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Pests, Diseases

and Disorders
of Sweetpotato
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First published June 2015
© Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited.

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reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of
Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd.

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

Authors: Jenny Ekman (AHR) and Jerry Lovatt (QDAF).
Title: Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Sweetpotato:
A Field Identification Guide.
ISBN: 978-0-9925251-2-5
Subjects: Sweetpotato—Diseases and Pests—Australia.
Other authors/Contributors:
Applied Horticultural Research, Queensland Department of Agriculture
and Fisheries, University of Queensland.
Dewey number: 635.3

This project has been funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia using

the vegetable industry levy and funds from the Australian Government.

Guide produced by Applied Horticultural Research

Designed by Noel Wendtman Design

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Pests, Diseases and
Disorders of Sweetpotato

Jenny Ekman and Jerry Lovatt

Acknowledgements INSECTS
This project was made possible by funding from Horticulture
Aphid — cotton 2 Mealybug — cotton 19
Innovation Australia using the national vegetable levy
Aphid — green peach 3 Mite — bean spider 20
and funds from the Australian Government.
Cluster caterpillar 4 Mite — two-spotted 21
Production of the guide would not have been possible without Convolvulus hawk moth 5 Nematode — root-knot 22
the generous assistance of fellow researchers, agronomists, Cricket — black field 6 Rutherglen bug 24
extension officers and interested amateur photographers. Cricket — mole 7 Silverleaf whitefly 25
Special thanks are due to: Curl grub 8 Spined predatory shield bug 26
John Duff and Mike Hughes – QDAF Dried fruit beetle 10 Sweetpotato beetle 27
Jane O’Sullivan – University of Queensland Earwig — black field 11 Sweetpotato leafminer 28
Darren Zunker – Windhum Farms Earwig — brown 12 Sweetpotato tortoise beetle 29
Haidee Brown – NT DPI&F Flea beetle 13 Weevil — sweetpotato 30
Gall mite 14 Weevil — West Indian 32
Giant northern termite 15 Weevil — whitefringed 33
Further information Green vegetable bug 16 Wireworm — false 34
Please note that all sizes are approximate and Ladybird 17 Wireworm — true 35
eggs are only described if easily seen. Leafhopper 18
Further information on sweetpotato can be found on DISEASES
the online resource under
Sweetpotato DiagNotes. Alternaria leaf spot 38 Pox 44
Bacterial soft rot 39 Scab 45
Dry rot 40 Scurf 46
Abbreviations Fusarium root rot 41 Southern blight 47
CPSU California Polytechnic State University Fusarium wilt 42 Storage rot 48
at San Luis Obispo Little leaf 43 Virus — feathery mottle 49
DAFWA Department of Agriculture and Food WA
IPNI International Plant Nutrition Institute DISORDERS
LSU AgCentre Louisiana State University Ag Centre Alligator skin 52 Nitrogen deficiency 62
MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Food Boron deficiency 53 Phosphorus deficiency 63
NCSU North Carolina State University Cold damage 54 Potassium deficiency 64
NSW DPI NSW Department of Primary Industries Copper deficiency 55 Salinity 65
OMAFRA Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Corky root 56 Sunburn 66
PaDIL Pest and Disease Image Library
Fasciation 57 Veins on roots 67
QDAF Qld Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
UQ University of Queensland Growth cracks 58 Water stress 68
USDA ARS United States Department of Agriculture Herbicide damage 59 Zinc deficiency 69
Agricultural Research Service Iron deficiency 60
WSU Washington State University Magnesium deficiency 61 Problem solver 70
Aphid — cotton Aphid — green peach
Aphis gossypii Myzus persicae



Nymph: Pale, dusky green grows on the excreted Nymph: Yellowish to green. Causes leaf distortion
to orange, wingless and honeydew, reducing through feeding,
Adult: Wingless adults
with rounded body shape. photosynthesis. Aphids can reducing plant vigour.
are pale yellow to green
Adult: May be yellowish, transmit feathery mottle virus. and around 2 mm long. MOST COMMON
green or black, oval shaped MOST COMMON Winged females have black During warmer months on a
and 1–2 mm long. Resembles heads with dark red eyes large range of host plants.
Cool, dry conditions. Female
green peach aphid. and patterned bodies.
aphids can produce several
DAMAGE live young a day, so numbers
Sucks sap from the young can increase rapidly if
shoots, causing leaf distortion conditions are suitable.
and stunting. Sooty mould

Cotton aphids showing pale nymphs, darker adults and brown and yellow
winged forms (T Brevault) Green peach aphid adults and nymphs
2 3
Cluster caterpillar (tropical armyworm) Convolvulus hawk moth
Spodoptera litura Agrius convolvuli



