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Issue 1 of 2023

Welcome to the first PITAA newsletter for 2023! We are thrilled to

have you as a subscriber and look forward to sharing our latest news,
updates, and insights with you. Our goal is to provide you with content
that keeps you informed and engaged. Whether you're a longtime
follower or new to the community, we are excited to have you on
board. We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter.

In this Issue
New From the
A message from the
head of the TIWB
Secretariat in the
OECD, Ms. Rusudan

Capacity Building
During the 1st

.. and more
Message from Tax Inspectors Without Borders
Launched in 2015 at the Third Financing for TIWB is scaling up its outreach work and diversifying
Development Conference in Addis Ababa, Tax its range of support to assist more countries and better
Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) is a joint respond to the needs in Asia and the Pacific. The
initiative of the Organisation for Economic Co- initiative is providing technical assistance in thematic
operation and Development (OECD) and the United areas such as transfer pricing, criminal tax
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) designed investigations, effective use of automatically
to support developing countries in building tax audit exchanged information and the digitalisation of tax
capacity. administrations. New areas being piloted include
natural resources contracts and environment tax issues,
By using a practical “learning by doing” approach, auditing VAT on digital trade, and the practical
serving tax auditors from partner administrations implementation of the global minimum tax rules.
work alongside officials in developing countries to
In recent years, TIWB has bolstered its activities in
share their knowledge and experience of auditing
Asia and the Pacific, notably by providing specialised
multinational enterprises by guiding them on current
support to administrations. To date, TIWB assistance
audit cases. The focus on assisting on real-time
has raised over USD 288 million in additional tax
audits distinguishes TIWB from the mainstream of
revenues and USD 302 million in tax assessments in the
existing international tax assistance. TIWB helps
region. Host administrations also report significant
bridge the gap between theory and practice.
improvements in skills, competencies and confidence of
Practical audit assistance to develop tax audit skills
local officials when conducting international tax audits.
and effective audit processes can improve the
quality and consistency of frontline tax
TIWB Secretariat
To date, more than USD 2.07 billion has been
collected in additional tax revenues through TIWB
and TIWB-style assistance offered in collaboration
with the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF),
World Bank Group and OECD. TIWB programmes
are available to members of the Pacific Islands Tax
Administrators Association (PITAA) wishing to build
capacity in the area of international taxation. Tax
administrations can request TIWB assistance online
via the TIWB Portal.

The initiative now counts 63 completed and 54

current programmes, covering 59 jurisdictions

Figure 1. TIWB
Revenue Impact

Tax Issue 1 of 2023 - April 2023

Message from Tax Inspectors Without Borders

Box 1: TIWB programme in Maldives

The Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) concluded its initial TIWB programme in July 2020 after
receiving support from the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic. This was MIRA’s first effort in
developing transfer pricing expertise. A few months into the programme, co-operation with MIRA senior
managers led to the creation of a separate unit for transfer pricing audits within the tax administration. MIRA
officials benefited from TIWB expert guidance in risk profiling, changes to draft transfer pricing regulations,
transfer pricing documentation and general audit processes.

After the completion of this programme, MIRA requested a new audit programme focused on strategic cases in
the tourism industry. Currently, MIRA receives key support on six audit cases. As of January 2023, TIWB support
has helped MIRA collect an additional USD 1.7 million in tax. Additionally, MIRA has implemented a new TIWB
programme on criminal tax investigation to fight illicit financial flows.

Box 2: TIWB programmes in Papua New Guinea

The TIWB initiative is currently implementing two programmes in Papua New Guinea, conducted by experts
from both the Canada Revenue Agency and the UNDP Roster of Experts, in the mining and forestry sectors. In
particular, Papua New Guinea required assistance with transfer pricing, risk assessments and case selection.

After the first programme was launched in 2019 in the forestry sector, PNG then requested additional assistance
from TIWB with gold sales in the mining sector. Through the TIWB programmes, host administration tax officials
have improved their understanding of the mining and forestry industries and have developed their skills in areas
such as transfer pricing, as well as initiating and executing audits.

The initiative relies on partnerships, and in this regard, the PITAA has been one of TIWB’s partners from the early
days of the initiative.

PITAA and TIWB are proud to work together to support tax administrations with their technical assistance needs
throughout 2023 and beyond.

