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1.Complete the sentences with present perfect forms.

a. The boy is eating an ice cream, but he _______________(not finish)it yet.
b. My cousin______________(come) to visit me. It was a big surprise.
c. Everybody in my class___________(do)today s homework.
d. Martin ________________(forget) to pay the sandwich at the cafeteria.

2.-Write the correct form of the verbs using the present perfect.

3.-Write sentences in present perfect tense using these words.

a.- They/go/to work/ already/ by bus ____________________________________________.

b.- Margaret /not wash/her hair /yet _____________________________________________.

c.- We /live/in London/for 3 years _____________________________________________.

d.- Mary/speak/to her boss/ today ______________________________________________,

4.-Complete the sentences with do or make. (1 point.)

a. I m sorry. I cant go with you because I have to__________ the shopping.
b. Don’t worry and ___________ your best at the exam.
c. We should_____________an effort to finish the project for tomorrow.
d. My job has something to _____________with technology.
5.- Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with Make and Do( 1 point.)

6- Circle the correct answer.( Do or Make)

7.-Unscramble the sentences.

8.-Complete the sentences using the second conditional. (1. Point)

a. If I ___________ (know) his address, I ___________(contact)him.

b. If he ______________(not/be)ill, he_____________(go) skiing.

c. If he _______________(like)tomatoes, he___________(eat)the salad.

d. I ________________(not7travel)on my own if I_______________(not/speak)

9.- Read the text and answer the questions based on the reading.(2 points)

1.-What year was Nelson Mandela born?

a. 1920

b. 1918

c. 1915

d. 1925

2.- What is Nelsons birth name?


3.- What did Nelson study at university?


4.- What year was Nelson Mandela arrested?

a. 1952

b. 1972

c. 1962

d. 1982

10.-Fill in the blanks with the past continuous form of the verbs given in brackets.
11.-Write the right form of the verbs using the past simple.

FINISH________________ STUDY _________________

VISIT________________ PLAY____________________

CHECK________________ TRAVEL_________________

ASK___________________ ADVICE__________________

WORK_________________ DO______________________

CLEAN__________________ TRY_____________________

12.-Choose the correct answer.

13.-Write the correct form of the verbs using first conditional.

14.-Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. (2 points)


If I eat too many sweets, I will feel sick.

a.If I ____________(study), I_______________(pass) my exams.

b.We ___________________(go) to the disco if we _________________(not/feel)too tired.

c.What______________(you/do) if it ______________(rain) this afternoon?

d.If they _____________(not/ hurry up),they___________(not/catch) the bus.

15.- Complete the sentences using the second conditional.

16.- Look at the picture and write the correct word.

What does the pictures represent? Write under each photo.( 1 point)

Water pollution – deforestation- noise pollution- protecting the environment-recycling

17.-Complete the sentences using Should.

18.- Answer the questions of metacognition related to their learning . (Responda las preguntas de
metacognition relacionadas con su aprendizaje .)

Metacognition Reflection (4 pts)

Answer these questions with short answer.

1.Do you think is important to know the tenses in english? Why??


2. Can you apply the learn in your daily life?


3.-Would you like to improve your language skills?

4.- Is Technology good or bad for learning?

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