Egg: Laid in groups of with wings held in a Egg: Smooth, pale green The wet season in northern
5–50, usually covered with tent over the body. eggs 1 mm across are Australia and summer in
fluffy white material. laid singly on leaves. NSW and Victoria. Adults
DAMAGE are active at dusk and
Caterpillar: Initially grey- Caterpillar: Initially green
Caterpillars skeletonise leaves. strongly attracted to light.
green and feeds in a with white markings but
group, but separate as they MOST COMMON becomes dark olive or brown
grow. Mature caterpillars Spring to autumn with variable patterning as
are 30–40 mm long and in Queensland. it matures. Up to 120 mm
smooth skinned. They are long at maturity. Pupae
distinctively patterned overwinter in the soil.
with thin yellow stripes and Adult: Large (60 mm long)
conspicuous dark spots and moth with brown and grey
triangles. Larvae tend to patterned
curl into a ball if disturbed. wings.
Adult: Patterned brown, Distinctive
cream and grey moth black, pink
and white bands
on abdomen.
Larvae feed on leaves.

Feeding windows, an early sign of cluster caterpillar activity, and a mature Egg (note tiny parasitoid wasp on lower surface), caterpillar (P Meininger) and
caterpillar with ragged feeding damage adult moth (D Descuens)
4 5
Cricket — black field Cricket — mole
Teleogryllus commodus Family Gryllotalpidae



Nymph: Similar to adult, but Not usually a major pest, but Egg: Laid inside vertical Eats plant roots, both
with less developed wings. may cause damage by eating underground chambers above and below ground,
plant roots near the surface. guarded by the mother. reducing plant vigour and
Adult: Stout, black cricket
Can also damage irrigation causing holes in storage
with large head, short wings Nymph: Similar to adult, but
by chewing on drip tape. roots. Also chews drip
and powerful rear legs. with less developed wings.
tape, causing leaks.
Females have long ovipositor. MOST COMMON Adult: Brown, roughly
Males make distinctive Active during warmer months. cylindrical cricket 30–40 mm MOST COMMON
chirruping call at dusk. Crickets usually hide in cracks long with muscular Urban areas and well watered
or burrows during the day and appearance. Forelegs are grasslands. Most active
come out at night to feed. adapted for digging and during warmer months,
the head and thorax are when males dig special
reinforced with thickened resonating burrows and
covers. Hind legs are small produce a distinctive loud,
compared to other crickets. vibrating call at dusk.
Females are capable flyers.

Adult black field cricket Mole cricket (Wikicommons)

6 7
Curl grub (white grub, cane grub, peanut scarab)
Heteronyx spp., Heteronychus spp.


Larvae: Whitish C-shaped cause minor damage by
grub, generally up to chewing on foliage.
35 mm long with a brown
head and six legs. The
rear end sometimes has Larvae are mainly active
a dark grey tinge. during winter and spring.
Adult beetles emerge in
Adult: Peanut scarabs are
late spring and summer,
brown and 7 mm long.
particularly after heavy rains.
African black beetles
are black and 10–15 mm
long. Generally known as
cockchafers, they are all stout
bodied, glossy beetles.
Larvae feed on plant
roots and storage roots,
chewing large holes. These
provide an entry point
for diseases. Adults can

A type of adult beetle: the brown

cockchafer (P Chew) and damage to a
sweetpotato (OMAFRA) African black beetle larvae and adult (PaDIL)
8 9
Dried fruit beetle Earwig — black field
Carpophilus spp. Nala lividipes



Larvae: Tiny cream- During summer, especially Nymph: Similar to adult but In heavy, black soils and moist
coloured grub. if other pests are not lighter in colour and with less conditions. Nymphs tend
adequately controlled. developed wings and pincers. to emerge during spring.
Adult: Small (2–3 mm
long), oval-shaped black Adult: Dark brown to black
to brownish beetles. with slender flattened
Several different species body up to 15 mm long and
can infest sweetpotato. beaded antennae. Obvious
pair of pincers at the end of
the body which are curved
Larvae and adult beetles in males and straighter in
feed on storage roots females. Darker and smaller
that have been damaged than other earwig species.
by other insects (eg
sweetpotato weevil) or DAMAGE
disease. Do not usually infest Usually a minor pest that
sound roots but can be a feeds on decaying plant
contamination problem. material. However, they
can also eat young plants
and upper parts of roots.

Dried fruit beetle and damage to a storage root Adult male black field earwig (D Rentz)
10 11
Earwig — brown
Labidura truncata insect ✓ Flea beetle
Xenidia sp.


Nymph: Similar to adult but Larvae: Small, whitish channels with a random,
smaller and lighter coloured. grub that lives in the soil. squiggly appearance. Adults
Adult: Light brown, flattened Adult: Small, black beetle feed on the leaves. Initially
and segmented body up around 3 mm long with may scar the upper surface,
to 35 mm long with dark metallic sheen. Powerful but can result in small, distinct
brown patches and dark eyes. back legs allow it to jump holes and even defoliation.
Large pincers on the tail, quickly if disturbed. MOST COMMON
which are curved in males
DAMAGE In spring.
and straighter in females.
Larvae feed on the storage
BENEFIT roots, causing shallow dugout
Attacks caterpillars and moth
pupae, such as heliothis.
Any time of year.

