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Menashe et al.
Errors in Pediatric Chest Radiography

Pediatric Imaging
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Pediatric Chest Radiographs:

Common and Less Common Errors
Sarah J. Menashe1 OBJECTIVE. Radiographic imaging of the pediatric chest presents several unique challenges
Ramesh S. Iyer and nuances, stemming from congenital variants and pathologic processes specific to this popu-
Marguerite T. Parisi lation. Errors in interpretation may lead to inappropriate further imaging, incurring additional ra-
Randolph K. Otto diation exposure and cost, as well as psychologic effects on the patients and their families.
A. Luana Stanescu CONCLUSION. Here, we aim to highlight some common and less common pitfalls in
pediatric chest radiography, as well as some tools for avoiding potential mistakes.
Menashe SJ, Iyer RS, Parisi MT, Otto RK,
Stanescu AL s L. H. Garland noted in his for avoiding potential errors using an organ-

A presidential address at the 1949

meeting of the Radiological So-
ciety of North America, radio-
and case-based approach.

graphs are a highly reliable diagnostic tool The normal mediastinum can have a vari-
as long as their findings are taken in the con- able appearance on radiographs, depending
text of the patient’s history, clinical symp- on the patient’s age, developmental stage, and
toms, and laboratory data; when used alone, health status and the anatomic variations of
their “reliability may be evanescent” [1]. Al- the thymus [6]. Congenital or acquired le-
though errors in diagnostic radiology have sions, cardiac and vascular malformations,
been presented and debated frequently over and procedural or surgical changes can add
the past several decades, most of the litera- an additional layer of heterogeneity to the me-
ture is centered on the adult population [1– diastinal appearance [7, 8]. Although cross-
4]. More recent publications have highlight- sectional imaging allows detailed assessment
ed the importance of addressing radiology of the mediastinum and its contents and may
errors separately in the pediatric population, ultimately be required in certain cases, these
where disease processes and imaging algo- modalities are infrequently used as first-line
rithms are often vastly different from those imaging [6, 9, 10]. Accordingly, a thorough
in the adult population [5]. Compounding understanding of mediastinal anatomy and its
these differences is the fact that radiography appearance on pediatric radiography is para-
Keywords: chest radiographs, errors, pediatric
remains the mainstay of much of pediatric mount [11].
imaging, and follow-up radiographs, addi-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.16.16449 tional projections, and further imaging with Case 1
cross-sectional modalities are not always A 9-month-old girl had a history of atrio-
Received March 15, 2016; accepted without revision
recommended or appropriate, particularly in ventricular septal defect. The patient under-
April 1, 2016.
the age of ALARA (as low as reasonably went surgical repair, which was complicated
Based on a presentation at the ARRS 2015 Annual achievable). This is especially true within by heart block requiring a permanent pace-
Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada. pediatric thoracic imaging. The use of a sys- maker and warfarin therapy (Figs. 1A–1C).
tematic approach to image interpretation, Discussion—The thymus is usually large
All authors: Department of Radiology, Seattle Children’s
Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, MA.7.220, Seattle, WA
with an awareness of common errors and the and nearly fully developed at birth, increas-
98105. Address c­ orrespondence to A. L. Stanescu underlying root causes, can aid both the pe- ing in size during early infancy. The thymus
( diatric and general radiologist in avoiding gradually involutes after the age of 2 years,
such pitfalls and rendering accurate inter- becoming difficult to visualize on radio-
AJR 2016; 207:903–911 pretations. We aim to provide a pictorial re- graphs after the age of 8 years but remaining
view of some of the more common and un- visible on cross-sectional imaging. By adult-
usual hazards in chest radiography in hood, thymic tissue is largely replaced by fat,
© American Roentgen Ray Society children and to present some tips and tricks though the underlying cortical and medul-

AJR:207, October 2016 903

Menashe et al.

