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Research Proposal

Investigation of sustainable tourism in post war

Sri Lanka


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Student ID:
Research Proposal

Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2Research Background / Context .................................................................................. 1

1.3 Tourism in Sri Lanka............................................................................................. 1

1.4 Rationale of the research ....................................................................................... 1

1.5 Significance of the research .................................................................................. 2

1.6 Statement of the problem ...................................................................................... 2

1.7 Research Aim ............................................................................................................. 2

1.8 Research Objectives ................................................................................................... 2

1.9 Hypothesis .................................................................................................................. 2

Literature Review................................................................................................................. 3

2.1Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3

2.2 Sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka ............................................................................... 3

2.3 Post war and tourism in Sri Lanka ............................................................................. 4

2.4 Summary .................................................................................................................... 5

Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 6

3.1 Research Philosophy .................................................................................................. 6

3.2 Research Approach .................................................................................................... 6

3.3 Research Strategy / Research Design ......................................................................... 6

3.4 Data Collection Methods............................................................................................ 6

3.4.1 Sample ..................................................................................................................... 7

3.4.2 Data Collection Tools ............................................................................................. 7

3.5 Data Analysis Method ................................................................................................ 7

3.5.1 Quantitative method ................................................................................................ 7

3.5.2 Qualitative method .................................................................................................. 7

3.6 Data presentation method ........................................................................................... 7

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal

3.7 Research Limitations .................................................................................................. 7

3.8 Research Ethical Issues .............................................................................................. 8

3.9 Time Schedule with Gantt chart ................................................................................. 8

Reference ............................................................................................................................. 9

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal


1.1 Introduction
This section is used to identify brief overview about the research question of
“Investigation of sustainable tourism in post war Sri Lanka”.

1.2Research Background / Context

The tourism industry is one economic development source of Sri Lanka because the
country is filled with most attractive tourist destinations such as coastline, forests,
wildlife, biodiversity, national heritage places, religious places, hill country and etc.
However, the country has been faced with the bad image due to war. Tourism attraction
and tourism development context was at very low level during war time which was led to
reduce contribution gain from tourism industry in the country development. However, the
war was ended May 2009 in Sri Lanka which was a remarkable point in the development
of the tourism industry. The government has taken several steps to revitalize tourism
activities of the country as post war consideration. Post war tourism development
activities enhance a larger number of tourist arrivals to the country when compared to
tourism arrival figures in the year 2009. Likewise post war aspect has a direct impact
towards sustainable tourism development of Sri Lanka. This research study will be very
helpful to analyze the post war aspect towards a sustainable tourism aspect of the country.

1.3 Tourism in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a better tourism destination due to being located in the Indian Ocean. There
can be found several tourist attractive places along the 1562km long coastline. This is the
tropical country with different temperature situations in lowland and the hill country at
once. Tourists can find several places for boating, cycling, sailing, diving, underwater
photography, coral watching, bird watching, worshiping and etc. All these natural and
cultural places had created better place for the tourism industry.

1.4 Rationale of the research

Research study is very practical due to being a timed situation. The war has ended less
than four years ago when doing this research study. Post war considerations would be
sufficiently investigated in Sri Lanka. Further, research problem will be lying in the
future up to some time ago. Hence it can be argued about the practicality of the research
study. This indicates the rationale of the research problem.

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal

1.5 Significance of the research

As discussed earlier, research problem is rationale and timing. Hence different parties
such as government, tourists, people and other parties are interested about the research
problem. Research findings will be very important to them to improve tourism
development aspects of the country. These evidences identify the significance of the
research study.

1.6 Statement of the problem

Post war consideration is applicable to the present tourism industry scenario in Sri Lanka
because that country has been developing its tourism aspect while taking available
opportunities regarding post war activities. However, there can be limitations align with
the achievement of a sustainable tourism industry in Sri Lanka. This research study will
be able to identify possible facts and information regarding the post war of sustainable
tourism development of the country.

1.7 Research Aim

The aim of the research study is to investigation of sustainable tourism in post war Sri
Lanka. Further, this study helps to identify cultural, environmental, community aspect
regarding sustainable tourism.