Adult (top, J Wessels QDAF) and nymph brown earwigs Adult flea beetle (L) and flea beetle damage to young shoots (J Lovatt QDAF)
12 13
Gall mite Exotic Giant northern termite
Eriophyes spp. pest ✗ Mastotermes darwiniensis



Tiny mites, barely visible mainly through infected Immatures: Similar to Any time of year.
with the naked eye. Galls planting materials. Using adults but smaller.
are caused by chemicals clean planting material
Adult: Varies in appearance
injected into the plant reduces the risk of spread.
between ‘castes’. Workers are
during feeding. All life stages
MOST COMMON creamy to semi-transparent
develop within the gall, until
Not currently in Australia. and up to 10 mm long.
adults emerge to feed at
Soldiers are larger at 13 mm
new sites, creating new galls
long with light brown bodies,
into which they lay eggs.
brown head and large black
DAMAGE mandibles. The dark brown
Galls are obvious on leaves ‘kings and queens’ are the
and stems, causing severe largest form, being 15 mm
distortion and loss of yield. long with a 65 mm wingspan.
Gall mite is a serious pest in DAMAGE
PNG and has spread rapidly,
Colonies tunnel into storage
roots. Damage may go
unnoticed until harvest.

Giant northern termite workers and soldier (B Thistleton NT DPIF) and damage to
Gall mite infested sweetpotato in PNG (J Lovatt QDAF) a storage root (M Neal NT DPIF)
14 15
Green vegetable bug
Nezara viridula
Coccinella transversa, Hippodamia variegate insect ✓



Egg: Neat rafts of over Young shoots are Nymph: Black with coloured
100 creamy to golden damaged by sap sucking. markings and ‘crocodile like’
barrel-shaped eggs are Usually a minor pest. appearance, up to 6 mm long.
laid on leaf undersides. MOST COMMON Adult: Most are brightly
Nymph: Initially dark red Spring and summer. coloured, dome-shaped
and orange, then green beetles 3–5 mm long with
with distinctive black, distinctive spots and stripes
white and red patterning. on their outer wing covers.
Adult: Green, shield-shaped BENEFIT
bug around 15 mm long.
Both adults and larvae are
active predators of aphids,
Newly hatched nymphs with egg raft thrips, moth eggs and mites.
(E Finkle), nymph (A Ryland) and adult
Late spring to autumn.

Ladybird larvae feeding on aphids (J Duff QDAF) and adult white collared and
transverse ladybirds
16 17
Leafhopper (jassid) Mealybug — cotton
Austroasca spp. Phenacoccus solenopsis



Nymph: Similar to the adult Feeding leaves speckled Egg: White, waxy sacks of Adult females and nymphs
but wingless. Habit of moving yellow tracks on the leaves. 150–600 eggs are laid on suck sap. Leaves become
sideways if disturbed. Usually a minor problem. leaves. These hatch into white yellow, vigour is reduced
to yellow mobile ’crawlers’. and young plants may die.
Adult: Look like tiny MOST COMMON
cicadas; torpedo-shaped Warmer months. Nymph: Nymphs MOST COMMON
and ranging in colour from resemble adult females. Can reproduce throughout
yellowish to green and Adult: Females are white, the year in warm climates,
mottled brown. They jump waxy and 3–4 mm long. Bare producing up to 15
away quickly if disturbed. areas on the abdomen appear generations a year. Dormant
as dark bands. Adult males in cool conditions. Wide
are grey and 1 mm long. range of host species.

Cotton mealybug in close up, colony on a leaf, and showing damage to a young
Jassid on a leaf (J Lovatt QDAF) and in close up and jassid feeding damage volunteer plant (J Lovatt QDAF)
18 19
Mite — bean spider Mite — two-spotted
Tetranychus ludeni Tetranychus urticae



Nymph: Pale yellow to green, Mites form colonies on Nymph: Translucent white, Leaves become crinkled
with later instars becoming the lower leaf surfaces, changing to bright orange and distorted, with yellow
orange. Each side of the particularly along the veins. in overwintering form. speckling along the veins and
body has a darker patch or Feeding is initially visible fine webbing underneath.
Adult: Whitish to yellow
stripe along its length. as a speckled yellowing
green, around 0.5 mm MOST COMMON
along the leaf veins. The
Adult: Bright red, around long with a dark olive spot
undersides of leaves become Hot (25–30° C) dry weather.
0.5 mm long, with dark either side of its body.
covered in fine webbing.
red, mottled patches along Overwintering form has a dark
either side of the body. MOST COMMON red body and white legs.
Hot (25–30° C) dry weather. DAMAGE
Mites form colonies on
the lower leaf surfaces,
particularly along the veins.