lary tissue persists [12]. Located in the an- ly accepted, consists of six primitive paired on every radiograph of the pediatric chest.
terior mediastinum, the thymus overlies the arches that undergo formation and regression These may be the first clues indicating the
pericardium, left innominate vein, and tra- in ordered succession, ultimately forming the presence of a vascular anomaly. Attention to
chea. It extends superiorly to the level of the aorta and its branches. Incomplete or improp- meticulous radiographic technique, including
inferior aspect of the thyroid and inferiorly er formation or regression of these arches can adequate inspiratory effort and positioning, is
as far as the diaphragm, though thymic shape result in various anomalies, namely vascular a crucial component of such evaluation.
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and size vary greatly throughout life. rings [17, 18]. Vascular rings are divided into
Typically, in infancy and early childhood, complete and incomplete forms according to Case 3
the thymus will be depicted on radiographs whether vascular structures completely en- A 12-week-old boy presented to the emer-
as a soft-tissue structure with some degree circle or just compress, respectively, the tra- gency department with unexplained bruis-
of transparency, allowing the visualization chea and esophagus. Complete ring anomalies, ing. A skeletal survey was obtained to evalu-
of the underlying pulmonary vasculature. which comprise most vascular rings, include ate for nonaccidental trauma (Fig. 3).
This feature is in contradistinction to dense double aortic arch and right arch with aberrant Discussion—Though there are many
pulmonary opacities, such as atelectasis or left subclavian artery. Anomalous innominate methods used to compartmentalize the me-
pneumonia. The borders are often lobular artery, pulmonary artery sling, and left arch diastinum, the divisions are theoretic rather
and wavy along the anterior impression of with aberrant right subclavian artery are less than truly physical, meaning that disease can
the ribs, reflecting the soft nature of the thy- frequent and are considered incomplete rings spread from one space to another and some
mic gland. A more triangular or sail shape [18]. Though representing less than 1% of con- diseases can occur in more than one com-
sharply demarcated inferiorly by the minor genital heart anomalies, rings are commonly partment. A three-part model that comprises
fissure is possible as well (Fig. 1D). Inter- symptomatic, clinically presenting with aerodi- the anterior, middle, and posterior compart-
estingly, because of its embryologic descent gestive issues related to esophageal or trache- ments is useful when encountering a medi-
along the thymopharyngeal duct, normal thy- al compression, or both. Symptom severity is astinal mass on imaging [11]. The anterior
mic tissue can frequently be found in ectopic largely related to the degree of tracheoesoph- mediastinum, the most common site of me-
locations, such as in the neck or submandib- ageal constriction, and as such, more severe diastinal masses in children, is bordered an-
ular region [13]. Though current literature is anomalies tend to present earlier. teriorly by the sternum and posteriorly by the
exploring the importance of the thymus’s im- Chest radiographs are often the first imag- pericardium and contains the thymus and
mune function later in life, it is important to ing study performed, where important clues prevascular lymph nodes. The most common
note that partial or total thymectomy is rou- to the presence of a vascular ring may in- masses in this region are related to the thy-
