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Final Test B

Date: Teacher:

1. Read the text and choose the correct answer.

READING – Learning objective: can understand short, simple texts about everyday activities.

Hi, Madison!
I can’t believe you couldn’t make it to Denis’ party last night! It was THE best party
EVER! Everything was so beautifully decorated: the living room, the garage, the
backyard, everything was so romantic! And guess what? When I arrived, Denis was
talking to this girl, but he stopped and came to greet me at the door! I couldn’t believe
my eyes! I felt my cheeks burn; I’m absolutely sure I blushed. I just didn’t feel MORE
embarrassed because he was blushing, too! That was when I knew he liked me too.
We talked for hours in the garage and spent the night together eating onion rings and
sandwiches. So romantic, right? Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, I left his gift on my
bed at home, but Mom turned around and we went back home for the gift.
I miss you Maddie!
Write to me ASAP!

1. What kind of e-mail is this?

a. It is a formal e-mail.
b. It is an informal e-mail.
2. What did Alison like the most about the party?
a. The music
b. The decoration
c. The games
3. Why did Alison feel embarrassed?
a. Because she forgot the gift.
b. Because Denis didn’t talk to her.
c. Because Denis came to talk to her.
4. What did Alison and Denis do together?
a. They had a fight.
b. They danced.
c. They talked and ate.
5. Did Alison bring a gift?
a. Yes, she did.
b. No, she didn’t.
Discover the New 2 - Test B

2. Listen and choose the correct answers. 02

LISTENING – Learning objective: can identify basic factual information in short, simple dialogues.

1. What are they going?

a. To the shopping mall
b. To a party
c. To a Christmas party
2. Who are the two people in the conversation?
a. Friends
b. Sisters
c. Mother and daughter
3. Where does the girl know Denis from?
a. From school
b. From a party
c. They are relatives
4. What time is the woman picking the girl up from the event?
a. At 10:00 p.m.
b. At 11:00 p.m.
c. At 10:30 p.m.
5. What does the girl have to do for Monday?
a. Study for a Spanish test.
b. Pack her bags for a trip to Spain.
c. Research about Spanish history.

3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

VOCABULARY – Learning objective: learn how to make small talk in informal, neutral, and formal

1. What’s __________?
a. on
b. up
2. Good to __________ you.
a. see
b. talk
3. How do you __________?
a. do
b. are

Discover the New 2 - Test B

4. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

VOCABULARY – Learning objective: describe places in my neighborhood/city.

1. I want to __________ swimming in the morning tomorrow.

a. go
b. go to
c. go for
2. She wants to __________ the library to get some books to study.
a. go
b. go to
c. go for
3. Do you want to __________ a walk in the afternoon.
a. go
b. go to
c. go for
4. I __________ a coffee at the café downtown.
a. go
b. go to
c. go for

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

VOCABULARY – Learning objective: order a meal.

1. Martin is a huge fan of __________ food. Burgers, pizza, french fries, onion rings, you name it!
a. greasy
b. sweet
c. well-done
2. If they could, I know the kids would only eat __________ food. Cakes, candies, or any kind of
sugar bomb they find.
a. salty
b. sweet
c. savory
3. I like my steak __________. Leave it on the grill for a little longer. I don’t like it all red inside,
you know?
a. salty
b. rare
c. well-done

Discover the New 2 - Test B

4. Don’t you love __________ food? I adore Mexican and Indian cuisine.
a. spicy
b. salty
c. greasy

6. Read the conversation and choose the correct option to complete the blanks.

VOCABULARY – Learning objective: talk about physical descriptions.

— For our first therapy session, I’d like you to try describing yourself. Who are you, Ethan?
— Hmm... Well, I think I’m smart, attentive, and very kind-hearted. Physically, I’m a
__________, short, a little __________, __________ man.
a. pretty - nice - handsome
b. handsome - overweight - German
c. handsome - tall - German
d. pretty - tall - overweight

7. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

GRAMMAR – Learning objective: make offers, suggestions, and invitations using would like.

1. some water, ma’am?

a. You would like
b. Would you like
c. Like
2. Excuse me, I a little more cheese, please.
a. would
b. ’d like
c. would I like
3. I to live in a tiny house. I like space, you know?
a. not would like
b. no would like
c. wouldn’t like
4. He a replacement.
a. would like
b. would likes
c. woulds like

Discover the New 2 - Test B

8. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

GRAMMAR – Learning objective: express quantity and preference.

1. How cans are there in each pack?

a. much
b. many
c. amount
2. We don’t have eggs left at home.
a. any
b. lot
c. much
3. There are books left for us to read at home. We don’t need to buy that one.
a. much
b. lot
c. many
4. There are lactose-free foods here; I can’t eat any of this.
a. much
b. no
c. any

9. Read the conversation and choose the correct option to complete the blanks.

GRAMMAR – Learning objectives: ask and answer questions about past times and past activities.

— What did you do on your last vacation, Sarah?

—I to a beautiful city by the beach in Mexico. I at a nice hotel
with my family. We out every day and we many different
kinds of food while we there.
a. went – stayed – ate – tried – were
b. goed – stayed – eaten – tried – was
c. go – stood – ate – tryed – were
d. went – stood – ate – tryed – was

Discover the New 2 - Test B

10. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

GRAMMAR – Learning objective: express offers, requests, suggestions, and permission

using can.


you help me with the homework, please?


I’m sorry, I help you. I don’t know math anymore.


It’s cold! (you - close) the windows, please?


I’m trying to sleep, Alex. (you - stop) with that noise, please?

Discover the New 2 - Test B


Write an e-mail in response to Lizzie’s message below. Make sure you answer all the
questions in her e-mail and add any other information you find relevant.

WRITING – Learning objective: write an e-mail to a friend.

Hey, Kim! What’s up?

Tomorrow is Denis’ party and I’m thinking about setting up a surprise party for him at his
apartment. What do you think? I’m writing you this email to ask you for help to organize
this party. I would like it to be his best party ever! Can you help me with some ideas?
I think we need to invite his friends from school and work. Do you have their phone
numbers? We can also talk to them through social media, I think it’s easier, right? I texted
his mom and she said he usually arrives home from work at around seven o’clock so
we would need to be there at least two hours before that to set everything up. His mom
said that she’s got all the food and drinks figured out and that she needs help with the
decoration and a playlist for the party. What do you think? Can you help us?

Discover the New 2 - Test B

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