Check Your Vocab For PET-72-73

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2 Money & numbers 3 a a. Match the words on the left with the numbers on the right. MJ 1. eight and a quarter . . 2.0.35 2. second . . b. Elm 3. half a million dollars . . . £3.25, 4. thirty-five percent . . d, $1,235, 5. one pound fifty . . e. 2nd 6. one million pounds . . f. $500,000 7. nought point three five . . 9. 35% 8. twelve pounds and five pence . . h. £1.50 9. three pounds twenty-five . . i 81/4 10. one thousand two hundred . . j. £12.05 and thirty-five dollars b, All the verbs in the box are about money. Use ten of them in the right form to complete the sentences. Use your dictionary to check their meanings. borrow * buy © charge + cost + earn ¢ find + give lend + lose * pay * save © sell * spend + waste ¢ win 1. Last week a 15-year-old boy $1m in a game on TV. 2.We____the house for £125,000 last year but we have already ‘over £5,000 on repairs. 3.His father___him £60 as pocket money last week. 4.\'m afraid t've my money on this leather coat because I never wear it. 5.He_______£35,000 a year in his new job. 6. The new car__us £12,000 but we didn't__the whole amount at once. 7.She__ £25 from me and never paid it back. 8. He is trying to money by walking to work rather than taking the bus, & Match the beginnings with the endings in columns A and B. One has been done for you. 1, Can I cash . + a. does this shirt cost? 2. Could | have . + b.a bank near here? 3. How much «, sign the cheque? 4, I'd like to pay d. credit cards? 5. Where do | e. for this £50 note? 6. Do you accept . +f. these traveller's cheques, please? 7. Is there . +g. my bill, please. 8. Could you give me change * + h.a receipt, please? d. Decide where you would ask each of the questions above, Ata hotel? In a shop? In the street? Ina bank? ex aw —— —C—~SB topics 64 Money & numbers e. Rewrite the following sentences using one of the words in the box for each sentence. Each second sentence must have the same meaning as the first one. afford © borrow * cost * earn ¢* rent ¢ waste 1. How much did you pay for this car? How much did this car a 2. Mysalary is about £32,000 a year. 1 £32,000 a year 3. They are going to let their flat to us. We their flat. 4. Could you lend me your dictionary? Cant your dictionary? 5. The trip is too expensive for me. I cannot this trip. 6. It's not worth buying, It'sa money. f, Rewrite the following sentences using one of the words in the box for each sentence. Each second sentence must have the same meaning as the first one. If you travel to London by train you can (1), your ticket at the local train station using a(2)____. At certain times of the day there is a discount on the @) 50 you can sometimes get a(n) (4) ticket. It's a good idea to have plenty of (5) with you so that you can use it to 6) for your underground ticket from a machine when you arrive in London. If you don't have the correct (7) you will probably have to queue at the ticket office. Of course you can also go to London by coach. This is not as (8) as the train, although it takes longer. The driver can (9) you a ticket, and it doesn't cost (10)_______ to travel at busy times of day. 1. a.sell b, buy win d. pay 2 a.receipt b. cheque credit card d. change 3 a.fare b. ticket cost 4. bill 4. a, economical b, single c. expensive d, cheap 5. b. change ¢. currency d. exchange 6 aearn , save «cost 4. pay 7 a.ticket b. money currency 4. total & a. cheaper b. more money <. expensive d. more 9 b. sell ¢. offer d. lend 10. a. money b. anything cextra d. cheap

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