Adult bean spider mite (Cotton CRC) and mites on the underside of a leaf (J Lovatt Two-spotted spider mites (F Peairs Colorado State Uni and mite
QDAF) damage, causing leaf distortion
20 21
Nematode — root-knot
Meloidogyne spp.


Nematodes are microscopic, blister. Roots may also be
wormlike organisms <1 mm malformed, cracked or have
long rarely visible to the a rough appearance. Upper
naked eye. They reproduce parts of the plants become
in the soil, where they yellowed and wilt easily.
parasitise plant roots.
DAMAGE More common in sandy soils.
Root-knot nematodes cause Symptoms are increased
severe damage to many in warm environments
crops, but particularly affect (over 25° C), with major egg
sweetpotato during early hatching during spring.
root development. Juveniles Nematodes are spread
hatch from eggs in the in irrigation water, on
soil, penetrate plant roots machinery and by infested
and set up a permanent plant material, making farm
feeding site. The cells around hygiene and crop rotation
this site swell, forming a important control methods.

Close-up of feeding damage inside a blister (LSU AgCentre), and root knot nema-
tode damage to feeder and storage roots showing, blistering, cracking
Blistering due to root knot nematode infestation (LSU AgCentre) and pitting (G Holmes CPSU
22 23
Rutherglen bug Silverleaf whitefly
Nysius vinitor Bemisia tabaci



Nymph: Pear-shaped, reddish Multiplies during spring Nymph: First instar nymphs yellow or purplish stippling
brown and wingless. Nymphs and early summer in weed are flat, greenish, mobile and between the veins on leaves.
mainly feed on weeds. species. Usually moves into around 0.3 mm long. Later Growth may be stunted.
sweetpotato crops when instar nymphs are also flat but Whitefly can also transmit
Adult: Slender, dark grey bugs
other hosts die off. Can opaque white and stationary, some viruses. Although
5 mm long with transparent
appear in very large numbers. appearing similar to soft scale sweetpotato is an important
wings and large black eyes.
insects but with pointed tails. host of this species, effects
DAMAGE on yield are usually minor.
Pupae: Mature nymphs
Sap sucking can cause turn golden, their bodies MOST COMMON
minor damage to leaves. thicken and eyes turn red.
Not usually a major pest. Populations can increase
Adults: Snow white, around rapidly if a mild winter is
1 mm long with wings held followed by temperatures
in a peak along the body. 25–28° C. Whitefly can
DAMAGE develop resistance to many
common insecticides and
Nymphs and adults suck
may be a major issue for
sap from plants, causing
neighbouring crops.

Rutherglen bug Silverleaf whitefly adult (J Lovatt QDAF) and nymphs under a leaf
24 25
Spined predatory shield bug Beneficial Sweetpotato beetle
Oechalia schellenbergii insect ✓ Colasposoma sellatum



Nymph: Dark grey with Adults and older nymphs Larvae: White grub up to All year round. Only known to
a characteristic red to feed on insects including 12 mm long, rather hairy, occur in North Queensland.
dark orange ring on their caterpillars and pest bugs. with six small legs.
back and orange bands MOST COMMON Adult: Glossy black beetle,
on their antennae. 6–9 mm long with thickened
Found all year with highest
Adult: Mottled grey and populations during summer. wing covers and thorax.
brown shield-shaped bug
around 12 mm long with
light triangular marking on Larvae feed on storage
centre of its back and obvious roots, creating tracks on the
spines on each shoulder. surface of the root. Damage
is similar to that caused by
flea beetle larvae, but deeper.
Adults chew on leaves.

Spined predatory shield bug young nymph, mature nymph, and adult bug
attacking a caterpillar (P Chew) Adult beetle (D Rentz BowerBird, J Lovatt QDAF)
26 27
Sweetpotato leafminer Sweetpotato tortoise beetle
Bedellia somnulentella Aspidimorpha spp.



Caterpillar: Slender Caterpillars initially form Larvae: Light brown grub
caterpillar, initially pale squiggly mines inside up to 10 mm long with
green but becoming mottled the leaves. As they grow rows of black dots and
brown and cream as it they progress to making covered in black spines.
matures. Caterpillars often a series of large, brownish Often feed in groups.
rest with their bodies held yellow patches on the
Adult: Golden, tortoise-
away from the leaf surface. leaves, with webbing and
shaped beetle 10–13 mm
frass on the leaf underside.
Adult: Slender moth up to long. Wing covers have dark
Effects on production are
6 mm long with distinctive spots and markings with
usually minor, although
fluffy topknot, long legs and translucent flanged edges.
yield may be reduced.
habit of resting at an angle
to the leaf surface. Wings are MOST COMMON
white and heavily feathered Larvae and adults feed
Any time of year in
with pale brown mottling and warm climates. on leaves. Not usually
held close to the body at rest. a major problem, but
heavy infestations can
defoliate plants.
Any time of year.

