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-ing torms and infinitives

41 Verb + -ing form or infinitive?

Some verbs are followed by an -ing form. The -ing form often describes an activity:
We enjoyed seeing you last week. | miss going to the beach every day.
Some verbs are followed by a to-infinitive. The fo-infinitive often describes an
intention or a future event: / hope to see you soon. They promised not to tell her.
Some verbs can be followed by either an -ing form or a to-infinitive with no change in
meaning: We prefer travelling/to travel by train. The baby started crying/to cry.
Sometimes there is a difference in meaning between like + -ing and like + to-
infinitive: / like swimming. (This is something | enjoy doing.) | like to finish all the
boring jobs first and then focus on more creative work. (| don’t (necessarily) like the
boring jobs but | prefer to do them first.)
Some verbs can be followed by an -ing form or a to-infinitive with a change in
meaning. Compare:
The car needs washing. (= Someone He needs to get up early (= It’s
needs to wash the car.) necessary for him to get up early.)
| regret upsetting her. (= I’m sorry that | regret to inform you that you didn’t
| upset her.) get the post. (= I’m sorry but | have to
tell you that you didn’t get the post.)
| remember speaking to her last night. | remembered to speak to her. (= |
(= | remember that | spoke to her.) remembered and then | spoke to her.)
We stopped talking when she came in. We stopped to have a cup of tea. (= We
(= We were talking but when she came stopped what we were doing in order to
in, we stopped talking.) have a cup of tea.)
We tried living in the United States for They try to exercise every day. (= They
a while but we didn’t like it. (= We lived make an effort to exercise every day.)
in the United States for a while to see if
we would like it but we didn’t.)
He went on working until he was in his After her studies she went on to
seventies. (= He didn’t stop working become a successful surgeon. (= She
until he was in his seventies.) became a successful surgeon after she
had finished her studies.)

Would like, would prefer and would love are always followed by a fo-infinitive, not
an -ing form: /’d prefer to travel by train. (Not /?¢-_prefertravelling-by-train.)
We use the infinitive without to after:
— modal verbs: / must go. You shouldn’t tell him.
— had better and would rather: We'd better go. I'd rather stay here.
— Let’s and Why not... ?: Let’s have something to eat.

>> See Appendix 3: Verbs followed by -ing form, page 201; Appendix 4: Verbs
followed by to-infinitive, page 201; Appendix 5: Verbs followed by -ing form or
to-infinitive page 201.
41a Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
oO The architect expects......f0.complete
the building in April. (complete)
L really did't MEAN scccesesessvesensssisceseseneces
to offend
you. (offend)
LAC SAVE UP sscsscsscsvmrrracmnnin
years ago. (smoke)
We managed to avoid ..............cccccsesseseceees
an accident. (have)
Have you finished ...............sssccscccessseeee
your essay yet? (write)
to learn
ECHOSS:. nonrnnaneennstionmnenresontencnn
rather than French. (learn)
Young children enjoy ............csssccccesseeeeeee round the house. (help)
On A

to study
Geraldine is hoping ...............ccccceeeseseeeees law at Cambridge. (study)
My new job will mean .............secceesseeeeeeeeee all over the world. (travel)
Dmitri and Ursula have postponed .............cceseeeeeeeseeees married for a few

months. (get)
to accept
10 Magnus refused ............ccccccesseeceeeeeees any money for the work he’d done.

41b Circle the correct answer.

Oo I'd like to go [(/ like going)on holiday to a different place every summer.
oo(/'d like to go)/ | like going somewhere different this summer. Any ideas?
1 | regret to tell / telling you that your contract will not be renewed.
| regret to tell / telling you about it because it upset you.

He stopped to have / having coffee because it kept him awake at night.

He stopped to have / having a coffee and then he went back to work.

| know you're tired but please try to concentrate / concentrating for a few more

6 I’m going to try to drink / drinking warm milk before | go to bed; it might help
me sleep better.
7 Alice went on to act/ acting until she was forced to retire because of her
8 Although Alice started out in television, she went on to act / acting on the

9 He remembered to close / closing the windows so the rain didn’t get in.
10 He remembered fo close / closing the windows so he was surprised to find
them open when he got home.

