1.2 Model Answer Booklet Issue2 PDF

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You would like to work for a company or organisation in a foreign country.

Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter:

• Describe the kind of job you would like to do

• Explain which country or part of the world you would like to work in
• Tell them why you are interested in working in another country

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear sir or madam,

I am writing to apply for a job working abroad.

I would be particularly interested in working in the service sector. I have

experience managing a bar and have spent a significant number of years
employed by hotels, theme parks and other tourist attractions. I have
developed excellent knowledge of working practices within the leisure
industry and have outstanding interpersonal skills and the ability to be
disciplined, organised, punctual and hard-working.

I am especially keen to find employment in the Spanish-speaking world. I

have a Degree in Spanish and South American Studies and am a fluent
speaker of the language. Obviously, this makes me more employable in these
countries and would also give me the opportunity to improve my language
skills further.

The prospect of living and working abroad fills me with excitement and
anticipation. I love the idea of experiencing new ways of doing things and I
want to broaden my horizons and gain a deeper understanding of different
cultures. I must admit that the thought of being somewhere warmer where
the sun makes regular appearances also appeals to me.

I have attached my Curriculum Vitae. However, if you require further details,

please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be very willing to discuss my
application at interview.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Rebekka Udal
You work for a large organisation. You would like to take some time off and
decide to write a letter to your manager about this.

Write a letter to your manager. In your letter:

• Explain why you want to take time off

• Tell your manager how much time you want to take off
• Describe how your work could be covered when you are off work.

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Emma,

I am writing to ask you if it would be convenient for me to take a few days’

leave at the beginning of next month. Ideally, I would like to be off work for
the first two weeks in May though, if this would cause excessive difficulties, I
would be willing just to have the first week as holiday.

As you probably remember, my daughter and son-in-law emigrated to New

Zealand a couple of years ago and, although we went out to visit them the
Christmas before last, we have not seen them since then. They have
managed to book flights to visit us in May and I would love to spend as much
time with them as possible while they are in the country.

I have looked at my schedule for those two weeks and will be able to move
quite a lot of my meetings and other commitments to the end of April or
later in May. My colleague Lee has very kindly agreed to cover any
appointments which cannot be re-scheduled.

I realise that me taking so much time off may be slightly disruptive. I am sure
you appreciate that I would not ask for such a long period of leave at such a
busy time if it was not tremendously important for me.

Please do not hesitate to let me know if you would like to discuss this
further. I would be extremely willing to consider other options to minimise

Yours sincerely,

You bought a TV last week, but when you got home you discovered it did not
work properly. You called the shop's customer services department to report
the problem, but you have not received any solution to the problem.

Write a letter to the company and in your letter:

• Explain the problem

• Tell them that you have contacted them already
• State what action you would like to be taken by the company

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Sir/Madam,

I purchased a Sony LED TV, model number KS243567, from your Newcastle
store on 1st September. The total cost was £999 and a two-year guarantee
was included.

When I was unpacking the product, I was alarmed to discover that the screen
was cracked. As I live a considerable distance away from the branch where
the equipment was bought, I was unable to return it. Bearing this in mind, I
telephoned the customer services number on the receipt and explained the
situation to your colleague. The person I spoke to- who informed me that he
was called John Bell- assured me that he would call me back the same day
after he had discussed the matter with his manager. Unfortunately, that was
three days ago and I still have not been contacted. I find this entirely

In view of what has happened, I would like you to get in touch with me
immediately on receipt of this letter. The TV is clearly not fit for purpose and,
therefore, I expect it to be collected and a replacement provided at the
earliest possible opportunity. Additionally, I feel I am entitled to a written
apology and compensation for the inconvenience caused.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Rebecca Smith
You share a room at university with another student. You find it very difficult
to work there because the other student always has friends visiting. They
have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking

Write a letter to the accommodation officer at your college. In your letter:

• Describe the problems you have

• Ask for a new room
• Explain why it is so important to move

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear sir or madam,

I am writing to complain about a serious issue relating to my flatmate at

Hellington Halls of Residence and to ask you to provide me with alternative

I currently share room 24A with a fellow-student. Unfortunately, my room-

mate’s behaviour has become a major problem. Although I understand that it
is normal to invite friends and classmates round, he seems to throw parties
every single night and often there are more than a dozen individuals in our
room, drinking, smoking, laughing, shouting and listening to loud music after
midnight. Even during the day-time, it is quite common for there to be five or
six other students there and I find this both disturbing and distracting.
What’s more, both my room-mate and his friends keep stealing my food from
the fridge, freezer or cupboards. I have repeatedly asked them not to, but
they take absolutely no notice of my requests.

