IFFAH MATSUD - ENT300 - Business Opportunity

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CEEE111 (CEEE1114A)


19 MAY 2023


Alhamdulillah and gratitude to the Almighty for without the strength and patience
He gave, I would not be able to complete this assignment. The outcome of this
assignment required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people. I am
extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of my assignment
work and I would like to express my gratitude towards whoever involved in
helping me to complete this assignment. I am so grateful and appreciate the useful
advice from our ENT300 lecturer, Sir Ahmad Faisal throughout this project. I
may be lost with this assignment without his guidance. I also would like to thank
all of my family and friends who supported me in my small business which helped
me a lot to achieve the end goal of this assignment.

Table of Contents
Table of Content Pages
Executive summary 4

MyENT Registration 5

Project Description 6–8

Business Model Canvas 9 – 10

Experiential Learning 11

Conclusion 12

Appendices 13 – 14

Executive Summary (half a page)

This assignment gives exposure to students about business opportunities and how to do
business in everyday life. Through this assignment, students are given the opportunity to
open their own businesses according to their own creativity. Besides that, this assignment
also helps students to apply the knowledge of business theory into daily life. For this
assignment, I have created a small business called Pinki.catto Digital Products. This is a type
of business which provides digital products such as eBook and digital calendar. Since there
are no physical products to be sold, this business was promoted hundred percent online
through the seller, me and my other friends using social media such as Telegram, WhatsApp
and Shopee. This business ran for a month and the demand of these products were low
however, this is a zero-cost type of business since all the eBooks I sell are given to me free of
charge and I sell the copies of them digitally. I also designed my other products such as
digital calendar on my own using Canva templates and it costs zero Ringgit to create them.
The price range of the digital products is not more than RM1 for all of the eBooks and less
than RM10 for the rest. The target market is students in UiTM Sarawak and all other people
that are able to see the promotions through social media. Some of the valuable lessons from
this assignment and challenges faced during the business activity will be discussed in the
Experiential Learning section of this report. All data required for this assignment has been
recorded and thus some proof of activity will be shown in the appendix.

1.0 MyENT Registration

2.0 Project Description
2.1 Introduction
Digital products such as eBook, digital calendar, digital diary and more, are
becoming more popular today. This is because digital products can reduce the
use of paper as well as the physical space used to store the physical paper-
based products such as regular books and calendars. Other than that, digital
products may help to ease our work as we can bring all books, calendars, and
diary in digital form just by using one device like smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
Thus, since many people nowadays want to benefit from technology when it
comes to the space of their rooms, and the convenience of using digital
products in one device which is easier to bring anywhere, and anytime, I
decided to sell digital products for this assignment.

2.2 Report Main Points

2.2.1 Product / service
The product that I am selling is digital products like eBooks and digital
calendars. The price of the eBooks is not more than RM1 while the
digital calendars cost no more than RM10.

2.2.2 Justification of product/ service choice

I chose to sell digital products because as a student, I benefited a lot
from them. Also, I saw many lecturers in my campus are using digital
products for their teaching and learning sessions. Other than that,
people these days in general are changing from physical-paper-
products to digital products. These digital products also cost much
cheaper than their physical versions. Also, the stocks will be unlimited
since they are in the form of digital.

2.2.3 Target market

My target market is students from UiTM Sarawak as well as any people
who see my promotions. Many students love to keep on track with their
schedule. A lot of female students use digital calendar to do so. Since
my promotions will be done online, there are possibilities that the
public will see them, and I believe some people are interested in
reading eBooks too instead of heavy physical books.

2.2.4 Distribution Strategy

I will be selling the digital products fully online using social media
such as Telegram, WhatsApp, and Shopee.

2.3 Strategies and Approaches

I am selling the digital products by promoting them online through Telegram,
WhatsApp, and Shopee. Other than that, I have a friend as a partner where we
both promote each other’s ENT300 businesses so that we can get more

2.4 Financial Assistance

Since I own all the eBooks that I am selling, and I design all the other digital
products by myself using Canva templates, I do not need any financial
assistance. This is a zero-budget business.

2.5 Financial Statement

There are 14 eBooks and two digital calendars in my shop. The range price for
eBooks and digital calendars are RM0.60 to RM1 and RM8 to RM10
respectively. Throughout the month of doing this business, I managed to sell
10 of the eBooks and none of the digital calendars.

Weekly business transaction summary

Simple Cashflow Record

Date No. of units Cost No. of units Revenue daily
taken/ incurred sold (Selling price
prepared x units sold)
Week 1 14 eBooks, 2 RM0 0 RM0
Week 2 14 eBooks, 2 RM0 0 RM0
Week 3 14 eBooks, 2 RM0 0 RM0
Week 4 14 eBooks, 2 RM0 10 eBooks RM10
TOTAL Unlimited RM0 10 eBooks RM10

3.0 Business Model Canvas



1. Canva ✓ Find all the ▪ Cheap • Students of UiTM

eBooks that I have Sarawak
and choose which ▪ Convenient ➢ Casual interaction
ones to sell as ▪ Delivery is fast ➢ Affordable
well as design my
some digital ▪ Customer service
calendars. is good Demand:

✓ Design ▪ No face-to-face ➢ Purchase through

advertisement interaction Telegram instead
poster for of Shopee
▪ No physical
marketing using
delivery needed

✓ Promoting
through Telegram
group chat,
WhatsApp status,
and Shopee.

✓ Deliver digital
products to

customers through


❖ Marketing

❖ Making good
relationships with


o sales 1. product order

4.0 Experiential Learning

4.1 The valuable lessons from the business activity

Throughout the business activity, I learned how to be patient in doing
business and keep promoting your products. I like the experience I gained
when doing my business especially when making the promotion digital
banners before posting them through social media. I honestly think it is
difficult to sell my products however, with different approaches, I believe
there is a way for me to get more customers. Throughout the whole month
doing this business, I only got my first profit at week 4 and I felt great and
so grateful. I think, I can improve my promotion approach by promoting
my products not only through social media but also using word of mouth.
That way, I can reach more people and get more customers.

4.2 Challenges faced throughout the business activity

One of the challenges that I faced during the business activity was when I
could not find the files of my eBooks copies which made me started my
business a little late than planned. Other than that, the Telegram group chat
of “Jual Beli Seri Gading” is oversaturated with business promotions. That
interfered my chances of getting more customers.

5.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, by doing this assignment, I learned that there are a lot of business
opportunities, and we have to be creative in order to grab one. This assignment
challenges students to get out of their comfort zone and start their own business. I am
grateful that I took this opportunity to do my own business even though it feels like it
was not working at the beginning but at the very end of my business activity month, I
finally made this assignment a success. This assignment can be used as an experience
to do any other businesses in the future.

6.0 Appendices


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