The tortoise beetle Aspidimorpha deusta feeding on a leaf (MM Bos), closeup of
Sweetpotato leafminer larvae partially, and fully, emerged from inside the leaf adult beetle and damage on sweetpotato leaves (H Brown NT DPIF)
28 29
Weevil — sweetpotato
Cylas formicarius elegantulus


Larvae: Legless white grub. odours. Heavy infestation
Adult: Slender weevil up to can cause vines to yellow and
7 mm long with long legs and collapse. Adults also feed on
ant-like appearance. Brightly leaves and exposed parts of
coloured, with a bluish black storage roots to the depth
head, snout and abdomen of their head and snout.
and orange thorax and legs. MOST COMMON
DAMAGE Any time of year. Adults are
Larvae feed inside the storage mainly nocturnal but can often
roots, crown and in stems. be seen during daylight hours.
Infested storage roots are Although poor flyers they
riddled with spongy and can disperse long distances,
discoloured cavities. Even largely on infested storage
a small amount of feeding roots or planting material.
induces bitter flavour and off

Sweetpotato weevil (opposite), external holes and internal damage with larvae
inside a storage root (J Lovatt QDAF)
30 31
Weevil — West Indian Exotic Weevil — whitefringed
Euscepes batatae pest ✗ Graphognathus leucoloma



Larvae: Legless white Even a small amount of Larvae: Whitish, C-shaped Eggs are laid during
grub up to 10 mm long. feeding produces bitter legless grub up to 15 mm summer. Most damage
Adult: Stout reddish compounds, making the long with creamy head occurs as larvae mature
brown weevil less than root inedible. A major pest of and brown jaws. during winter and spring.
4 mm long and covered sweetpotato in the Caribbean,
Adult: Grey-brown striped
with short bristles. Central America and PNG.
weevil with white band
DAMAGE MOST COMMON along the side and short
Larvae tunnel inside the Not yet in Australia but snout. Flightless, but can
storage roots and feed on the common in PNG, especially walk long distances.
crown and stems. Adults tend during the dry season (May to DAMAGE
to feed in groups October). Although
Larvae live in the soil
and chew further adults do not fly
where they eat the
into storage they can disperse
storage roots, resulting in
roots than long distances
shallow, chewed holes.
sweetpotato by walking, and
weevils, leaving in infested roots
larger holes. and planting material.

West Indian weevil (J Cardona-Duque Uni Puerto Rico Bugwood-org) and larval
tunnelling damage inside a storage root (J O’Sullivan UQ) Whitefringed weevil larvae (S Learmonth DAFWA) and adult (A Bradford)
32 33
Wireworm — false Wireworm — true
Gonocephalum spp., Pterohelaeus spp. Family Elateridae



Larvae: Hard, smooth, dark Larvae tunnel into storage Larvae: Creamy coloured wing covers. Commonly called
cream to golden, segmented roots causing round, small, with smooth, distinctly a ‘click’ beetle due to its ability
larvae up to 30 mm long. but deep holes (shot holes). segmented, soft body. Brown to right itself with a clicking
Round head and dark MOST COMMON head equipped with large noise if placed upside down.
mouthparts. Fast moving. mandibles. The reddish
Larvae develop through DAMAGE
Usually found in the loose brown tail is forked with a
autumn and winter, but Larvae feed on storage roots,
upper layers of soil or mulch. serrated edge. Slower moving
cause most damage during causing shallow holes.
Adult: Dull dark grey, brown than the false wireworm.
late winter and spring.
or black oval-shaped beetle Adult: Dark grey to brown, MOST COMMON
up to 9 mm long. Commonly torpedo-shaped beetle up to Larvae are most likely to
known as a ‘darkling’ or 15 mm long with finely ridged cause damage during winter.
‘pie dish’ beetle due to the
flanged edges on the thorax.

False wireworm larvae emerging from a hole in a sweetpotato (D Bradbeers), Wireworm larvae (GRDC), adult ‘click’ beetle and wireworm damage to a
adult beetle (D Hobern) and damage to storage root (E Coleman) storage root (G Holmes CPSU
34 35

36 37
Alternaria leaf spot Bacterial soft rot
Alternaria spp. Erwinia spp.



Small brown spots develop The disease is usually most Infected plants wilt, and Infection occurs through
on the leaves, surrounded serious when dry and wet eventually may completely injuries. These may be
by a characteristic yellow periods alternate during collapse. Storage roots caused by pest damage in
or reddish halo. The centres cropping, such as when develop a wet, slimy rot with the field, or occur during
of the lesions become overhead irrigation is an unpleasant smell. This harvest. Generally rare in
dry and papery and may used. Growth is fastest at may be internal, with few the field, more common
fall out. Rarely causes around 27° C. The fungus symptoms visible on the skin. as a postharvest issue.
major production loss. thrives on crop debris, while
spores can also spread in
wind, rain and water.