42 Verb + object + -ing form or infinitive?
verb + object + fo-infinitive
@ Some verbs must be followed by an object before the to-infinitive: Water came into
the boat and caused it to sink. They forced him to tell them the secret.
@ Some verbs can be followed by an object before the to-infinitive, or an -ing form
with no object: They don’t allow visitors to park their cars here. They don’t allow
parking here.
@ Some verbs can be followed by an object, depending on the meaning of the
sentence. Compare: / expect to be on time. (= | expect that | will be on time.)
| expect you to be on time. (= | expect that you will be on time.)
verb + object + infinitive without to
@ Make and let are followed by object + infinitive without to: You can’t make me tell
you —it’sasecret! Some people let their children do whatever they like.
@ Help is followed by object + infinitive with or without to: / helped her (to) carry her
verb + object + -ing form
@ Some verbs are followed by object + -ing form: / caught him looking in my desk.
| couldn’t stop her biting her nails.
see, hear, watch, etc.
@ Verbs of perception (e.g. see, notice, look at, watch, hear, listen to, feel, smell) can
be followed by object + -ing form, or infinitive without to. Compare:
! watched him play football. (= | watched him during the whole game.)
| watched him playing football. (= | watched him for a period of time while the game
was in progress.)
The -ing form is more common. The difference in meaning between the two forms is
often small: / can hear the birds sing/singing in the mornings.

>> See Appendix 6: Verbs followed by object + to-infinitive, page 201.

42a Circle the correct answer.
o They wouldn’t allow / forbid /(edhim go out with his friends.
Les assisted / helped / taught me set up the new computer.

Their parents make them staying / to stay / stay home on weekdays.


They wouldn’t allow/ let/ make us to go into the building.

What caused / forced / made you change your mind?

The factory lets / makes / allows eating in the canteen only.


Bad health forced / let / made him to leave his job.

She likes / expects / imagines to finish the project by January.

| was shocked to see her going / to go / go through my bag.

42b Join the sentences. Use the -ing form or fo-infinitive.
o Several cars collided on the motorway. Poor weather conditions caused this.
Poor R Reeweather
eee eH EOE EEE
caused several cars to collide on the motorway.




4 People can call a special number for more information. Police are encouraging

5 Motorists should not approach the scene of the accident. Police are preventing

42c Complete the extract from a story. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Sometimes more than one form is possible.

She invited me (0) ............ OS ae (sit) down and then she excused
herself from the room. | heard her (1) ..........cccecceeseeeeeees (make) the tea
in the kitchen and listened as she set out the cups and saucers. The room
had Begurid2) cecal (feel) a little odd and | regretted
(See Seinenees (take) off my jacket. | noticed the fire
(Aline es Gerencies (begin) to die down in the grate, watched the
SCCONG MANGA Occ cssgesstenee {move} slowly round the clock face and
wondered how long it would be before she would allow me
16) een ees {leave}.
A few minutes later | heard the tea trolley (7) ..........ccceeseeeeseeees (roll)
on its wheels through the kitchen and then into the sitting room, where |
was waiting. | started (8)... eee (drink) the tea she had poured
for me and she let me (9) ..........-seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees (continue) in silence. | felt her
Gleaner eoee (watch) me and looked up quickly, hoping to catch
WER) conaceiaa ee ae ee (stare) at me, but she was looking instead at
the cup of tea in my hand. Nervously, | sipped some more. It tasted slightly
of bitter almonds but | carried on (12) .........cccceeeeeseeeeseteeee (drink) it to be
polite. At last | finished the unpleasant brew and set my cup down in the
‘Would you like me (13) ..........cccsecseeseeeeeeeeee (pour) you another cup?’ she
‘No thank you,’ | said, reaching unsteadily for my briefcase. ‘| must be
going if expect (14)... cs een. [be] home in time for dinner.’

