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Tia-Ann Thompson 7/12/2023

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Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educator (TIU3)

The Effective Teacher as a person…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Dresses appropriately for the position Conducts 1:1 conversations with students

Responds to students with respect at all times Models ethical/respectful behavior in all

Core Values (TIU3)

Commitment Boldness

Additional Notes:
Psychology 101 Review (TIU5)

Behaviorism Cognitivism Constructivists Humanism

Belief that learning is a They view the learner Constructivists believe Humanism focuses on
change in behavior like a computer -- that the learner brings human freedom,
caused by an external learning involves a their own past dignity, and potential.
stimulus. change in knowledge experiences and Use of a social
Drill/ Rote work stored in memory, not cultural factors to contract
Brief Bonus points just a change in every situation. Show and tell to get to
Description: Participation points behavior. Case studies know others better
Verbal reinforcement Problem-solving Research projects Counseling and social
"great work" Analogies Problem-based work support
Imagery learning
Doesn’t prepare Mnemonic Vagueness in
learner for problem Creates cognitive “deficiency”
solving Cognitive processes overload Various exceptions
not readily observed Potential
Overlooked adult stage misconceptions

Ivan Pavlov (1849- Jean Piaget (1896- Lev Vygotsky (1896- Abraham Harold
1936) classical 1980) 1934) social Maslow (1908-1970)
conditioning interaction & Zone of
proximal development Physiological Needs
Theorists B.F. Skinner (1904- (basic need)
1990) operant John Dewey (1859- Safety Needs (basic
conditioning. 1952) learning by need)
doing Social Needs
Albert Bandura (1925- Erik Eriksin( 1902- (psychological need)
Present) 1994) Esteem Needs
Benjamin Bloom (psychological need)
(1913-1999) Self-Actualization
Howard Gardner Needs (self-fulfillment
(1943-present) need)
Jerome Bruner

Sensorimotor Stage (Birth – 2 years): Children develop an understanding of the world through
their 5 senses and muscles–learn by doing.
Preoperational Stage (2 – 7 years): Children develop an understanding through language and
Notes: Concrete Operational Stage (7 – 12 years): Children can think logically and empathetically but
still learn best through experience.
Formal Operations Stage (13 – Adult): Individuals develop understanding using abstract thinking

Birth - 18 Months (Trust vs. Mistrust) 18 months - 3 Years (Autonomy vs. Shame) 4 - 6 Years
(Initiative vs. Guilt) 7 - 12 Years (Industry vs. Inferiority) Adolescents: 13 - 17 Years (Identity
vs. Role Confusion) Young Adulthood: 18-35 years (Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation –
Love) Middle Adulthood: 35 - 55 or 65 Years (Generativity vs. Self-absorption or Stagnation)
Late Adulthood: 55 or 65 years until death (Integrity vs. Despair)
IGNITE the Brain for Learning – The Neuro Nine (TIU6)

1. Rigor (planning) 4. Routing (instruction) 7. Rehearsing (assessment)

2. Relevance (Planning) 5. Re-Exposing (Instruction) 8. Recognizing (assessment)

3. Retrieve (Instruction) 6. Retaining (assessment) 9.

Stages of Development (TIU7)

Social Emotional Physical Mental Characteristics /


Fear of Dark/injury Jump feet together Self-sufficient in many Sorting activities

2 -4 yr olds Cooperative play with Mature motor function routines I-spy
others Ball skills improve Dresses/undresses self Obstacle courses
Imaginary friend Ride bike 4-5 yr old Copies complex shapes Chores
Competitive Cuts on line scissors Asks a lot of questions Relay races
Understanding rules no Tells stories Drawing pictures
taking turns Begins to imitate and Cutting with scissors
Needs structure to feel write name
safe Learn play

