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A lovely afternoon to our guests. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to

the wedding reception of Engr. Eddie Brix Nicolas and Karen Joy
Descalzo, now Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas. I am Noel Calleja, I am Renalyn
Concepcion, and we are your hosts for today’s celebration. So please
find a seat and make yourselves comfortable as we are about to
start the program. 

Opening Spiel:
"No relationship is all sunshine but two people can share one
umbrella and survive the storm together."

Indeed, today we have witnessed two people who never gave up on

each other and remained strong amid the storm. Now, they have
chosen to seal their love with the sacred sacrament of marriage. 

Parade of the Entourage:

Since today is momentous for the couple, it is just right to give
them a grand entrance and our warmest welcome. 

(music plays on the background as each sponsor is acknowledged)
 Principal Sponsors
Before: As I call your names, (tiktok dance sana ito pero wala
yata music. Haha). Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor
and gratitude that we now introduce to you the young at heart
and spirit, the gracious and generous, the principal sponsors (in
their (tiktok dance nga sana. Hahahahahahahaha):

(Read alternately)

After: Ladies and gentlemen, our most distinguished set of

principal sponsors.  A round of applause!  Thank you, for taking
time out to be with us.
 Parents
At this point, let us put our hands together for the newlywed’s
parents, the reason why Brix and Karen turned into who they
are now
Let us have the Bride’s parents first, Mr. __________ and
Mrs. ____________
Let’s welcome the Groom’s lovely mother, Ms.
(And of course, we wouldn’t want to miss the marching of the
grandparents of Engr. Brix, who stood as his guardians)
 Secondary Sponsors
And now, may I  request everyone to turn your attention to the
parade of the wedding entourage, the secondary sponsors.
(Kung kaya ng mga ninong at ninang, siyempre kayang-kaya din
nila. Let’s pave the way for: Read natin alternately.)

(candle sponsors)
Mr. ________          & Ms.________
The pair that lit the paths of groom and bride

(veil sponsors)
Mr. ________          & Ms.________
The pair that clothed groom and bride

(chord sponsors)
Mr. ________             & Ms.________
The pair that bound groom and bride

 Flower girls and bearers

The little hands that shared their precious time with the
The Bible Bearer
The Ring Bearer
The Coin Bearer
 Maid-of-honor & Bestman
The handsome best  man and the beautiful maid of honor who
assisted the couple in their needs:
The best man: ________             The maid of honor:

 Bride and Groom

Today calls for a grand celebration and it is our distinct
pleasure to introduce them to you
for the very first time as husband and wife. So without
further ado, let us all rise and give
our warmest welcome to the lovely couple Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas!
(couple enters)

Thank you very much…let’s all be seated.

Truly, this momentous event marks a

milestone of two hearts beginning a beautiful lifelong

Ad lib: "They are the proof that love stands still even with the test
of time. Love really makes us blush, look at them they are just
absolutely stunning!"

Once again, let us give our loudest applause to the sponsors, the
wedding entourage, and of course, the newlywed, Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas!

Photo Opp/Table Hopping

A wedding does not only bring two people together but it often
reunites families and friends who might have not seen each other
for months or even years. Weddings are indeed a high time for
meet-and-greet. So let us acknowledge the presence of our most
important guests. (Acknowledge guests from each table)

A reminder to everyone who took pictures, taking pictures at the

moment and those who will be taking pictures, don’t forget to use
the hashtag (#) BrixFoundHisJoyWithKaren. Alright, let’s move on!


And now we would like to clear the dance floor for everyone except
our bride to have this special time with the first man in her life. May
we request for Mr. _____ , the father of the bride, to approach his
daughter for the father and daughter dance.”
(dance for 15 seconds)
Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for the father and
daughter dance.
And now the father gives his daughter to groom.
The groom will now approach the father of the bride, and dance with
(bride’s name).


Today is indeed a special moment, and will be forever etched in the
memory of our beloved couple. On this joyful beginning what could be
more fitting than to celebrate it with their first dance.

The first dance is symbolic of the consummation of their wedding

vows. This dance is the wedding couples’ first cooperative
engagement and joint endeavor. Ladies and gentlemen, it is once
again our privilege to present to you Mr and Mrs. Nicolas in their
first dance.

As a wedding tradition, let us have the couple on the dance floor for
their first dance. You may send your best wishes by pinning bills on
the couples' dresses.
Prayer before Meals (Optional ito. Pwedeng last o mauuna
depende sa time)
We have not reached half way of the program yet but pretty sure
that some of us are already famished. Since we need the energy to
carry out all the tasks later, let us all stand as we offer thanksgiving
to our Lord for the bountiful banquet we are about to share.


