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20 AnnUAl

October 19-22, 2015 • Kona, Hawaii, USA

Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa
• Keynote Speakers
• Invited Panels/Speakers FInal Call for Papers: August 28, 2015
• Full & Brief Papers Early registration: September 22, 2015
• Best Practices Hotel reservation: September 22, 2015
• Panels
• Showcases • Virtual Brief Papers
• Roundtables • Virtual Showcase
• Symposia • Virtual Corporate
• Workshops Presentations

a conference of aace

Co-sponsored by:
e-learn 2015 World Conference on E-Learning is an international con-
ference organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education tOpICS
(AACE) and co-sponsored by the International Journal on E-Learning. This annual
conference serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of information on Major Topics relating to or technologically supporting E-Learning
research, development, and applications of all topics related to E-Learning.
• Content Development
We invite you to attend E-Learn 2015 and submit proposals for papers, panels, best • Evaluation
practices, roundtables, workshops, research/technical showcases, products/services
showcases, products/services presentations, and virtual presentations. The Conference • Implementation Examples and Issues
Review Policy requires that each proposal will be peer reviewed by three reviewers for • Instructional Design
inclusion in the conference program and proceedings. • Policy Issues
• Research
Information for presenters • Social and Cultural Issues
• Standards and Interoperability
Details of presentation formats are given on the following pages. The general principles • Tools and Systems
applying to all are:
• Other
• All communication will be with the contact presenter who is responsible for
communicating with co-presenters of that session. Specific Topics Examples
• All presenters must register and pay the registration fee (approximately $430 for • Accessibility
members ($US), $490 for non-members ($US), • Asynchronous Learning
Virtual Presentation approximately $225 ($US). • Authoring Tools
• Building E-Learning Architectures
• The conference secures basic equipment needed for presenters. • Collaborative Learning
proceedings & edItlib Digital library • Community Building
• Courseware Development
Accepted papers will be published by AACE in the Conference Proceedings and inter- • Customer Training
nationally distributed via EdITLib - Education & Information Technology Digital Library, • Developing an Organizational E-Learning Strategy
sponsored by AACE ( These publications will serve as major sources of • Developing, Integrating, and Delivering
information for the e-Learning community, indicating the current state of the art, new E-Learning Solutions
trends and new opportunities. Each Conference registrant will receive permanent • Digital Libraries for E-Learning
online access to the Conference Proceedings. Selected papers may be invited for pub- • Distance Learning
lication in AACE's respected journals especially in the Journal of Educational • Electronic Publishing Tools for E-Learning
Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH), International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL), or
Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR). See: • Evaluation/Performance Measurement & Assessment
• Good Practice Concepts & Examples
paper Awards • Human-Computer Interaction
• Industry-University Partnering
All presented papers will be considered by the Program Committee for Outstanding • Infrastructure of E-Learning Environments
Paper Awards. There will also be an award for Outstanding Student Paper (therefore, • Innovative Curriculum in E-Learning
please indicate with your submission if the primary author is a full-time student). See • Instructional Design for E-Learning
previous award papers featured in the online Education & Information Technology • Intelligent E-Learning Technology
Digital Library – • Interactive E-Learning Systems
• Knowledge Management in E-Learning
Corporate participation • Learning & Content Management Systems
The E-Learn conference gives you the unique opportunity to present your organization's • Management of Learning Resources
• Marketing/Promoting Learning Activities
related products and services to an international forum at a discounted rate. Within the • Multimedia-based E-Learning Systems
special industry track, E-Learn will allocate a 30-minute Presentation or 2-hour • Organizational E-Learning Strategies
Showcase period in the Program for your presentation. • Pedagogical & Issues
• Policy and Law
e-learn is Unique • Quality Management and Assessment in E-Learning
E-Learn is an international forum designed to facilitate the exchange of information and • Research Perspectives for E-Learning
• Simulations
ideas on the research, issues, developments, and applications of a broad range of E-
• Societal Issues, Including Legal, Standards, & International Issues
Learning topics. E-Learn is an innovative collaboration between E-Learning researchers
• Virtual Universities, Classrooms, and Laboratories
and practitioners from the corporate, government, healthcare, and higher education sec-
tors. All presentation proposals are reviewed and selected by a respected international
Program Committee, based on merit and the perceived value for attendees.
Broad range of Important Topics: Coverage of a wide range of interrelated topics is SpeCIAl InteReSt GROUpS (SIGS)
just one of the features that distinguishes this conference series. Attendees can mix and
match sessions to focus on the topics that are of the most interest and benefit to them. e-Learning in Developing countries (eLDc) SIG is a community with
Participatory event: While there are Keynote and Invited talks delivered by international- a shared focus on experience, opportunities, trends, issues, challenges
ly recognized technology experts, E-Learn is more of a participatory event. All our atten- and success stories in E-learning in developing countries. Members are
dees play an important, interactive role, offering valuable feedback and insight from their interested in researching, analyzing, and discussing the current status
own experiences. The atmosphere at E-Learn is exciting and energizing. A wealth of knowl- and future trends of E-learning policies, practices, strategies, methodolo-
edge is gathered and exchanged, as professionals from disparate but related fields gather gies, and technologies in developing countries.
from all over the world to learn about new developments that impact their activities.
not a Trade Show: While E-Learn does encourage commercial participation, it is not a e-Learning Trends and Innovations (eLTI) SIG is a community sharing
trade show, and there is not an exhibition. Instead, the conference uniquely relates and collaborative focus on creating and exploring contemporary advances in
displays commercial activities throughout the E-Learn program in the form of learning technologies that are shaping education for today’s and tomor-
Products/Services Showcase and other presentations by companies. Major sponsors row’s learners. Members discuss, construct, and lead the path toward a
receive special speaking & demonstration opportunities in addition to signage and collective research-based exploration of emerging educational trends and
"exhibit" space during the conference. innovations.
Background Designing, Developing, and assessing e-Learning SIG. Making the
The E-Learn Conference originated as the WebNet World Conference on the WWW and complex clear, turning difficult into intriguing, raising intellectual curiosity,
Internet which was held as a major international conference in San Francisco, CA (1996); supporting creative problem-solving, posing authentic challenges, build-
Toronto, Canada (1997); Orlando, Florida (1998); Honolulu, HI (1999); San Antonio, TX ing effective scaffolds – contemporary e-learning goes beyond the latest
(2000); Orlando, FL (2001); Montréal, Canada (2002); Phoenix, AZ (2003); Washington DC tools and technologies. Researchers and practitioners will debate and
(2004); Vancouver BC, Canada (2005); Honolulu, HI (2006); Quebec City, Canada (2007);
Las Vegas, NV (2008); Vancouver BC, Canada (2009), Orlando, Florida (2010), Honolulu, collaborate on instructional design themes and will also promote activities
HI (2011), Montréal, QC (2012), Las Vegas, NV (2013), and New Orleans, LA (2014). for future E-Learn conferences. It provides a marketplace for joint
E-Learn 2015 is the twentieth in this series of internationally respected events. research projects and offers publications opportunities in form of special
issues and edited volumes.
Cover photo ©2014 Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) / Kirk Lee Aeder
E- Learn