5- 8 yr olds Out of the home and into Into the world of games Into the world of adult Boys and girls like
the friend group; and school work; ideas, logic, and playing together
Attachment to friends Growth rate slower communication. Attention span short
Tattling 3-6lbs a yr Interest span 20 mins Thinking is concrete
Release through activity Coordination uneven and Understand money Wrapped up in self
Challenge rules swearing incomplete Learn to write letters #s Slow steady growth.
Realistic fears 10-12 hrs of sleep Ideas similar to adults
Polishing hand eye Think logically
Peer groups more coordination
important Critical of appearance Like to members of own
9-11 yr olds
Want to be independent Independence Height/weight widens sex
Discuss sex disobedience Coordinated as adults Imitate older kids
Show attitude Sense of humor develops Energy abounds Often change rapidly
self view improves 10 -11 hrs of sleep Limited decision making
strong same sex attitude ability
against opposite Need recognition for
good work

Moe comfortable with rapid growth and

12-14 yr olds physical change Interest in sports
opposite sex Moved from concrete to
Leadership experiences abstract thinking Peer pressure
Learn from mistakes They like fan clubs
Still depends on parental
Question authority

Teens detach from Coordination strength

15-18 yr olds parents increase Reasoning skills Interested in travel
Peer approval Sweating increase improve Need life planning help
Want to be adult Always hungry Decision making Feeling of inadequacy
Close with gender Need for sleep increase improve Want adult leadership
Interest in opposite sex Self conscious Questioning roles
Hattie’s most effective influences on instruction (throughout SS)
language instruction is found to have a strong influence - strategy to integrate with prior knowledge - .93
cognitive task analysis - 1.29
scaffolding instruction is found to have a strong influence on student achievement, .82
small group instruction is found to have a strong influence Small group learning - .47 Positive peer influences - .53 Self Regulation
strategies - .52 Peer Tutoring - .53 Classroom discussions - .82 Cooperative learning - .40
organizers are found to have a strong influence on student achievement: Imagery - .45 Concept mapping - .64
notetaking to found to have a strong influence on student achievement: Summarizing - .79 Notetaking - .50
Outlining and transforming - .66 Underlining and highlighting - .50
Bloom Verbs- Elaborative interrogation - .42 Elaboration and organization - .72 Rehearsal and memorization - .73
Summarization - .79 Appropriately challenging goals - .59 Questioning - .48 Teaching communication skills and strategies - .43
Technology: Interactive video methods - .54 Technology in other subjects - .55 Technology in writing - .42
Technology with elementary students - .44 Technology with learning needs students - .57 Intelligent tutoring systems - .48
Information communication technology - .47
Student Relationships: positive self concept - .41 Self Efficacy - .92 Reducing anxiety - .42Behavioral intervention programs - .62
Positive peer influence - .53 Strong classroom cohesion - .44 Teacher expectations - .43 Student-teacher relationships - .52
Meta cognitive strategies - .60
Self regulation strategies - .52
What is Academic Language? (SS1)
primary vehicle for learning and instruction. It is not only a means for communicating information, it also
plays a key role in deepening the understanding of important ideas.

Strategies to teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. Repetitive exposure to words 3. Indirect learning of vocabulary, for example, using

vocabulary words in numerous different contexts

2. Learning vocabulary words before reading the text 4. Learning vocabulary in both written text and oral speech

Tomlinson’s Strategies for Differentiation (note at least 4) (SS2)

Flexible Grouping: readiness levels: homogenous: heterogeneous

Transparent learning: students should be involved
Student Reflection:
Respectful Tasks: teachers should pay attention to readiness level
Tiered Instruction: evaluate their students and then use the date to tier their learning
Formative assessment: quick snapshot of the progress
Effective Feedback:
Planned Implementation of feedback:
Student Choice:
Anchor Activities: independent activities to work on after completed primary activity
Marzano’s Strategies for Success (SS4 – SS9) – Provide 2 examples of each

Example 1 Example 2
Four Corners Jigsaw
Cooperative Grouping

Anchor Chart Cause & Effect Map

Graphic Organizers

Venn Diagram KWL Chart

Advanced Organizers

Ven Diagram Rank Em

Similarities / Differences

3-2-1 Diagram Cornell Notes

Summarizing & Notetaking

IQ Slap down game

Cues & Questions 1 minute paper

Bloom’s Verbs and Technology Apps (SS9 and SS11)

Summarize. Assess. Rate. Describe. Estimate.