1.8 Research Objectives

 To analyse sustainable tourism facts about Sri Lanka
 To identify post war consideration on the tourism industry of Sri Lanka
 To analyze the relationship between postwar factors and tourism development of
Sri Lanka
 To provide suggestions to improve sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka

1.9 Hypothesis
H0: There is no relationship between postwar aspect and tourism development of Sri

H1: There is a relationship between postwar aspect and tourism development of Sri Lanka

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal

Literature Review

This section is used to understand the relevant depth of the information about the research
study of “Investigation of sustainable tourism in post war Sri Lanka”.

2.2 Sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka

According to Carlsen et al (2008) Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean with 1562km
and 65000km2 island areas. This is a one of the most beautiful country in the world. Sri
Lanka is a tropical country with wet and dry seasons and two monsoon seasons of
northeast monsoon and southwest monsoon. The average temperature of low land around
27˚C and hill country temperature is lying in between 10-16˚C. Majority of the population
is Sinhalese and minority is the Tamils, Malays, Moors and etc. Hence there is a religious
mix as well. Therefore, this makes violence and civil unrest in the country. Rice is the
staple crop and tea, rubber, coconut, spices and cocoa are other plantation crops. 12% of
GDP has gained from agriculture, 60% of service sector and 19% of the industrial sector.
When considering about country information, Sri Lanka is a most attractive tourist
destination in the world (Mangalassery, 2013).

Wimalaratana and Silva (2004) Sri Lanka is a better place for tourism activities due to its
natural resources like 1585 km long coastline, indigenous culture, wildlife attractions,
Buddhist heritage, remnants left by the British, Dutch, Portuguese, natural and ecological
factors. All these places are highly tourism attractive places which have influenced to
sustainably grow the tourism industry in the country. On the other hand most attractive
tourism destinations spread out all over the country from North to South and East to
West. However, there was a dramatic decline of tourist attractive since mid-1980s in the
country. The major reason for that was violence and ethnic unrest between Sinhalese
Buddhist and Tamil Hindu minority.

Mathews (2000) the war was the main threat to achieve sustainable tourism growth in the
country. Due to war, tourists were advised to not to enter into the northern part, Southeast
and eastern coast of Sri Lanka. There were several tourist attraction places available in
those parts of the country. Therefore, tourist arrival was reduced during war time. Further,
some tourists were faced with the bomb blasts and violence of civil unrest. Hence that
was a bad image for the Sri Lankan tourism industry. Those bad experiences had stopped

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal

tourist visit to the country. They were fear to visit the country due to existing life threats
due to civil unrest and military activities (Ministry of Economic Development, 2011). On
the other hand, those places were destroyed by the war. Further, the government spent a
significant amount of tourist dollars in military activities rather than spending on tourism
development said by According to Carlsen et al (2008). Hence the lack of focus of
tourism development indicates poor tourism facilities in those destinations. In the view of
Wimalaratana and Silva (2004) lack of facilities might reduce sustainable tourism
development activities in the country. On the other hand lack of tourism attraction could
lead to increase prices of tourism activities up to unreasonable point. The civil war in Sri
Lanka ended in May 2009 while stating only 15% of budgetary expenditure on defense.
The government spending on defense was reduced while keeping opportunity to gain
sustainable tourism development consideration of the country. Although, the country is
still recovering from unstable position which may lead to improve sustainable tourism
activities in Sri Lanka

2.3 Post war and tourism in Sri Lanka

As described by Mangalassery (2013) post war leads to improve tourism development
activities in Sri Lanka. There can be seen tourism arrival development in an impressive
amount in post war consideration. Although, 50% of increment which accounted to
60,000 visitors in the first quarter of the year 2010 when compared to first quarter tourism
arrival of the year 2009. Therefore, government and private sector contributes to develop
facilities and services related to tourist attractive places in Sri Lanka. On the other way,
the country would be able to gain postwar economic development from tourist attraction
that circulates to improve tourism development investment activities of the country.

As further information of Mangalassery (2013) there were several landmarks of Tamil

terrorist in Sri Lanka which are replaced by the government to keep tourism attraction and
cross cultural understanding in the country. Therefore, keeping and saving of cultural
aspect of the country is one of the main features of sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka.
Further, post war activities help to keep friendly environment, animals, birds, to ensure an
Eco friendly environment. Ecotourism is also one of the most tourist attractive parts of
the tourism context of the country because the war made bad and smoking environments
in the country which lead to reduce biodiversity in Sri Lanka. In this manner, post war
contributes towards protection of Eco environment of Sri Lanka.

