Lets Be Heroes

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Welcome to "Let's Be Heroes," a simplified Dungeons and Dragons

system designed to be easy and quick to play. This guide will help
you understand the basics of character creation and gameplay.

Character Creation:
1. Choose a feat: You can choose to take either the Magic
Initiate or Fighting Initiate feat. These feats can give
your character special abilities and spells.
2. Assign your stats: You have six stats: Strength, Dexterity,
Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Use the
stat array of 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 7 to assign values to your
stats, or roll 2d4+5 for each stat.
3. Choose a weapon: You can choose a simple weapon to be
proficient in.
4. Choose a skill: You become proficient in one skill of your
5. Determine your HP: Roll 1d6+2 to determine your starting
hit points.
1. Roll a d20: When you need to attempt an action, roll a
twenty-sided die (d20) and add any relevant modifiers.
2. Skill checks: If you need to use a skill, roll a d20 and add
your proficiency bonus and relevant ability modifier.
3. Combat: If you're engaged in combat, roll initiative to
determine the order of turns. On your turn, you can take
an action, a bonus action, and move. Your action could be an
attack, casting a spell, or using an item.
4. Leveling up: When you reach level one, you can add 1d4 to
each of your stats, increase your HP by 1d4, and gain an
additional proficiency.

That's it! With this simplified system, you can jump right into
playing Dungeons and Dragons without getting bogged down by
complex rules and character creation. Good luck, and may your
adventures be heroic!

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