43 Other uses of infinitives
adjective + to-infinitive
We can use the to-infinitive:
with adjectives such as (un)able, certain, determined, keen, (un)likely, ready, sure
and (un)willing. The infinitive often refers to a future event: They aren’t willing to
doit. She’s determined towin. It’s certaintoraintomorrow. He’s sure to be
late again.
with adjectives such as afraid, amazed, ashamed, delighted, disappointed, glad,
happy, sad, sorry and surprised, to describe feelings: /’m pleased to meet you.
We were sorry to hear your news.
with adjectives such as careless, good, kind, nice and wrong, to express an opinion
or make a judgment. We can also use it + be + adjective (+ of someone) + to-
infinitive: She was wrong to do that. It was wrong (of her) to do that.
after adjectives such as difficult, easy, exciting, expensive, fun, hard, impossible
and interesting, to describe an action or activity. We can also use it + be + adjective
(+ for someone) + to-infinitive: This language is easy tolearn. It’s easy to learn
this language. The article is impossible to understand. It’s impossible for us to
understand the article.
noun/pronoun + fo-infinitive
We can use the fo-infinitive:
to refer to an event in the future. The pattern is noun + be + to-infinitive:
My ambition is to bea doctor. His first thought was to ring us.
with nouns such as attempt, chance, decision, desire, effort, intention, opportunity,
plan and time, to complete their meaning: / finally made a decision to leave my job.
to give more information about a noun: Let’s finda place to eat. (= Let’s find a place
where we can eat.) We had a long journey to make. (= We had a long journey that
we had to make.)
with something, anything, somewhere, etc.: Is there anywhere (for us) to sit down?
There’s nothing to do in this place.
with the/first/second/ast/only/best, etc.: She was the only person to succeed.
(= She was the only person who succeeded.) /t was their first attempt to climb
Mount Everest.
to describe purpose. The pattern is for+ noun + to-infinitive: / left the window open
for the cat to get out. (= so that the cat could get out)

b> For to-infinitive after too and enough, see Unit 15. For infinitive of purpose, see
Unit 59.

43a Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.
agree be(x2) ge keep leave look love
spend stay travel understand work

A: Aren’t you ready (0) ............ £0.90 scsssi yet?

to leave
Be Pi SONY G) -cccerssccerssssssacesremresavens you waiting. I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes.
to be
A: Allright, but please hurry. It’s not polite (2) ...........ceeeseeesseeeeeeees late for dinner
and we have a long way (3) .........ssscssssesseeeesseeeeee ‘

A: You hate your job. Why don’t you leave?

B= Look: it's not tard (4) scsecsssccuscccusesesdevceeosees
to understand why | stay here. My ambition is
(G) sc cesseivecticavecswencveneceies
to be sales manager and I’ve made a decision
to work
(0) ccsessusesovascsversiasauesnens here for another year because it’ll be good for my
to spend
A: | think we should find Somewhere (7) .........::csssceeseeseeeeees the night. It’s getting
to stay
B: (t's expensive (8) sssisssecscestscresrccesasss in a hotel. Where do you suggest?
A: | don’t know, but | brought a guidebook for US (9) ........sceeseceseeeseeesseeees at. Why
don’t we see if there’s a nice bed and breakfast nearby?

Did you leave the door open?


| don’t think so. Hazel was the last person (10) ............::sccesesceeseeeeees the house -
it must have been her that left it open.

I’m lonely. | need Someone (11) ............eeesecesseeeeeeeeees ;


Have you considered getting yourself a puppy?

Lmust have been crazy (42) scissssoavsssscacsssecsssesssess to this.


Don’t worry. Everything will be all right — you'll see.

43b Join the sentences. Use the fo-infinitive.

oO We’re going to do our best. We’re ready.

He’s going to move to Italy next year. He’s keen.

