Excel Project Assignment

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Quantitative Techniques

2021 Excel Assignment

 Download your group’s assignment from Blackboard.

 A maximum of 2 students may form a group
 Ensure that the names of both group members are on each
submitted page.
 The uploading of one completed assignment per group is sufficient.
 No late submissions will be entertained.

Due Date: 24h October 2021

Excel Assignment

Background to the Assignment

• You are the Manager of a medium sized company and you have learned that
Microsoft Excel provides businesses with the tools they need to become
more efficient and effective.

• Your company is busy collecting more and more data from multiple sources,
including employee records, in-store-transactions, online sales and social
media and you believe that this system will help the company tremendously.

• You have discovered that you need to be able to collate and analyse this
information quickly and effectively.

• You recall that Excel spreadsheets are commonly used in business to display
financial information and other data relevant to the running of the business.
This could be information relevant to the finance, sales and HR department.

Requirement of the Assignment

• The aim of the system is to enable you to unlock the potential of the
company’s data, by using formulas across a grid of cells. Data has to be
sorted and filtered, and then displayed in a visual presentation. The system
must also use pie charts, graphs and clustered columns to add meaning to
the data instead of just existing as row after row of numbers. These
visualizations should add extra emphasis to allow you to interpret your data

• This is a group assignment consisting of a maximum of two students per

group. You will have to declare whether each group member has contributed
equally to the project and your final mark will be adjusted accordingly.
• You are to develop a system using Excel for each of the departments (finance,
sales and HR department) in your company.

• The Excel workbook must consist of 4 different worksheets.

• One spreadsheet each for finance, sales and HR department.

• The fourth sheet is a dashboard sheet which should consist of various graphs
to indicate a summary of the various other sheets.

• Each department must have ten records e.g. ten employees in the HR
department; ten products sold in the sales department, etc.

• You have to decide what attributes (characteristics) of each record in the

department is relevant. For e.g. the product records might have quantity;
description; size; colour; price as attributes.

• You must format the spreadsheets using different colour shades, bolds and
italics, to differentiate between columns and bring the most important data
to the fore.

• Each sheet must show how you have made use of different formulas to either
sum, average, count, etc. depending on what the need of the sheet is.

Mark Allocations
• The background and requirements to the assignment is intentionally left very
open, to allow you to interpret and present your solution in a very creative

• You will receive 80% of the marks for incorporating all the spreadsheet
basics; charts; sorting; filtering and conditional formatting that you have
covered in your course into your assignment.

• The other 20% of the marks for this assignment shall be gained by you
illustrating extra features that Excel might have (that you did not cover in

your course – but that you have learned from YouTube, Google or any other
source (that you must mention).

• The rubric attached indicates how you will be assessed in this assignment.

RUBRIC - Excel Assignment 2021

Meets Below
Above Expectations Needs improvement
Expectations Expectations Marks
16 to 20 marks 6 to 10 marks
11 to 15 marks 1 to 5 marks
Above Meets Needs Below
Expectations Expectations improvement Expectations

Neatness and The assignment has The assignment The assignment is The assignment
Organization exceptional has attractive somewhat formatting and
formatting and the formatting and is organized. organization can
information is well somewhat Readability needs be confusing to 20
organized. It's easy organized. Data improvement, as observer.
to read. can be read and there is great Assignment
interpreted, but difficult in information is
with some interpreting not readable.
difficulty. information.
Above Meets Needs Below
Expectations Expectations improvement Expectations

Formulas The assignment The assignment The assignment The assignment

formula(s) are well formula(s) will formula(s) cannot be has no
developed and will correctly used to correctly formula(s)
correctly determine determine the determine the
the needed needed needed information.
information. information.
Above Meets Needs Below
Expectations Expectations improvement Expectations

Titles, 1. 1. Contains a 1. Contains a title 1. Title is present at 1. Does not

Labels, creative title and and graphic the top of the contain a
Graphics and graphic that clearly that somewhat graph. title.
Headings relates to the data relates to the

2. Contains data displayed. 2. Does not 2. Does not
clearly labelled 2. Contains contain a graphic, contain any 20
rows and clearly labelled labels for some of graphics,
columns. rows and the rows or labels for
columns, but the
columns, and columns
assignment shows and rows.
organization was
not completely some signs of
thought out. disorganization.

Above Meets Needs Below

Expectations Expectations improvement Expectations

Content Assignment meets Assignment Assignment includes Assignment

all requirements includes and and make clear all fails to include
necessary to make clear all but 3 or 4 details to and make clear
address the but 1 or 2 minor address the more than 4 of 20
business problems. details to business problems. the business
address the problems.
Above Meets Needs Below
Expectations Expectations improvement Expectations

Creativity Assignment displays Assignment Assignment displays Assignment

and 4 or more displays 3 2 additional displays 1
Innovation additional features additional features that was additional
not covered in the 20
that wase not features that feature that
covered in the class. was not
was not covered
class. in the class. covered in the

Total Marks

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