1ST Year - Odd-One-Out Vocabulary

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Cross out the odd word and add one more:

1. blue – pink- park – black - __park________________

2. apples – bananas- oranges – chairs - ___chairs_______________
3. postman – doctor – hospital – secretary - ___postman _____________
4. hungry – tired- happy – friend - ____friend_________________
5. Friday – Sunday – March – Wednesday - ___March____________
6. seven- first – eight- twenty - ___first_______________
7. German- Russia- England – Scotland - ___Scotland____________
8. February – November- Monday – July - ___Monday_______________
9. tree- fridge- table- bed - _____tree___________
10.salad – carrot – tomato – cucumber - ____cucumber___________
11.second – third – nine – twelfth - ___second_____________
12.orange – cherry – potato – kiwi - _potato_______________
13.sister – niece – father – aunt - __niece________________
14.grandfather – aunt – nephew – brother - __nephew__________
15.football – tennis – music – judo - ____music_________
16.my – our – she – your - ____she___________
17.car - dog- camel – horse - _____camel_____________
18.bed - kitchen – bathroom – hall - ___hall____________
19.teddy bear – ball – doll - backpack - _____backpack____________
20.biology – carpet – geography- maths - ______carpet________________

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