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Why did the Munich Putsch Fail?


As Hitler wanted the old traditional Germany back and wanted to help re-strengthen the
army once again, but he knew it was impossible to gain control without force.Considering
this was a difficult time for Germans in the aspect that hyperinflation was at its peak in
November 1923 and the German economy crumbled horrifically.Hitler believed that the
Weimar Republic could not handle the situation and the people were willing to support his
extremist party-Nazis to escape this madness.Through his plan the ‘Munich Putsch’ is how
he believed would get it done.On the 8th of November 1923.

Even though the plan ended as a catastrophe,Hitler’s real victory landed in court.They failed
to execute this properly because when they realised that Ludendorff, an important ex-
General arrived late for the meeting with Gustav Kahr,the minister of Bavaria at the time.This
made him hesitant to want to support Hitler’s army seriously and this ruined the plan
because he was meant to march the Bavarian army to Berlin and take over Germany after
they successfully held him at gunpoint and forced Kahr to join alliances, but this did not
happen because of his late arrival.Lack of support was another reason.It would be
challenging he only had 3000 members in his party which really wasn't enough to begin with
and definitely not enough to take over Germany.Other mistake Ludendorff made was he
allowed Kahr and the other ministers to use their phones to call their wives.This was a
regrettable blunder.Reason being he assumed they were calling their wives as
ordered,instead they contacted the Weimar Government to come and mobilise the SA
troops.While the shooting happened 16 Nazi’s were killed and Hilter was shot but was able
to run into hiding.He later was found and accused of treason and taken to trial.Not to forget
to mention that this was badly planned and not a lot of though was included.

However,despite all their failures they gained some form of success in how during Hitler’s
trial the judge was a supporter of the extreme right wing, so he advantaged Hitler by giving
him time to answer questions however he liked and allowed him to make very long speeches
provoking the Weimar government.Reporters from across Germany were there.This meant
that everything spoken by Hitler was written down in newspapers and read by Germans
everywhere.Resulting in huge publicity for the Nazis and himself.Also whilst in prison he
wrote a book called “Mein Kampf” which means “My Struggle”,where he put out all his ideas
for a brighter Germany and the Nazi party.It was later discovered everything he wrote he
eventually ended up doing it.His prison sentence was meant to be life in prison but because
the judge favoured Hilter it was reduced to only 5 years.

The overall answer was yes,it was failure because of their significant loss they made in
contrast to their limited successes.

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