May we request the couple to proceed to the cake’s table. Ladies and
gentlemen, please direct your attention to the cake cutting
The husband and wife will put their hands together to slice the cake.
The two hands moving as one with one purpose, symbolizes that the
two will work in unity to reach common goals for their shared future
and their life together as one.
The sharing of this food symbolizes the couple’s willingness to fulfill
each other’s needs, creating a bond so simple and yet so strong…

A celebration is never complete without a toast and a bottle of good
wine. May we call on the Bestman, Mr. ______________ for the
symbolic wine toast.
The arms of the couple will intertwine as they drink wine.
This ceremony represents your two individual lives, now intertwined;
combined like the two glasses wine into one single life. The drinking
of the combined wine signifies the commitment you now make to live
your lives as one family. May you remember this day of commitment
you have sealed with drinking of the new wine joining your lives as

(Spiel: as with a glass of wine, one of you may find it sweet, the
other perhaps dry or somehow different. Let the drink you share
today serve as a reminder that although you may perceive things
very differently, being right is never more important than being
happy. With this space that you give each other, always putting your
commitment to love and honor one another first, your lives together
will grow deeper, richer and greatly satisfying, like a rare and fine

Bouquet Throw

Ok now let us all have some fun and its time for the traditional
Bouquet Throw. At this point we would like to request all the
single ladies to please come forward for the bouquet throw. We
would also like to request the bride to come forward and take
her place center stage.

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee motions and waits for all single ladies to

come forward)
Ladies kindly take your place behind the bride and be prepared
to catch the bouquet. It is said that whoever will catch the
bouquet will soon be the next bride. So is everyone in? Ready
when you are at the count of three the bride will throw her
bouquet. May I also request the audience to please join me in
the counting.

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee make sure that everyone is in place)

Ready when you are ladies. Let us now do the countdown.
One….Two….Three……and there it goes.

(Bride throws the bouquet and the ladies tries to catch it.)
May I request for the lady who was able to catch the bouquet
to please come forward

Congratulations Miss, May I have your name please.

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee draws the microphone to the lady .)

Ok let’s give a big hand to Miss ___________. Please have a
seat beside the bride and in a moment we shall find your match
in the garter Toss.
Retrieval of the Garter

Before we go on with the Garter Toss, the groom is to retrieve

the garter from his bride. So may we request Brix and Karen
Joy to do the garter retrieval ritual.

(A chair is brought onstage for the bride to sit. while groom kneels
down at the bride's feet ready to retrieve the garter)
Ladies and gentleman the groom will now retrieve the garter
from the bride.

(Groom retrieves the garter from the bride.)

There you have it ladies and gentlemen; the groom was finally
able to retrieve the garter. Let us give him a big hand.

Garter Toss

Ok it is now the gentlemen's turn and we will now do the garter

toss. May I mow request all single men to please come forward
for the Garter Toss.

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee motions and waits for all single men to

come forward)
Gentlemen please take you place behind the groom and be ready
to catch the garter. So is everyone ready? At the count of
three the groom will throw the garter and again we request the
audience to participate in the countdown.

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee makes sure that everyone is in place)

Ok ready when you are guys. One….. Two……Three……
and it Goes !!!!

(Groom throws the bouquet and the gentlemen tries to catch it.)
Matchmaking Ritual

May I request for the gentlemen with the quick hand who now
have in his possession the garter. Sir please come forward and
take your place beside the lady who has the bouquet.
Congratulations Sir. May I have your name please.
(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee draws the microphone to the gentleman.)
Thank you Mr. ___________, Friends lets give this gentlemen a
big hand.

Now that we have already found a perfect match. The next

bride and groom to be in the future. It it time for another
ritual. The gentlemen who got the garter is to put it on the lady
who caught the bouquet. At this point we would like to request
Ms. __ _________to please have a seat while Mr.
___________ will put the garter. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.
__________ will now put on the garter on Ms. _________.

(Lady takes a seat while gentleman puts the garter on her.)

There you have it. Our new lovely pair and if it would not be too
much to ask we would like the gentlemen to give the lady a quick

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee waits for the gentlemn to give the kiss

and thanks the pair. after.)
Thank you Mr. _______ and Ms ________, Let us give them
both a big hand

At his point, we request that both of you remain onstage for the
picture taking. The newlyweds will now pose with our lovely new

(INSTRUCTIONS: Emcee stands aside as photographers take

pictures of the pair with the newlyweds.)
Again Thank you Mr. _______ and Ms ________ for your
participation, you may now return to your seats

Opening of Gifts
The couple truly appreciate your presence here with or without your
gifts but really the gifts also matter, kidding! (ad lib) The couple
may not be able to open all these gifts tonight but let us check on
the biggest and the smallest gifts  (or the couple's choice).
Messages from family, relatives, and friends
I know you have messages for the couple but let us hear some of the
most important people in the couple's life. Here are some words
 The Bride’s mother
 The Groom’s mother
 Closest friend
 Ninong/ninang

Message from couple

The celebration is about to end but the couple’s joyous moment will
surely last a lifetime. And even as we go home, may we still keep the
memories we made today with our lovely couple. To personally
express their gratitude for the entire wedding celebration and the
people who made it possible, let us give the floor to our newlyweds
for their message.

Closing Spiel: (Craft the best closing spiel. Haha)

Prayer before Meals (Optional ito. Pwedeng last o mauuna

depende sa time)
We have not reached half way of the program yet but pretty sure
that some of us are already famished. Let us all stand as we offer
thanksgiving to our Lord for the bountiful banquet we are about to

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