IS cc vesissessuianvacawasueatasiaueisewavipnus
nu ycsceueNeWUasenUaNCaUSGSWaT OSE SUODeSUUBIG saune esd onaseaasesaveveseses :
Don’t interrupt people all the time. It’s rude.
TUS ceuuawasvacecavavayedevoncaswosse
evaauss vx eusspeusacessspencwssnwnne ye cessvin teen CResas vane edvanspracsamenceannenses ;
She’s starting up her own business. That’s her intention.
IGE escssnuscecopsssaies spancusisseseeveanageaisecuanscsepausnasewacscbnas
saspecasecie cues descoassssananiessesseessonnas ;
| want to take part in the Olympic Games one day. That’s my ambition.
12'S cus ivwatsanieestawauiauumeuapectnrns
ia uens oeateis a gebic ub ResUNREADANas welseanovauauaadedbannwomaseanbncbedaabebanadaen é
He bought a DVD. He'll watch it this evening.
FIG BO UIE ccpcsassccenceveeacpscasecscenseceancch
wetesessin is deacecce neces econ eIRS ;
| disagreed with him. | was the only person.
I WS ‘vcs essacepeccuccasunaneeecumnsnescanssicasnasnvcacemessuwacasasanessccianesenaimavaeosecsatantaneeseaacncnisst ‘

43C Complete the e-mail. Use the correct form of the words in the box.

aim / save complicated / workout easy/work great / have

important / get place/stay someone/replace sure/ be
time / apply welcome/ share wenderful/hear

eee New Message OQ

Hi Tasha,

Thanks for your letter, It was (0) .....Womderfulto hear from you. Sorry
| haven’t been in touch for a while — the new job is keeping me busy. |
thOUGNTL It Would De (1) Jose ee as a hotel receptionist but
the job is more demanding than | expected. Some of the bills are quite
(DY setscuaceowestictucenawuawletvens alid:of course its. G) kins for me
S eceawincatetnea neue them right. Having said that, it’s
CA sss sataanesicanimietseen
ae eaaa eee @ JOD. MY (5) wnceskecansacessseseues is
euiiaiinan naa Seieusttles £500 by the end of the holidays — that will go a long way
towards paying my tuition fees next year.
What are your plans? Why don’t you come here to work? It’s a good
(6c dsccencdnuththbdtaresta metas for work in the restaurant. One of the
waitresses left last week and they’re looking for
(7) sasrencsnteapaerieunee tacts her. Don’t worry about finding a(n)
CS) scscecsvetnenteeeveceteeesecuies = VOU TO-(9) 5 cevececscccceesensuarcesevancens my flat
with me. They keep you busy here but there’s (10) ...........eeseeeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeee
time for us to enjoy ourselves too. Think about it.

43d Re-write the sentences. Use the to-infinitive.

o Nobody left the party before him.
He was the first person .f0 leave
the party i asaeeessnecenneseeeee :
1 |received your letter and | was delighted.
[ WAS COLI STIOC ssc vccdcecesvesucatevsidresceuveevscedzactaestesvecsdtatenves
tans cnbvsocarensasseensaveseioecens ‘
2 Heating this house is very expensive.
FES VEY CHO GHSIVE), «onuzetennnnzcnencennenscvsnconvinasnibainaiivnsien
aalsk oes tecanssRanabe SNS eeebies AUR EESY ‘
3 Having interests outside work is important.
[tS THIBOMESNE scccenversssienccevssarsnnwrnserrcesreveaneccunaezessesvenvavenessusnnvorvesnmnmnnweses ‘
4 That child learns very quickly.
TRAE CHG 1S ics cxenexenneansannnenceresesnnsnensn niinnnandsnmunnennanaeonpunennenersexeanennssacanneunnamatansadtale i
5 Howdo you think | should cook this fish?
What's The DESt WAY. ses ceseesvess concevsesmvetpespuevsnsnavasscusvuseuscesavenecsseasunncsoosysccsexsuveanes ?
6 There was nobody who saw him after we did.
We were the last people ..............ccccccccccccccccssssssessssssssssessscssecccccccesesessesssseessenees .