tinely performed during cardiac surgery to clude a right aortic arch. Additionally, if the mus, lymph node disorders such as lympho-
allow greater access to the heart and great trachea is midline, narrowed, or bowed ante- ma, and germ cell tumors. The middle medi-
vessels [12, 14, 15]. Knowledge of this is es- riorly in a symptomatic patient, a ring should astinum extends anteriorly from the anterior
sential when evaluating postoperative radio- be suspected. A fluoroscopic esophagram pericardium to an imaginary line 1 cm pos-
graphs of patients who have undergone car- will nicely reveal the presence of a vascular terior to the anterior border of the vertebral
diac surgery, because changes or widening of ring, and although several of the more com- bodies. This space contains the heart, esoph-
the mediastinum should not be attributed to mon forms of vascular rings have character- agus, trachea, lymph nodes, and multiple
thymic shadow or rebound. istic findings, occasionally specific anatom- vessels and nerves. There is a wide variety of
Teaching points—The thymus is frequent- ic variants require further evaluation with potential lesions, though nonvascular masses
ly removed during cardiac surgery. Changes cross-sectional imaging [19, 20]. are most commonly related to foregut dupli-
in mediastinal contours in patients who have Patients with a pulmonary artery sling, cation cysts or lymphadenopathy. The poste-
undergone cardiac surgery should prompt in which the left pulmonary artery origi- rior mediastinum, bordered anteriorly by the
correlation with specific surgical details and, nates from the right pulmonary artery and aforementioned imaginary line and poste-
potentially, further investigation with cross- encircles the right mainstem bronchus in riorly by paravertebral gutters, gives rise to
sectional imaging. its course, generally present early in life as about a third of mediastinal masses. Though
On chest radiographs obtained in infants, a result of severe respiratory distress [21]. these can include structural entities, such
the thymic gland is depicted as a lobulat- Though this is primarily a manifestation of as hiatal hernias or aortic aneurysms, most
ed, occasionally triangular-shaped, soft-tis- bronchial compression, associated complete of these lesions (nearly 90%) are neurogen-
sue density with some degree of transparen- cartilaginous tracheal rings and tracheal ste- ic in origin. They can arise from either the
cy, which allows visualization of underlying nosis are frequently contributing factors. As paravertebral sympathetic chain (e.g., neuro-
lung vessels. noted already, radiographs in these patients blastoma, ganglioneuroma, and ganglioneu-
will nearly always display some abnormal- roblastoma) or the nerve sheath (e.g., schwan-
Case 2 ity, and evaluation for tracheal narrowing on noma and neurofibroma) [11, 23] (Table 1).
A 4-month-old boy presented with breath- frontal view or anterior bowing of the tra- Neuroblastoma is the most common solid
ing difficulties (Fig. 2). chea with abnormal soft tissue between the extracranial malignancy of childhood. It has
Discussion—The formation of the aortic esophagus and the trachea on the lateral view no sex predilection and is primarily a diagno-
arch and associated structures occurs during should suggest this diagnosis [22]. sis of young children, because approximately
the third week of fetal life [16]. In 1948, Ed- Teaching point—Assessment of the caliber 80% of them are present by the age of 4 years
wards [17] proposed a double aortic arch mod- and position of the trachea, as well as the lat- [24, 25]. Neuroblastomas are tumors of neu-
el of development. This schematic, now wide- erality of the aortic arch, should be performed ral crest origin and frequently arise in the ad-

