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Final Test C

Date: Teacher:

1. Read the text and choose the correct answer.

READING – Learning objective: can understand short, simple texts about everyday activities.

Hey, Mark!
What’s up? Man, yesterday was my birthday party and I heard you couldn’t go because
you were sick! How are you feeling? I hope you’re better and also that you’re sitting
down because I’m about to tell you about the BEST night of my life! So, you know I
like this girl from school, Alison, right? Can you believe she actually came to the party?
And she gave me the coolest gift — a month subscription at the mall’s laser tag store!
Maybe we could go there once you’re feeling better. But this is not even the best part.
We spent the night together in my dad’s garage talking and eating onion rings and
sandwiches. We talked for hours and she gave me her phone number. Do you think I
should send her a message? Should I call? I don’t know what to do, I’m so nervous! Any
tips? I hope you feel better soon, Mark.

Catch you later,


1. How is Denis feeling about his party?

a. He is OK about it.
b. He loved it.
c. He couldn’t stand it.
2. Why didn’t Mark go to the party?
a. Because Denis and Mark are not friends.
b. Because Mark was sick.
c. Because Mark had to study.
3. How does Denis feel about Alison?
a. He doesn’t like her.
b. He has feelings for her.
c. He doesn’t know Alison.
4. What happened at the end of the party?
a. Alison gave Denis her phone number.
b. Alissn left without saying goodbye.
c. Alison and Denis kissed.

Discover the New 2 - Test C

5. How does Denis feel about calling Alison?

a. nervous
b. confident
c. fun

2. Listen and choose the correct answers. 03

LISTENING – Learning objective: can identify basic factual information in short, simple dialogues.

1. What are they talking about?

a. Last night’s birthday party
b. Yesterday’s dinner at a restaurant
c. Last night’s wedding party
2. Where was Alison?
a. In the bedroom.
b. In the living room.
c. In the kitchen.
3. Where are the gifts?
a. In the bedroom.
b. In the living room.
c. In the kitchen.

3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

VOCABULARY – Learning objective: talk about physical descriptions.

1. Oh, look at that baby! He is so .

a. old
b. cute
c. curly
2. I have always had an face.
a. oval
b. slim
c. tall
3. She has beautiful eyes.
a. straight
b. small
c. brown

Discover the New 2 - Test C

4. My wife is very , you should see her!

a. pretty
b. wavy
c. shoulder-length

4. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences about free time
VOCABULARY – Learning objective: talk about free time activities, hobbies, and interests.

1. I love ! Making fresh bread in the morning, cakes, cookies, and the like is my
a. baking
b. singing
c. carpentry
2. Woodworking and are my thing. I love carving wood and making chairs, tables,
and wooden objects.
a. collection
b. carpentry
c. baking
3. Jane is great at . She’s always the star at karaoke.
a. singing
b. songing
c. music
4. Do you like taking pictures? Well, then is the hobby for you!
a. photography
b. collection
c. carpentry

5. Choose the stores according to what they sell.

VOCABULARY – Learning objective: identify products sold in different types of stores.

1. T-shirts, pants, and shorts

a. clothing store
b. electronics store
c. coffee shop

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2. computers, tablet, and cell phones

a. clothing store
b. electronics store
c. coffee shop
3. vegetables, cleaning products, and food in general
a. clothing store
b. supermarket
c. electronics store
4. snacks, hot tea, and cappuccino
a. clothing store
b. electronics store
c. coffee shop

6. Read the conversation and choose the correct option to complete the blanks.

VOCABULARY – Learning objective: understand and answer questions about hobbies

and interests.

— What kind of movie do you like?

— Well, I different kinds. Basically, I watch everything, from drama to action,
but I comedies. They’re my favorite. Oh, but I don’t watch horror movies. I
them! The scenes are usually too scary!
a. like – prefer – hate
b. prefer – like – hate
c. like – hate – prefer
d. prefer – hate – like

7. Read the sentences and choose the correct option. Is it an offer, a suggestion,
or an invitation?
GRAMMAR – Learning objective: make offers, suggestions, and invitations using would like.

1. Would you like to visit me?

a. offer
b. suggestion
c. invitation

Discover the New 2 - Test C

2. Would you like some coffee?

a. offer
b. suggestion
c. invitation
3. Would you like to go to the pizza restaurant?
a. offer
b. suggestion
c. invitation

8. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences about Abby’s last trip.

GRAMMAR – Learning objectives: ask and answer questions about past times and past activities.

1. On my last vacation, I to the beach.

a. goed
b. go
c. went
2. I in a beautiful hotel by the ocean shore.
a. sleeped
b. sleep
c. slept
3. I many pictures of the beaches and the monuments there.
a. taked
b. take
c. took
4. It the best trip ever!
a. was
b. were
c. be

9. Complete the sentences with the appropriate pronoun.

GRAMMAR – Learning objective: learn how to use object pronouns properly.

1. Do you know Mary?

Do you know her ?
Yes, I do. She’s so smart and pretty.

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2. Have you seen Mark?

Have you seen him ?
I’m sorry, I haven’t.
3. Have you met Andressa and Julia?
Have you met them ?
Yes, I have! They’re a beautiful couple, aren’t they?
4. Did they talk about me and you?
Did they talk about us ?
No, they didn’t.

10. Match the sentence halves.

GRAMMAR – Learning objective: talk about how often you do free time activities.

1. I never go out for a swim. A. Maybe three or four times a week.

2. I sometimes read in the afternoon. B. Every day. No exceptions.
3. Alice always works out. C. I hate it.
4. Mark rarely studies for the tests. D. I heard he did it only twice last year.

Discover the New 2 - Test C


Write an e-mail in response to Lizzie’s message below. Make sure you answer all the
questions in her e-mail and add any other information you find relevant.

WRITING – Learning objective: write an e-mail to a friend.

Hey, Kim! What’s up?

Tomorrow is Denis’ party and I’m thinking about setting up a surprise party for him
at his apartment. What do you think? I’m writing you this email to ask you for help
to organize this party. I would like it to be his best party ever! Can you help me with
some ideas? I think we need to invite his friends from school and work. Do you have
their phone numbers? We can also talk to them through social media, I think it’s
easier, right? I texted his mom and she said he usually arrives home from work at
around seven o’clock so we would need to be there at least two hours before that
to set everything up. His mom said that she’s got all the food and drinks figured out
and that she needs help with the decoration and a playlist for the party. What do
you think? Can you help us?

Discover the New 2 - Test C

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