Emergency Plans - Three Faces of Love WS

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Three Faces of Love Worksheet


1. Who do men love the most?

2. Who do men love the least?
3. Who do women love the most?
4. Who do women love the least?
5. Why do men and 3women express their love to people differently?
6. Fill in the blanks:
a. Sternberg’s theory is shaped like a __________
b. The emotional side is also known as the ____________
c. The motivational side is also known as the ______________
d. The cognitive side is also known as the ______________
7. Use the chart below to explain the three components of the love triangle

Intimacy Passion Commitment

8. What are the 8 different types of love? List and draw each of them in the chart below.

Type of Love Draw

9. Based on this article, what advice would you give your friend if they came to you with the following problems.
Be clear, think about what you have read, and give answers that are appropriate to the Christian tone of our
a. The guy that I am seeing likes country music and I like hip-hop. Will we be able to get along and have a
real relationship?
b. I am always going over to my boyfriend’s house, picking him up, and driving him home. He never wants
to come over to my house. What should I do?
c. My boyfriend of 1 year did not do anything for me for Valentine’s Day. I am really upset as I am a big
romantic and he is not – will we last?
d. I used to think that it was sweet when my girlfriend asked me to help her with her assignments, now it is
really starting to bother me as I am not getting my own work done and I am doing all of her work. How
do I tell her it is bothering me?
10. Explain the type of ‘love’ you think most teenagers experience.

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