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal

According to Carlsen et al (2008) civil unrest activities were the reason to destroy
culturally valuable places in Sri Lanka. Pot war activities provide opportunities to repair
culturally important places in the country. That means, cultural value is another segment
of sustainable tourism in the country. Post war activities ensure achievement of
sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka. The most of the post war tourism development projects
were planned in North East due to post war tourism development activities. Further,
numbers of investors have been attracted to invest in North East tourism development
activities to improve the sustainable tourism approach in the country (Ministry of
Economic Development, 2011).

Furthermore, as information of Ministry of Economic Development (2011) post tourism

development activities located in coastline and forests to manage the Eco friendly
environment of Sri Lanka. Community livelihood protection is also one factor associate
with post war tourism development activities. But some people take advantage from post
tourism and replace community lives from their places such as fisher folks. This means
that post tourism development activities have some negative impact towards community
livelihood as well as to the natural community tourism aspect. These types of tourism
development activities may harm to the community lives in the country that cannot be
properly considered as sustainable tourism development in Sri Lanka. That means post
war reflects weaknesses in sustainable tourism development aspect. Particular sustainable
tourism development rules and regulations are important when considering about post
war activities because the post war consideration supports to implement and continue
particular legal rules and regulations without any breach or conflict. Hence government
has a responsibility towards the protection of human rights regarding tourism
development activities of the country. Therefore, peace and stability of the country make
sense about the sustainable tourism development activities of Sri Lanka.

2.4 Summary
Post war activities ensure the sustainable tourism development activities of Sri Lanka.
Post war activities lead to repair and rebuild community, Eco friendly environment,
national heritage, coastline and other tourism related services. Further, post war has
improved image of Sri Lankan tourism context in the world. Government has been taking
necessary strategies and actions to enhance sustainable tourism development aspect in Sri

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal


3.1 Research Philosophy

According to Esterby- Smith et al (2002: p. 342) research philosophy understands
possible assumptions with respect to knowledge, the nature of the research problem and
its reality. This can be used to shape the interpretation and finding to solve the research
problem. Epistemology research philosophy will be possible to understand the research
problem through field study about post war tourism aspect in Sri Lanka. Positivism
research philosophical approach will be suitable in order to study social reality on
sustainable tourism in post war of the country.

3.2 Research Approach

As said by Bryman and Bell (2007) deductive research approach will be possible to
investigate the research study due to availability of theory on post war tourism and
sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka. Then hypothesis will be set out based on particular
available theory. Data collection will be done to find out possible solutions in order to test
hypothesis. The available theory will be revised based on hypothesis. Hence deductive
research approach will be used to provide directions to investigate the research problem
about impact of post war on sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka.

3.3 Research Strategy / Research Design

In the view of Saunders et al (2009: p. 161) both quantitative and qualitative research
strategies will be used to solve the research problem because quantitative data enables to
find out numerical data to solve the research problem and qualitative data allows getting
detailed information about the research problem. Survey research design will be used to
collect information from larger sample and this method allows setting survey
questionnaire, collecting data and analysing data. There is a larger sample of people and
tourist available to collect data in order to solve the research problem. Hence survey
research design will be used to investigate the research problem.

3.4 Data Collection Methods

As said by Creswell (2007: p. 112) both primary data collection method and secondary
data collection methods are possible to solve the research problem. Primary data will be
used to identify the depth of the information about post war facts lying about tourism
industry in Sri Lanka. Secondary data will be collected to identify tourism industry facts

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal

about the war and post war time in the country. Hence primary and secondary data
collection methods will be used to investigate the problem.

3.4.1 Sample
In the view of Rossi (2001) two samples will be drawn to collect information such as
tourist who visited/ visiting Sri Lanka after the war and Sri Lankan people who are living
in tourist destinations because these people have a clear idea about post war and
sustainable tourism development facts of Sri Lanka. It is important to note that Sri
Lankan people will be included different people, tourism professionals, hotel staffs,
people in government body that are responsible for tourism, other general people who
employees in jobs related to tourism and various categories people in society. Tourists
sample size will be 30 and Sri Lankan people sample size will be 60.

