is one space for each letter in the word.

0 This big brown animal likes to eat fish. bear

21 This grey animal has big ears. e __ __ __ __ __ __ __

22 This animal likes to climb trees. m __ __ __ __ __

23 This animal has a long and thin body but no legs. s __ __ __ __

This small animal has long ears and likes to eat

24 r __ __ __ __ __

This animal has four legs, and people ride on it or use

25 h __ __ __ __
it for carrying things.

TERHAD 12 013

PART 6 Untuk
[10 marks] Kegunaan

Your friend, Esther, is joining you and your brother for a movie night at the cinema.

Write an email to Esther.

In your email, tell

what movie you will watch together

time and where to meet

how to get to the cinema

Write about 30-50 words.

Write your email below.

Subject: Movie night.

TERHAD 13 013

PART 7 Untuk
[15 marks] Kegunaan

You saw a poster for a trip to a museum from your school. Write an email to your friend,
Rina, to tell her about the trip and invite her to go with you.

Write your email to Rina in about 60 – 80 words.

TERHAD 14 013

To: Kegunaan
Subject: Trip to the National Museum

TERHAD 15 013

NAMA: ............................................................................................................ Pemeriksa

KELAS: ............................................................................................................



1 A B C D   11 A B C D

2 A B C D   12 A B C D

3 A B C D   13 A B C D

4 A B C D   14 A B C D

5 A B C D   15 A B C D

6 A B C D   16 A B C D

7 A B C D   17 A B C D

8 A B C D   18 A B C D

9 A B C D   19 A B C D

10 A B C D   20 A B C D


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