904 AJR:207, October 2016

Errors in Pediatric Chest Radiography

TABLE 1: Differential Diagnosis for Mediastinal Masses by Compartment

Anterior Middle Posterior
Normal thymus (mimic, most common “mass”) Lymphoma Neurogenic tumor, such as neuroblastoma (most common)
Lymphoma (most common pathologic abnormality) Lymphadenopathy Lymphoma
Germ cell tumor Foregut duplication cyst
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Vascular malformation Nerve sheath tumor

Thymic cyst (rare)
Thymoma (rare in children)

renal gland (35%) or retroperitoneum (30%); this can lead to tension pneumomediastinum, as empyema, lung necrosis, and broncho-
however, other possible sites of disease in- cardiac tamponade, and even death [31, 32]. pleural fistula may occur [36, 37]. Despite
clude the mediastinum (19%), neck (1%), and Teaching point—Abnormal lucency over the significant morbidity associated with
pelvis (1%) [25, 26]. The often enigmatic pre- the heart shadow over time has been termed these complications, radiographic findings
sentation of these tumors lies in the variable the vanishing heart and is a sign of posterior can be subtle. However, in the presence of a
sites of origin, as well as the extent of meta- pneumomediastinum. dense consolidation, a focal lucency should
static disease and presence of paraneoplas- suggest underlying parenchymal necrosis,
tic syndromes at presentation [27]. Though Lungs and Pleura whereas a newly developed pneumothorax
complete workup invariably includes cross- Adequate radiographic evaluation of the should raise suspicion of a bronchopulmona-
sectional and metaiodobenzylguanidine im- lungs is subject to technique and patient co- ry fistula. In the presence of these findings,
aging, it is important to recognize that initial operation, two factors that are not easily con- or if indeed clinical suspicion is high, ultra-
diagnosis on radiograph is possible. Accord- trolled in pediatric imaging [33]. Tube angle, sound has been found to be an effective non-
ingly, findings on radiographs of a well-cir- patient rotation, level of inspiration, and tube ionizing alternative to CT diagnosis of nec-
cumscribed posterior mediastinal or paraspi- voltage settings can obfuscate true findings rotizing pneumonia [36, 38].
nal mass associated with calcifications, rib or create false abnormalities when not opti- Teaching point—New lucency present
widening, or bony erosion, even in patients mally managed. Ultrasound evaluation of the within densely consolidated lung should raise
being evaluated for seemingly noncontribu- lungs and pleura represents a useful adjunct, suspicion of pulmonary necrosis. This can be
tory reasons, should raise high suspicion of particularly given the absence of ionizing ra- confirmed with cross-sectional imaging.
this entity and prompt further investigation diation, but it comes with its own limitations
[25, 28, 29]. of sonographer expertise and clinician com- Case 6
Teaching points—The thoracic paraspinal fort [6, 9, 34]. In many instances, contrast-en- A 21-day-old boy with prenatally diag-
lines should be thin on every projection. If hanced CT is warranted. nosed lung mass presented for follow-up
a posterior mediastinal mass is detected in (Fig. 6).
a young child, it should be considered neu- Case 5 Discussion—Congenital lung malforma-
roblastoma until proven otherwise. Neu- An 8-year-old girl had worsening fever in tions are rare, encompassing congenital pul-
roblastoma has a wide variety of clinical the setting of known pneumonia and empy- monary airway malformations, congenital
manifestations, particularly in the setting of ema (Fig. 5). lobar overinflation, foregut duplication cysts,
metastatic disease, some of which can mimic Discussion—Cystic or cavitary lesions of bronchopulmonary sequestration, hypoge-
nonaccidental trauma. the lung can have a wide variety of causes in netic lung syndrome, and even some vascu-
the pediatric population and may be the result lar malformations [39, 40]. The pathogenesis
Case 4 of congenital lesions (e.g., bronchopulmona- of these lesions is not fully understood, al-
A 3-year-old boy was in distress after tra- ry malformations, congenital lobar overin- though the presence of hybrid lesions (typi-
cheostomy tube placement (Fig. 4). flation, or pleuropulmonary blastoma type I cally incorporating elements of both congen-
Discussion—Barotrauma or surgical in- and type II), chronic lung diseases (e.g., pul- ital pulmonary airway malformations and
tervention in the neonate often results in monary Langerhans cell histiocytosis), infec- sequestration) suggests a common embryo-
abnormal collections of air outside of lung tious entities, or traumatic pseudocysts. In all logic origin [41].
parenchyma, namely pneumothoraces and of these disease processes, imaging plays an When a pulmonary malformation is de-
pulmonary interstitial emphysema. Pneumo- important role and often begins with a chest tected prenatally, the high positive predictive
mediastinum is less common, particularly radiograph [35]. value of ultrasound warrants postnatal con-
when it is confined to the posterior compart- When encountering a lucent lesion of the firmation, even if prenatal ultrasound reveals
ment, where air collects in the infraaortic lung, clinical history can be invaluable. The partial or complete regression [42]. Neonates
and infraazygous spaces [30]. When the im- patient in case 5 presented with community- can present with respiratory distress, where-
aging finding is large, it has been termed a acquired pneumonia, one of the most com- as older children and adults may have recur-
“vanishing heart,” because the cardiac shad- mon causes of pediatric hospitalization, af- rent infections. Radiographic findings, when
ow becomes lost behind the lucency of the air fecting 3–4% of the pediatric population. present, may include focal airspace opacity,
collection [31]. Recognition and timely diag- Though pneumonia often responds well to focal lucent lesion, or both [35]. If the pulmo-
nosis are important because, left untreated, conventional treatment, complications such nary malformation is large, this may result in