3.4.2 Data Collection Tools

As described by Gillham (2008: p. 84) survey questionnaires will be prepared as data
collection tools. Survey questionnaire will be emailed to the tourist who visited/ visiting
Sri Lanka after the war and survey questionnaire will be handed over to the Sri Lankan
people who are living in tourist destinations. Secondary data will be collected from
websites, articles, newspapers, magazines, and research papers and books.

3.5 Data Analysis Method

3.5.1 Quantitative method

Quantitative data will be analyzed using SPSS data analysis methods using several
measurements and graphical methods (Yin, 2003: p. 11).

3.5.2 Qualitative method

Qualitative data will be analysed using thematic analysis which will be identified using
respondent opinions (Lancaster, 2005: p. 78).

3.6 Data presentation method

Data will be presented in graphical methods such as graphs, charts, data plots and other
methods (Yin, 2003: p. 11).

3.7 Research Limitations

Secondary data are outdated which represent several economies, technologies, political
and legal conditions. Hence the use of secondary data may reduce reliability of research

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal

findings. Further, inaccurate, and misleading responses lead to reduce the validity of
research findings of this study.

3.8 Research Ethical Issues

Ethical consideration will be very important to get the acceptance from readers and users.
It is important to not to force the respondents when collecting data to solve research
problems. Further, it is required to mention references of all secondary materials and not
to use unpublished information.

3.9 Time Schedule with Gantt chart

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal

Bell, J. (2005), Doing Your Research Project, 4th Edition, Maidenhead: Open University
Press, p.31
Bryman, A., and Bell, E. (2007), Business Research Methods, 2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, p.45-52
Creswell, J.W. (2007), Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design Choosing among Five
Traditions, 2nd edition, London: Sage, p.112
Carlsen, J., Liburd, J., Edwards, D. and Forde, P. (2008), Innovation for Sustainable
Tourism: International Case Studies, Curtin Business School, Curtin University,
Western Australia

Easterby-Smith, M. Thorpe, R. and Lowe, A. (2002) Management Research: An

Introduction, 2nd edition, London: Sage, p.342
Gillham, B. (2008), Developing a questionnaire, 2nd edition, New York: Continuum, p.84
Hussey, J., and Hussey, R. (2002), Business Research: A practical guide for
undergraduate and postgraduate students, 2nd edition, London: Macmillan
Keats, D.M. (2000), Interviewing: A Practical Guide for Students and Professionals.
Buckingham: Open University Press, p.159
Lancaster, G. (2005), Research Methods in Management, Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth
Heinemann, p.78
Mathews, N. (2000), Sri Lanka, Country Reports, Travel & Tourism Intelligence, London
No.1, p. 79–105

Ministry of Economic Development (2011), Tourism Development Strategy 2011 – 2016,

Ministry of Economic Development, Sri Lanka

Partington, D. (2002), Essential Skills for Management Research, London: Sage

Robson, C. (2002), Real World Research: A resource for social scientists and
practitioner- researchers, 2nd edition, Oxford: Blackwell, p.122
Rossi, F. (2010), Theory of Semiconductor Quantum Devices: Microscopic Modeling and
Simulation Strategies, Springer, p.122

Saunders, M, Lewis, P., and Thornhill, A. (2009), Research Methods for Business
Students, 5th Edition, New Jersey: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, p.160-162
Travers, M. (2001), Qualitative Research Through Case Studies, London: Sage

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:
Research Proposal

Wilkinson, D., and Birmingham, P. (2003), Using Research Instruments: A Toolkit for
Researchers, London: Routledge Falmer
Wimalaratana, W. and Silva, D. A. C. (2004), Promotion of Community based
Sustainable Tourism in Hatthikutchi Temple Site, Kurunegala District, JICA

Yin, R.K. (2003), Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 3rd Edition, Sage, p.11
Web references

Mangalassery, S. (2013), After the Civil War - Sri Lanka relies on Tourism, Tourism
Watch, (Online), Available from:
civil-war-sri-lanka-relies-tourism [Accessed on 02/02/2013]

Student Name: Nithipan Student ID:

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