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Lesson 1: The Origin of the Formula 3

Lesson 2: The Model of Transformation 11

Lesson3: Stepping into the Unknown 23

Lesson 4: Create your Personal Reality 33

Lesson 5: Finding the Present Moment 42

Lesson 6: Defeat the „Fight or Flight Mode“ 48

Lesson 7: Brain Coherence 58

Lesson 8: Heart Coherence 68

Lesson 9: Activate your Creative Power 76

Lesson10: Connecting to Oneness 82

Lesson 11: Drawing Your Future to You 91

Lesson 12 Mastering the Formula 99

In the introduction, you learned how Dr. Joe found the connections between heart and
brain coherence and how it led him to develop his specific formula:

„ By combining the heart and brain coherence we

can influence our mind, our body and ultimately
take control of our life!

Both in Dr. Joeʼs personal healing story and in the testimonies of other people who had
experienced a so-called „spontaneous healing“, four important points emerged as common

These four essential points are:

1. All of these people believed in an inner, life-giving intelligence – whatever we call it –

which takes care of balance, repair and regeneration in the body.
They took their time to get in touch with this intelligence, to present it with a very specific
„plan“ and then they let it work, and this over and over, so that it could bring about the
healing for them.

The power that created the body, heals the body.

2. All these people took responsibility for their own health at a certain level.
They thought about which of their previous thoughts and actions might have affected
them – and made themselves aware of their unconscious mental and physical condition.
Thoughts and emotions can be conditioned in such a way that they become self-running
and we get stuck in an endless loop.

Awareness leads to the fact that we can „unlearn“ our old self.

3. They also thought about what they wanted to focus their attention on, how they wanted
to act and who they wanted to be in their new life.

They practiced all this inwardly until the body could no longer distinguish between
imagination and reality, because the emotion was already created by the inner experience.
They felt better day by day and finally their health actually improved.

A new self leads to a new reality.

4. Within their inner focus they all lost all sense of time and space. This happens when we
are so present in what we are doing that we forget everything around us.

 By being present in the present moment we create our world from inside out.

Dr. Joe acquired a deep understanding in the disciplines of neuroplasticity, epigenetics,

psychoneurology and quantum physics, in which he finally found answers and explanations
for how it is possible that our mind can have such a direct influence on our body and reality.
He began to share his knowledge in the form of books and workshops, and it turned out that
the participants were gradually able to implement this so well that this effect could actually
be reproduced.

Together with various research teams, Dr. Joe carried out many experimetns at these
workshops, the results of which enabled him to further expand his knowledge and teach the
contents in an even more targeted way.

„ „
Fact 1: Thoughts affect our body, mind and life.

Fact 2: Our personality creates our personal reality.



Getting the brain and mind under control


Regulation of your own emotions


Overcoming the old personality and creating a new one

Information leads to transformation

In the workshop the participants internalized these insights and experiences, the biochemis-
try of the body and the genetic expression changed through this information.
Every person who successfully implements this and speaks about it, inspires other people
with it. We listen to such a person and start to believe in ourselves and our possibilities.
Imagine that you are one of the people sitting in front of the camera and talking about their
personal breakthrough:

What success would you like to report?

Where would you stand in your life at this moment?

What would you be especially grateful for? What would you be particularly enthusiastic

After many years of research, Dr. Joe has condensed the work he teaches in the work-
shops into a simple formula:

+ When we learn to direct our minds and increase coherence in the brain
+ learn to regulate our own emotions, to stay emotionally balanced and to
create coherence in the heart
+ learn to rise above our previous personality, which is linked to our
current personal reality
+ created from the unified field instead of from matter to matter
= this leads to enormous changes in body, mind and personal life.

In this course you will learn exactly how to do this. Have fun!


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