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7H (@ifelblo sole) are) MoH-1 pointless activity, which TM olccLells\- VAY ALES) important. 97 Cea ee ase ac cl UNIT GOALS In this unit, you will ak about slowing down and monotasking + read about how nature affects the brain, a TED Talk about clouds and how we can aft from appreciating them. WARM UP [SEE] Watch part of Gavin Pretor-Pinney's TED Talk. Answer the questions with a partner. 41 Did you enjoy ooking up atthe shen you child? Why or wy not? y English expr ? Are these expressions po: Escaneado con CamScanner 140 VOCABULARY Slowing down A Read the paragraph below. Then match each bold word to its definition. Today, people are living increasingly stressful lives trying to juggle work, family, and friends. There never seems to be enough time to do everything. As a result, many of us feel a need to rush through life. We now have faster cars, faster internet, even “fast food.” In response to the rush of modem life, a growing number of people have embraced the “Slow Movement.” This began in 1986, when Carlo Petrini founded Slow Food to protest against the opening of the frst McDonald's in Italy. He wanted to restore an appreciation for local {food cultures and traditions, and promote quaity over convenience. The Slow Moverent encourages us to do things like eating and exercising in a more leisurely way, and to be more aware of our surroundings. This way, we can develop more meaningful ties with other people. 4 juggle relaxed; without hurry tbs 2 restore to balance or keep several activities in progress. 3 .appreciation to bring back 4 burly assessment of the true value of something 5 mera &—s worthwhile; significant B Cross out the word that does NOT collocate with each bold word. 1 juggle projects responsibilities experiences jobs 2 restore balance effort order ‘confidence 3 leisurely walk meal pace hotel 4 meaningful conversation) efpert relationship lite © Work with a partner, Below are some branches of the Slow Movement. What kinds of activi think each one does? Slow Exercise SlowReading Slow Travel Slow Fashion Escaneado con CamScanner Long each monet ae na naires ine Hud of bs A LISTENING Living in the present » 2 c ply We only Fas Pong alk as hidden, Repeating main ideas Speakers sometimes repeat key points from their talk for emphasis 1 Mast lhem — Geng Abi, pee or to make their main ideas clearer. . paar +03 Again, Like said before... Asmentoned eae, cael Yong i rebindhp A CARER) watch author Carl Honoré talk about the importance of slowing down. Who helped him realize he was living lifeytoo fast? Gest rey He te bs MS 3, ely HS hee 1 pile B [EEE Watch again. What is ronedeancessee By doing things slowly, we can make sure we do them correctly. « @ We need to do things at the right speed for ourseves—faster isn't always better. ¢ Leading a slower-paced life gives us more freedom to explore and try new things. © CRITICAL THINKING ra Releting Ar there aspects of your own fe you would ike to slow a down? Discuss with apariner. 34, alt HEC ja moc cn MRAM SESE Pee ols, Nne been Mak Quake ondel glued my gi Paaure Lady bee ime behCe 9° dele re uueck Veo gy Wai pose pn ee Ben (hag de SPEAKING Leading a slower-paced life ian S a te ° bs aS 9.00pm then 4 [SEEE] How witthe camping retreat help Speaker A unwind? ‘A: It's Friday. Finaly! Mout B: Yeah, it's been a long week, Do you have any plans for the weekend? by gmebag abeak Fam bebudays A: I'm going on a camping retreat with David. B: Oh, that's right. He was teling me about it. I's the one where you aren’t alowed to bring your cell phones (or laptops, right? okay anueatly basin, A: Yeah. I'm really cigars toit. Things ars ns tea so het lately that I've barely had time to sleep. | seriously need to, get away from work for a while. B: What kind of activities will ou be doing there? ‘A: Hiking mostly, maybe some kayaking, And well probably do abit of yoga as well I'l be good to slow doum and take things easy for a change. ve never been to a retreat before, but I've always found that hiking makes me feel happier. it's a great way to unwind. You're going to have a great weekend, trae ely B Practice the conversation with a partner. © Work with a partner. Talk about how you could slow down and enjoy life more, Use the expressions in blue above to help you. | think that cycling instead of driving is a great way to slow down and unwind, I'd. Ike to go on vacation to a remote vilage in the countryside because... Loca 141 Escaneado con CamScanner kL) Time to monotask LANGUAGE FOCUS Multitasking versus monotasking & CEEEED Reaa the information. Do you think you are a true multitasker? THE TRUTH ABOUT MULTITASKING People who multitask might feel ike they’re accomplishing more, bu the/re actually getting less done in the process. Ou: brain ore designed tofocuson \S Listening to a cell eaten cicibes: Wien paccie v a phone while diving think they're multitasking, they're \ a Sf can reduce a driver's relly only changing from one fosk 10 4 ‘concentration by concther very rapidly about 37%. People who think theyre =) Multosking reduces the the best ct multitasking ore iency ond quality of ou imos always the worst work, Each fime we switch Jasks, it takes time ond apie (( effort to refocus. oreod email or messoge % con keep us distracted and Only about 2% of the population are tue twdvce © person's effective rmolitaskers. These people can multitask 1G by 10 points i lia _ anise ube Mea a nays nro SEE (Stearn) CE 8 COEEBS Listen to the conversation. Yinpwes Nicholas distrated while driving? What is Sarah's advice? Nidates we dabei boy bo olpoe © [SERED Watcn and study the language in the chart Talking about quantity Asticles: a, an, the, zero article Muatasring takes 2 toll on Exper yay Wat 7, 132 can bocoine anh addiction Elk shows METI Gterage U.S. employee spends 6.3 hours checking email every day. 41 pepe olen preter texting Wo tang On tg phone ew a thay e's i ar oe Quantitiers Yt Every Were we welch taoks, the brain Uses tty bt of energy to refocus wpe tine, We portant to promize when you have to j43ge & lw;ge Number of projects A tage aru OF Gata flows though the internet bach second. Information Overioad Gan cause ¥6l of etn ee alie ariches and Quacttier®. ww Gauetenar Surerary 1 x page 180 Escaneado con CamScanner B EAETED Listen to he conversation in B again, Complete the sontences from the conversation. 41 “Thad to stop car times to check directions.” 2 "No address was correct. It was my fault. | had to take work call while Iwas driving.” or accidents happen because people try to multitask while driving.” E CXEEED Complete the information. Circle the correct words. If no article is necessary, circle x. Then listen and check your answers. Ear\ Millers "(the / a) famous s entist and *(the / an) expert on asking and ° the / x) brain, He says that “(a /x) multitasking can be addictive because every time we complete a small ‘tke sending "(an / the) email or answering “(a / the) message—the brain releases ’(x / the) pleasure chemical ine. Over time, however, this constant task-suitching sixty and stress. In fact, multitasking has been found 2 production of *(x / the) stress hormone cortisol in which can lead to health problems lke diabetes, heart aisease, and even *(a / x) depression. Ea ud F Complete the sentences with the words from the box. One option is extra. each veryfew toomuch many _alittlebit of 1

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