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This Partnership Agreement (this “Agreement”), dated as of _____ Jan 2023 (the “Effective Date”), is entered
into by and between Fazaia Degree College MRF (“FDC-MRF”), the Independent team of training Service
Providers (the “Service Providers”). Herein each of the Service Providers shall be a “Party” and collectively the


WHEREAS, pursuant to Letter No Dated and minutes of Meeting conducted by Director schools and
colleges dated 10 Jan 2023 the Service Providers is empowered to enter into contracts with FFDC MRF to operate
Training Service Chapter in the evening and summer session.

WHEREAS, it is the mission to offer comprehensive instruction and guidance to students who wish to
prepare for Metric and Intermediate board exams and entrance exams such as the Medical and Dental College
Admission Test (MDCAT), Engineering College Admission Test (ECAT) and National Testing Service (NTS) and
workforce education to reduce poverty.

WHEREAS, the Parties hereby desire to undertake responsibility for the management and operation of
the Training service subject to approval by the worthy CMC of FDC MRF”.

For and during the term of this Agreement, FDC MRF shall manage and operate the Schools in accordance with
Applicable Law. “Applicable Law” means all laws, rules, regulations, and administrative and judicial
determinations and decisions that govern under AFM 54-2, as they currently exist or as they may be adopted,
amended, or issued during the term of this Agreement.

1. The Schools

a) The FDC MRF authorizes to service providers to manage and operate the evening / summer
session, as independent training program
b) In addition to the autonomies and authorities defined in below, Service Providers primary
responsibilities for this partnership will include the following:
i. Oversee Academic Programs – Work with school principals to determine curriculum,
professional development, and Exam support; and ensure fidelity to each student’s
ii. Provide Financial Oversight – Establish a sub-committee and share every financial details
iii. Meet School Performance Goals – Work with school principals to meet academic,
operational, and financial metrics defined by the school performance contracts.
iv. Provide comprehensive instruction and guidance in MDCAT, ECAT, NTS, etc.
v. Help students develop necessary skills to excel in entrance exams.
vi. Provide personalized attention and guidance to each student.
vii. Help students become more confident and knowledgeable about the exam material.
Target Market Our target market is students who are preparing for entrance exams such
as MDCAT, ECAT and NTS. Service Providers plan to focus on providing personalized
attention and guidance to each student. Service Providers will also focus on building a
strong relationship with our students by offering quality services that are tailored to
their individual needs
c) The Service Providers agrees that it will provide the same opportunities, support, and services
required for Federal Board Exams, MDCAT, ECAT and NTS
d) FDC MRF shall have the option to phase in the full implementation of its model at any new
Partnership over the first year of the operation and thereafter.

2. Enrollment

a) Choice Schools and Programs include in-Service Providers charters, magnets, and early college
high schools. The Partnership Schools will manage Enrollment and share details with the
Principal FDC MRF staff to review admissions criteria and establish the number of seats available
for enrollment in each grade level.

b) Enrollment at the Schools is based on interest rather than ability. Students are not screened
based on academic criteria. The Service Providers may agree to set aside a certain percentage of
students from outside the school Service Providers boundary.

c) The Parties agree and understand that the Service Providers may not assign a student to a School
unless the student’s parent or guardian has voluntarily enrolled the student at the School. A
student’s parent or guardian may remove the student from the School at any time and enroll the
student at the school to which the student would ordinarily be assigned.

d) The Service Provider didn’t use FDC MRF branding and the official information on any student
recruitment or enrollment marketing materials and will invite to attend any student recruitment

e) FDC MRF is prohibited from discriminatory admission or expulsion of a student on the basis of a
student’s national origin, ethnicity, race, religion, disability, academic achievement, or sex,
including sexual orientation or gender identity.

3. Operations

a) FDC MRF will have initial, final, and sole autonomy to run all aspects of the Schools subject only
to Applicable Law, this Agreement, and service provision. In this Agreement, all autonomies and
authorities granted to FDC MRF shall be the initial, final and sole autonomy and authority.
b) FDC MRF will have Full authority to instill its culture at the training events or activities and select
its own behavior management programs and strategies that are in alignment with the Service
Provider’s Code of Conduct.
c) FDC MRF shall have initial, final, and sole autonomy with regard to parent engagement and
communications, fundraising and grant applications, and community partnerships, in
coordination with the Service Providers.
d) FDC MRF shall have initial, final, and sole autonomy for the development of extracurricular
activities and sports for the Schools, subject to state UIL rules (if participating in UIL) and subject
to the applicable provisions of TEC §12.056(b)(2)(G), TEC §33.081 and any successor statutes, in
coordination with the Service Providers.
e) FDC MRF will have initial, final, and sole autonomy over the marketing, communications, and
branding, in coordination with the Service Providers.