Alternaria spots on leaves (J O’Sullivan UQ, QDAF) Bacterial soft rot (C Averre NCSU
38 39
Dry rot Fusarium root rot
Phomopsis phaseoli Fusarium solani



Dark, dry sunken lesions Warm, humid conditions. Shrivelled, sunken areas or developing cavities covered
develop on storage roots. Infection occurs through lesions develop on the root with white fungal growth.
The underlying flesh also wounds, often at one surface, often forming a
develops a dark brown rot, end of the root. An series of irregularly shaped
which expands from the skin occasional postharvest brown rings. The underlying Infection usually occurs
towards the centre of the root. problem associated with tissue becomes spongy and through wounds, particularly
damage during harvest. brown, in advanced cases during harvesting.

Dry rot of a storage root (J Lovatt QDAF) External and internal symptoms of fusarium root rot
40 41
Fusarium wilt Little leaf (witches broom, big bud)
Fusarium spp. Candidiatus Phytoplasma australasia



The earliest sign of fusarium Infection is most likely Affected plants are stunted Spread in infected plant
wilt is discolouration of at temperatures around with a large number of material and by leafhoppers.
the vascular system. This is 30° C and relatively low soil small, thin shoots. Leaves While little leaf phytoplasma
followed by leaf yellowing moisture (<50%). The disease are small, pale, and may is widely distributed
between the veins, wilting spreads through infected have a yellow margin. around growing regions,
and general stunting. The plant materials, irrigation it is not generally a major
lower stem can become water and equipment. Spores production issue.
purplish and feeder roots remaining in the soil infect
rot. If only part of the plants through wounds
vascular system is infected and natural openings.
then only one side of
the plant may yellow.

Vascular discolouration (Clemson Uni and leaf yellowing and

wilting (W Martin APS) due to fusarium wilt Symptoms of infection by the little leaf phytoplasma (J Lovatt QDAF)
42 43
Pox Scab
Streptomyces ipomea Sphaceloma batatas



Black necrotic lesions form Most development occurs Scabbed, brown lesions Wet weather over a wide
on the feeder roots, which in dry soils (eg sandy) with appear on stems and leaf temperature range (13–26° C).
rot from the root tips. Sunken neutral or alkaline pH veins. As a result, leaves Spores released from infected
lesions also develop on (pH>5.2). The disease spreads become cupped and tissues spread in rain splash
storage roots. These become in soil and by plant materials deformed. The ends of and on plant material.
crusty and blackened, and can persist in the soil for growing stems have a distinct
sometimes with radiating many years. Symptoms do not upright habit. These are brittle
cracks. Infection that occurs usually develop postharvest. and may die. Plant vigour
during storage root expansion and yield may be severely
constricts growth at that reduced if disease develops
point, deforming the root. early in the growth cycle.
Above ground the plant
becomes stunted and yellow.

Pox symptoms in the field, lesions on young roots showing growth

constriction, and crater shaped crusty lesions on a mature storage root Early (L) and late symptoms of scab infection on sweetpotato leaves, as well as
(C Averre NCSU symptoms on a stem (J O’Sullivan UQ)
44 45
Scurf Southern blight
Monilochaetes infuscans Sclerotium rolfsii



Discoloured dark brown to Alkaline to neutral soils; Depressed, water soaked Usually appears in isolated
black areas develop on the occurs only rarely in acidic lesions appear on the stems patches within the crop,
storage roots. These enlarge soils. Outbreaks are more causing lower leaves to yellow particularly when the plant
and join together, so that likely in wet conditions and wilt. As the disease canopy has covered the soil
the entire surface of the root and in soils that are high develops a white, feathery surface. Most likely in moist
may be discoloured. Internal in organic matter. fungal growth may be seen conditions combined with
tissues are not affected. on stems and roots, the high (>28° C) temperatures.
stems may be girdled killing The fungus can survive
the plant. Brown, depressed, many years in the soil
circular lesions occur on as hard, brown sclerotia
the storage roots. These (0.5–1.5 mm diameter), as
extend only a short distance well as on plant residues and
into the underlying flesh. alternative hosts including
other vegetable crops.

White hyphae and tiny round brown sclerotes (resting form of fungus) on the
Scurf symptoms on the outside of storage roots (J Lovatt QDAF, OMAFRA) surface of the stem, soil and roots
46 47
Storage rot Virus — feathery mottle (potyvirus)
Rhizopus spp.


Storage rots frequently to high humidity and Symptoms of virus infection
start at the end of the storage temperatures of vary between varieties and
root or a shoulder, but can 20° C or higher increase the by plant age and growing
spread rapidly. The infected probability of infection. conditions. Irregular mottled
area softens, with tufts of spots often appear on the
greyish white fungal growth leaves, in some varieties
emerging. As the disease surrounded by a purplish halo.
progresses black spores Sometimes leaves develop a
appear, giving the appearance feathery discolouration along
of grey and white whiskers. the veins. Vigour is reduced
and storage roots tend
to be thin and elongated.
Infection occurs through Severe infection can result
wounds, particularly those in large numbers of small
caused at harvest. Moderate cracks over the root surface
and pale flesh, particularly
in orange varieties. The varying leaf symptoms of feathery
mottle virus on leaves
A common and widespread
virus which is spread through
infected planting material
and aphid transmission.