For these reasons, I would be grateful if you could offer me a different, and
hopefully quieter, room. I do take my studies seriously and want to leave
university with the kind of qualification which will enable me to find a decent
job as an engineer. I am afraid this will not happen if I cannot study in peace
and have trouble sleeping. I understand it may be difficult to organise a
room-swap straightaway, but I would be delighted if something could be
arranged for the beginning of next term.

I am sorry to have to contact you about this delicate matter and sincerely
hope you will be able to help. If you would like to discuss this issue with me,
please contact me and I will be happy to come and see you.

Yours faithfully,

Kenneth Wang
Your company recently used a hotel for an important meeting. There was a
problem with the facilities in the meeting room.

Write to the hotel. In your letter:

• Give details of the meeting

• Describe the problem with the meeting room facilities
• Say what you want the manager to do

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Meeting room booking – 12 January 2018

I am writing with reference to the meeting room which I booked on behalf of

IT Solutions Ltd. This booking was made on 20 December 2017 and, at the
time of booking, I sent a detailed email outlining our requirements, which
included an overhead projector and coffee-making facilities. Upon arrival, the
delegates were shown to the room and noticed that the aforementioned
items were missing. This was brought to the attention of the facilities
manager, who informed them that this matter would be resolved without

An hour later, the issue still had not been rectified and, therefore, the
manager was contacted on the direct number he had provided. Frustratingly,
this call was not answered and, moreover, it was a further ninety minutes
before he returned the call and stated that the missing equipment could not
be provided.

I find this entirely unacceptable. Meeting rooms should contain these items
as standard; they should not be optional extras. In view of this, I would like
the payment for this booking to be refunded and an assurance in writing
that, for future bookings, the room will be set up exactly as required.

If you wish to discuss this matter further, please feel free to contact me. I
look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully

John Smith
(HR Manager)
You would like your child to have a day off from school for a special family

Write a letter to the principal and in your letter:

• Describe the family celebration

• Say why it's important for your child to be there
• Explain how your child will catch up on the work missed

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Professor Jones,

I am writing to ask if it would be possible for my daughter to be absent from

school on the first Monday of next month. I completely understand that the
school has a strict policy regarding absences; however, I hope that, given the
circumstances, on this occasion permission could be granted.

The reason for this special request is that her brother is getting married the
day before and the wedding is taking place quite a distance away from our
home town. This means that we will be travelling back home on the Monday
and will not arrive until late in the evening. Obviously, her brother would be
devastated and heart-broken if she were unable to attend this special family

As she will be missing a whole day of school, I envisage that there will be
classwork to catch up on and this will be done as soon as she returns to
school. As you know, my daughter is an incredibly conscientious and diligent
student and will be keen to be up-to-date with her studies as soon as
possible. I can assure you that missing these classes will not have a
detrimental effect on Sarah’s academic progress.

Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further. I look forward to
hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

John Smith
You recently went on holiday. When you were on holiday, you lost
something which is important to you. Luckily, you have travel insurance
which will cover the cost of anything lost.

Write a letter to your insurance company. In the letter:

• Describe the thing you lost

• Explain how you lost it
• Explain what you want the insurance company to do

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear sir or madam,

I am writing to you regarding a claim on the insurance policy (number:

25856484) which I took out with your company last month.

Whilst on a two-week vacation in Vancouver, I unfortunately had my laptop

stolen. It was taken from my hotel room on the second day of my stay. I had
locked the room securely and gone out sightseeing and, when I returned, the
item was missing. I immediately contacted the hotel’s receptionist who was
unable to explain how the computer had been removed from my room. The
hotel informed the police on my behalf and I am enclosing the Crime Report
Form they provided me with.

I had only had my laptop for a fortnight but it contained a great deal of my
work as well as photographs and personal information. It will take me a
significant amount of time to re-do the work I lost. In addition, I have had to
spend a large amount of time contacting banks and financial institutions to
cancel credit cards and make sure that whoever stole my laptop could not
access my accounts.

