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Analysis and comparison between the income per capita and expenditure on
education, medicine, water, electricity of 2 provinces Thai Nguyen and Tuyen
Quang in the year of 2010.


1.     Brief introduction about Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang

2.     Analysis and Comparison

* Income per capita

* Total income per capita of social classes

* Area and quart

* Educational expenditure in rural and urban

* Medicine expenditure in rural and urban

* Water expenditure in rural and urban

* Electricity expenditure in rural and urban

* Relative between income and other expenditures

I. Brief introduction

II. Analysis and Comparison

1. Income per capita

Slide 6: Income per capita in 2010

The graph shows the income per capita in 2 provinces Thai Nguyen and Tuyen
Quang in 2010. Units are measured in million VND.

We can obviously observe that the number of income per capita of Thai Nguyen
is higher than Tuyen Quang. Particularly, each person in Thai Nguyen made
3,809.4 million more than Tuyen Quang in the given time, which means 13.3%
higher. There were some reasons causing that difference in the income.

The first reason was the population. Thai Nguyen has about 1,3 million in
population while Tuyen Quang does not make up 1 million, thus, the capital
made from humans in Thai Nguyen must be out-numbered Tuyen Quang.

The second reason may be due to the specific geography. Thái Nguyên has its
orders shared with six provinces: Bắc Kạn, Vĩnh Phúc, Tuyên Quang, Lạng
Sơn, Bắc Giang, Hà Nội. Thái Nguyên also borders the Vietnamese capital of
Hanoi to the south. Thái Nguyên is the gateway for socio-economic exchange
with the Red River delta. The exchange is carried out via road, rail and
waterways in the province Main water features include the Cong River and Núi
Cốc Lake. On the other hand, Tuyen Quang has widely varying topography
covering high mountains and deep valleys; the dominant elevation of the
province is in the range 200–600 metres (660–1,970 ft). Therefore, the

transportation in Tuyen Quang is not as developed as Thai Nguyen, the same
happened with economics.

2. Total income per capita of social classes

Total income per capita in Thái Nguyên and Tuyên

Quang in 2010

20,000.00 16,337.80
15,000.00 10,281.46
10,000.00 5,527.40 4,298.40


Slide 7: Total income per capita of social classes

This graph illustrates the percentage of total income of the poorest, lower
middle class, upper class and the richest in Tuyen Quang and Thai Nguyen.

In general, the richest class make up the most of total income per capita with
35,297.10 in average in Tuyen Quang and in Thai Nguyen it is also the poor
class who make the most with 29,271.10. Although the poorest class make up
for the most population in both provinces, they make far less money than the
rich with the gap being 29,769.70 in Thái Nguyên and 24,972.70 in Tuyên

For both provinces, the richest class’s total income by capita is by far the
highest. The gap between the remaining class is not small as well. We could see
the inequality in the income in this province quite clearly by this evidence. Thái
Nguyên’s total income per capital is higher in all classes.

3. Area and quart.










% % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
00 00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
0. 5. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50




60.00% 84.20%




According to these 2 graphs above, both provinces has a majority of poor

family, being 44.7% in Tuyên Quang and 33.30% in Thái Nguyên. This also
shows that the percentage of poor people in Tuyên Quang is much higher than
that of Thái Nguyên with a difference of 11.4%.

The percentage of upper middle class family in Thái Nguyên and Tuyên Quang
does not differ much, account for 23% in Thái Nguyên and 23,70% in Tuyên

The lower middle class family in Thái Nguyên is 23%, which is 5% higher than
that of Tuyên Quang with 18%.

The class of richest people in Thái Nguyên outnumbers that of Tuyên Quang by
7.1%. With 20.7% of family being the richest, we can assume that in Thái
Nguyên, more than 1 out of 5 family are well-off. While in Tuyên Quang, the
percentage of rich class family is only 13.6%, which means only a little higher
than 0.75 out of 5 family are well-off.

We can clearly see that poor family’s percentage is much higher in Tuyên
Quang and rich family’s percentage in Thái Nguyên is quite high compare to
that of Tuyên Quang.

4. Educational expenditure in rural and urban

Slide 8: Educational expenditure in rural and urban

Educational expenditure in Thai Nguyen is 338,224, which is 18% more than

Tuyen Quang, while the population in Thai Nguyen is 24% more than Tuyen
Quang, which means Tuyen Quang has spent more money in education per
capita than Thai Nguyen.

In both provinces, the expenditures in urban areas take up the majority. This is
because the number of family live in rural area outnumber the number of family
live in urban area. This also indicates that the the process of urbanization is
slow in this province.

In Thai Nguyen rural area even take up to 75.3% in this expenditure with the
number of 254963. The number in Tuyen Quang is not as greatly different as in
Thai Nguyen but it is still dominant with 58.3%.

5. Medicine expenditure in rural and urban

Slide 9: Medicine expenditure in rural and urban

The tendency of expenditure in medicine is quite similar with education that

Thai Nguyen takes up more of the total expense with 364124 (59%) compared
to 251594 (41%) in Tuyen Quang. Rural area is continuingly major in spending
more money: Thai Nguyen is 64.7% and Tuyen Quang accounts for 73.7%.