By Ms. Rusudan Kemularia, Head of TIWB Secretariat -

Tax Issue 1 of 2023

6 Years of PITAA
The PITAA Secretariat recently celebrated its 6th Furthermore, PITAA has actively engaged with
anniversary, marking significant milestones in its regional and international organizations, such as the
journey toward promoting collaboration and Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, the Organization for
cooperation among tax administrations in the Pacific Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and
Islands region. the Pacific Community (SPC), to advocate for the
unique challenges faced by Pacific Island countries in
Established in 2017, PITAA has played a crucial role in the area of taxation and to seek support for capacity-
fostering partnerships, sharing knowledge, and building initiatives.
building capacity among tax administrators in this
geographically dispersed but interconnected region. As PITAA celebrates its 6th anniversary, it is worth
acknowledging the significant progress that has been
PITAA was formed with the objective of promoting made in advancing tax administration in the Pacific
best practices, enhancing tax administration Islands.
capabilities, and supporting revenue collection efforts
in the Pacific Islands. It includes members from various PITAA has fostered a collaborative environment that
countries and territories in the Pacific region, including promotes knowledge sharing, capacity building, and
Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, Palau, regional cooperation in our efforts to improve tax
Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and systems and revenue collection efforts in member
Marshall Islands, among others. countries.

Over the past six (6) years, PITAA has made significant Looking ahead, PITAA aims to further strengthen its
strides in fulfilling its mission. One of the key role as a regional platform for tax administrators in
achievements has been the establishment of a robust the Pacific Islands. The association plans to continue
platform for information exchange and collaboration its efforts in facilitating information exchange,
among member countries. Through regular meetings, capacity building, and regional cooperation, and to
workshops, and conferences, PITAA has facilitated address emerging challenges in taxation, such as the
knowledge sharing and peer learning on tax policy, digital economy, cross-border taxation, and
administration, and compliance issues. sustainability issues. PITAA also seeks to expand its
membership and engage with more stakeholders to
PITAA has also facilitated technical assistance and contribute to the development and advancement of
capacity-building initiatives to enhance the capabilities tax administration in the Pacific Islands.
of tax administrations in the region. This has included
training programs, workshops, and seminars on topics In conclusion, as PITAA commemorates its 6th
such as tax audit techniques, tax compliance anniversary, it is a moment to celebrate the
strategies, taxpayer education, and IT solutions for tax achievements and progresses made towards
administration. promoting collaboration, knowledge sharing, and
capacity building among tax administrators in the
These capacity-building efforts have helped member region. PITAA has played a vital role in advancing tax
countries to strengthen their tax systems and improve administration in the region.
their revenue collection processes.
PITAA's plan for the future is that it remains
In addition to capacity building, PITAA has also committed to its mission and continues to strive for
focused on promoting regional cooperation in excellence in promoting best practices and supporting
addressing common challenges and issues related to the development of tax administration in the Pacific
taxation. Islands.

This has included discussions on tax policy

harmonization, exchange of information for tax
purposes, combating tax evasion and money
laundering, and addressing the tax implications of
climate change and environmental conservation in the
Pacific Islands.

Tax Issue 1 of 2023

Recap: Workshops in the 1st Quarter 2023
Performance Management Workshop Regional Network Tax Admin Software
The Pacific Islands Tax Administrators Association
(PITAA) Secretariat in partnership with the Pacific
Group (TASG) Seminar
The TASG Seminar aimed to provide participants with
Financial Technical Assistance Center (PFTAC) had
insights into the latest developments in tax
hosted a five (5) day hybrid regional workshop on
administration software, best practices in software
Performance Management at the Tanoa International
implementation and utilization, and opportunities for
Hotel in Nadi, Fiji in late January of 2023.
collaboration and networking among tax administrators
in the region.
The regional participants from tax administrative bodies
who attended this workshop were enlighten on the
The seminar featured presentations from experts in the
importance of a performance management system and
field of tax administration software, including
the relevant roles that staff and managers in a revenue
representatives from leading software vendors, as well
administration play. Managers, team leaders and
as tax administrators from different countries in the
employees had been trained to participate in a feedback
Pacific Islands region who shared their experiences
meeting which was another component of this
with implementing tax administration software