White mycelia and black spores of Rhizopus, cause of storage rot (G Holmes CPSU Symptoms of severe feathery mottle virus infection on sweetpotato storage roots (G Holmes CPSU
48 49

50 51
Alligator skin Boron deficiency


Storage roots develop Boron is involved in new during development these are
hard, dry patches of growth, so symptoms are often corky and overgrown.
brown skin. These have seen in the younger foliage Flesh may be corky, or have
a network of cracks, and developing roots. internal brown spots, and
resembling a scaly skin. Young leaves and shoots lack its normal sweet flavour.
are thickened, distorted
and brittle, breaking easily.
While the cause of this Leaves also tend to be pale or Boron deficiency is most
disorder is unknown, it is with yellowing between the likely in soils that are sandy
associated with hot, wet veins, with compact growth. or alkaline and low in
conditions. Plant nutrition Storage roots are thickened, organic matter, particularly
and pH may also have a role. blunt ended, and can develop following a heavy application
multiple splits. If formed early of lime or dolomite.

Severe alligator skin symptoms Boron deficient leaves and the resulting bulbous, corky storage roots
(G Holmes CPSU (J O’Sullivan UQ)
52 53
Cold damage Copper deficiency



Cold temperatures before Air temperatures below 15° C Young leaves are small, Often occurs in acid,
harvest can result in leaf can cause cold damage of the yellowed and misshapen. sandy soils naturally low
purpling and slow growth. leaves and shoots. Symptoms Necrotic spots may appear, in copper. Deficiency can
Frost will kill foliage. appear on storage roots if scattered over the leaf also occur in soils with very
Low temperatures they are stored below 13° C surface. Although storage high pH or those with a
postharvest cause sunken, for an extended period. roots appear normal they lot of organic matter, both
decayed areas in storage may have brown streaks in of which limit availability
roots. The underlying flesh the flesh and break down of copper to plants.
becomes pale, mottled quickly after harvest.
and spongy, sometimes
with internal cavities.

Moderate cold damage causes

purpling of the exposed parts of leaves
whereas frost damage kills the leaves
(J Lovatt QDAF)

Chilling injury on storage root (G Holmes CPSU Holes in young leaves due to uneven and distorted growth (J O’Sullivan UQ)
54 55
Corky root (enlarged lenticels) Fasciation (flat stems)


Pores in the skin swell, Stems are wide, flat
resulting in small, and strap like.
raised corky lumps.
CAUSED BY Unknown. Growth appears
Occurs in excessively wet soil. to be unaffected.
Some varieties are particularly
susceptible to this disorder.

Effect of corky root on a storage

root (J Lovatt QDAF) and close
up of enlarged lenticels
Fasciated stems (G Holmes CPSU

56 57
Growth cracks Herbicide damage


Large cracks, usually along and viral infection can Symptoms are variable but
the length of the root, which also cause uneven growth include twisted and distorted
have formed during early resulting in growth cracks. leaves, the appearance of
growth and then healed. bleached, chlorotic or burned
Generally the wider the patches and ragged holes.
cracks the smaller the storage
root was when affected.
Potential causes include
CAUSED BY contamination of the spray
Fluctuating growth, tank due to insufficient
particularly if dry periods cleaning, inappropriate
are followed by heavy rain herbicide selection and
or irrigation. Low (non- overspray from treatment
fatal) doses of herbicide of crop boundary areas.

Growth cracks caused by virus infection (G Holmes CPSU and slight Varying symptoms of moderate (S Meyers MSU Ext) and more severe
herbicide damage (S Meyers MSU Extension) herbicide damage
58 59
Iron deficiency Magnesium deficiency



Younger leaves typically Soils with high pH, especially Yellowing between the veins, Insufficient magnesium
develop a strongly if they are high in phosphorus. initially of the older leaves. in the soil. High levels
contrasting network of Excessive manganese in The veins usually retain a of calcium or potassium
dark green veins and bright acid soils can also result fairly wide green margin, can make magnesium
yellow leaf. Varieties with in iron deficiency. giving a mottled appearance. unavailable to the plant.
reddish new growth may Some older leaves may also
become pinkish. If severely develop purple colours as well
affected, the growing as yellowing. Stems tend to
points will die, starting be long, thin and twining.
from the tip and margins.