Having read the terms and conditions of my insurance policy, I believe I am

entitled to make a claim both for the value of the computer itself and for the
time I spent dealing with the repercussions of the theft. I would be grateful if
you could send me the relevant forms and guidance notes on how to
complete them. I would also be pleased if you could inform me how long it is
likely to take to process my claim.

Please feel free to contact me if you require further information. I look

forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Khan
You are going to do a Degree course at university.

Write a letter to the university accommodation department to seek help in

finding accommodation. In your letter, you should include:

• When you need the accommodation from

• What kind of accommodation you want
• How the accommodation office can contact you if necessary

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been accepted on your BA Media Studies Degree course for the
forthcoming academic year. Furthermore, I have been informed that I need
to contact you with regard to my accommodation requirements. As a first-
year undergraduate, I feel that it would be better to stay in Halls of
Residence. Ideally, I would prefer a room with en-suite facilities; however, if
this is not available, one located close to the shower block would be
appreciated. In the accommodation guide, it states that there are halls
situated near the campus and others near the city centre. One close to the
campus would be my preferred option.

My academic classes are due to start on 3rd October; therefore, I would like
to move into the room by 1st October at the latest if possible. I will be
arriving in the UK on 25th September so can move in any time after that date.

If you require any further information from me (regarding the deposit or

other payments) please do not hesitate to get in touch. It might be quicker
and more convenient to contact me by email: my address is: joe@live.com

Yours faithfully

Joe Brown
You recently bought a toy from a company online. When the toy
was delivered, you found some problems with it.

Write a letter to the company manager. In your letter:

• Describe the toy

• Explain the problems with it
• Tell the manager what you would like her/him to do

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear ………………..,
Dear sir or madam,

I am writing with regard to the model helicopter I recently

purchased online from your company. It was supposed to be a
surprise birthday present for my eldest granddaughter but
unfortunately it is completely unsuitable.

On your website, the model plane was described as ideal for children
aged as young as six and was said to be a top-quality product which
was entirely safe. We were therefore genuinely shocked to open the
package and find the machine had extremely sharp edges on which a
child could easily cut herself. In addition, when we attempted to fly
it, it proved almost impossible to control and crashed into our
neighbour's greenhouse, causing significant damage. Finally, we
noticed that after several minutes of use, it became dangerously hot
and oil began to leak from the bottom. Obviously it would have been
utterly inappropriate to give this toy to a youngster as we had

The product you sent us bears no resemblance to the one advertised

and we would expect to receive a full refund. Additionally, we
believe we are entitled to a written apology and compensation for
the damage this item caused to our neighbour’s property.

If you require further details, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible

opportunity and to the swift and satisfactory resolution of this

Yours faithfully,

C. Higgins
You have seen an advertisement asking for people to work as
helpers at a summer holiday camp for children, where the children
stay without their parents. You decide to apply to work at the camp.

Write a letter to the camp organizer. In your letter:

• Suggest ways in which you can help

• Say when you would be available
• Ask some questions about the camp

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear ………………..,
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of Camp Assistant, advertised

on the website www.summerjobs.com. I enclose my CV for your

I am especially interested in this post, as it states in the job

description that you are looking for sporty individuals. I have been
working in America for the past year as a soccer coach in a high
school; therefore, as well as having soccer skills, I have gained
valuable experience dealing with adolescents. In addition to this, I
am a qualified soccer referee, which would be useful for any camp
competitions that you might be interested in holding. I am available
for an immediate start and have no other commitments throughout
the summer months.

I have a couple of queries regarding accommodation. I wonder if you

could inform me whether it is provided free of charge and, if not,
what the weekly cost would be. Additionally, I would like to know if
it would be possible for me to have my own room with en-suite
facilities. Finally, I would like to ask whether meals are included or if
I would be expected to cater for myself.

I look forward to hearing from you. If you require any further

information, please do not hesitate to email me on:

Yours faithfully,

Henry Smithson
You went on holiday to see some friends in another country last month. Your
friends have just sent you some photos of your time together.

Write a letter to your friends. In your letter:

• Thank you friends for the holiday and for the photographs
• Explain to your friends why you didn’t write to them earlier
• Invite them to come and stay with you

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Javier and Marta,

Thank you so much for the photos of our wonderful time together. I have
already framed the one of us at the zoo and put it on my bedside table. It
brings back such great memories of one of the most fantastic holidays I have
ever had.