6. Water expenditure in rural and urban

Slide 10: Water expenditure in rural and urban

Water expenditure contributes more than 3 quarters of total in general (16880).
In both provinces, spending on water in urban areas is 93.5%. This is maybe
due to industrial water use and agricultural water use such as The Tuyên Quang
Hydropower Plant, also known as Dai Thi, is a major hydroelectric power
project located within Tuyen Quang on the Game River near Pac Ta Mountain,
Núi Cốc reservoir (Thai Nguyen) which covers an area of 2,500 hectares (6,200
acres) with 23 metres (75 ft) deep waters that can store 175 million cubic
metres. The lake waters feed an irrigation canal and a small hydroelectric power

7. Electricity expenditure in rural and urban area

Slide 11: Electricity expenditure in rural and urban area

The trend of expenditure in electricity is also similar with education and

medicine. Electricity is an effective indicator of economic growth. In an
overview, Thai Nguyen consists of 68% from this total expenditure (141584)
and it makes a minor difference from education and medicine that the
consumption in urban areas and rural areas is pretty much the same occupying
46.2% and 53.8% relatively. Talking about the Tuyen Quang case, the use of
electricity in urban areas (210207 - 32%) is about a half compared to rural areas
(44963 – 68%).

 8. The relative between income and some living expenditure in Thái Nguyên in

The relative between income and some living expenditure in Thái Nguyên in 2010

The graph show us that the money that spent on water is quite low, as there are
few points above 800 mark. The income range from about above 4,000 to under
300,000 but there is not much difference in money spent on water between the
richest and the poorest. Some lower to middle class family have the highest
spending on water, which show their care and willingness to spend more on
water. The correlation between the income and money spent on water is 0.25.

The education and medicine expenditure have the highest spending mark of
30,000 and 25,000 respectively, which shows that people are more willing to
spend on education and medicine rather than on water. But still the
concentration of these marks in higher part of the graph is quite low, only a few
reach up to the point more than 10,000. Most of the points gather around below
5,000 mark for both education and medicine. The correlation between the
income and money spent on education and medicine is 0.23 and 0.05
respectively. It’s surprising too see that the rich don’t spend much on these two
life category but those who has lower income seem to spend much more.

Looking at the graph of relative between income and electricity expenditure, we

can see that most of the points concentrate below 2,000 mark of expenditure on
electricity and under 100,000 of income. Few of them scatter around from
100,000 to 200,000 income with electricity expenditure range from under 1,000
to 7,000. There’s only one point in the range of between 250,000 to 300,000
income but with quite low electricity expenditure of lower than 3,000. The

highest spending on electricity belong to some of the lower to upper middle
class families. The correlation between the income and money spent on
electricity is 0.6.

 9. The relative between income and some living expenditure in Tuyên Quang in

The relative between income and some living expenditure in Tuyên Quang in 2010

The expenditure on education focus mainly below 5,000 spending mark with
income vary between 50,000 and 150,000. Few reach up to above 10,000 and
only one point is 40,000. The lower to upper income classes spend the most on
education while the one who has higher income spend quite little on education
with only below 10,000 spending. The correlation between the income and
money spent on education is 0.37.
The expenditure on medicine range from below 10,000 to 60,000. Quite
surprisingly, the lower income class has a high spending on medicine with
60,000 spending while only has an income of 12,305. Most of points focus
below 10,000 mark of spending, even those who have higher income only spend
as little on medicine. This show that they might not really care about medicine,
which also indicate that health system in Tuyên Quang might not earn their trust
and they believe that it’s better to spend money on something else. The
correlation between the income and money spent on medicine is 0.05.
The expenditure on water focus densely below the mark of 100. The trendline’s
slope is quite high but there’s not much difference between these points. The
highest point is only about 700 greater than the lowest point. The one who has
average income spend the most on electricity and those who has higher income

also spend a lot. The correlation between the income and money spent on water
is 0.05.
The points in the graph of relative between electricity expenditure and income
vary quite a lot. It’s scatter around the trendline and mainly focus under 500
spending mark and under 50,000 income. The average income classes spend
around above 500 with the maximum spending around 2,000. The higher
income classes spend mostly above 1,000 to the maximum of around 2,500. The
correlation between the income and money spent on electricity is 0.05.

III. Conclusion
The rich class’s percentage in Thái Nguyên is higher than that of Tuyên Quang
while the poor class in Tuyên Quang is higher than that of Thái Nguyên.
Both the provinces has higher proportion of population living in rural area but
in Thái Nguyên, the percentage of those who live in the urban area is around
double that of Tuyên Quang.
Interesting, the amount of money that one may spend might not depend on how
much money they make. The lower income part of both provinces seem to
spend a larger percentage of their income compare to that of the rich. In Thái
Nguyên, the poor spend around 25% of their income while from the lower
middle class upward, they only spend below 15%. In Tuyên Quang, the poor
spend around 20% of their income while from the lower middle class upward
they spend around 10%.
The income of Thái Nguyên is higher than Tuyên Quang but the proportion of
money spent on the categories that we have chosen is quite the same with the
difference being only 0.33% (Thái Nguyên’s people spend around 11,63% and
Tuyên Quang’s people spend around 11,3%)
Income per capita in Thái Nguyên is higher than in Tuyên Quang.
Education expenditure and medicine expenditure between Thái Nguyên and
Tuyên Quang does not differ much, with Thái Nguyên being the higher
spending province but only by 2%.
Expenditure on electricity and water both differ a lot, with Thái Nguyên
spending 76% and 68% on electricity and water respectively of the total
spending on these 2 categories of both provinces.

Through this, we can see that although Thái Nguyên have higher income, Tuyên
Quang also spend as much on education and medicine, showing that these two
categories are their’s people main concern.


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