APPS:Canva, Prezi
Evaluate Develop. Set up. Plan. Arrange. Prepare.

APPS:Weebly, Skype
Analyze. Practice. Predict. Show. Modify.

APPS:Google Sheets, Pages

Demonstrate. Apply. Change. Relate. Discover.

APPS:Zoom, Ustream
Give Examples. Paraphrase. Recognize. Summarize. Review

APPS:Pic Monkey collage,

Memorize. Arrange. Reproduce. Recall. Label.

APPS:One Note, Facebook

Components of a social emotional learning program (SS12)
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills
Responsible Decision-making

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Teachers (SS13)

The Effective Teacher implements instruction that……

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Communicates clearly to engage students Incorporates technology to facilitate instruction

Provides a variety of feedback Incorporates higher order thinking questions for deeper

Create a welcoming space (CBM3)

1. Things around the room about I am interested in.

2. Clear expectations written in the room.

3. Poster with monthly birthdays

4. Greeting every student at the door at beginning of every class

5. Words of encouragement around the room.

6. Affirmation board.
Lemov’s techniques to “Teach like a Champion” (CBM4)
1.  Technique Five: No Apologies. Teachers with high expectations don't apologize for what they teach. No more,
"Sorry, I have to teach you Shakespeare."

2.  Technique 10: Double Plan. Double planning involves planning what YOU will do, and what the STUDENTS
will do during a lesson.

 Technique 21: Take a Stand. This technique encourages students to have opinions and to take stands on those
3. opinions.

4.  Technique 22: Cold Calls. Like the sales technique, the teacher asks someone unsuspecting for an answer. It
avoids "opting out," and keeps all your students on their toes.

 Technique 35: Props. In Teach Like a Champion, props are fun routines the class does
5. together to support their peers' success.
 Technique 41: Threshold. This threshold is the one at the door. By meeting and greeting students as they enter,
6. you can set the tone for your class.

 Technique 49: Normalize Error. If students understand that errors are not the end of the
7. world but an opportunity to learn, they will be more willing to take risks and more likely to

Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM7)

1. What are we doing?

2. What are we supposed to be doing?

3. Are we doing that?

4. What do we need to do to get back on task?

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (CBM10)

The Effective Teacher establishes classroom management and organization that…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Maintains daily routines and procedures Provides instruction bell to bell

Displays consistency with rules and consequences Establishes smooth transitions between activities
Categories of Disabilities in SPED (E4)
Characteristics Impact on Classroom
Autism A neurological disorder. Cognitive Fidget, rock, flap, stimulate, echo or mimic
abilities: gifted to cognitively phrases. Run or fight in stressful situations
delayed. identified in the first three Lack reciprocal communication skills or be
years of life. 4:1 male to female ratio nonverbal
combination of vision and hearing Require Information to be introduced
Deaf/Blindness loss, though not necessarily complete deliberately and systematically
deafness and/or complete blindness Utilize the service of a specialized Support
A wide range of cognitive and Service Provider (SSP).
developmental abilities
difficulty with speech, reading, and Need special seating, being in view of the
writing skills May use speech, lip- teacher
reading, hearing aids, and/or another Need written supplements to oral
amplification system (ASL) may be instruction like visual aids/cues
their 1st language and English 2nd Require eye contact prior to speaking
Emotional Disturbance Hyperactivity Aggression or self- Exhibit inappropriate behavior under
injurious behavior Withdrawal ordinary circumstances. Not be able to
Immaturity Learning difficulties maintain relationships. inappropriate
manifestation of physical symptoms or
Hearing Impairment Articulation difficulties and language Wear hearing aids or FM systems
delays Easily frustrated Read lips or use ASL
Difficulty with oral expression Need a quiet environment
Difficulty with social/emotional skill
Struggle with overall academics, Not be working on grade level materials
Intellectual Disability with attention, memory, to make Not understand Struggle with problem-
generalizations. Trouble interacting solving across all areas
socially social norms
Hampered speech and Require multiple services
communication skills. Challenges Use alternate communication methods
Multiple Disabilities with mobility. Need assistance with Require alternate curriculum materials.
everyday tasks. Usually has medical
It is difficult or perhaps impossible to Have no cognitive concerns
Orthopedic Impairment generalize the characteristics of a Be integrated into the general education
student who qualifies under OI setting all the time
Use assistive technology.