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mediastinal shift or abnormal development of inadequate intake of calcium, phosphorous, ing but also with thrombocytopenia and el-
the lungs. However, smaller congenital lung and vitamin D. Screening is an essential part evated inflammatory markers [52]. With
lesions are often misdiagnosed or missed en- of adequate treatment and is usually prompt- long-term prostaglandin-induced perios-
tirely on radiographs, even with known pre- ed by specific clinical, radiologic, and bio- titis, which is most commonly seen in pa-
natal history, and indeed some authors think chemical criteria [46]. tients with cyanotic heart disease in whom
that radiographs are “hopelessly insensitive” Radiographic findings manifest late in maintaining a ductus arteriosus is neces-
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[39, 43]. As such, it is thought that any pre- the disease process, because there must be sary for survival, there is frequently a clini-
natally diagnosed lung mass should be fol- significant bone loss before it becomes ra- cal picture of limb pain and swelling. On
lowed postnatally with a CT angiogram [39], diographically apparent. However, decreased radiographs, however, periosteal reaction
improving detection of subtle yet clinically bony mineralization as evidenced by corti- is typically symmetric, single-layer, and
relevant imaging features, such as cystic or cal thinning and fractures may be seen. If mainly involves the long bones, though the
solid components, precise anatomic location, additional findings of robust subperiosteal ribs, clavicles, and scapulae can also be af-
and mapping of any associated anomalous new bone formation, epiphyseal separation, fected [53–55]. Cessation of prostaglandin
vascular supply. and metaphyseal abnormalities are present, therapy results in fairly rapid improvement
Teaching point—Prenatally detected lung copper deficiency should be a differential in the periostitis; however, it is important to
masses should be followed postnatally with consideration. Although it is less common note that complete resolution can take up to
radiographs and ultimately with contrast-en- overall, copper deficiency occurs in similar a year [53, 55].
hanced CT. pediatric populations, often in infants with Teaching point—Periostitis in the neonate
the added history of receiving total parenter- and infant may be physiologic, but can also
Bones al nutrition for a significant duration or those be a sign of underlying disease. Evaluating
Radiographs of neonates are most com- with enteral diseases, such as short gut. Ad- the pattern and extent of bony involvement
monly obtained for evaluation of the respira- ditional hematopoietic abnormalities may and correlating with important clinical and
tory and gastrointestinal systems [44]. How- also be present [46, 49–51]. biochemical markers can suggest the under-
ever, careful evaluation of osseous structures Teaching point—Bony demineralization in lying diagnosis.
can often yield clinically valuable informa- the premature infant is an important observa-
tion. Incidental bony findings of osteope- tion that suggests underlying metabolic bone Case 9
nia, fractures, or periosteal reaction are often disease of prematurity. Look for cortical thin- A 5-month-old boy presented with vomit-
subtle but can suggest underlying metabolic ning and possible associated fractures. ing (Fig. 9).
bone disease, congenital or neonatal infec- Discussion—As illustrated by Lachman
tion, nonaccidental trauma, or therapy-relat- Case 8 and Taybi [56], there is a vast array of dis-
ed changes [45, 46]. Congenital or inherited A 6-week-old boy had ductus-dependent ease processes that affect the appearance of
bony diseases may be manifest on these ra- congenital heart disease (Fig. 8). the skeletal system. Although the list is too
diographs as well, with abnormal shape or Discussion—The periosteal membrane encyclopedic to commit to memory, recog-
mineralization of some or all of the visual- covers cortical bone, sparing only the artic- nizing a few of the more common disorders
ized bony structures [47]. Careful attention ular surface, and is highly active in infants. is helpful, and, in many instances, key radio-
to and documentation of bony findings, com- Periostitis can occur physiologically in the graphic observations can lead the radiologist
munication with the clinical team, and corre- first 6 months of life, usually around age 12 to the correct diagnosis [57].
lation with pertinent patient history are para- weeks. However, exuberant periosteal reac- Hurler syndrome, or mucopolysaccharido-
mount for correct diagnosis and appropriate tion can also represent a manifestation of sis type IH, is one of many types of muco-
clinical management [48]. numerous underlying pathologic abnormal- polysaccharidoses, a varied group of inher-
ities, including hypervitaminosis A, scur- ited lysosomal storage disorders occurring in
Case 7 vy, Caffey disease (infant cortical hyperos- 1 in 25,000 live births [58]. Although clin-
A 9-week-old boy who had been born pre- tosis), rickets, child abuse or other trauma, ical manifestations vary among each type,
maturely presented with respiratory distress malignancy, and acquired or congenital in- typical findings include dysostosis multiplex
and underwent serial chest radiographs (Fig. 7). fections (e.g., syphilis) [48]. Clinical history (discussed in the next paragraph), significant
Discussion—Reduced bone mineral con- and patterns of periostitis can offer impor- CNS abnormalities, developmental delay,
tent in the premature infant, also known as tant clues to the underlying diagnosis. In- and organomegaly [58].
metabolic bone disease of prematurity, os- volvement of a single bone suggests trauma, In patients with Hurler syndrome, skele-
teopenia of prematurity, or neonatal rickets, infection, or tumor and should be correlat- tal survey may reveal wide oar-shaped ribs
can affect the strength and structure of the ed with trauma history or elevated tumor or with anterior splaying, gibbus deformity with
skeletal system throughout life. Its frequen- inflammatory markers, respectively. In the kyphosis, dysplastic vertebrae with anterior
cy is increasing, predominantly as the result setting of vitamin abnormalities, radiolog- beaking, flaring of the iliac wings and hip
of increased survival of premature infants, ic findings may be more diffuse and wide- dysplasia, widening and shortening of the
who do not benefit from the final weeks of spread; laboratory values should help deter- distal bones of the extremities, and bullet-
in utero mineralization in the third trimester mine vitamin toxicity or inadequate intake. shaped phalanges. These patients may have
of pregnancy. Additional risk factors include Caffey disease typically involves the man- atlantoaxial instability with spinal cord com-
long-term parenteral nutrition, low gestation- dible on radiographs and may be associated pression, hydrocephalus, and closed enceph-
al birth weight, and diuretic use, as well as an with hyperirritability, limb pain, and swell- aloceles; therefore, neuroimaging is often re-

