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Scientific research is a necessary and important activity for human progress. Most of the common problems in todays world will be solved in the future thanks to science. Research contributes to human progress in many aspects of our society such as medicine, bioremediation, development of new and more efficient energy sources, etc. Moreover, scientific research is not only the search for solutions to practical problems (applied research), a great deal of our understanding comes from the curiosity-driven undertaking of basic research. Team Valencia iGEM 2011 is aware of the Synthetic Biology Revolution phenomenon, originated by the development of new molecular biology techniques and the great impact Synthetic Biology has caused in different areas such as energy, medicine and environment. Impact which not always has been positive. For this reason, our team has agreed to show his compromise in following a moral approach to scientific research developing and abiding to a Deontological Code. This code will set the basics so that our work is used in interest of humanity and human rights, and also guarantee biosafety. This deontological code has been formulated as an answer to common worries about the applications and consequences of scientific research, may it be present work, similar iGEM projects or other scientific endeavours. It will provide a regulation frame on ethics and morals which all members of the scientific team should follow. The present code, has been inspired by The Uppsala Code of Ethics for Scientists, (published in Journal of PeaceResearch, Vol. 21, No 4, in 1984), by the guide Science and Engineering Ethics, (ICSU International Council for Science, Vol. 6:1, 2000), and the international guides published by ICSU and UNESCO during the last years.

CHAPTER I: ABOUT IGEM, OUR TEAM MEMBERS AND FUTURE USERS OF OUR SYSTEM Article 1 The present Deontological Code is an instrument which provides the team Valencia iGEM 2011 with the guidelines to follow in ethics and morals by all members, advisors, instructors and any other who would like to join our Project. Article 2 The responsibilities and obligations derived form this Code affect all members, advisors and instructors of our Project, as well as any other who would join the Project in the future.

Article 3 Our team will take a special effort in spreading and disseminating this Code and granting its fulfillment by all its members.

CHAPTER II: GOALS AND PRINCIPLES OF THE TEAM AND FUTURE USERS All members of Valencia iGEM 2011 contribute to human development by abiding to these basic moral principles: Article 4 The team exposes that its main goal is to benefit scientific progress in an ethic and moral field, rejecting any lucrative motivations. Article 5 The team sets as a goal the promotion of Synthetic Biology during the development of the Project. Article 6 This project consists in the disinfection of contaminated water and the basic principles are its rational, non lucrative and sustainable use. Article 7 The team believes water is not just a necessity, but a human right, so there will be no investigations performed which would conflict with international human rights laws. Article 8 No member of the team will join or take part in research projects with ill-intentioned or malicious goals.

CHAPTER III: DUTIES OF ALL TEAM MEMBERS Article 9 It is the team compromise to avoid risks to human health and to the environment. Would such risks arise and pose a real threat, the team will take appropriated measures, even interrupting the development of the Project if necessary. Article 10

The Team is required to maximize biosecurity conditions, making sure possible benefits outweigh possible risks. Article 11 The Team is responsible for evaluating all the consequences of its research and making them available to the scientific community and general public. Article 12 In case of animal testing, the Team will follow all national and international regulations, respecting their integrity as living beings. Article 13 Animal testing will only be performed if its really necessary for the development of the project. Ideally, other alternative ways will be contemplated first.

CHAPTER IV: RESPONSABILITIES TOWARDS SOCIETY Article 14 The Team is committed to develop a safe and sustainable system for disinfecting contaminated water. This system will provide with safe drinking water to current and future generations. Article 15 The team is committed to make all the results and conclusions of the Project available to the scientific community and the general public. The team rejects the possibility of a patent for our disinfection system. Article 16 The Team is committed to study all the implications the use of the disinfection system would cause before promoting its use.

CHAPTER VII: ADDITIONAL CLAUSES Article 17 Failure to comply with this Code will count as a serious offense. Article 18 A serious offense would imply the expulsion of the offender or, in case of a general offense of the whole team, the cancellation of the Project.

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