Specific Learning Disability Reading, Writing Slower reading rate. Frequent spelling
Oral Language errors. Difficulty copying, memorizing
Math basic facts, describing event, interpreting
Study Skills subtle messages.
Tend to emerge at a young age
Speech or Language Impairment Articulation disorder difficulties with comprehension, being
Abnormal voice understood, expressing needs, ideas, or
Fluency disorder information. Struggle with social
Language disorder interactions
Traumatic Brain Injury Memory and attention concerns Struggle to process visual information
Social skill concerns Struggle to follow multi-step directions
Emotional regulation concerns Struggle to communicate
Speech and language concerns Have difficulty with grade-level work
Visual Impairment Inc Blindness Physical concerns
Spatial positioning
Short attention span
ARD Timeline Activity Sensitivity
(E5)eye andto hand
bright light
coordination or
Poor academic performance
Within 60 Calendar
Initial Referral


#4 and Accommodations (E6) Within

Quantity Time
30 Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the number of items that Adapt the time allotted and allowed for Increase the amount of personal
the learner is expected to learn  learning, task completion, or testing. assistance to keep the student on task
Example Example Example
Lessen number of skills to Give more time to make a number of Have the student do more group or
demonstrate baskets buddy work
Input Difficulty Year Output
Definition Definition Definition
Adapt the way instruction is Adapt the skill level, problem type, or Adapt how the student can respond to
delivered to the learner. the rules on how the learner may instruction.
#6 approach the work.

Example Example Example

Give more one on one time and Adjust the rules of a particular activity Give the students more opportunities to
more aids for the student ask questions
Participation Notes:
Definition Alternate Goals 
Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the same materials. When
Adapt the extent to which a routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate to severe disabilities.
learner is actively involved in the
task. Substitute Curriculum 
Example: Sometimes called “functional curriculum”
Provide different instruction and materials to meet a learner’s individual goals.
Adjusting the games to help with
When routinely utilized, this is only for students with moderate to severe disabilities.
any disadvantage or diability

Types of
#8Assistive Technology (E7)

1. Hearing aids 4.

2. Word wall 5.
Venn Diagram of 504 and IDEA (E9)


Use the letters below and type them in the appropriate box above.

A) Requires written consent.

B) Must provide impartial hearings for parents who disagree with the identification, evaluation, or
placement of the student.
C) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education.
D) Requires that parents have an opportunity to participate and be represented by legal counsel –
other details are left to the discretion of the school.
E) An impartial appointee selects a hearing officer.
F) Describes specific procedures.
G) A hearing officer is usually appointed by the school.
H) No "stay-put" provisions.
I) Does not require that parents are notified prior to the student's change of placement, but they still
must be notified.
J) Provides "stay-put" provision (the student's current IEP and placement continues to be
implemented until all proceedings are resolved.
K) Enforced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights
L) Does not require parental consent.
P) Parents must receive ten days' notice prior to any change in placement.
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)

Limit costly supplies Continue to keep high expectations

1. 4.

