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Sheet 1

What are different types of thermodynamics?
A: Statistical thermodynamics is based on the average behavior of large
groups of individual particles
Classical thermodynamics does not require a knowledge of the
behavior of individual particles
Mention 5 different applications of thermodynamics.
A:Refrigerator -Boats-cars-human body-power plants-wind turbines
What is the difference between adiabatic and isolated systems?
A: isolated system. (No heat, mass or work can cross the system)
Adiabatic system (Insulated): (No heat, can cross the system, but mass
and work can)
Density is extensive or intensive property? what about weight of the
A: Intensive properties are those that are independent of the mass of a
system, such as temperature, pressure, and density.
Extensive properties are those whose values depend on the size—or
extent—of the system. Total mass, total volume, and total momentum
are some examples of extensive properties
* Density is an intensive property because it does not depend on the size or amount of
the system, but only on the nature of the material that makes up the system. Intensive
properties are properties that are independent of the size or amount of the system, and
are useful for describing the behavior of a material on a per-unit basis.

Weight, on the other hand, is an extensive property because it depends on the size or
amount of the system. As the size or amount of the system increases, the weight of the
system also increases proportionally. Extensive properties are properties that are
dependent on the size or amount of the system, and are useful for describing the total
amount of a material in a system.

State zeroth law of thermodynamics
A:The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if two bodies are in
thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are also in thermal
equilibrium with each other.
Why does a bicyclist pick up speed on a downhill road even when he is
not pedaling? Does this violate the conservation of energy principle?
A: A bicyclist picks up speed on a downhill road even when not pedaling
because of the force of gravity. As the cyclist moves down the hill, the
gravitational force pulls them downhill, increasing their kinetic energy
(the energy of motion).This does not violate the conservation of energy
principle, as the potential energy (the energy of position) of the cyclist
is converted into kinetic energy as they move downhill. According to
the conservation of energy principle, energy cannot be created or
destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. In
this case, the potential energy of the cyclist at the top of the hill is
converted into kinetic energy as they move down the hill. However, it is
important to note that the total energy of the system (the cyclist and
the Earth) is conserved. As the cyclist gains kinetic energy, the Earth
loses an equivalent amount of potential energy. The total energy of the
system remains constant. In summary, the increase in speed of a
bicyclist on a downhill road is due to the conversion of potential energy
into kinetic energy, and this does not violate the conservation of energy
When analyzing the acceleration of gases as they flow through a nozzle,
what would you choose as your system? What type of system is this?
When analyzing the acceleration of gases as they flow through a nozzle, we would choose the gas
itself as the system. The gas would be considered an open system since it can exchange matter and
energy with its surroundings.

The gas flowing through the nozzle experiences a change in its velocity, pressure, and temperature
as it moves from the larger cross-sectional area of the nozzle to the smaller cross-sectional area.
These changes occur due to the conservation of mass and momentum of the gas, which result in an
increase in the gas velocity and a decrease in its pressure.

The nozzle itself would be considered a part of the surroundings, which interacts with the gas by
exerting a force on it, causing it to accelerate. The energy and momentum exchanged between the
gas and the nozzle would be accounted for in the analysis of the system.

Overall, the gas flowing through the nozzle is a good example of an open system, where the mass
and energy of the gas can be transferred between the system and its surroundings.

You are trying to understand how a reciprocating air compressor (a
piston-cylinder device) works. What system would you use? What type
of system is this?
To understand how a reciprocating air compressor works, we would choose the air
inside the cylinder as the system. The air would be considered a closed system since it
cannot exchange matter with its surroundings, but it can exchange energy in the form of
work and heat.

The reciprocating air compressor works by using a piston-cylinder arrangement to

compress the air. The piston moves back and forth inside the cylinder, which changes
the volume of the air inside it. As the piston moves towards the top of the cylinder, the
volume of the air decreases, causing an increase in its pressure. This increase in pressure
results in an increase in the temperature of the air.

The compressed air is then pushed out of the cylinder and into a storage tank, where it
can be used for various applications. The energy required to compress the air comes
from an external power source, such as an electric motor or an internal combustion

Overall, the air inside the cylinder of a reciprocating air compressor is a good example
of a closed system, where the mass of the air remains constant, but the energy can be
transferred in the form of work and heat. By analyzing the behavior of this system, we
can better understand how a reciprocating air compressor works and how to optimize
its performance.

Correction in p gage it will be 11.6psi
What are the sources of irreversibilities?
Irreversibilities are the processes or phenomena that occur in a system that prevent it
from being perfectly reversible. The sources of irreversibilities can be categorized as

1. Friction: Friction between moving parts within a system generates heat, which is a
form of energy that is not reversible.
2. Heat transfer: Heat transfer between a system and its surroundings is another
source of irreversibilities. The direction of heat transfer is always from a higher
temperature region to a lower temperature region, and this process is
3. Mixing: Mixing of two different substances within a system can cause
irreversibilities. Mixing causes the two substances to reach a state of
thermodynamic equilibrium, and it is not possible to reverse this process without
inputting energy.
4. Fluid flow: Fluid flow within a system can cause irreversibilities due to the
formation of eddies and turbulence, which generates heat and reduces the
efficiency of the system.
5. Chemical reactions: Chemical reactions can also cause irreversibilities within a
system. Irreversible chemical reactions result in the formation of new substances
and cannot be reversed without the addition of energy.

In summary, sources of irreversibilities include friction, heat transfer, mixing, fluid flow,
and irreversible chemical reactions. These sources result in a loss of usable energy and a
decrease in the efficiency of the system. Understanding and minimizing these sources of
irreversibility is essential in optimizing the performance of systems in various fields,
including engineering and thermodynamics

An energy form that is a sum of all microscopic energies, what it is?
A:Internal energy is the sum of all the microscopic forms of energy
of a system.
*Some answers are from chat gpt
*highlight means that this is the most important part

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