Schedule 3 S

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Canadian Program Certification

Appendix 3 - Declaration of Citizenship or Permanent
I hereby certify and confirm that:
1) I am (please check one)
  a) A Canadian citizen
    i) by birth (  )
    ii) by naturalization (  )
      Date of naturalization: ________________
  b) A permanent resident of Canada within the meaning of the Immigration Act (  )
    Date of admission as a permanent resident: _________________
2) I performed the services of ________________________________
  From _______________________ To _______________________
       (YYYY/MM/DD)      (YYYY/MM/DD)
  for the production entitled: ______________________________________
3) My present address is:
  _______________________________ _______________________________
(apt./number/street) (city/town)
  _______________________________ _______________________________
(province) (postal code)
4) Upon request, I agree to provide the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications
Commission (CRTC) with documentary evidence confirming my status as citizen or permanent
resident of Canada.
Name of Applicant

______________________________ ______________________________
Surname (print) Given name (print)

______________________________ ______________________________
(Signature of applicant) (Date)

***End of Document***

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