Read more

The participants and the facilitators in the TASG Seminar

Gender in Practice in Pacific Revenue

The participants, facilitators, and speakers during Day 1 of the PITAA-PFTAC Performance
Management Workshop at Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi. Administrations
The PITAA and PFTAC seminar on Gender in Practice in
Pacific Revenue Administrations highlighted the
Leadership Session 10: Business importance of gender-sensitive policies in revenue
Continuity Plan administrations. It recognized international
The PITAA Secretariat in partnership with PFTAC commitments and regional initiatives as drivers of
conducted the highly anticipated Leadership Series 10: progress. During the workshop, regional participants
Business Continuity Plan. The virtual event, held on 15 from tax administrative bodies identified good
March, brought together tax administrators from across practices, such as gender focal points and
the Pacific Islands to discuss and strategize on business mainstreaming, but challenges were highlighted like
continuity planning in the face of challenges such as limited data and resources were acknowledged.
natural disasters, pandemics, and other disruptions. Sustained commitment and collaboration are needed to
achieve meaningful gender equality outcomes in
The event featured expert speakers and facilitators who revenue administrations in the Pacific region.
shared insights and best practices on developing
effective business continuity plans. Discussions
centered around risk assessment, contingency planning,
resource management, communication strategies, and
other key aspects of business continuity planning.
Participants engaged in interactive sessions, case
studies, and group exercises that helped them
understand the nuances of developing and
implementing robust business continuity plans tailored
to their respective tax administrations.
The participants and the facilitators in the Gender in Practice in Pacific
Revenue Administrations Seminar

Tax Issue 1 of 2023

News from the Region
MoRCs welcomes new CEO Fonoti Appointed CEO
The Tongan Ministry of Revenue and Customs The Ministry of Customs and Revenue (MCR) in
(MoRCS) held a thanksgiving prayer service to Samoa has appointed Afioga Fonoti Talaitupu Li'a -
officially welcomed their new Chief Executive Officer Taefu as their new Chief Executive Officer on a
Mr. Michael Cokanasiga earlier this year. three (3) year contractual term.

Mr. Cokanasiga acknowledged his predecessors but This appointment was made during Samoa's
most importantly MoRCs’ former CEO Mr. Kelemete parliamentary cabinet meeting held on 29th March
Vahe and former staff who had left the Ministry 2023.
stating that their contributions have enabled the
Ministry to excel to the stage it is now. Ms. Fonoti began her career as a Compliance Audit
Officer in 2003 at the MCR where she remains till
Under his leadership, the Ministry will continuously date.
work to improve high workplace standards and
incorporate innovative thinking to improve the During her tenure at the Ministry, she has acquired
efficiency of all Tax and Customs services. skills, abilities, strong leadership qualities and
professionalism attest at her promotions over the
Mr. Cokanasiga highlighted professionalism, last 20 years. She was also appointed as the Deputy
efficiency and integrity as his three areas of reform CEO in 2016.
under his tenure as the CEO.
In addition to this, Ms Fonoti holds an impressive
At the conclusion of his speech, he reminded the list of qualifications as well which makes her fit for
staff about the importance of integrity in their this role. She holds a Masters in Public Finance from
individual roles and delivering their best for the the National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies,
nation. Tokyo, Japan as well as a Bachelor of Commerce
from the National University of Samoa.

Ms. Afioga Fonoti Talaitupu Li'a-Taefu

Mr. Micheal Cokanasiga during the thanksgiving prayer service

Mr. Micheal Cokanasiga with the staff of MoRCS during the thanksgiving prayer

Tax Issue 1 of 2023

News from the Region
IRC Announces New 2nd Phase of Vanuatu
Leadership Team Electronic Single Window
The Second Phase of the concession module, Vanuatu
Electronic Single Window was launched by the Vanuatu
Department of Customs and Inland Revenue (DCIR) in late
January of this year.

The 200 million vatu project is funded by the Enhance

Integrated Framework (EIF) in partnership with the
Australian Government through the Governance for
Growth Program.

The DCIR will use the Single Window Portal to issue

The Commissioner General of Papua New Guinea Certificate of Origin to different businesses during
Internal Revenue Commission (PNGIRC) was pleased international trade transactions, and to facilitate
to announce of some important changes taking place applications for concessions between respective
at the Internal Revenue Commission. government agencies and businesses.

To view more, visit

"As part of our ongoing efforts to improve our
operations and better serve our taxpayers, we are
excited to announce the next phase of the
Organisation redesign and creation of new business
divisions and the appointment of new leaders to
these divisions," said General Koim.

These said changes took effect on 14 February 2023.