When I opened your letter, I felt incredibly guilty for not having dropped you
a line earlier. Hopefully, when you hear my excuse you will forgive me. Just a
couple of days after I got back home we had torrential rain and flooding. You
might have read about it or seen the pictures online. It was horrific! Anyway,
my apartment was completely inundated and most of my possessions have
either been damaged beyond repair or got swept away. I have spent the last
few weeks, like everybody else around here, just beginning to clean up.

One thing which I haven’t been able to find is my contacts book and even
though I stayed in your flat for about a week, I couldn’t remember your exact
address and had to wait till Carlos got in touch so I could ask him. Once again,
I’m so sorry and I desperately hope you don’t think I’m ungrateful or rude.
Anyway, the clearing-up process is well under way and I hope to be back to
normal by spring. I would love you to visit in the summer. The nearby Lake
District is awesome and the mountains are within easy reach. As well as that,
there are some quaint little market towns and of course we would see the
bright lights of the capital. Please let me know when you would both be free.
It would be such a pleasure to see you again.

All my love,

You play a team sport with some friends. Last week a member of the team
had an accident and wasn't able to play with you at the weekend. You decide
to write to him in hospital, telling him about the match.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

• Tell him which team won

• Describe the conditions on the day
• Say how you felt about the match

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Aleksi,

I hope you’re recovering after slipping on the ice and twisting your ankle. We
all missed you at the rugby match. It just wasn’t the same without you.

Firstly, I have some brilliant and rather surprising news. We won! Despite you
not being there, we hammered Gloucester. They grabbed an early lead but
we took control before half-time and ran away with it. A couple of unkind
team-mates said it was because of your absence, but they were only joking.

The real reasons for our unexpected success were the weather and the beer.
It was blowing a gale, freezing cold and there was torrential rain and even
sleet. Our opponents just weren’t tough enough. And you’ll never guess what
they did: one of them admitted that they were so confident of winning that
they had stopped for a couple of beers before the match. A few of them were
drunk and they all looked a bit wobbly on their feet. They couldn’t catch, kick
or run in a straight line. So victory was bitter-sweet. We were delighted to
win after losing pretty much every game this year, but we realised they
would have thrashed us if they had been sober.

Anyway, get plenty of rest and keep your spirits up. We want to see you back
on the pitch, tackling, shouting and probably swearing. It’ll be great to have
you in the team again.

Best wishes

You have started a new job.

Write a letter to your English-speaking friend. In your letter:

• •Explain why you changed job

• •Describe your new job
• •Tell your friend your other news

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Kenneth,

I am incredibly sorry not to have been in touch recently. Things have been a
bit hectic around here. My big news is that I am no longer in the financial
sector. Thank goodness!

As I probably mentioned to you last time we met, I was getting sick and tired
of working in the bank. Getting up every morning to join the rat-race really
wasn’t my cup of tea. I was completely disillusioned with it and it had started
to affect my mental and physical health.

For the last couple of months I have been looking for something a bit more
exciting and eventually plucked up the courage to apply for a job as a juggler
and children’s entertainer. I’ve always thought I had a real flair for that sort
of thing. Surprisingly, considering I had no previous experience, I got the job
and Saturday was my first ‘gig’. It was terrifying but brilliant – I haven’t had
so much fun in ages and it didn’t take too long to get all the cake out of my
hair when I got home.

Well, of course there is a downside. I have had to give up my swanky

apartment in the city-centre. I’m earning a lot less than I used to and just
can’t afford the rent. And, on top of that, Maria and I have split up. It turns
out she was keener on my huge salary than on me myself. Never mind!

It would be lovely to hear your news so, whenever you have a moment, drop
me a line.

Take care

You bought a ticket for a music concert, but now you are unable to go. You
decide to offer the ticket to a friend.

Write a letter to this friend. In your letter:

• Give details of the concert.

• Explain why you are unable to go.
• Suggest how this friend can get the ticket from you.

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear James

Sorry I haven’t been in touch for ages. Life has been so chaotic recently and
since starting my new job I’ve hardly had a moment to spare. I hope you’re
keeping well.

