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- I have a burning ambition: you are extremely interested in it or want to do it very much
- Fulfil a/an ambition – Realise ambition to achieve something that you have wanted for a
long time
- Secret (do sth bad ilegal) / lifelong (meta de vida) / main (meta) ambition

- Face the formidable challenge of: extremely difficult to defeat
- Take up a/an (no one challenged you to do it other than yourself) / Rise to the challenge
(to perform so as to succeed)
- Major / new / daunting : something new and difficult which requires great effort and
determination, it makes you worried because it is difficult or frightening


- Leave nothing to chance: to prepare for everything posible

- Stand a (to have a chance of success) / Jump at the chance (To immediately accept an
- Slight (small possibility) / Fair (the same chance everyone else gets, reasonable) /
Second chance


- Met with complete failure: fallaron

- End in / Result in: a lack of success in doing something
- Total / Costly (fallar en conseguir algo grande económico) / Dismal


- Increase motivation
- Improve (increase) / Lack motivation (falta de motivación)
- Primary (+) / Strong (+) / Poor motivation (-)


- Was an overnight succes: something that becomes successful very quickly

- Achieve / Enjoy succes
- Huge / Great / Resounding succes (something obvious or unambiguous. If it's clear that
every single guest had a wonderful time, you can call your party a resounding success)



- concession
- annoyance
- lack of enthusiasm
- past possibility


- Ask for permission (formal) may i ask a personal question?

- Concession: they may be good but we won the match (although they may
be good we had won the match
- Lack of enthusiasm
- Give permission: you may use the phone
- Offers: May i help you with this bag?


- Ability in the past: she could play football very well until…
- Permission in the past: we could eat in class
- Ask for permission
- Annoyance: You could at least say you are sorry
- Request: Could you give me a hand please?
- Ceirtanty: This couldnt have been a mistake, it was on purpose
- Past porssibility wich did not happen: We could have won the game but…


- Ability
- Critisism
- Ask for permission: can i open the window?
- Give permission: You can use the phone
- Offers: can i hep you with…?
- Request: can you hand in you assigment?
- Ceirtanty: this cant be your car
- Theorical possibility

*uterrly: enfatizar que algo es muy grande en extensión, grado o cantidad.

*Hardly y barely quieren decir 'apenas': The weather is so bad that he can hardly
see the road. After his accident, he could barely walk.

*Entirely means completely and not just partly 

Adverb of degree definition and examples

An adverb of degree modifies a sentence to tell us the intensity of something.
They're normally placed before the adjective, adverb or verb that they modify, but
there are some exceptions.

Adverbs of degree allow you to be very specific when writing, no matter what the
purpose. In the following examples, the adverbs of degree have been italicized for
ease of identification.

 They werealmostfinished.

 This cake isabsolutelywonderful.

 The temperature wasbarelyabove freezing.

 Our driveway iscompletelyfrozen.

 We feltincrediblylucky after winning tickets to the World Series.

 My teacher isterriblygrumpy today.

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