"Our new business divisions have been created to

better align our operations with the evolving needs
Manager of Electronics Single Window Project, Stanley Trief, conducting
of our taxpayers and to ensure that we are well- the official launching of the Vanuatu Electronic Single Window
positioned to take advantage of new growth
Virgin Australia Resumes
The new divisions will be led by experienced leaders
committed to driving outcomes, innovation and
Flights to Vanuatu

excellence within our organization," he added. After COVID-19 pandemic, Virgin Australia has resumed its
flights to Vanuatu. It is now operating more than five (5)
flights per day from Vanuatu.
As an important stakeholder, we wanted to provide
you with sufficient notice of these changes and to
Virgin Australia Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer
explain the reasoning behind them. We believe that Alistair Hartley said the addition of the island destination to
these changes will have a positive impact on our Virgin Australia’s network gave holiday makers greater
organization, and we wanted to share this news with choice when it came to planning a getaway right on their
you as soon as possible to keep you informed." doorstep.

Vanuatu Tourism Office CEO Adela Issachar Aru said:

Mr Koim remarked that PNGIRC understood that this
“Australian visitation has continued to rise steadily since
alterations within their organization would be
Vanuatu’s borders reopened in July 2022, and greater
challenging, but to ensure continuous success and
connectivity to Vanuatu, thanks to Virgin Australia, will help
growth, these changes are considered as a necessity. us welcome even more holidaymakers to our shores in 2023
and beyond."
The entire list of new appointments can be found on Please visit to read more.

Tax Issue 1 of 2023

News from the Region
FRCS Celebrates Completion of the Digital Online System
Tax Administration bodies continue to achieve milestones and one such example is The Fiji Revenue and Customs Service
(FRCS) announcing the completion of its digital online system for Fiji’s taxpayers.

The Taxpayer Online Service (TPOS) not only aims to enhance the taxpayer experience but also provides a platform to
improve the ease of doing business in Fiji. Describing the completion of TPOS as a fantastic achievement, FRCS CEO Mr.
Mark Dixon stated that TPOS was one of the most complex and largest digitization projects that Fiji has ever completed.

"It's a fantastic achievement. Taking all our taxpayer services online is the future, allowing taxpayers to do their business with
us as simple as possible from their homes, and their businesses. No need to come and see us in the office, although they are
most welcome to still do so,” Mr. Dixon said.

TPOS is a self-service “one-stop shop” which allows taxpayers to conduct business with FRCS through a 24x7 online portal
and serves to encourage higher levels of voluntary compliance in a self-assessment environment.

Mr. Dixon attributed the successful completion of the digitization project to the hardworking and dedicated FRCS team, its
implementation partner Invenio Business Solutions, and the stakeholders who continuously reviewed and provided feedback
on the various tax processes prior to implementing it online..

According to the project lead Ms. Emily Yalimaiwai, delivering a transformational change project of such a large scale and
complexity is a challenge however, we needed to be well-resourced to increase chances of success and early adoption of

Ms. Yalimaiwai stated that the online filing statistics have been very positive since 2019. She further added that
approximately 1600 Personal Income Tax (PIT) and 560 Corporate Income Tax (CIT) returns were filed on TPOS, following
the implementation of these tax processes on TPOS in mid-March 2023.

“This is quite a good number for just the first few weeks since these processes went live. However, we do encourage more
taxpayers to sign up for TPOS now that we have all our key processes within the tax administration available on the portal,”
she said.

Currently, 113,331 taxpayers have signed up for TPOS. This is a substantial increase from the same period last year when the
total number of users was 72,005. With full implementation, it is expected that more taxpayers will be using the online portal.
Future Plans for Taxpayer Online Service (TPOS)FRCS will now increase its emphasis on taxpayer education and
enhancements to the current processes.

Read the full article:

From left: TPOS Project Lead Ms. Emily Yalimaiwai, FRCS CEO Mr. Mark Dixon and
Director Taxation Ms. Momina Begg at the launch of TPOS System

Tax Issue 1 of 2023

Launches & Partnerships
2023-2025 CIS Launched by FRCS
The major objective 2023-2025 Compliance Improvement Strategy (CIS) by FRCS is to encourage voluntary compliance
where our customers honestly register their business, file returns, pay taxes on time and accurately report all tax information
to FRCS.

During the launch of CIS, FRCS CEO Mr. Mark Dixon stated that FRCS is moving from an authoritarian regime to a service-
centric organization that understands the importance of voluntary compliance. According to Mr. Dixon, the CIS focuses on
the ease of doing business and how we must continually streamline our tax administration, support our staff and continue
on our journey of digitization.