My reason for contacting you is that I was planning to go and see Drake in
concert on the 25th of next month at Wembley Arena and because this is his
first concert here you can imagine how thrilled I was to get a ticket. However,
I’ve just been told by my boss that I have to be in Manchester on the night of
the concert to go to a work function. You can guess how devastated I am!
As you are a massive fan of his too, I was wondering if you’d like my ticket. I
don’t want any money for it- let’s call it an early birthday present- but you’d
need to pick it up from me next week before I leave for London. I know I
could just put it in the post, but I’m scared it might never arrive.

Let me know ASAP if you’re interested and if so, when you’re able to pop
over. It would be lovely to see you. Hopefully we’ll manage a coffee and a
quick catch-up.

Give my regards to your family, and hope to see you soon.

You recently saw a very good film. You decide to write to your friend and
recommend that she/he sees this film.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

• Describe what the film is about

• Explain why you think your friend should go to see this film
• Tell your friend when and where she/he could see this film

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Karl,

I realise what a film-buff you are and, as you'll remember, I always try to let
you know when I have seen a movie which I think you'd enjoy. Well, last
night I saw something really spectacular.

The film is called ‘The Man Whose Head Exploded’. It was on Channel 8
around midnight. I know the title doesn’t sound particularly promising but it
definitely isn’t the gruesome sci-fi nonsense you might think. It's a sort of
documentary- containing footage shot by the director on a single camera-
which deals with the life of an elderly man in the south of England who
suffers from dementia and depression. It focusses on his struggle to cope
with and understand the world and his unwillingness to compromise and
behave in a way which others find acceptable.

It's a poignant commentary on modern life. It reminded me of that film you

lent me last year about the guy who does tight-rope walks from one
skyscraper to another. Unfortunately, I just can’t remember the name of the
director but if he's made anything else, I'd definitely want to see it. I think
this film is right up your street!

As far as I know it isn’t being shown at any cinemas. With it being a low-
budget independent production, I don’t even know if you'll be able to catch it
online. But, as I said, it was on Channel 8 and they pretty much always repeat
things so if you keep an eye out for it, I’m sure it'll be broadcast at some time
during the next couple of weeks, probably in the middle of the night!

If you manage to see it, let me know what you think. And if you happen to
come across any movies you think I’d like, text me. You’ve never
recommended anything I didn’t like so far!

Take care and happy viewing!

Your friend recently invited you for a meal at her or his house. After the
meal, you decided to write to your friend.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

• Thank your friend for the meal

• Explain what you enjoyed about having the meal in your friend’s house
• Invite your friend to come to your house for a meal

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Louis,

I just wanted to thank you for the incredible evening I had last week. I hope
you don’t take this the wrong way, but I never imagined you were such a
wonderful cook. It was one of the yummiest meals I have ever had. You
should open a restaurant.

Although the food was out of this world, probably the main highlight of the
evening was getting to know your awesome family. I still haven’t got over
meeting your granny. She never stops laughing and some of the stories she
told had me in stitches. I really can’t believe she’s in her nineties. You would
think she was fifty the way she acts. Of course, I have to mention your
adorable grandson. I’ve never met anyone who knows so much about
dinosaurs. He must be the world’s leading dinosaur expert already.

I would love to invite you and as many members of your fantastic family as
you can bring to my house for dinner. I can’t guarantee that the cooking will
be up to your standard but I’ll do my best. Please let me know when you can
come. The sooner the better as far as I am concerned. And also let me know
if any of you have any special dietary requirements like lactose intolerance or
nut allergy. I don’t want you going home poorly!

Once again thank you so much for an amazing evening. I will remember it for
a very long time.

With lots of love

You have recently been to stay with an old friend for a few days. You hadn't
seen each other for a long time.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

• Say how you felt about the visit

• Refer to something enjoyable that you did while staying with him/her
• Invite your friend to visit you

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear ………………..,
Dear Charles,

It was absolutely wonderful to see you again after so long. You haven’t
changed a bit! I recognised you straightaway, as soon as I spotted you on the

I can honestly say that staying with you and your delightful family has been
the highlight of my year so far. Sitting on the balcony overlooking the lake,
watching the sunset and reminiscing about the good old days over a
scrumptious meal was simply fantastic! Your wife is an incredible cook and I
truly wish I was back there now, enjoying one of those mouth-watering
steaks she prepared. I will cherish the memory of my stay for as long as I live.

