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March 2022

MAT1322 Practice Midterm 2

Instructions for this Mock Test:
 Prepare your 1-page (both sides) Cheat Sheet.
 Get 8 pieces of blank paper (lined or graph paper is fine).
 You may use a basic scientific calculator.
 When ready, give yourself 70 minutes to write the test. Other than your 1-page Cheat Sheet,
this is a closed-book test.
 Goal for scanning and uploading: After the 70 minutes is up, give yourself 10 minutes
(max!) to scan your work, including your Cheat Sheet, and create a single pdf copy. Practice
the process you plan to use for the real midterm so that you can easily do this within a few
minutes. Once you have created a pdf copy of your work, upload and submit your work in the
Practice Brightspace Assignment.

• Detailed instructions for the format and technical requirements of Test 2 will be announced in
Brightspace and the course syllabus. Read them and let your prof know before the midterm
if you have any concerns.
Your answers to multiple-choice questions do not need to be justified. You may write your scrap
work on your paper but it will not be graded. When you reach your answer, clearly indicate
the question number and write the letter of your response beside the question number:
For example: (write out your scrap work, but it will not be graded)

(clearly indicate your final choice) Q1. [letter of your choice]

For long-answer questions, all of your work must be justified and your steps must be written
in a clear and logical order. Clearly indicate Question numbers.

For example: Q5(b). [write a fully justified solution].

Within your scanned pdf document, you must include a hand-written declaration, to indicate
that you will honour the terms of the test, as follows:
‘‘I, [your name printed clearly] , promise to uphold my academic integrity.
• Below your statement, you must include your signature and the date.
• Scan-and-Upload Phase: When the test-writing phase ends, you will be given 10 minutes to
scan and create a pdf copy of your work which you will upload and submit in the Brightspace
Assignment for Test 2.

Multiple-choice Questions

Q1. A potato with a temperature of 20◦ is put in a 200◦ oven and heats up according to the
differential equation
= k(H − 200)
where H(t) represents the potato’s temperature t minutes after being placed in the oven. After
30 minutes the temperature of the potato is 120◦ C. What is the value of k to 3 decimal places?

A. k = 1.120 B. k = −0.027 C. k = 0.027 D. k = −1.120 E. k = −0.015

F. None of the above.

X 5n−1
Q2. Determine the sum of the geometric series 9 2n−2 if it exists.
3 12
A. 15 B. C. 1 D. E. 3 F. The series is divergent.
5 5

Q3. For all n ≥ 1, let an = 4n+2
. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The sequence {an }∞
n=1 converges and the series an also converges.

B. The sequence {an }∞
n=1 converges and the series an diverges.

C. The sequence {an }∞
n=1 diverges and the series an converges.

D. The sequence {an }∞
n=1 diverges and the series an also diverges.

X 5n (x − 3)n
Q4. What is the radius of convergence for √ ?

1 1 1 8 3 2 3
A. R = 5
B. R = 6
C. R = 8
D. R = 5
E. R = 8
F. R = 5
G. R = 5

H. None of the above.

Long-Answer Questions: Give detailed solutions, clearly showing each of your steps.

Q5. Use an appropriate test method to determine whether each of the following series is convergent
or divergent. State the conditions needed in order for the test to apply.
∞ ∞ ∞  n
X n3 + 2 X 1 X 2n + 1
(i) √ (ii) 2
n(ln(n)) n=1

X n
Q6. 1. Does the following series converge: (−1)n+1 ? Justify your answer.
n2 + 4
2. Does the series above converge absolutely? Please justify your answer.
3. Give an upper bound on the absolute value of the error if we use the first 1000 terms of
the series to approximate its sum.
You do NOT need to compute S1000 . Just give the maximum possible error.

X xn+1
Q7. Consider the power series
(n + 1)3n+1
Find its radius of convergence and find its interval of convergence.
Be sure to name any series tests you use to find this interval. Show all your work!

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