More details on

FRCS CEO, Mr. Mark Dixon during the launch of 2023-2025

CIS Launch

PNGIRC Forges Partnership with BSP

"Banks are a ‘strategic partner’ of the tax office and a ‘key gatekeeper’ in the fight against tax evasion,” were the words of
Commissioner General Sam Koim at the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the BSP Financial
Group Limited (BSP) and the Internal Revenue Commission (IRC).

The MoU was signed on the 28th of March, 2022 at the IRC Headquarters.

The MoU establishes a framework for cooperation and coordination between the tax administration and the bank. It also
sets out the expectations and responsibilities of each party and outlines the process for resolving any disputes or issues that
may arise during the collaboration.

Read more on this MOU

CEO of BSP Financial Group Limited, Mr Mark Robinson with IRC

Commissioner General Mr. Sam Koim

Tax Issue 1 of 2023

Regional News
IRC Launches CoC Self- PITAA’s Country Visit to PNG
Validation App on Google
Play Store

The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Internal Revenue PITAA Head of Secretariat, Mr George Mow and team paid
Commission (IRC) has launched a self-validation mobile a visit to Mr. Sam Koim, the Commissioner General of
phone application to authenticate Certificate of PNGIRC in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG) on the
Compliances (CoC). 23rd of March 2023 as part of a week long visit to PNG.

The CoC is a document issued by the IRC to taxpayers who “PNGIRC is the host of the 2023 PITAA Annual Heads
enter into a contract in which eligible payments which are Meeting which is scheduled in September, therefore in my
expected to exceed K5000/per annum. role as HoS of PITAA, I met with Mr. Koim, the PNGIRC
Commissioners and the Organizing Committee to
At the launch, Commissioner General Sam Koim acclaimed understand and contribute to the logistical preparation
this as another momentous achievement for IRC to become towards the meeting,” Mr. Mow said.
a digitally transformed organization.
Mount Hagen will be the location for the 2023 PITAA
Mr. Koim said, “Corruption, especially at the bureaucratic Annual Heads Meeting, which is set to take place in
and administrative levels, flourishes when ‘motive’ and September 2023. This meeting is an important event for
‘opportunity’ meet. We are addressing ‘motive’ by improving PITAA, bringing together heads of tax administrations,
terms and conditions and penalizing those doing the wrong donor agencies, our partners, and stakeholders from across
thing. With automation and introduction of digital tools like the Pacific to discuss and exchange ideas on key tax issues
this, we remove the ‘opportunity’ for human discretion.” impacting the region now and in the future.

About CoC This was also an opportunity to visit one of member

According to the CoC software developer, Leonard administrations and Mr Mow was pleased that they were
Wanusim of Minsoft stated that the application has two (2) able to strengthen their partnership and discuss
major software components. opportunities for current and future initiatives.

1. Web Management Portal - allows IRC staff to generate “PNG IRC is looking forward to supporting and hosting this
the CoC with a QR code embedded in the certificate. annual event in our effort to showcase our beautiful nation
2. ‘Track Tru-IRC’ mobile app - available on the Google and its culture. My team is committed to supporting the
Play Store, allowing users to validate a CoC document PITAA Secretariat in co-ordinating another successful
by simply scanning the entire document with the QR PITAA Annual Heads Meeting” Mr. Koim said.
Code. After the document is scanned and validated, the
result is transmitted to the Web Management Portal, The PITAA team also met with officials in the Mount Hagen
where the IRC staff can monitor it. The transmitted data Regional Tax Centre and held a discussion regarding the
includes the GPS location, making it easy to find the upcoming Annual Heads Meeting.
people or businesses who do not comply.

Commissioner General Sam Koim (fifth from left) with PITAA Secretariat staff met with the PNGIRC staff during
officials of IRC during the launch of CoC their country visit

Tax Issue 1 of 2023


1. PITTA's 6th Anniversary celebrated with the Head of OCO and FRCS reps
2. Participants at the Performance Management Workshop in January
3. PITAA Members during a recent regional workshop
4. PITAA Secretariat staff country visit to PNG pictured with Mr. Sam Loi, Commissioner, PNGIRC

Tax Issue 1 of 2023

Meet our Team

Mr. George Mow Mr. Petero Maivucevuce

Head of Secreatriat Training Coordinator and Office Administrator

Ms. Madhvi Devi Ms. Sheenam Chandra

Finance Officer Communications Officer


Follow us on our social media
accounts to get updates

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