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Total commercial yield. Purchased wheat versus sold finished products. Intake 2. Cleaning Silo/ storage [Conditioning Total commercial yield. Purchased wheat versus sold finished products. Flour storage / mixing Bran storage / loading Packing Bulk loading * The total commercial yield is difficult to determine perfectly due to huge time lags caused by the raw ‘material and finished product storage bins, account: The total commercial yield takes into + Content of screenings and impurities 1, Separated in Silo and Cleaning section and transferred via screenings grinding to the by products (bran). + Change of moisture content from raw ‘wheat to finished products. omm Total commercial yield. Figures for the example ‘Total amount of yearly recieved and processed wheat (sooudey ands pertrmance of 340 das) Flour moisture average Bran moisture average Dry wheat average B1 moisture average (0M. based cazuston) ‘Total screenings in dry wheat (10% H20) | Screenings weight being seperated ‘on base of qty oF2 8% dy what (03 H,O) & 0.75% Seroonings wet wneat (18%) 2 Clean, ‘Average accurancy of scales tom intake over cleaning sale, Bt scale, fished product scales and bagging sels incl. wang 24s of scales (underoading) Unavoidable milling losses (ter outlast inects, midst, respiration of aw materi, chanical processes i ised products, ‘choke prot, du tom machines in bu) Water loss bocaus a praumaticvansp.of fished products, contol iter cunt banging scale Retrieval of screenings (nctuang reduction of he tol ioss of eran empurtes ke slones, woos past. water loss forhammer il grinding) ‘Quantity of flour improvers such 2s Guten eto be subtate rom four Not considered in ts exam Total commercial yield. Calculation Example. From Intake to bagging. ————— = Byoroduets total ine. retrieval Sereoninge intake & 1 Cesning “Tota after 18 cleaning 1084 1706621 eaminge tour + Sereonings 2" Cleaning 2401 Eamings bra: iting 1088 ity wate) 35% 37 e2eet ‘Attoratonows wnt bagging seas hao: 1usoa spe 170'000¢ 14% 12%. 10% 16.5% 3% 3.25% 0.1% 0.3% 0.5% 2.9% come Coa ~ Total commercial yield. Calculation Example 2. Less Screenings and Mill Extraction. on mneat mettre seta08 Scramnge make & 1" Cleaning son Water adatition ye “se098! son Tota ater tet Cosning 00:2 1804861 args low 4 uso Sons iin2 ere) ‘Screenings 2” Cleaning = s02t Earnings bran: yses'saa USD. neat sent tort j00.0% 4067 1786024 Tet revenue eawssvazauso ere ewe ME Messe vole went ing 068 many we) S825 Tease A. dtionttonsos unt bagging ssies E vraeo agen TNFa mame renters cones Technical yield. Dirty wheat versus mill finished products. Intake |[ 1. Cleaning |[_2. Cleaning Foti aro Packing Bulk loading Silo / storage || Conditioning Technical yield. Dirty wheat versus mill finished products. + Commonly used measure to evaluate the loss of screenings in the cleaning versus the gain of moisture This yield figure takes into account: Content of screenings and impurities Separated inthe Cleaning section via screenings grinding to the by products (bran) + Change of moisture content from: + Raw wheat to Finished Products (at the end of the Flour Mill) + Value will be in most mills around 98 = 102% Finished products + Does not take into consideration moisture loss in the finished products handling area. coon Mill yield. B1 (1S break) versus mill finished products. ——y Intake |[ 1. Cleaning |[2. Cleaning Flour storage / Bran storage / mixing loading Packing Bulk loading Silo/storage ][ Conditioning aaa Tairgcoe unt Con “Mill yield. B1 (1st break) versus mill finished products. + Commonly used yield measurement to evaluate the performance of the milling process itself Mill yield taking into account: + Moisture loss during milling + Common finished products yield is 96 - 99% of B1 + Change of moisture content from: + B1 wheat to Mill finished products + Does not take into consideration moisture Joss in the finished products handling area. + If screenings are added before the bran scale, a separate screenings scale is needed to correct the values of the bran scale by the screenings amount. os tanene Tamer | Ut coor Investment criteria and strategy. Lowest operating costs with high efficient equipment. [Raw material 76 - 80% Production: 5-8 % Energy 3-4% Staff 2-3% Maintenance ~1% Distribution: 4-7 % Packing 2% Transportation ~2.% Staff 2% Marketing “1% Capital cost 5-8% 47% 4-8% 47% [Prot 47% Influence of yield on profitability. + The profit of a flour mill depends on the yield above the break even point. + The break even point is the amount of flour yield necessary to cover all the expenses ocourring during production. + Every percentage point above the break even point results in profit, every percentage point below in a loss. + Thus a yield of 76% of Flour versus 75% of Flour by same time having 1% less low grade flour or brat not 1% more profit, but much more than that. Exampk Influences of profitability. Direct yield influence. Vea vee =e = | Break | “__| even point Influences of profitability. Target quantity. Certain amount of flour must be produced. nee ee ese [Target amount | ae | flour. ea | How much | Weare toos | wheat does it = etd | eq eatin tn Totemormearectmtint Cao Influence of the raw material on profitability. + The raw material is about 78 — 84% of the total cost. «Any saving that can result from using cheaper raw material wll mmediately show up inthe profitably. «That means ifthe same yield and also costumers qualty requirements can sill be fulflled by using cheaper raw material, a significant increase in profitability will result Example: com Influences of profitability. Changes of raw material price. — cases we Sion mix Sion mice pa at the perfect Costs wheat blend | moment. Finished Products Yield% $item Yiola% $/ton f Total 100% 100 % / ‘Total revenues /t wheat in S 287 / » ‘paniaae Trang Carter | Uae Comme Influences of profitability. Changing the raw material blending. eae ree Type — More | economic Finianed Producte blending @ Fart same yield aa and quality._| = / “otal revenues /t neat in Proassson cost /twsaat in ‘Row materi costs wheat ‘otatcorte /tunaat ing Influence of water addition on profitability. Differences in raw material moisture contents. ‘The difference between purchased wheat and finished product quantity is depending on + the amount of screenings that are removed from the Wheat and + the moisture content difference between the wheat and the ished products Buying wheat at low moisture content can have @ significant influence on the profitability of a flour mill (ony if purchase is not based on 14% for example). Example: Influences of profitability. Differences in raw material moisture contents. case “case oases yee ron win Son mn = 22 iaag €2 ns Cost wheat ard —— EEN Wore water we set ietire cor weatin % add, less dry TeaTeaa nagnon nae material we | Finished Products Viola % S/ton Yield % $¢t0n voi ston | needs wae coor Influence of water addition on profitability. Dryer flour means higher water absorption. Influence to probability? ‘The difference between normal flour moisture and a little bit dryer moisture content influences + the water absorption positively + lowers the profitability ‘The design of the milling system and the starch damage that can be produced can also influence the profitability as itis, ‘common practice to drop the moisture content on 81 if the necessary water absorption cannot be achieved. ‘Selling with too low moisture content can have a significant influence on the profitability of a flour mil Example: mimi rite aT Influences of profitability. Raw material moisture content. Higher Starch Damage due | to lower flour moisture. tity come

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