Now we’re back in touch I would love you to come over to Wales so you
could get to know my family. As I mentioned, we live in a quaint cottage in a
sleepy little village just a stone's throw from the mountains. There are
breath-taking views! We know your wife isn’t keen on travelling but we hope
you can persuade her to join you. Would early summer be convenient for
you? My wife can’t wait to meet you after all I’ve been telling her.

Anyway, please write back and let us know when you would be able to come.

With warmest wishes

Your friend has asked you to teach English to her or his child. You
would like to borrow some books from your teacher to help you
teach English to the child.

Write a letter to your teacher. In your letter:

• Tell your teacher what and when you are going to teach the
• Describe the kind of books you would like to borrow
• Explain why you think these books will be useful

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear ………………..,
Dear Mrs O’Reilly,

One of my closest friends has asked me to start giving English

lessons to her eight-year-old daughter who is struggling a bit at
school. I have decided that, as I haven’t got any real teaching
experience, I would need to use specialist materials to help me. I
would be very grateful if you could lend me a couple of the books
you use when teaching in the primary school.

I expect to start my classes next week, in my friend’s apartment. We

have agreed to have two thirty-minute lessons per week. I am afraid
that a young child might not manage to concentrate for longer than
half an hour. I know my friend would like me to cover similar topics
and themes to the school which her daughter attends, but I also feel
it is important to do fun things with her, so that she develops a love
of the language rather than the fear of it she currently has.

So I would really like books with funny stories, quizzes and

competitions, rhymes and humorous poems, and above all pictures.
The little girl loves horses and motorcars so anything related to
either of those would go down very well. I also think the books
should be relatively short so that she can actually finish one and have
a sense of achievement on completing it. And as well as that, I
wonder if you have any books with songs for children. She adores
singing apparently and learning to sing in English would really
motivate her.

I hope you don’t mind me contacting you about this. I am sorry to

take up your time when you are so incredibly busy. I will be in school
on Friday so, if you can spare me a few moments, we could discuss
this then.

I look forward to seeing you at the end of the week.

With thanks and warm wishes

You work for a large company. Your manager has asked you to do a
presentation. You have decided to write to a colleague, asking him or her to
help you with the presentation.

Write a letter to your work colleague. In your letter:

• Tell your colleague when and where the presentation will be

• Describe what the presentation is about
• Explain what you would like your colleague to do

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Iqbal,

As I think you know, our company’s senior executives are visiting the branch
next Friday and my line manager Asif has asked me to prepare a five-minute
presentation for late that morning. As I haven’t done many presentations in
English, I was wondering if you would be able to give me some help.

I have been asked to talk about the success of our marketing strategy over
the past twelve months. As you will be aware, sales of many of our products
have rocketed and those in charge believe that advertising has played a
fundamental role in this. I have been told to include some colourful and eye-
catching slides and to make the presentation humorous and informative.

Although I have no difficulty with the content, I am quite apprehensive about

my English language skills. I therefore would be incredibly pleased if I could
practise my presentation a couple of times with you before the big bosses
arrive. If you could point out any errors I make with my English, I would be
awfully grateful.

I realise how busy you are so if you simply don’t have time, I fully
understand. However, it would help me enormously if you could find fifteen
minutes next Wednesday or Thursday morning to give me feedback.

I really appreciate your help.

Warm wishes

You are moving out of your accommodation and think that it might suit a
colleague who is starting a job where you work.

Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter:

• Say why you are moving

• Describe your accommodation
• Explain why the accommodation might suit your new colleague

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Sarah

I have just heard from my manager that you have been promoted and are
moving to head office. Firstly, congratulations on your new position. I have
no doubt that you will do exceedingly well.

My main reason for writing is that I am moving out of my apartment in a

couple of weeks’ time. Jasper and I have finally taken the plunge and decided
to live together and get on the property ladder. It occurred to me that the
flat I am currently renting might be ideal for you.

I have been living there for the past two years and absolutely love it. It is
located in the city centre; therefore, it is convenient not only for getting to
work, but also for retail therapy and eating out. It’s quite spacious, with two
bedrooms, a modern kitchen/diner and a lounge. The rent is pretty
reasonable too, despite the fact that it is only a stone’s throw from city-
centre attractions. Moreover, you’ll save money and time because you can
walk to work rather than taking unreliable public transport. The only
downside is that the neighbours can be a tiny bit noisy at weekends.