44 Other uses of -ing forms
We can use -ing forms:
@ asthe subject of a sentence, sometimes after an adjective: Smoking is bad for you.
Regular swimming is good for you.
@ asthe complement of be: His favourite activity is watching television and mine is
going to the gym.
® as uncountable nouns, often after a determiner (e.g. a, the, this, a lot of) + adjective.
The -ing form may be followed by of: / was woken up by the ringing of the doorbell.
This constant arguing has got to stop!
@ after go to mean that we do an activity, often a sport: We went swimming yesterday.
She goes skiing every winter. They’ve gone shopping.
@ after expressions with can’t: can’t bear, can’t face, can’t help, can’t stand, can’t
stop: | can’t face doing the washing up — let’s leave it until the morning.
They couldn’t stand not knowing the truth.
@ after forto describe purpose: /t’s a knife for cutting bread.
@ after some adjectives to talk about an activity in progress: We’re busy decorating
the flat. It’s nice not being at work.
@ after some nouns: Sometimes she has difficulty saying ‘no’ to people. I’m having
trouble checking my e-mails.
e after spend/waste + period of time: We spent many weeks studying.
@ insome expressions: it’s no good/use, there’s no point (in), it’s worth, it’s a waste
of time: It’s no good/use complaining — you have to take the test again. There’s
no point (in) trying to change his mind. The film is worth seeing.

44a Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.
argue be do eat feel find get
give measure shop sit ski work

o A: What are you doing during the holidays?

B: We're going ......SK/N9.. in the French Alps -
if there’s enough snow, that is.
1 A: What’s wrong?
being here
Be IPS AWEUL ..ncecevareeseonenenes here. | can’t stand
So pay eauScann tans at a desk all day in an office —
I’m used to being outdoors.
2 A: What’s that?
B: It’s an instrument for ...................00. the amount
of moisture in the air.
SAS UGCAN CEL cae snsnnvenerceseones there’s been a mistake.
B: Yes, | agree with you.

BAS V0 ANANG ccccosecrcssearsccevs isn’t allowed in the library.
B: I’m sorry. I’ll have my sandwich outside.
5 A: It’s a waste of time ...............eeeeeee her advice — she won't listen to you.
B: Perhaps, but | have to try.
6 A: Are we lost?
B: Not really, but I’m having trouble ...................00 the address.
7 A: You look sad. What’s wrong?
Be) | TISS sesccsenssccazeccwancar with my family. I’ve never been away from home
8 A: I’m sorry we can’t agree but it’s NO USE .................eeeee ‘
B: You’re right. There’s no point in ..............:cc00e angry with one another just
because we have different points of view.
g A: Where on earth are Arthur and Olivia?
B: They’re in town. | think they’ve gone ................:e00 for some curtain
1o A: | phoned you last night but you weren’t at home.
B: Miisorry: | Was DUSY siscscsccccsecercasess some research at the library and | must
have left my mobile switched off.

44b Complete the e-mail. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

@ ee New Message oO

Hi, Nigel!

Just to say I’ve moved into my new university accommodation. |

(0) ......5Pent.a
few days packing (spend / a few days / pack) everything
into boxes but | paid someone to move the stuff. In the end, | decided
FECT) 2 ot navinnoateieweaaSomeeuiimasnneesesSieece (be / worth / pay) professionals
to do the job - I’ve got a lot of expensive electronic equipment and |
(2) ceniecesespuwesd
wars enuebuuneveuenuecaneussen: (can’t face / the thought of it / get)
Paiviaded. Right WOW U (3) occsencnncoccee--nnnen<nansveseunnnsmnssosseas’ (be / busy /
take) everything out of boxes and putting it away. They say that
A) sacwrrtenwecermasevenes (move) house is really stressful — and they’re right!
Now I’m here, though, | think I'll like my new place. It’s right next to
the fitness centre So I’m able to (5) ....... cece ceeececececececececeeeeeeeenececes (go /
swim) every day — they have an Olympic-size pool there. Unfortunately,
SOME: HIGHS: | HAVE (GY oc ces cconseccnecnennancencezsnisnnnmevaunnceas (trouble / study)
because of the people next door. They’re so noisy! It’s probably
C7) sssvewersacrsumeceuspaneuvoreuncwapeacmoueuncs (a waste of time / ask) them to be
quieter but | might go and speak to them.
Anyway, it (8) ......ccccceceeceeceeceeeeeeeseeseeseeeereeees (be / always / great / hear)
from you so keep in touch.

45 doing, (to) do, being done, (to) be done, etc.