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Errors in Pediatric Chest Radiography

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Fig. 1—Chest radiographs of two different patients.

A–C, 9-month-old girl with history of atrioventricular
septal defect who underwent repair and heart
block requiring permanent pacemaker, now
receiving warfarin. Initial chest radiograph obtained
immediately after surgery (A) shows normal contour
of superior mediastinum. Follow-up chest radiograph
obtained because of increased irritability 9 days
later (B) reveals new density with convex border
along left superior mediastinum (arrows, B), thought
to represent thymic shadow or rebound. If available
operative report had been reviewed, it would have
been known that thymus was removed at time of
cardiac surgery, as commonly occurs, and that
contour abnormality actually represented large
mediastinal hematoma (arrows, C) as seen on coronal
contrast-enhanced CT (C).
D, 3-month-old girl with cough. Chest radiograph
shows triangular-shaped right thymic lobe with sail
sign. Patient is rotated to right.

908 AJR:207, October 2016

Errors in Pediatric Chest Radiography
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Fig. 2—4-month-old boy with breathing difficulty.
A and B, Frontal (A) and lateral (B) chest radiographs show diffuse narrowing of intrathoracic trachea (arrows, A) and subtle anterior displacement of inferior trachea
(arrows, B) by soft-tissue density (asterisk, B) interposed between trachea and esophagus. These findings were not described on report.
C, Three-dimensional reformat from CT performed 2 weeks later shows left pulmonary artery sling and diffusely narrowed trachea (arrows) secondary to complete
tracheal rings, which are commonly associated with this type of vascular ring.

Fig. 3—12-week-old boy with bruising.

A, Oblique chest radiograph from skeletal survey
for nonaccidental trauma shows right posterior
mediastinal mass (arrows) that was initially missed.
Per protocol, survey was repeated 1 week later and
mass was detected at that time; subsequent workup
revealed metastatic neuroblastoma. “Bruising” was
due to subcutaneous metastases (i.e., blueberry
muffin baby).
B, Coronal STIR MRI best defines right paraspinal
mass (arrows).

AJR:207, October 2016 909

Menashe et al.
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Fig. 4—3-year-old boy who was in distress after tracheostomy replacement.
A, Large posterior pneumomediastinum (arrows) seen on initial supine frontal chest radiograph was misinterpreted as hiatal hernia. Subcutaneous emphysema, best
seen in left cervical area (arrowhead), was not described on report.
B and C, Frontal (B) and lateral (C) chest radiographs obtained few hours later show progressive worsening of pneumomediastinum (arrows) and subcutaneous
emphysema (arrowheads). Ultimately, tracheostomy site leak was diagnosed.

Fig. 5—8-year-old girl with pneumonia, empyema,

and worsening fever.
A and B, Lucent lesions seen on chest radiograph
in retrocardiac region (arrows, A), consistent with
necrotizing pneumonia as proven on follow-up CT
examination (arrows, B), were not mentioned in report.


Fig. 6—21-day-old boy with lung mass noted on prenatal imaging.
A, Chest radiograph was read as normal. Ill-defined patchy densities in right lower lobe (arrows) were missed.
B and C, Coronal images from subsequent contrast-enhanced CT show mixed solid and cystic mass in posterior aspect of right lower lobe (B) with systemic arterial
supply (arrow, C), compatible with combined sequestration and congenital pulmonary airway malformation lesion.

910 AJR:207, October 2016

Errors in Pediatric Chest Radiography

Fig. 7—9-week-old prematurely born boy with

respiratory distress.
A, Proximal right humeral fracture (arrow) seen on
frontal chest radiograph was not described in report.
B, Follow-up radiograph obtained 3 weeks later
shows exuberant callus formation at fracture site
(arrows). Finding is likely related to underlying
metabolic bone disease of prematurity.
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Fig. 8—6-week-old boy with congenital heart disease and dextrocardia. Diffuse symmetric periosteal reaction
from prostaglandin treatment in this patient with ductal-dependent congenital heart disease, seen along right
humeral shaft and partially visualized along left humerus (arrows), was not described on report for this frontal
chest radiograph. Physiologic mechanism is down-regulation of osteoclastic activity, with net osteoblastic

Fig. 9—5-month-old boy with vomiting.

A, Gibbous deformity at L1–2 secondary to inferior
beaking of L2 and L3 on lateral chest and abdominal
radiograph (arrows) were thought to be normal
B, However, these findings, combined with ribs being
wider than intercostal spaces, are highly suggestive
of Hurler syndrome, mucopolysaccharidosis type
IH. Diagnosis was suspected clinically at 10 months
(because of cloudy corneas) and was confirmed

AJR:207, October 2016 911

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