If you are interested and would like to view it, let me know and you can pop
round whenever suits you.

Kind regards

You eat at your college cafeteria every lunchtime. However, you think it
needs some improvements.

Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter:

• Explain what you like about the cafeteria

• Say what is wrong with it
• Suggest how it could be improved

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________
Dear Editor,

As someone who visits the college canteen on a daily basis, I feel I am

extremely well-qualified to give suggestions on how to make it better.
It already has some positive features: The waiters and waitresses always
greet diners with a friendly smile and they are knowledgeable about the
ingredients and preparation of items on the menu. This is particularly helpful
to me as I have food allergies and specific dietary requirements.

However, the staff are clearly rushed off their feet at lunch-time and when
your order eventually arrives, it is invariably cold and often greasy. Even
worse, I’ve recently noticed that many of my favourite starters and desserts
have disappeared from the menu and that the vegetarian option is almost
always the same. Despite the diminished quality of many dishes and a
reduction in choice, prices seem to rise every single month.

Steps need to be taken! More serving-staff should be employed during busy

periods. It might be wise to re-train the chef and ensure that top-quality and
fresh ingredients are used. The delicious items which have been taken off the
menu need to be re-instated. It would be wonderful if prices could be cut but
probably I am asking for too much.

I used to love eating in the canteen. It was the highlight of my day and I
would be over the moon if things went back to how they were.

Yours faithfully,

Ellie Fant
You and some friends ate a meal at a restaurant to celebrate a special
occasion. You were very pleased with the food and service.

Write a letter to the restaurant manager. In your letter:

• Give details about your visit to the restaurant

• Explain why you visited the restaurant
• Explain why you felt the food and service were good

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear ………………..,
Dear sir or madam,

A group of work colleagues and I ate at your establishment (The Phoenix

Club) last Thursday evening, both as a birthday surprise for our Head of
Division and to celebrate the fact that we recently won a lucrative building
contract. I am writing to thank you, your waiters, waitresses and kitchen staff
for a wonderful and memorable experience.

We were impressed by the professionalism, courteousness and friendliness

of the staff. Despite the fact that there were eighteen of us, and that we
hadn’t booked in advance, we were greeted warmly and tables were speedily
re-arranged, enabling us to sit together. Special care was taken to provide
extra space for a wheelchair-user in our party. The young man who took our
order couldn’t have been more attentive and helpful. He was able to explain
exactly what each dish contained- which was extremely useful as some of my
workmates have food allergies- and made useful suggestions about what to
choose from your extensive menu.

The food itself was incredibly tasty, and the desserts in particular were
outstanding. We mentioned to the waiter that we were celebrating our
manager’s fiftieth birthday and he brought out a cake with candles on and
sang ‘Happy Birthday’. Our boss found this quite emotional as she has
recently returned to work after a serious illness.

Several of my colleagues complimented me on making such a good choice of

venue for the meal and we will undoubtedly be returning soon.

Once again, thank you for giving us such an unforgettable experience.

With regards,

Alan Smith
You have just moved into a new house and you have decided to have a party.
You are worried that the noise from your party will annoy your new

Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter:

• Introduce yourself
• Explain that you plan to have a party
• Invite your neighbour to the party

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to include addresses.
Begin your letter as follows: Dear ………………..,
Dear Carole,

As you may have noticed, I have just moved into the property next to yours
and Daniel- the previous tenant- gave me your name. I hope you don’t mind
me writing to you. As Dan might have mentioned, I’m a trainee accountant
with a motorbike and a pet parrot.

Firstly, can I apologise if I have disturbed you over the past couple of days? I
have been dragging heavy items of furniture about, repairing some broken
cupboards and knocking down dilapidated shelves and I’m really sorry if
you’ve been bothered by the banging and clattering.

The main reason for writing is to let you know that I plan to hold a house-
warming party this coming Saturday. I’ve invited some old friends from
university as well as work colleagues. I will try to make sure it isn’t too rowdy
but it might go on into the small hours. I would really love it if you could
come. It would be a great opportunity for us to get to know each other.
There’s no need to bring anything except yourself and, of course, your
‘significant other’ if he’s free. Don’t worry if you can’t make it. You’d be
extremely welcome to pop round another day.

I look forward to seeing you really soon (and just knock on the wall if I’m
making too much noise!)

Best wishes


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