--ingform doing | hate asking people their age.

passive -ing form — being done | hate being asked my age.
perfect -ing form — having done |’m proud of having completed the race.
having been | disliked having been ignored. (= | was
Ln done ignored and | disliked it.)

‘infinitive (to) do | want to invite them to the party.

passive infinitive _ (to) be done_ | want to be invited to the party.
(to) have I'd like to have invited all of my friends
done to the party but | couldn’t.
(to) have I’d love to have been invited to the party
—. beendone _ but! wasn’t.
(to) be Beth’s health seems to be improving.

The perfect -ing form and the perfect passive -ing form are very formal and we avoid
them. We use the -ing form and passive -ing form instead: / regret telling/having told
him the truth. They enjoyed being taken/having been taken to the park.

Be Se ee =
45a Circle the correct answer.
“! look young for my age and | hate (0) asking /@eing asked)for identification
when | go out with my friends. When we go to a club, they ask me (1) to show/
to be shown proof that I’m eighteen. We went out last night and | resented
(2) having asked / being asked for identification at the club door. Still, once | got
inside, it was so good (3) to be relaxing / to have relaxed with friends that | forgot
all about (4) to be annoyed / being annoyed. If it’s still happening in a few years’
time, though, I’m sure Il be flattered (5) to ask / to be asked to prove my age!”

45D Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
oO | think we should postpone. ........... 2 on holiday. (go)
1 VGH t TRO scssccescsscssescccosnconszcecxs what to do. I’ll make up my own mind. (tell)
2 HO UGINED sccccscccccosnsccceeazensias anything to me but | can prove he did. (Say)
3 She was a difficult child, probably due to .............ecsseeeseeeeeses by different
foster parents. (look after)
Karin decided ............:ccccesssreeeeseeees to Rome for her holidays. (go)
TE OVE tocercstsNi <peaneoneonereneee a blank cheque and told to spend the money on
anything | like. (give)
HE SCOMS qu... ecescccccceceeceeeseeseees a lot of weight since | last saw him. (lose)
| saw Amy last night. She Seems ............cseeceeeseeeeeeseeee better, slowly but surely.
Check 8 -ing forms and infinitives
4 Circle the correct answer.
1 Although it was many years ago, Connie clearly remembers cry / crying when her
cat died.
2 |like todo / doing the unpleasant jobs before | do the gardening.
3 Judy and Gordon like their new home but they miss fo live /living by the sea.
4 The airline allows passengers carry /to carry one item of hand luggage.
5 The cost of borrowing has forced many companies to close /closing.

2 Complete the conversation. Use one word in each gap.
A: What’s that?
Bil€S a ACK (6) cosvcascosvececsnsexene lifting a car. | need to change a flat tyre.
A: Will you be long? | want to (7) .........eeseeeeeeee shopping and I’d prefer not
1B) ccctcoscaneeetsaans walk.
B: It’ll take me about half an hour but there’s no point (9) .........sceseeeeeees waiting:
I’\l be using the car this afternoon.
A: And | suppose it’s a (10) .........ccseceeeeeeee of time trying to convince you to
(41) cecceessseesennccuiaee me to have the car instead.
B: I’m afraid so. I’ll give you a lift to the bus stop, though.
A: Thanks, but | can’t (12) .....cceeseecceeeeee the thought of taking the bus today - it’s
too hot.
B: Fine, so if you’re staying in, will you (13) ..........scceseceeee me change this tyre?
3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
to improve
14 The weather is unlikely ...............:ccccsseeceeeeeee in the next few days. (improve)
45 Melanie is DUSY sccssccccecccescccesscavcsseaes for her exams. (study)
16 Ramon thought he Saw SOMEONE ............cccceeseeeeeeeeeeee him. (follow)
to turn
47> OULDIAWAS csssannsarsaunccrtien oteeorands the house into a luxury hotel. (turn)
18 We had no trouble .................ccccsseeeeeees your address — your directions were
perfectly clear. (find)
to give
29: IVS IMPOSSIDIC sesivccctiescccicccccccesecesse an exact measurement but we can give an
estimate. (give)
to live
20 Dirk has no job and nowhe’e .............ssecceeseeeeeeseees . (live)


