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Sustainable project (part A)

 MOHAMMAD 1) H00459861 

o 2)Saud 2) H00443043 

 Theyab Jamal 
3) H00461848 

 4. mohammed
hassan  4) 

1. A brief description of part of the campus that your group has chosen (e.g. canteen, library,
campus block, outdoor space, sport facility etc. The teacher will help you to identify the area)

A college canteen is a facility located within a college or university campus that provides food
and beverages to students, faculty, and staff members. It serves as a central hub for students to
grab a quick bite or enjoy a meal between classes. College canteens typically offer a variety of
food options, including snacks, sandwiches, salads, coffee, and desserts.

2) Core Requirement (energy, waste, water, materials): name your chosen core requirement in
the part of the campus which you aim to get sustainable

Canteen/ Waste (Mohammad Abdulla Aqil(h00459861)

3) explain how all core requirements in your group will make this part of the campus
sustainable in terms of environment, working life of students and staff, and economy (for
example, lowering running costs)

Mohammad Abdulla Aqil(h00459861)

Waste management: Waste management plays an important role in making canteens

more sustainable. There are several ways to effectively manage waste to improve the
sustainability of our canteen, one of these ways is recycling, we can use recycling as an
solution to make the college canteen more sustainable by Setting up a complete
recycling program in the canteen, providing students an recycling bin, Collect and
recycle plastic bottles, aluminum cans, paper, cardboard, etc. 

Mohammad hassan (H00428766)

Water-efficient fixtures: We propose installing low-flow faucets, aerators, and water-saving

devices in the canteen's sinks and taps. These fixtures are designed to minimize water usage by
maintaining adequate pressure while reducing the flow rate.

Theyab Jamal (H00461848)

Energy Management: Energy usage in a canteen or other food service facility is

managed effectively through a technique known as "canteen energy management."
This involves implementing various technologies and tactics into practice in order to
save energy, cut waste, and boost overall energy efficiency.

Saud Yousef (H00443043)

Utilizing sustainable materials in a college campus cafeteria area can have

various environmental, academic, and economic benefits:

Environmental Sustainability:
- Sustainable materials are frequently obtained from renewable or reused places, limiting
use of natural resources and harm to the environment. Sustainable materials often emit
less CO2 during their use, including manufacturing and transportation. This leads to a
healthier environment and helps to prevent climate change.

Improved Working Life of Students and Staff:

- Low-emissions and non-toxic materials may help create a healthier interior environment
by decreasing air pollutants and boosting general well-being. Quality sustainable
materials, such as comfortable seats may improve canteen comfort and develop an ideal
atmosphere for learning and working.

Economic Benefits:

- While sustainable materials may have a greater upfront cost, they often bring in future
savings due to decreased maintenance and increased energy efficiency. This can
greatly lower the expenses in the canteen area long-term. Using sustainable materials in
the canteen may help support the community's economy by supporting green
businesses and promoting environmentally friendly practices.
4) List issues, which could be improved in the chosen part of campus in relation to your chosen
core requirement. Suggest possible solution to each listed issue. Make at least 2-3 suggestions.
Add in-text citation and corresponding APA reference. Add relevant Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). Briefly explain your choice of SDGs: why are they relevant to your solution?

Mohammad Abdulla Aqil(h00459861)

Food Waste: College canteens often overcrowded with students, resulting in a large amount of food waste. This
waste can occur due to many reasons such as : (overproduction, improper allocation, or the discarding of leftover
food by students). Food waste consumes the resources used to produce food, wastes energy and water
used in the cooking process, and leads to environmental destruction. 


The first steps to be taken in reducing FW generation should commence by tackling the
undesirable food surplus, and preventing over-production and over-supply of food
(Papargyropoulou et al., 2014, Smil, 2004), to reduce food waste, Canteens can
implement strategies to reduce food waste. By Encouraging students to better plan
meals, manage portion sizes, and eat only what they can afford, these can help us to
achieve one Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is Ensure access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all (goal 7).

Mohammad Hassan (H00428766)

Issue 1: Lack of water monitoring and accountability

Issue 2: High water consumption due to outdated fixtures

Solution: We can solve those problems by Installing sensor-activated faucets:

Implementing sensor-activated faucets can further optimize water usage by providing
water only when needed, eliminating the risk of faucets being left running
unintentionally (United Nations, 2018).
And Provide educational campaigns to Raise awareness among students and staff
about water conservation practices through educational campaigns and signage,
encouraging responsible water use (Kern, 2017).

These solutions will help us to achieve SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and
Production which is the goal to maintain the stability of water consumption.

Theyab Jamal (H00461848)

Energy Waste: College Canteen often leaves the lights on for hours on end and very
often students gather in the canteen area resulting energy being consumed by a large
margin. This type of waste can be occurred by these reasons such as:

-Inefficient lighting: Using outdated or inefficient lighting fixtures, such as

incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, can lead to unnecessary energy consumption.
-Lack of lighting controls: Absence of occupancy sensors, timers, or dimmers for
lighting systems
-Lack of employee awareness: Insufficient training or lack of awareness among staff
regarding energy-saving practices can contribute to energy waste.

Solution: Conduct Energy Audits and Monitoring

Performing regular energy audits and implementing energy monitoring systems can
help identify areas of energy waste and track energy consumption patterns in
canteens. Energy audits can pinpoint inefficient practices or equipment, while energy
monitoring provides real-time data to identify and adjust energy usage accordingly.

By encouraging the canteen management, we can implement energy efficiency

measures that can help reduce the energy waste problem this is one of many
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Affordable and Clean Energy).

Saud Yousef (H00443043)

Sustainable materials

 Choose environmentally friendly table and chair materials that combine design
appeal, and being environmentally friendly, such as bamboo or recycled plastics.

 Implement the use of edible cutlery, to minimize waste of cutlery, support the
circular economy and reduce their impact on the environment.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - The suggested solutions promote
responsible manufacturing methods while encouraging the usage of sustainable
resources. (United Nations, 2015).

Reference: United Nations. (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development.

Increase awareness

 Conduct educational campaigns to inform students, employees, and guests of

the importance and positive aspects of sustainable materials, emphasizing their
beneficial impact on the environment and public health.

 Organize workshops or seminars in partnership with student groups or

environmental organizations dedicated to sustainability.

SDG 4: Quality Education - The recommended solutions support SDG 4 by promoting

educational programs and awareness campaigns to encourage sustainable habits
among students and faculty (United Nations, 2015).

Reference: United Nations. (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development.

Mohammad Hassan
United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and
Production. Retrieved from

United Nations. (2018). Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. Retrieved

Kern, J. (2017). Sustainable Practices for Water Efficiency. Facilities Manager, 33(7), 44-47.

Theyab Jamal (H00461848)
Source: U.S. Department of Energy. "Energy Audits." Retrieved from:

Saud Yousef (H00443043)

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