1. Você reconhece esse gênero? Quem são os leitores? Qual a finalidade? Então,
esse texto é um (uma): _____________________
2. Ligue as palavras aos seus significados:
a) Beyond ( ) to bear or hold up; serve as a foundation for.
b) Field ( ) most recent;
c) Issues ( ) farther on than; more distant than
d) Latest ( ) of great extent; large
e) Share ( ) area of study
f) Support ( ) a part or portion of a larger amount that is divided
among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute.
g) Broad ( ) a point; a problem

3. Qual o tema do evento? __________________________________

4. Esse será o primeiro evento desse tema? ______________________________
5. Com que frequência essa conferência acontece? ________________________
6. A conferência acontecerá em:
a. Uma universidade b. Um hotel em uma metrópole
c. Um resort na praia d. Um estádio

7. Com qual aspecto do evento podemos relacionar a imagem da chamada?


8. As apresentações de trabalho serão realizadas de duas maneiras. Quais são



9. Cite pelo menos quatro modalidades de apresentação que acontecerão na

10. Em qual parte do texto encontra-se os objetivos da conferência? Encontre e
escreva-os abaixo.


CENEX-FaLe | Leitura e Compreensão de Textos em Inglês – 2019/1

11. Ligue as informações com as seções aonde elas podem ser encontradas:

( ) Informações para os apresentadores a. Paper Awards

( ) Tipo de prêmios dado aos trabalhos b. Information for Presenters
( ) Informações sobre publicação c. Proceedings & edItlib
( ) Preço da inscrição Digital library

12. Descreva resumidamente o que é cada Special Interest Group:

a. E-Learning in Developing countries (eLDc) SIG:

b. E-Learning Trends and Innovations (eLTI) SIG:
c. Designing, Developing, and assessing e-Learning SIG:

Language Awareness: Adjetivo é a classe de palavras variáveis que acompanham

um substantivo exprimindo as suas qualidades e características. Em inglês, a
maioria dos adjetivos podem ser identificados por suas terminações.
Algumas terminações típicas são:
Al - logical, functional, influential
Ive - attractive, inventive
Ful - beautiful, bashful, helpful, harmful

13. No texto temos vários adjetivos na seção “Topics”, encontre e escreva pelo
menos quatro (04) adjetivos juntamente com o substantivo que ele


CENEX-FaLe | Leitura e Compreensão de Textos em Inglês – 2019/1

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