Provide extra supplies

2. 5. Continue to be patient to behavioral issues

3. Limit comments about money or luxury items 6. Create safe environment

Guthrie and Humenick Strategies to increase reading motivation (R4)

1. Provide content goals

2. Use interesting texts

3. Student autonomy

4. Increase social interactions among students related to reading

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Strategy name When / how to use it Define it
Word wall Before/during/after reading as we define new words place them on wall

Rhyming Games Before/ small group Matching words based on sounds


3. Story map Before/after/ small group/class Create a map of the events in the story
Echevarria et al.’s -Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)
Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson Outline Highlight text

Study guide

2. Build background Personal dictionary visual vocab

Concept definition map

Appropriate speech gestures when speaking

3. Make verbal communication understandable Scaffolding techniques
Mnemonics illustrate
4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!) Questioning techniques

Grouping configuration wait time

5. Opportunities for interaction roundtable

Discussing/doing hands-on practice

6. Practice and application Social interaction

7. Lesson delivery Content objectives pacing academic learning time

8. Review and assess Evaluation informal assessment paraphrasing

Reflections on the Reading STAAR (TL4)

1. Some of the questions had numbered paragraphs but they weren’t numbered in the passage

2. The questions correlated to the passage.

3. The passage was interesting and easy to comprehend for grade level.
Reflections on the Math STAAR (TL4)
1. Some of the questions were not very clear.

2. I believe some of the questions may have been a little above grade level.

3. Somewhat complicated

Jimmy’s Report Card (TL6)

(Complete the calculations in all the colored boxes)

Mathematics NAME: Jimmy

Teacher Grades
Unit Test scores Benchmark
9 wks 1 grading Period Standards Percent Absences
average Grade

Unit 1 8.2 76 75 62 0
unit 2 8.3 86 83 75 1
Unit 3a 8.4 92 94 95 0
Unit 3b 8.5 68 71 55 4
Average Percent  80.5 80.75  71.75 
Weighted Average
30% = 0.3
Value 40%= 0.4 30%= 0.3
Weighted Percent  80.5 80.75 71.75 
Final Percent  77.6
C10 + D10 +
Final Letter Grade C  E10
Three professional goals for my classroom (TL8)
1. Creating a behavior contract with the students of each class. Use it do develop a discipline plan.

2. To create a safe and respectful environment. This will allow the students to trust me with their concerns.

3. Have documented growth for participation with the physical education setting.

Vision of an Educator (TL11)

Reflect on the 5 elements posted in the assignment to create your Vison statement:
My classroom will have multiple research-based strategies. One of them being differentiated learning. It is important that every
student is given the opportunity to learn in the way that they can be most successful. Technology Being in an age of technology
being so popular, it can be beneficial for learning. Some technology would be used such as videos, video projects, and online
assignments. One important element of lesson planning is making sure the lessons align with the TEKS of the unit. The other
element is that the lesson plans are aligned with the students’ learning needs. Being able to adjust the lesson so that everyone’s
needs are met is essential. Behavior management is required on the classroom. The best approach is being clear and detailed on
expectations of the classroom. Also, being consistent with discipline. Bullying and harmful behavior is an absolute non-negotiable
in the classroom. I will assure all students have equal opportunity by being mindful of the needs of my students. Also by doing
what is required to make sure those needs are met.
Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)
The Effective Teacher as a professional…..

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Practices two- way communication with parents &
adm.  Is available for tutoring, before and after school  

Stronge’s Qualities of Effective Educators (TL12)

The Effective Teacher monitors student progress and potential by…

Areas where I GLOW….. Areas for me to GROW……

Checking for understanding & providing feedback  Using data to inform short and long term


A. List 14 approved CTE Programs of Study (also known as Career Clusters) from the TEA CTE page.
B. List a CTSO for each Career Cluster from the Texas CTE page.

1. A. 2. A. 3. A.

B. B. B.

1. A. 5. A. 6. A.

B. B. B.

1. A. 8. A. 9. A.

B. B. B.

10. A. 11. A. 12. A.

B. B. B.

13. A. 14. A.

B. B.

15. Who is the state contact for your specific career cluster? Include career cluster, Name and email:

16. List at least three Industry based certifications that students could achieve in your specific career cluster.

17. While on the Texas CTE website, in the Career Cluster pages for your specific cluster, list at least three resources that
are housed here for teachers.

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