Iron deficiency in cowpea—symptoms in sweetpotato are similar (KM Sellamuthu IPNI) Early symptoms of magnesium deficiency on a leaf (J O’Sullivan UQ)
60 61
Nitrogen deficiency Phosphorus deficiency



Older leaves become pale Insufficient nitrogen available Plants are stunted, potentially Phosphorus may be
and eventually yellow with due to leaching from reduced to less than half unavailable to plants due to
a light brown necrosis heavy rain and irrigation, normal growth rates. Mild adsorption onto minerals in
starting from the tips and low organic matter and deficiency tends to result the soil. Soil phosphorus is
margins. Plants are stunted insufficient fertilisation. in dark, slightly bluish likely to be low in sandy soils
and spindly and yield may leaves. Older leaves may and highly weathered tropical
be significantly reduced. die prematurely, purple soils lacking organic matter.
Note: Excess nitrogen can colours appearing before
result in luxuriant growth they turn yellow and die.
above-ground but reduced
yield of storage roots.

Yellowing of the older leaves due to

nitrogen deficiency (J O’Sullivan UQ)

Phosphorus deficiency (S Srinivasan IPNI)

62 63
Potassium deficiency Salinity



Symptoms usually don’t Initial symptoms are often Concentrations of >25μM
develop until 2–3 months scattered, pale patches on sodium chloride in the
into the cropping cycle. Older the older leaves. Dark lesions irrigation water (equiv.
leaves yellow, particularly and dead areas appear on EC = 5.6 dS/m) are enough
around the margins and the older leaves, particularly to severely stunt growth.
interveinal areas. These around the leaf margins Plants are killed by
eventually become brown and at the tip. These leaves 200μM sodium chloride
and dry. Storage roots tend soon shrivel and fall from the (equiv. EC = 20.4 dS/m)
to be small and thin with plant. Yield of storage roots
paler than normal flesh. can be reduced before any
symptoms are observed in the
leaves, with roots generally
Most common on sandy or being small and thin.
highly weathered soils.

Early interveinal chlorosis (J O’Sullivan UQ) is followed by more extensive yellow- Early (L) and severe symptoms of salinity damage on sweetpotato leaves
ing and the appearance of brown, dead areas on the leaves (M Hasegawa IPNI) (J O’Sullivan UQ)
64 65
Sunburn Veins on roots



Skin develops areas that Raised lumpy patterns Secondary root growth
are cracked, dry and develop on roots. under the skin. Mainly
colourless. These are very occurs in older crops of
prone to weevil attack. more traditional varieties.
Insufficient soil coverage.
This may be because soil
has been eroded or a hard
underground soil pan has
forced roots up as they grow.
Particularly a problem in
certain varieties which tend
to grow close to the surface.

Sunburn effects on a storage root (J Lovatt QDAF) Vein on a freshly harvested storage root
66 67
Water stress Zinc deficiency


Plants wilt. Growth cracks Young leaves are small, in
occur in storage roots if plants some cases only 10–30 mm
become too dry, stopping long. New growth is
growth and hardening the often pale or has mottled
skin. If the soil is too wet yellowing, and the leaf
the lenticels may enlarge, lobes may point towards
giving the root a rough, corky the tip more than usual. In
appearance (see ‘Corky root’). some varieties the shoots
are more strongly purple.
Insufficient or excess water. CAUSED BY
Acidic soils low in zinc as well
as alkaline soils where zinc
is unavailable. Applications
of copper or phosphorus
can reduce availability of
Wilting due to lack of water
zinc, as can cool weather.
(J Lovatt QDAF)

Symptoms of zinc deficiency include yellow mottling of the younger leaves,

Vascular browning (G Holmes CPSU and skin damage (C Averre development of forward pointing lobes (top) and new growth being formed of
NCSU as a result of waterlogging tiny leaves on a compressed stem (J O’Sullivan UQ)
68 69
Problem solver for sweetpotato pests, diseases and disorders

Growth Slow 16, 19, 22–23, 49
Stunted 42, 43, 45, 62, 63, 69
Infrastructure damage Chewed drip tape 6–7
Leaf damage Chewing damage 4–5, 27, 29
Discoloured 2–3, 49, 53–55, 60–65, 69
Distorted 2–3, 13, 16, 19, 21, 43,
45, 55, 59, 69
Galls 14, 45
Holes 13, 29, 55
Pale 43, 59, 65, 69
Speckles 16, 18, 20–21, 24, 25
Spots 28, 38, 64
Tracks 18, 28
Webbing 20–21
Wilting 30–31, 39, 44, 47, 68
Yellowing 19, 22–23, 30–31, 42,
44, 60–62, 64
Stem damage Brittle 43, 45, 53
Discoloured 42
Distorted 14, 43, 45, 61, 69
Flattened 57
Hollow / chewed 11, 30–31
Rotting 47
Storage root damage Bitter 30–31
Blistering 22–23
Cracking 49, 58
Deformed 22–23, 44, 49, 53, 58, 67
Discoloured 40–41, 46, 64, 68
Holes 8–9, 15, 27, 30–35
Lesions 44, 47, 54–55
Rotten 39–41, 44, 48
Skin blemishes 52, 56, 66, 68
Soft 54
Tracks/shallow holes 10–11, 13, 20

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