Universidad Tecnologica de Santiago Sidenia

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 Fonetic
Branch of linguistics that studies the perfection of particular sounds
in relation to a language in its physical manifestations of language.
 Minimal pairs
Minimal pairs are words that are very similar and only vary by one
sound. For example, when we say the words seat and sheet out
loud, we are making very similar sounds, the only difference being
the /s/ and /sh/ sounds at the beginning of the words.
 Fonology.
The study of sound patterns that occur within languages. Some
linguists include phonetics, the study of the production and
description of speech sounds, within the study of phonology.
 Phoneme
Phonology is concerned with the sound structure in individual
languages: the way in which distinctions in sound are used to
differentiate linguistic elements, and the ways in which the sound
structure of the "same" element varies depending on the other
sounds. in its context.
 Speach-producin Mechanism. (name the parts)
Respiration at the lungs, phonation at the larynx, and articulation in
the mouth.
 What are the segmental fonemes?
Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into
individual sounds. For example, the learner breaks the word run
into its component sounds.
 What are the Supra-segmental fonemes?

Suprasegmental, also called a prosodic feature, in phonetics, a

speech feature such as stress, tone, or word joining that
accompanies or adds to consonants and vowels; These features are
not limited to individual sounds, but often extend to syllables,
words, or phrases.
 What were the first communications ways of human being?
Some of the oldest forms of human communication include talking
or making sounds, drawing or painting, dancing, acting, and using
symbols. Making sounds such as grunting or guttural sounds at a
low pitch or high pitch would indicate either social communication
or be a warning sign.
 Characteristic and clasification of vawels

1. Vowels are oral sound. In some dialects and in certain contexts,

vowels may become partially nasal, but normally they are orals,
not nasals.
2. Vowels are voiced.
3. Vowels are characterized by a free flow of air through the oral
4. The distinguishing features of the different vowels are
determined largely by tongue position.

English may be said to have thirteen vowels – five front, four

back and four central vowels – which we shall now take up
 Draw the chart of English Vowels (pag 16).

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