Week - 1 - DQ2-Technology's Impact On Society

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Week – 1 – DQ-2


As per the Wikipedia Technology “collection of tools, including machinery,

modifications, arrangements and procedures used by humans.” In the past few
decades there have been lots of innovations in technology. Today, innovation of
technologies is having wide-ranging effects across numerous domains of society.
These innovations of technologies have numbers of positives and negative effects
to the society.

In following sections, I am going to discuss invention of Television and how it’s

widespread and how its effect to the society.

Invention of the Television

Though technological research invented the television and it soon began as a

powerful medium of communication, that not only had tremendous impact on
news media and entertainment but also challenged the structure of family,
cultural and social life.

Television was not invented by a one single person, instead ideas of and
innovations of many people led to the invention of television.

Use of Television

Although the television was developed before Word War 2, it was getting
populated in the United States and Western Europe Countries after the World
War 2. End of 1950 some of the countries had access to more than one television
channel. By the end of 1970s the majority of the houses were having at least one
television. In the European region about 90% of the children had access to the
television at the end of 1990. After that television was distributed to other
countries and now every house has the at least one television set.

The Effects of Television on Society

Television helps educate and entertain people around the globe. At the same
time, it also has a negative impact to the society. People are sitting in front of the
television screen for a longer period of time and becoming socially unproductive
and unsocial.

Television was a main source of entertainment, news, sports scores, weather

reports and other information. Further, Television also a medium for advertising,
it continually tries to create new demands.

“The television has called a variety of names— from the idiot box to the devil’s
instrument, but its contribution and all pervasive influence on the modern
cultures and societies cannot be denied or overlooked. The multi-faceted
application attributes of “second screen” gadgets like PCs, tablets and cell phones
gradually usurped the central position television enjoyed in our lives but the
television is not ready for the dump heap yet. As a medium of entertainment and
information it has still retained a measure of its relevance and usage.” (Shalom,


Addiction to the Television has numerous social impacts on modern society and
need serious social science investigation in order to manage its risks and dangers.


Elad Shalom (2013) Television Looking Beyond the Idiot Box [Online].
Development Architecture blog Available from
(Accessed: 08th August 2014).

H. Armstrong Roberts (NA) Television [Online]. Encyclopedia of Children and

Childhood in History and Society Available from
http://www.faqs.org/childhood/So-Th/Television.html (Accessed: 08th August

Asdfs (2005) The Effects of Television on Society [Online]. Available

46266.html (Accessed: 08th August 2014).

ARPITA (2011) Essay on Impact of the Television on the Society [Online].

Available http://www.preservearticles.com/201106087664/essay-on-impact-of-
the-television-on-the-society.html (Accessed: 08th August 2014).

Wikipedia (2014) Technology [Online]. Available

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology (Accessed: 08th August 2014).

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