Herbs For Longevity Celibacy Rejuvenation and Transformation

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Herbs for longevity and Rejuvenation:

The following herbs are recommended by saint Vallalar (www.vallalar.org) for longevity, rejuvenation, celibacy and spiritual evolution. http://www.vallalarspace.com/Default.aspx? SiteCode=VallalarGroups&ViewName=Articles&BlogId=2257 These herbs can be consumed as part of everyday food. The herbs will have better effect when consumed as the only food/juice for either breakfast or lunch. On the days of consumption of herbs nonvegetarian food must be avoided.


Centella asiatica (Tamil name:


Centella asiatica, apiaceae, leaf whit a potent power in a shape of the brain. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centella_asiatica http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Indian%20Pennywort.html

can be consumed every day as food.

Neutralize the deficiency of: Lessens tiredness, takes away all sorts of skin problem, reinforces the immunity, cure leprosy, kidneys inflammation, diminishes swelling, blood tumor purifies the body truth sweat. Vata, khapa Perfection the body and develop:

The Physical body: Reinforces the brain, develops the power of memory, reinforces the nerves, augments the body calories, makes the sperms dense. The mental emotional body: Calms the mind, depression, reduces sexual desire. The Spiritual Body: Helps to transform the sexual energies toward spirituality, rejuvenates the cells in light and life, augments the power of kundalini and open the channels, develops clarity of mind and intuition, helps for long meditation.


Solamum trilobatum ( Tamil name:



Solamum trilobatum solanaceae: The leave which purifies the pores. http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Purple%20Fruited%20Pea %20Eggplant.html Can be consumed as food every week. Neutralize the deficiencies of : Takes away all phlegm and mucus, purifies blood, calms hyper sensibility, takes away pain, regularizes nervous agitation and anxiety, takes away the beginning symptoms of cances, typhoid,fever, trembling fever, asthma, neutralizes vata and kapha. Perfection the body and develop : The Physical body:

Develop the tissues, straightens body and mind, gives sexual power, purifies through the elimination of excrement, straightnes the heart, give a nice face. The mental emotional body: Gives contentment and joy, develops listening capacities, develops the intelligence, controls anger. The Spiritual body: Gives a shining and attractive face, increase the perception of the five senses and spiritual discernment, opens the chakras, brings good meditation, helps to rise the seven veils, increases spiritual studies, increases the knowledge of the higher self.

3. Oxatis croniculata ( Tamil name PULIYARAI)

Oxatis croniculata, oxalidaceae; leves with an acid taste. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxalis_corniculata http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Creeping%20Wood%20Sorrel.html To be taken once in fifteen days. Neutralize the deficiencies of : Pitta Bile, removes all deficiencies, reduces all heat and type of poison toxin, reduces weight, removes allergy from food and gives good taste and appetite, jaundice, increases blood, removes

anemia, giardia a, blood in the excrement, overbleeding menstruation, reduces hight blood pressure, reduces mind confusion, cools the body and calms the mind, heart attack good breath. Perfect the body developing. The Physical Body: Strengthens the body, neutralizes the heat coming from muladara chakra, develops the sense, bring rejuvenation and reduces gray hair. The mental, emotional body Gives power of speech, strengthness the mind. The Spiritual body. Strengthens the subtle bodies, helps the secretion of all types of ambrosia.

4. Eclipta Alba : ( Tamil name: Karisalai)

Eclipta prostrata - also known as Eclipta alba and colloquially as false daisy - is a small creeping herb with white or yellow flowers. It is common along the marshes, rivers and lakes of India, where the herb is referred to as "bhringaraj." It has a bitter, dry taste but has been a staple of Ayurveda medicine in India for centuries. Can be taken everyday.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eclipta_alba http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3AENd_xVCw&feature=player_embedded http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/False%20Daisy.html Neutralize the deficiencies:

All kind of disease, purifies blood, controls cholesterol, removes bile and phlegm, removes weakness of the body and debility of the mind, diabetes neutralizes vata, pita, khapa, liver disease, jaundice with the body who swell. Perfect the body by developing. The physical body: Transformation toward golden body. The mental emotional body: Increase mental light power, peacefulness, builds up spiritual heat to help control excessive anger and sexual energies. The Spiritual body : Increase soul light power

5. Alternanthera sessilisl:

*Ponnam kanni*

Alternanthera sessilisl; see the body as gold. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternanthera_sessilis

http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Sessile%20Joyweed.html Can be taken as food every day.

Neutralize the deficiencies of : All kinds of eye disease, body and stomach pain, all impure heat coming from hatha yoga, purgative, digestion, inflation and itching of the skin, fire burns, blood going through urine, menstrual pain, removes toxins from deep tissues and nerve Perfect the body by developing The Physical body : Gives golder color body, brings worldly mundane prosperity The mental emotional body : Motherly kindness, gentleness The spiritual body : Body transformation.

6. A type of Plantain/Banana (Tamil name:PEAYAN)

A type Plantain/banana fruit called Peyan in Tamil language, the perfect kaya kalpa, hight growing, the divine tree of suddha sanmarga. The ripe fruit is yellow in color and fit for consumption every day. Neutralize the deficiencies of : All deficiencies, Peayan as no limit in his affect, cures the most affected pshychic trouble, the just of the root clear passage of the esophagi, dissolves kidneys stone, the flower regulates semen and white discharge good for making red oxide, removes all kind of poison (venin, radiation..,) small pot. Perfect the body developing The Physical body : Develops physical attraction, augments digestion and purgation, and regulates the prana, constructive power. The mental emotional body : Softens the mind and excess stimulation, motherly aspect, loveliness, liveliness The Spiritual body: Contain ozone power, ambrosial effect, open chakras, good intelligence and creative power, some grace light in itself, connected to rudra heart, center, control ,causal heat. Protects from all evils, Symbol of eternity.


Phyllanthus emblica

AMLA (Indian Gooseberry)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_gooseberry http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Amla.html Can be consumed everyday as food. One can make this Ayurvedic Churna, without much cost at home. Take dried Amalas (goose berries) the fruits of a tree Emblica Officinalis and grind them into powder. Ready-made Amala powder is available in the market also. Mix two parts of the Amala powder with one part of powdered rock-sugar. Take one spoonful of the powder with water half an hour before going to bed. This powder thickens the semen. It also relieves constipation. It restores the balance of Vata (Wind), Pitta (Bile) and Kapa (Phelgm). It is also beneficial to those who get wet dreams. Even healthy people can take it as it helps in selfcontrol. Also, this fruit can be crushed, mixed with curd and be consumed directly as food.


Tulsi or holy basil. (ocimum sanctum) :

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocimum_tenuiflorum http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Tulsi.html Three varieties of holy basil is available as seen in the above figures. All of them are edible and can be consumed every day. Victor Resin, a french doctor says, "Tulsi is a wonder drug. Tulsi is very useful in regulation of blood pressure, digestive system, erythrocytocis and mental disorders. It has anti-pyretic and anti-malarial properties also. This has been proved by research scholars. Tulsi (Basil) cures many diseases. Moreover, it helps in conservation of seminal energy. It improves power of memory. Leaf of Tulsi is an excellent herbal medicine. It restores imbalance of wind, bile and phelgm and thereby helps in cure of many ailments caused due to their imbalance. It is very useful in cases of blood disorders, cough, worm- infestation etc. It is good for cardiac disorders also."

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