4. Employees

a) Principal FDC MRF shall have initial, final, and sole authority to directly manage the instructional
staff, either employed by the Service Providers or FDC MRF, who provide services to at least a
majority of students at the Schools. FDC MRF shall have initial, final, and sole authority over the
assignment of all Service Providers employees at the Partnership, including initial, final, and sole
authority to approve the assignment of all Service Providers employees or contractors to the
Partnership, as well as initial, final, and sole authority to supervise, manage, and rescind the
assignment of any Service Providers employee or Service Providers contractor from the
b) FDC MRF will help in recruit and train all training fellows, and assistant.
c) A person may not be employed by or serve as a teacher, librarian, educational aide,
administrator, or school counselor for the Partnership Schools the person meets trainer’s
requirements following a review of the person’s Qualification and experience in any testing body
5. Communications and Marketing

a) Service Provider will pay all the expanses related to all press inquiries, press releases, web marketing,
branding and all other external relations, including corporate and institutional partnerships, community
engagement and civic initiatives, and at all times keeping the FDC MRF management reasonably

b) Service Provider will also design supplemental marketing materials must be attested by Principal.

c) It is understood and agreed that Service Provider will request all staff and all parents of students to sign
a media release form; those who do not sign the agreement will not have their or their child’s images or
information used in media releases.

d) FDC MRF will coordinate with and maintain a collaborative and working relationship with the Service
Provider’s Communications staff.

6. FDC MRF Supervision of the Schools

a) FDC MRF will inspect the classrooms from time to time, but at least daily, using formal and informal
inspections, announced and unannounced as appropriate, and may, at its discretion, arrange for third-
party evaluation and feedback as it deems appropriate regarding (i) the instructional program of the
training sessions and (ii) the training impact on student achievement, all as may be necessary in order to
ensure student progress.

f) The Service Providers will allow FDC MRF to conduct research utilizing the Schools in accordance with
Service Providers policies and procedures, which may necessitate additional data sharing agreements.
FDC MRF will allow the Schools to participate in research projects and partnerships in accordance with
Service Providers policies and procedures, which may necessitate additional data sharing agreements.

7. Finance

a) The Parties understand that this Agreement allows Service Provider’s to receive the fee from students
through fee slips and submit at the same time in cash to designated account staff.

b) The following sharing mechanism adopted for this project as bellow

← 1. Total onetime fee charge Rs. 25000 (including Rs.1000 /- Registration Fee)
← 2. Sharing of service Providers 65% (Inclusive of all the expanses of teaching and operational
← 3. College management Share 15% (Project supervisor, administration expanses)
← 4. College Share 20% (Directly submitted to mIsc revenue of FDC MRF)
← Project supervisor have the total admission forms and respectively total collection received from
students. He / She is responsible for payment of college share.

d) The Service provider funds (accounts) will be maintained in the Service Provider’s General Ledger with
specific accounts for the Partnership through the Service Provider’s automated financial accounting and
reporting system. All accounts and funds shall be maintained and governed by state, federal, and local
rules and guidelines regarding their use as well as in accordance with AFM 54-2 administrative

e) The Service provider cannot be funded by the FDC MRF at any level, they have to manage all the
accounts by their own.

f) As noted above, FDC MRF will work together with the Service Providers in good faith toward meeting
student enrollment targets through joint student recruitment efforts.
g) All the fee collection are nontaxable income

9. Performance Contract Metrics and Annual Financial Audit

a) FDC MRF and the Partnership Service providers mutually describes student’s performance, selection of
candidates in respective medical, engineering and other university degree programs, and the process for
charter renewal, probation and revocation. Performance objectives may include, but not be limited to
student proficiency, academic growth, and college readiness. Additional objectives as well as a timeline
may be developed for charters established at campuses that do not meet state accountability standards.
b) As required by AFM 54-2 FDC MRF will complete an annual, independent financial report in which the
college share is auditable only.

11. Facilities

a) The Service Providers shall be responsible for all custodial and maintenance services for the resources
used in their respective training project.

b) FDC MRF will be granted specific access for the purpose of operating the training program at the
agreed-upon Service Providers requirements.
12. Trademarks; School Materials; Ownership and Use; New Intellectual Property

Each of the Parties shall retain ownership of the intellectual property it owned prior to the Effective Date of this
Agreement, including without limitation all trademarks, service marks, logo marks, trade dress, domain names,
works of authorship, copyrightable works, computer programs, software, databases, trade secrets, know-how,
proprietary data, documents, and written materials in any format. Any materials created exclusively by the
Service Providers for the Schools shall be owned by the Service Providers, and any materials created exclusively
by FDC MRF shall be owned by FDC MRF. The Parties acknowledge and agree that neither has any intellectual
property interest or claims in the other Party’s proprietary materials. Notwithstanding the foregoing, materials
and work product jointly created by the Parties shall be jointly owned by the Parties and may be used by the
individual Party as may be agreed upon by both Parties from time to time.

13. Term & Termination

a) This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2023 and end on Aug 30, 2023 (the “Initial Term”), unless
terminated pursuant to its terms.

b) The CMC FDC MRF may only terminate this Agreement, as described below, after a review from both

Party A
Principal FDC MRF

Party B
Service Providers

Witness 1
Witness 2

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