4 Circle the correct answer. 35 It seems that Leo has left the party. to
[QO’SPOIMIS aa bissithesiocsenivs cosvttacaechensteant aeioase
| always wanted (21) to be / being / the party.
to have been a photographer. When | was a 36 | think Myra is studying for her exams. be
child, my father (22) allowed to use / allowed MYT SOEINS ccsiccscoscvenscovacsissscousescenscassnsescesonsevanns
me use / allowed me to use his camera for her exams.
and |’\l never forget (23) to take / taking /
37 They think he lied in order to get the job.
being taken hundreds of pictures. | studied
photography at college and went on
He is suspected of
(24) to get / getting / having got ajobasa
sil cvuecegsnsonpions SRI uKGt swank SassaaeNISe CoE in order to
crime photographer with the police. | don’t
get the job.
work regular hours and it can be difficult
(25) to get / get / to getting out of bed to 38 When | heard they had got married, | was
photograph a crime scene in the middle of surprised. hear
the night. Fortunately, | love (26) do / doing / WAS srsscsersscccacscaconecacnnccesconan laderssnussoscncess that
being done my job and (27) to work / working / they had got married.
_to be working with people who feel the 39 She has tried twice to sail round the world.
See way. attempts
She has made two
sdbednn sao GES Soe a silswiedotenae a uaeat data round the
| didn’t intend (28) me to become /
me becoming / to become a private 40 Let’s find a place where we can have
investigator — it just happened! Fortunately, breakfast. somewhere
you don’t need (29) to have / having / to be LES FIT sssixpen ca cactacsves coeactansasacactseguasscaccseecsane
having any special qualifications. Many people breakfast.
come into the profession from a police or
military background but now it’s possible
(30) to do / doing | to be doing a work
placement course. In fact, (31) to train / Total: / 40
training / having trained on the job is essential.
| love my work but the hours are not sociable.
| often find myself (32) to sit / sitting / to be ofeeresnast
_ sitting on my own in a car for ten to fifteen
ee when I’m on a case. itera Ut ey Look again at | Try CD-ROM
1, 2, 3, 8, 21, 23, Exercise 41
24, 26, 28, 29
4, 5, 11, 13, 16, Exercise 42
22, 32
Complete the second sentence so that it means 14, 17, 19, 20, 25, Exercise 43
the same as the first, using the word in bold. 30, 38, 39, 40
Use between two and five words. 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, Exercise 44
33 | want them to offer me the job. offered 18, 27, 31
33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Exercise 45

Now do Check 8
34 | don’t like it when people ask me to do things
like that. being
FACE sn csccscicscisseccescvaacsecocsuncustees somsearesactens things
like that.

! 106
Verbs followed by -ing form
admit can’t help deny fancy hate miss recommend
adore can’t stand detest feel like imagine postpone resent
avoid carry on dislike finish keep practise risk
can’t bear consider dread give up mention put off suggest
can’t face delay enjoy goon mind recall

Verbs followed by to-infinitive

agree choose help mean pretend want
arrange decide hope need promise would hate
ask expect intend offer refuse would like
can’t afford fail learn plan tend would love
can’t wait forget manage prepare try would prefer

Verbs followed by -ing form or to-infinitive

(a) With no change in meaning (b) With a change in meaning
begin continue prefer forget like regret stop
bother love start goon mean remember try

Verbs followed by object + to-infinitive

(a) Verbs that need an object before the to-infinitive
advise cause force invite persuade teach warn
allow encourage get order remind tell

(b) Verbs that can have an object before the to-infinitive

ask help want would like would prefer
expect need would hate would love

Adjective + preposition
absent from anxious about concerned about (someone/
acceptable to ashamed of something)
accustomed to aware of concerned with (something)
addicted to bad at (something) confident about
afraid of bad for (Someone) confused about
amazed at/by bored with content with
amused at/by brilliant at crazy about
angry about (something) busy with critical of
angry with (Someone) capable of crowded with
annoyed about (something) careful about/with dependent on
annoyed with (someone) certain about/of delighted about/with


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